Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Who needs Vital Reds?

My son, Jacob, age 22 was born with a leaky gut.  My poor baby had rashes constantly over a large portion of his body.  He was miserable and so was I as I tried to soothe his irritated skin. 
When we found a natural practitioner who knew about leaky gut, things got better for Jacob.  I took some supplements to heal the gut and, because I was nursing my son, he received them.  All visible signs of leaky gut disappeared--meaning that the rash left and never came back.  YAY!!!
When his back was hurting him a lot about 5 years ago, we took Jacob to our chiropractor who assured us that the leaky gut was NOT gone completely.  Dr. Greg showed us the positions that are tender when leaky gut is present and Jacob's were all tender.  Dr. Greg sold us a supplement that tasted like cardboard and I managed to get half of the bottle into my son before the resistance overwhelmed me and I quit trying.
It concerned me to just give up like that but fighting with a child to take something that I couldn't even convince myself to take is stressful.  Being I have MS, I have to avoid stress like the plague.  So I try to cook healthy gut-supporting foods all the time but Jacob is an adult now.  He can drive and he can buy his food.  Do you suppose that he ever bought vegetables?
So I kept praying as he fatigued easily; became irritable over nothing; his skin didn't look so hot; and he needed a LOT of sleep!  The Lord answered my prayers with this supplement--Vital Reds.  Actually we both take it and my life long digestive problems remain a memory.  Jacob has more energy; is cheerful; and is able to get a lot more work done in a day.
With that said, I would like to introduce you to Vital Reds.  NO, I do not sell them.  No, this is not a paid advertisement.  However my blog IS dedicated to sharing what is working for my health with those who may be looking for answers to their own health problems.
 I cannot say enough good about Vital Reds nor Dr. Gundry who created them.  Dr. Gundry is a world renowned heart surgeon.  In fact, he and his partner pioneered robotic heart surgery and he is VERY successful!!  However, it troubled him that so many people were having heart issues and he began to study nutrition and what ingredients are needed in supplements to REALLY make a difference in people's health! 
Dr. Gundry learned that our health begins in our guts.  If we're not able to absorb nutrients, we're going to be sickly and weak.  If we have poisons leaking through our guts into the rest of the body, we're going to have pain, be grumpy, and lack strength to do our daily duties.  Dr. Gundry has blessed the world be combining his understanding of the needs of the digestive system and creating Vital Reds.

Here's the link to learn more about Vital Reds:  Be sure to sign up for the new customer rate.  I like to buy half a year's worth as that is the best price and I am positive that I will be drinking this delicious drink every morning for the rest of my life. 
 As I sip on Vital Reds right now, I would urge you to spend some time on Dr Gundry's site.  He has learned a LOT about digestion and how it affects our health.  He's taught me much about lectins which are in some plants.  They mess with our digestion and must be avoided for those of you with touchy digestive systems like Jacob's and mine.  I hope this information helps some of you out there who perhaps can't understand we you don't feel well. 
God bless,

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