Sunday, April 15, 2018

Going to a party!

My wonderful daughter-in-law Marie has introduced our family to the L'Bri products which truly are amazing!  There are lots of products out there so I was skeptical that these would be as great as she made them sound.  However, after using the L'Bri trio for several months, I am amazed at how much younger my face is looking.  I mean, I used to look about 400+ years old due to all the stress I've lived through.  Now I only look like I'm about 110+ or there abouts.  It takes awhile to repair that kind of damage.
Today is going to be exciting as my daughter, Cora, is hosting a L'Bri party which my daughter, Marie, is teaching.  They decided to make it a purple party which is my favorite color so I'm excited!
It occurred to me that I have not shared about L'Bri here so, in honor of the party in our family today, I share this video with you.  If you want to give L'Bri a try, leave me a message and I'll have Marie get in touch with you.
Here's to looking younger!


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