Here's a good movie for you to watch this weekend. The power of a teacher who cares about you is PHENOMINAL!!!
Happy Sabbath everyone. Get some rest.
PS Watch for these words, "There's no giant you can't slay!"
Here's a good movie for you to watch this weekend. The power of a teacher who cares about you is PHENOMINAL!!!
Happy Sabbath everyone. Get some rest.
PS Watch for these words, "There's no giant you can't slay!"
Hi everyone,
It's tea party day today and I'm hosting. Please pray for me as I have been swamped with sessions for the sick and I find many things undone that I like to have done when I have guests in--especially for tea!
I got up early today and, as I took my shower, I began to feel the Lord drawing near to me. He seemed to be saying that "YES, the food is important but there is something much more important."
I wasn't planning on writing to you all on such a busy morning. However, when Father had me read THIS, I knew that you all need to read it too.
So I have to ask--what's more important than the food at a tea party? Answer--the fellowship!!
I'm going to go make my apple cake and tea; set the table with my grandma's tea set; clean the house as much as I possibly can with the time that I have left BUT I am also going to open my heart to receive only good at the hand of the Lord.
Only good will come to my tea preparations. Only good will come to the lunch I make for my guys. Only good will come as I tidy my messy house for guests. Only good will come as I share God's love with the ladies and children gathering here today.
How can I be sure? I read these words and God says to rest in Him--that He's in charge and that He is bringing only good to His children who have labored hard for Him,
I'm leaning on you today, Father! Please give me rest for my soul and strength for my hands.
Have some tea today everyone--it's tea party time!
"Don't Believe the Bad Report! The Waters Are About to Break!"
Recently, the Lord began speaking to me about pioneers and pioneer families who have been facing impossible obstacles and giants that have been preventing them from advancing.
In a vision, I saw waves and rushing river rapids from many different streams, all beginning to collect like headwaters in a basin, and they were swirling but unable to move any further. As I looked closer I saw that there was an obstruction stopping the flow which looked like a dam wall, but the waters were too much for the wall and it was beginning to crack. Then I heard the Lord say, "The waters are about to break!"
Legacy, Giants at the Gate & the Tension of Promise
As soon as I heard those words, I looked out at the horizon and suddenly I could see the assignments that God had given to these pioneers, and why their assignments had been so heavily contested. Then I heard these words: "This is over territory, inheritance, and legacy!"
This is why the fight at your doorstep has felt unrelenting and tiresome – because what is at stake right now is the destiny of your family, as well as the destiny of nations.
This is why the red tape has only tightened its grip, the roadblocks seem to have multiplied, and the delays have increased to stop your advancement. This is why the war on your home has hit an all-time high, and you have had to war for peace and clarity on a daily basis, because the enemy sees the breakthrough coming to your family line and the promise over your future. He sees the freedom that has come because of your faith leaps, the new bloodline that has begun, and the anointing that has doubled because of your yes.
Many have come to what feels like an impenetrable stop on every side, but this isn't the end of the story – the hold-up is breaking, the hold-back is breaking, the resistance is wearing down and soon MOVEMENT will come.
So many pioneer families have stepped out into the unknown in faith and have faced assault upon assault, with barricades and obstructions blocking the promise that they were given to the point where they have wanted to go back to Egypt.
Many have seen new and terrifying giants emerging and standing at the gates to their life's greatest promises, but this is not a moment to retreat or be intimidated! Giants like to camp around your greatest promotions, but just keep going! Many have been saying at this point, "Do we turn back around? Do we retrace our steps? Did we miss it?" But over the next few months there are going to be some major reminders of your call and major wins to lift you out of defeat.
In the days to come you will realize that in these moments of standing, LEGACY was created, PROMISES were activated, the FUTURE for your family was written in stone, and you will never go back to the place of limitation and dysfunction you once lived in.
Migration Weariness & Nomads of Promise
Then I saw a vision of these pioneers with their families in a "crossing the red sea" season, and they looked tired. It's been a season of crossing over and leading the way into new territory, and this journey between the wilderness and the promise has been long. (Photo via Pixabay)
Many have been asking, "Will we be nomads forever?" because the migratory season has not been as simple or clear as it seemed it would be. "Will we move from place to place forever?"
There are steps and jumps that don't make sense; cities, locations, and seasons of saying "yes" that seem to have been in vain. "What did we do that for, Lord?" many have said. "It doesn't make sense!"
Then I heard the Lord say, "Do not say you are nomads, because I planned your steps and knew exactly where you needed to be for the time I called you there. Each season was a purpose you still do not see yet, but soon you will see how the seasons and scenes connect.
"I sent you there to break new ground and prepare the land for what I was about to do there. You didn't miss it or fail that assignment but you did exactly what I needed you to. But don't think that I did this without your family in mind...I have been leading you to the place where you will soon put down roots and finally be established. Your pioneering days are not over...soon you will build something that will last generations. Your children are going to walk in the fruit of your obedience and then pioneer and build upon what you have created in these years of blind faith.
Delayed Movements & Extended Birthing
Then I saw, specifically, a 3-year season of contractions and pushing that ended in nothing, and these pioneers were exhausted and wanted to stop pressing in for the promise. I saw the books and manuscripts and songs that had been blocked and held back – the creative solutions that were NEEDED for the season we have been in, but they came under fire and were never birthed.
Then I heard again in my spirit: "Soon the waters are going to break! The waters are about to break!"
There has been a global demonic assignment of delay sent to stop the move of God in the earth, and to stop the movements that pioneers have been carrying from coming into fruition, but right now the waters are breaking!
Yes, this is the right time, the right moment in history, and the right environment to birth movements. Don't buy into what you see around you and the news headlines. What God gave you is for THIS HOUR! What you are about to birth and build next is what the enemy is afraid of. He is afraid because it's been like the collecting of waters, the building of pressure through years of warfare that has brought you to a moment where what you have been carrying has only increased in its potency, and it is going to do some serious damage to the plans of darkness!
All the attacks that have come against you – the words, the assassination, the lies that told you that you were barren – are going to be shown up as God reveals what has been incubating in secret, increasing through your worship. The delay has only increased the size of the harvest.
Where it has looked like a fruitless three years of pressing forward without seeing any progress, you will soon see what you have been pioneering in the dark! Get ready to feel a surge of fresh creativity where it has been blocked, and a fresh anointing to build and create, write, plant and pioneer the new and unseen blueprints from the Lord's heart.
Fresh Vision & the Good Report
Right now, so many pioneers are facing disappointments, red tape, roadblocks and bad reports on every side. "Which way do we go? We have run out of options!" they have said.
Then the Lord spoke to me, "Do they think the bad reports are a match for My goodness? Do they think that the red tape of man's kingdoms overrides Mine?" (Photo via StockSnap)
I then heard Him speak Psalm 33:10-11:
"With His breath, He scatters the schemes of nations who oppose Him; they will never succeed. His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail."
He continued, "For I have seen the wrong reports they have opened and that many have accepted as final, but they are NOT final! I will tear down the schemes and plans of the enemy and break through even the most impossible doors for them to walk through!
"Watch as I now fight for My faithful ones, My brave pioneers who have given everything to follow Me. Watch now as I break open the way where the way has seemed shut. Watch as I overturn the bad reports and breathe My justice and favor into trials against them. Watch as I settle the score and open up what looks locked.
"Even now, many have begun to back-peddle on their calling and have reduced their vision because the gates to nations look shut, but I haven't called My pioneers to operate under the constraints of the natural, but in the realm of the impossible. So believe Me again!
"I have marked you as My agents of change and breakers for the Church, and I have anointed you as diplomats that will have NO STOPS where I send you! Expect to see good news once again. It has been a long time of only hearing the thumping feet of giants in the land, but now I will remind you who carries the keys of victory!
"So it's time to get your vision back. But you have said, 'How can I get vision in an unknown season?' By getting your eyes off the problem and back onto the horizon. It's time to dream with Me and let go of the worries you have been carrying. This is a time where you will have to fix your eyes on Me and nothing else. This is where you will have to look out across the seas and attach your faith to that cloud the size of a man's hand. This is a time where you will have to prophesy rain when you aren't seeing even a drop. This is a time where you will have to roar into the vacuum until it shifts.
"Pioneers, this is when you need to DRINK the most. This is a moment when choosing to lay down in My presence is going to be more fruitful than swinging your sword, and choosing to receive My fire over the temptation to put out fires around you.
"Come to the oasis. The depth of revelation you will receive will be proportionate to how much you have filled yourself up with Me. This is where My voice needs to be the loudest thing you hear and the rhythm of My heart the only thing that gives you purpose every day.
"Now, pioneers, watch Me clear the road for you, refresh you, steady your ground, and ready you for the wide-open spaces ahead!"
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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the Gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Redding California.
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May all of the words that you have to say, telling your story, flow out of you like it flowed out of this woman's mouth at the "Health and Freedom" meeting in Tulsa, OK last weekend.
We heal by speaking our truth. We grow by acknowledging the trials that almost took us out. We inspire others when we share with them ALL that the Lord has brought us through so far. He IS faithful to help us say the words we need to say to be free!
I'm sorry I'm not much up for visiting today. My life-long friend is burying her husband today. I did a massive BodyTalk session this morning for the entire family and BOY did it take a lot of brain power. I am so tired now so I'd best take a little rest before finishing out my work week.
If you feel led to pray for any of my clients/friends, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. These are the ones that weigh most heavily on my heart at this time.
1. The family of Jeff I mentioned above.
2. Pastor David who has a young family and may be dying from COVID. He was airlifted to a hospital last night that may be able to help his lungs to heal.
3. Elaine who is the wife of our staff member at our seed cleaning facility. She just found out that she has cancer on her tongue and is considering her treatment options.
4. Jerel who had rotator cuff surgery this morning which I've been told is extremely painful.
4. PLEASE also pray for rain here in the Dakotas. It's terribly dry. We got a very late snow last week so that was a bit of moisture. However, we need several inches of rain for any crop to germinate after the terrible drought that we had here last Summer.
5. Pray for my family who is under so much stress for so many reasons.
6. Pray for my business LINKS TO HEALING as it attempts to keep up with all of the VERY ill people coming to me for help.
7. PLEASE pray for an anti-dote to the Covid vaccine to be revealed to me or someone I know. I am convinced that those who are getting the vaccine are destroying their immune systems. Father must have an anti-dote to overcome this gene modulating weapon.
8. Pray for the third Great Awakening to come ASAP. People are empty without the Lord and don't even know it.
I pray that this video will bless you as it blessed me just now. Robin Bullock is a prophet whom God speaks through to bring us encouragement. In fact, I could not have shared my prayer list above had I not watched this video. I am aware of the need for everyone to be encouraged!!! May this video do that for you.
Happy Sabbath every one.
I love you all!
I just listened to this pastor's message and am filled with excitement. Robin is not only a pastor but a prophet of the Most High God.
So what makes someone a prophet? When God tells someone that something will happen ahead of time with the intent of helping people to prepare for it, that is a prophecy when it happens. When God uses a person to share a prophecy with others, that person is a prophet. Robin Bullock is a prophet.
The Lord told Robin that there would be something strange happening with a ship. That night on the news it was reported about the ship in the Suez canal. Robin listens to the Lord and shares what God tells him to share with us when He tells him to share it. Yes prophets exist today.
I pray that this message brings you great joy. The Glory of God is coming to the Earth!!
Happy Sabbath everyone,
Jeff got COVID a couple of months ago at work. Then it turned into double pneumonia. Then it turned into a collapsed lung which put too much pressure on his heart. Eventually it was all too much for his great, big beautiful heart and he passed away 2 nights ago.
I'm writing to ask for prayers for his widow and her family. I don't even want to imagine the pain they are going through right now.
Please also pray for the other sisters who all love them very much. Now they will be planning Jeff's funeral.
I can tell you honestly that, when people you grew up with, start to pass away it sends a chill down the spine. Jeff was too young to die!!! He was only 64! Carol is too young to be a widow. That only happens to old people. ;)
I'm sorry that I'm not good company today. Please pray for me as I work with the sick through BodyTalk sessions!!
Sometimes I am so sad that I can't possibly see how I can do one more session. Then I get started doing the session and the client begins to feel less pressure in their body and in their mind. That's when I know why I'm still here!! God needs me to help ease the suffering in the world through my work!
I would appreciate if you would cover me with your prayers as I work. The devil and his creeps don't want people feeling better. They are STRONGLY opposed to my work. They do all sorts of ridiculous things to slow me down and make me too miserable to give someone a session they so desperately need.
The night before last, when I was using the waterpick to clean my mouth out as I always do, pieces of 2 of my teeth FELL OUT!!! These are perfectly good teeth. I haven't had any pain with them and then chunks of my teeth were in the sink.
When I told my friend Luci, who also does Christian energy healing, she mentioned something really bizarre to me. Luci told me that 4 people in the last 2 weeks have had either fillings or pieces of their teeth just fall out!!!!!!! Doesn't that seem bizarre to you? I wonder what is going on. If anyone has a clue, please leave a comment below.
Again, if you would pray for me as the Holy Spirit leads you, His work will continue in spite of it all! There are so many hurting people. I have tools to help them. The Holy Spirit leads me to them and I give them a session. Then they're better and stronger and go about doing what God has for them to do. This MUST continue even if the enemy doesn't want it to. IT WILL CONTINUE!!
May God bless you as you pray for my ministry. I named it "Links to Healing" because each person has very specific things that need to come together (link up) for them to recover their health and strength.
I give away MANY free sessions to those in need so it is a ministry. In fact, I probably give away more sessions than I get paid for. How is that supposed to work in business, right? So I've come to view what I do as a ministry. Please keep me covered as I pull down the works of the evil ones session by session.
God bless you,
PLEASE pray for rain for North Dakota USA. Last Summer we had 2 inches of rain and last Winter hardly any snow at all to melt this Spring. Now the fires have begun. I know of 4 major fires in our state last week and 1 is still going. Here's an article about the one in the "Teddy Roosevelt National Park." Many animals make their homes in the park including a special breed of wild horses .
This park is home to the Western community of Medora. Last week the residents of Medora were evacuated as it seemed that the fire would take the town. I praise God that it didn't as I sure want to take my grandchildren to the ice cream shop there someday. I know that seems petty but many many MANY families have had GREAT times in Medora.
One of the things that Medora is famous for is their musical which is family friendly and a whooping foot-stomping night of music. This photo shows how the fire fighters were able to save the outdoor theatre with the black spots being what was burned. I praise God that this part of the wild wild west was preserved.
I went to the musical with my parents when I was in high school. When our children were small, Robert and I went camping out there and YES we attended the musical. Just a few years ago we went again with our children and their spouses. I've kind of been dreaming of going again and taking all of us including our grandchildren. At least the outdoor theatre is safe for now!
Here's an article about the fires currently. Again, PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD SENDS US RAIN!!!
A wildfire at Theodore Roosevelt National Park tripled in size over the weekend as crews continue to try to extinguish the flames, according to the North Dakota Forest Service.
The fire is raging in a closed area of the park but is threatening some park staff housing, maintenance buildings and the CCC Campground.
The blaze had grown to more than 4.7 square miles and was only 30% contained as high winds and dry conditions spread the fire. Temperatures in the 70s and 80s had worsened conditions, as well.
A wildfire smolders near the Burning Hills Amphitheatre Thursday, April 1, 2021 near Medora, N.D. Officials say firefighters have stopped a wildfire from spreading in the western North Dakota tourist town of Medora, where its 100 residents were forced to evacuate.
“This fire is particularly difficult because of the rough, inaccessible terrain,” Beth Hill, Forest Service’s acting outreach and education manager, said.
The wildfire season has already started in North Dakota.
Wildfires have burned more than nearly 47 square miles in North Dakota already this spring, compared with fewer than 15.6 square miles all of last year.
Nearly all counties have implemented some form of outdoors burning restrictions, too. As if Sunday, all counties in the state were either in the “high” or “very high” fire danger category. Gov. Doug Burgum has warned that the state is headed into a “tough fire season.”
In nearby Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers issued a preemptive executive order ahead of the Badger State’s own wildfire concerns.
Wisconsin has already reported more than 300 wildfires
This is the man the American people elected on November 3rd, 2020. This is the people's choice. If you have never heard our President speak before, you are in for a treat. I am writing to ask you to pray for justice to be served and for those who stole the election to pay the price for their treason.
Have a wonderful time with family celebrating this holy week!
This week is a powerful week when God is doing miracles all around the world. Let's all focus on receiving the blessings that God has for us. Say with me, "Dear Lord, I receive all of your blessings today." Now watch for Him to move and bless you BIG TIME!!
Be blessed,
Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...