Friday, September 30, 2016

Pondering the significance of this

I had hoped that my next post would be about the wonders of CFT but I have been so busy enjoying the wonders of CFT that I haven't taken the time to write about it here!  Now something else has come along that I view as even MORE significant than that, which I had not thought possible, but I can see that it is.

I have known that this election is pivotal to the future of liberty on this planet.  I have also known, through divine revelation, that Obama was going to do all that he could to halt the election process and keep that position he has been "Holding" for the past 8 years indefinitely.

 I have  known that he would release a plague to distract our country from holding the election.  In the wake of many deaths, he would halt all future elections and rule as the king he fancies himself to be.  I used to think that it was going to be a virus, or some other pathogen, but now I am wondering if the Lord was referring to the increasing ISIS attacks on our soil?

You see, I have studied their plans for the future of our country for almost 20 years.  I have seen their plan to destroy freedom on the planet working and working quite well.  Why, at this very moment they are trying to take the Internet away from us so that we can no longer communicate with each other freely.

So, their main gist is to create one fabricated crisis after another until we would run to big government and scream, "SAVE US, SAVE US!"  Then Big Brother would say, "OK but first you have to give up your guns so that I can save you," and so forth and so on.


I know that God talks to His people and THIS is something that you will want to ponder.  If they DO actually succeed in taking away our Internet liberties, I believe now that it will only be temporary.  Even all of the vile scoundrels combined can NOT stop God and His plan.

Listen and draw strength--oh church of God.  If you, however, are on the side of those fighting God by living an evil life, I beg of you to ask the God of the Bible to forgive all of your sins and make a new person of you. He loves all of us but, when someone is foolish enough as to wage war against GOD who loved them so much that He gave His only son to die for them, well then they will have to live outside of His grace and His kingdom.  We all reap what we sow sooner or later!



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Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...