Sunday, September 25, 2022

What are you Harvesting?


The guys are starting our soybean harvest today.  

 How can Summer be over?  

  If you've read here for long, you know that I am a Summer lover.  Walking barefoot.  Picnics with family. Digging in the dirt.  Going for a swim.  What can be better than NO COATSS--NO GLOVES--NO HATS--NO BOOTS--NO SCARVES?????

  Still, I do love living where there are 4 seasons.  I do love Summer cooling off into Autumn and Winter following where hot chocolate is the very best thing on the planet.  Then, after we're weary of being locked inside for months and months, comes the Spring with new life and new hope.  

  I have much I had hoped to do today including making my world famous "Freezer Tomato Sauce" that my daughter and I used to make together every year.  I have to get some blue jeans washed for my guys plus I have sick clients needing my attention.  Then there's tea tomorrow--HERE!!

  So, although I have much calling for my attention, my usual Sunday post kept calling to me.  "Dawn, Dawn" it said "Your readers are waiting for an update."  So here it goes.

  I still need prayers for my son; his wife; and their 3 sons.  They got a nasty bug about 3 weeks ago and they keep giving it back and forth to each other. Pray for them to destroy that creepy thing soon!

  Then I'm asking for prayers for a safe harvest.  This year has been exceptionally upsetting as there was a 3 person murder/1 person suicide right here in a wheatfield of ND!  Also 2 other farmers around us were killed in farm accidents.  Please pray for safety for farmers world-wide as I so often do.

  Prayers for strength are always appreciated.  I had hoped that the rumor I heard earlier this year would be true.  "They" were saying that med-beds would be available for the public and I got excited when I heard that news.  This MS pain gets worse when it's cold outside so I'm still hoping and praying for some med bed treatments soon.

  Pray for my dog, Boomer.  He hurt his right front foot somehow.  I've been working on him but it's "Interesting" working with an energetic half-grown German Shepherd.  Have I shared his picture here yet?  HERE'S BOOMER!

  Basically, it's a super busy time of year with the crops and the garden produce ready to harvest.  It's exciting to reap what we have sown and tended to all Summer.  Now to get the harvest done!

  As you know, I love poetry so I went in search of a poem that expresses my thoughts today.  This is IT!!!

  Have a great week serving the Lord,



A prayer for those
Whose lives are thin
And shelves devoid of
Bread and tin.

A stronger prayer
For those who stand
With more than enough
In every hand.

For in God's Kingdom
Love is King
And generosity
The trendy thing.
  • There is no lack
    Or chance despair.
    No deprivation.
    No hunger there.
    In God's town..
    No cupboards bare.
    No hungry child.
    No shadow there.
    In the City of Angel's
    No fears you'll find
    For hope and joy
    Are all refined.. hands and feet
    Of those who love
    And serve the one
    true God above.
    So come on people!
    Come and see
    What God can do through you.
    Through me.
    It's Harvest
    And in the Autumn glow
  • The words of truth are
  • "Reap" and "sow"

For heaven need not
be a 'distant place'
If we love our neighbour,
At this time.
In this space.

So here's my prayer;
Dear God above..
Open our hearts
Through the power of Your love

And help us to see, every moment we live,
With the eyes of Your generous Spirit.
Teach us kindness.
Teach us to give.

For the path may be narrow
But our hearts can be wide.
Under God's season of plenty..
..and blessing
No-one can hide.

And in closing I ask
That I never walk by.
That I look that God given task
Square in the eye.
Keep me soft in the heart
Never letting it harden.
That the Eden we seek
Is right here in this garden.

Copyright ©  | Year Posted 2020

Sunday, September 18, 2022

You TOO?

Isn't it wonderful to know that God IS bigger than we are?  

God has the answers to our problems!!  

God IS the answer to our emptiness.

God is everything to me and still I need more of His presence. 

 I thirst for more of God's closeness to me.

 I long to be more like Him.

 I hunger for God to make me into the person He wants me to be!!

 I long for ALL of God's people to want MORE of HIM too!


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Powerful Enemies

 This may come as a surprise to some but I have many enemies. 

 The school system despises me for home schooling my children for 22 years. So do my family of origin and Robert's family of origin.  

 The religious system despises me for keeping the Sabbath rest from Friday night at dark to Saturday night at dark.

  The medical system despises me and has tried to destroy me for my work as a Christian energy worker.  Heaven forbid that people be strong and healthy but then, where's the money for the sick care system in that?

  Now that I bring up the word, "Christian," I must also say that most of the world despises me for my faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.  I neither patronize the liquor industry nor the tobacco industry.  I don't even buy most of the sugary food items for sale in the grocery stores.  Indeed, I hardly ever go out to eat nor do I attend movies except on rare occasions when there is one worth watching.   

  The government most likely despises me for my stand for gun ownership; freedom of speech; and parent's rights to care for their children in the way that they see best.  

  These are all some pretty powerful enemies.  Sometimes, when I look around me, the combined effect would make me shutter except for ONE thing.  Rather, I should say ONE PERSON--the Lord of ALL!!

  I just heard this song on "Rejoice Radio" and my heart is singing.  My daddy makes all of the difference.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!  

  I pray that you are blessed today as you, too, serve the Lord in the midst of powerful enemies!


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

All I can do is Pray?

 So many people are grieving the death of a loved one.  I don't know this family from North Dakota but I heard about them on the local news.  Now I am grieving for them.  They're a farm family and it's harvest time and now they're burying FOUR family members.

We may never know why but there were 3 murders and 1 suicide in a wheat field just a 3 hour drive from us.  HOW CAN THAT BE??  It leaves one numb just to think about what that family must be going through.

I've been praying for the surviving members of this shattered family!  It seems like so small a thing to do!  If we lived closer, I could take food over.  My guys could go and help with the harvest.  We could hold them and listen to their grief.  We could be there for them but, as it is, we can only pray for them.

That's the way I've been thinking about their situation.  All I can do is pray.  That's the way I've been feeling but Father just corrected my thinking with this song.  May it bless you, too, and open your eyes further to how much prayer REALLY HELPS a situation.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers that you've sent to my family and I all of these years.  I would be so lost without your prayers!!  May God bless you for each one and I pray that He is close to you as you deal with your tough situations too.



Sunday, September 11, 2022

What do I do NEXT?

  Hi everyone,

  I have much on my mind.  Being I was gone for 9 days to take the adult and infant CFT class, my garden has been sadly neglected.  I kept praying, while I was away, that God would keep my garden watered and He did!  YAY.  I know that some human hands had to have helped as the sprinkler was moved.  Nobody has claimed that they did it so I thank God for preserving my garden in the heat of August!!

  As frost is approaching, my mind resists the end of Summer.  Every year it is the same.  I stomp my foot and shout inwardly, "It is STILL Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  It IS Summer, you know, until the 22nd according to the calendar.  I simply ignore the few yellow leaves and soak up all the rays I can!

  This morning I was thinking about this year's garden and all of the produce that needs to be taken care of yet.  I wondered if there was a poem about gardening that would express my mixture of thoughts.

  I AM truly grateful to be able to work with Father in growing food for my family!! However, it takes a chunk of my time that keeps me from being available to work with others who are hurting.  Especially now that I have been trained in working with babies, that's ALL I want to do!!!!!!  However again, when you live as far North as I do, MOST of the year nothing grows up here!!  The garden is under snowbanks at least half of the year here!

 Where is the balance?  That is the question, isn't it?  My passion is helping people to feel better but my passion also is growing food in the garden.  I mean, have you ever walked in the garden and picked a pea off of the vine or pulled out a carrot from the damp Earth?  How can I have 2 equally powerful passions?  

  Maybe I'm supposed to focus on the garden now as soon the frost will come and kill most of the plants?  I can help folks unwind when the garden is laid to rest.  Still, I have bills to pay and I need to make money by giving sessions.  HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  So I share this poem with the full joy that gardening brings to me.  I'm sure, in a couple of months, I will be wishing that I had spent more time digging in the dirt when I could have been doing so.  

  Thanks for listening.  Sometimes I come here just to be able to think through something that needs to be put into words. If this mumble-jumble helps someone somewhere, then I am SUPER happy.  May God bless your new week.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Will I be SAFE with this Person?

 Hi everyone,

I am back from class and it was FANTASTIC!!  I learned so much in class and out of class.  Let's start with in class.

I studied Cranio-Sacral-Fascial therapy (The Gillespie Approach) for 6 days with Gillespie Approach instructors Holly and Kim.  I took the adult class 6 years ago and have had some major successes.  However, there have been some folks who haven't responded as well as I thought they would.  Now I know why.

From the beginning of this class until it ended the emphasis on unwinding the mouth was taught.  I was shocked at how much tension people have in their mouths.  For babies, it can be life changing to get their mouths to unwind.  Also, being able to identify a tongue tie or lip tie for these little people is essential to them having it dealt with in a dentist's office.  I was taught how to see the need for this to be done.

I am happy to report that I have found a dentist who removes these for all ages near me.  God answered that prayer right away!!  YAY 

Now I need to see the babies.  Please pray for parents to find their way to me.  Having a tongue tie or lip tie removed can make nursing the joy it is meant to be.  I am very eager to begin seeing babies.  However, I live in the middle of nowhere so PLEASE pray for Father to bring the babies to me who need my help.

My out of class experience wasn't so great!!  It's hard to admit to myself that someone I thought of as a friend is totally self-absorbed.  If someone had told me before class, that I would be dealing with someone who had a mean streak laying below the surface, I might not have gone.  

I am saddened by the revelation so I've been praying for her a LOT to repent of how she treated me on the trip.  Then I wondered what my response should be to her as I am a Christian.  I found this really great article just now.  I think it may have some answers for LOTS of people.  

Before I share it, though, I feel the need to say one more thing to prepare you for the article.  I got close to another lady about 15 years ago.  She was divorced and a Christian.  I was staying at her healing center during the time that I was dealing with shingles on the brain.  She helped to save my life!!

My hostess had been telling me about how many times her husband had almost killed her.  Then she got a restraining order and eventually the divorce.  This survivor came to the point where she asked God if she had to pray for her husband anymore.  The answer came back "No, You are relieved of this duty."  

I was very surprised at that answer--VERY surprised.  However, since that time, I came to see that her daily prayers for her tormentor were keeping her sucked into his energy.  If she was to survive and grow into the woman of God she is, she had to completely let him go.  She put her husband in God's hands and began her new life with confidence.  Then she was able to take me in and give me a place of peace to rest in!!  She has helped countless others too!

I share this article with the hopes and prayers for all of us who have been abused to learn how to pick out an abusive person right away..  I pray that we can see who we can trust and who we can't.  There's a very clear definition outlined in this article about this.  We can be spared much pain, anguish, and guilt if we can tell right from the beginning if someone is a narcissist or not.  

My prayers are with you all.  It took a slap in the face for me to realize that this "Friend" was not a good choice of someone to confide in.  PLEASE pray for me as I grow out of this controlling relationship and become ALL that God wants me to be.

I love you all,


PS.  This article is taken from "Changing Us" blog.  Here's the link to meet the author.  Changing Us — Meet Abigail 

PPS.  You may also be blessed by reading Abigail's other articles she shares in this article below.  I just printed "Forty tactics that are UNHEALTHY, DYSFUNCTIONAL, and DESTRUCTIVE. "  WOW  It's really freeing to see the definitions she shares.  I found that by clicking on the link for a list of the evil practices narcissists use to try to control people.  

3 Tips from the Bible on Dealing with Narcissists

The term “narcissist” is definitely a buzz word these days.

What was once limited to a professional’s diagnosis (and a rare one, at that) is now being “diagnosed” by spouses, siblings, parents, children, and paraprofessionals like pastors, coaches, and bloggers. Because of this, there are more people being labeled as narcissists than ever before.

As Christians, how should we think about this phenomenon – is it OK to label someone like that? What would Jesus do?

Let’s start by explaining what narcissism is.

According to psychologists, narcissism is a disorder in which someone has an inflated sense of self-importance. Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others’ feelings, an inability to handle criticism, and a sense of entitlement. Diagnosis is rare –fewer than 200,000 US cases per year – but the condition is chronic (lifelong) and cannot be cured.

To label someone as a narcissist is a serious claim.

Lifelong. Incurable. Those are definitive words. But, even with those strong designations, maybe narcissism isn’t as rare as psychologists say it is.

The Bible speaks of our inherently selfish nature. Ephesians 2: 3 says that all of us at one time lived to gratify the carvings of the flesh, and we were, by nature, deserving of wrath. This dates all the way back to the beginning of the human race. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, it was the lure of their selfish desires – their desire for pleasure, popularity, and power – that drew them. The same things that drive narcissists.

James says that it’s selfish desires that start quarrels (James 4: 1) and that selfish desires give birth to sin and sin to death (James 1: 14, 15). And he also knows that where you have selfish ambition, you have disorder and every evil practice (James 3: 16). [Click here to access the list of evil practices/tactics that create disorder]

But does the fact that it’s our nature, in and of itself, presuppose that it is incurable? Not at all. In his letter to the Romans, Paul talks about his selfish and evil desires and desperately cries “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me?” His answer: God, who delivers us through Jesus (Romans 7: 24, 25).

“What a wretched man I am.”

That is the difference between a narcissist and someone who isn’t.

Someone whose selfish condition is not defined as “lifelong and incurable” is able to recognize that they are wretched and need help for their condition. Someone who is truly a narcissist would never admit that. It would be devastating to their identity. It would mean having to surrender and give up control. Like Satan, control is something a narcissist must have. 1 John 5: 19-21 says that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. Satan has minions everywhere – people who are feeding his narcissism and who are codependent on him – not believing that he is evil and falling for his lies.

Like Satan, a narcissist without minions in their control to support their worth would be reduced to nothing – an unbearable situation for them. That is why a narcissist will steal, kill, and destroy to maintain control. And it is why the book of 1 John ends by letting us know that Jesus has come and given us understanding so that we are no longer under Satan’s control. And then it goes on to give us a strong warning to keep ourselves from idols so that we stay away from those who could get us to believe lies and worship them.

[Read my article on what it’s like to live with a narcissist]

Does that mean that a narcissist is beyond salvation?

We want to believe that no one is beyond salvation. After all, nothing is impossible for God. And Acts 2: 21 says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But therein lies the problem. Remember Paul’s cry of “what a wretched man I am”? A narcissist cannot utter that cry or call on the name of the Lord. It isn’t that God doesn’t want to save them – it’s that they don’t want to be saved because they don’t see the need to be saved. And God will not force someone to come to him who is not willing.

(As a side note, narcissists are able to learn what to say and what not to say in order to blend in with society. So a narcissist might say that they know they are wretched and need a savior - and they might even say so convincingly, but that doesn’t mean they’re feeling that on the inside or showing it on the outside. Click here to read my article on how to tell if someone is a Christian.)

1 John 5: 16 says that there is a sin that leads to death – a sin so egregious that we are told to not even bother praying for it. Matthew 12: 31, 32 tells us that this unforgivable sin is a rejection of the Holy Spirit. That rejection of the Holy Spirit defines the very nature of a narcissist. [Read my article on how people become narcissists]

Does the Bible give us any hint as to how to handle narcissists?

1. Don’t waste your time or energy on them

In 1 John 5: 16 (quoted in the previous paragraph), there’s a hint: Don’t even bother praying about the sin that leads to death. Too often, codependents (those who stay in relationships with narcissists, feeding their egos and giving them “narcissistic supply”) spend a lot of time and emotional energy doing things (including praying) to try to get their narcissist to change, to love, to be kind, and to be happy. The Bible says that we shouldn’t even bother praying for that. They can’t change, because change requires surrender, and they can’t surrender. So don’t waste your time and energy on them.

That’s not to say that we shouldn’t pray for them at all - we can still pray for the circumstances of their lives; but when it comes to their salvation, we should do as 1 Corinthians 5: 5 says: “Hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved on the day of the Lord.” [This article may help you resolve any issues of bitterness you might have so that you can pray rightly for him]

2. Don’t yield to them

When you know the truth and are able to set boundaries and stand up for yourself, a narcissist will oppose you. Galatians 4: 16 says, “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” That does happen. Tell the truth anyway. Philippians 1: 28 says to not be afraid of those who oppose you, because your lack of fear will be a sign to them that they will be destroyed but that you will be saved. When they see how confident you are in the truth, it will be a sign to them that you are right and they are wrong.

3. Live in peace

1 Corinthians 7: 15 tells us that if an unbeliever (this includes a narcissist [you can read my article about whether someone is a believer here]) can’t live with you in peace, then let them live without you. You aren’t required to stay with someone who, by all intents and purposes, clearly doesn’t have any interest in having a peaceful, healthy relationship with you.

[Click here to read about what the Bible says about divorce]

And when you allow the relationship to go its own way, it could end up being a good thing. 1 Corinthians 7: 16 says “how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband?” by your willingness to let go. (Hey, we could always be wrong about them being a narcissist.)

What if there’s a chance that they aren’t a narcissist?

As was implied earlier, there’s a chance that anyone could wrongly “diagnose” someone as a narcissist. Then what? Would all of this prove to be a moot point for you? The consequences of misdiagnosing someone you love could be catastrophic. It could mean the end of relationship for which you’d given up hope under wrong presumptions!

No one wants that. That’s why, in the end, it truly doesn’t matter whether you are accurate about whether someone is a narcissist. Once we understand the truth, know what love is, establish boundaries, and confidently enforce them, we develop a consistency in the way we treat people, regardless of their spiritual, mental, or emotional state. What I mean is that, when someone treats you poorly, crosses a boundary, or opposes you, a healthy person (you) has a response that is consistent regardless of who the offending person is. Here’s an example.

Let’s say that someone gets upset with you and makes an assumption about your reason for doing something. You know the TRUTH, so you

T – Trust your gut
R – Recognize that your feelings give you information
U – Undo what you’ve learned about affirmation, respect, love, submission
T – Tell yourself and others the truth
H – Hold tight to the Word of God [Read my article on God’s will]

And you say, “I can understand why you would think that, but the truth is, here is what my reasoning actually was,” and you explain yourself.

If it’s your boss at work who is upset with you, he might respond with, “Oh, I hadn’t thought about the possibility that you were thinking about it that way. OK. Let’s think about other ways to get this done.”

That’s a healthy response:

1. You had freedom to express your thoughts without fear of retaliation

2. Your perspective was heard and valued

3. The response indicated an acceptance of reality without any indication that you “shouldn’t” have thought about it the way you did

4. He took responsibility for the fact that he hadn’t thought about it that way

5. The result was an ability to move forward amicably

[Click here to access my free resource on signs of a healthy relationship]

Now, let’s say that, instead, when you say “I can understand why you would think that, but the truth is, here is what my reasoning actually was,” and you explain yourself, the response back is: “You can’t think about it that way. That’s the most twisted way of thinking I’ve ever heard, and it’s just an excuse for your poor performance.”  And you bristle at whatever might be coming next.

That is an unhealthy response:

You were retaliated against (belittled) for expressing your thoughts. Your perspective was invalidated. The person’s response deviated from reality in that there was a demand that reality adapt to him when he said that it “can’t” be like that. He took no responsibility for his part in the problem. And the result was bad feelings and a roadblock to moving forward.

Your next response is now based on what you know about how he responds, and you will use the 3 C’s [see the step-by-step guide to healthy confrontation]

  1. Stay Calm and don’t READ (Reason, Explain, Argue, or Defend)

  2. Control only what you can

  3. Minimize Contact

And you will respond with the 3 S’s in mind:

  • Safety – guard your heart, protect yourself emotionally and physically

  • Security – consider your ability to provide for yourself financially

  • Sanity – do what it takes to keep yourself clear-headed and calm

You didn’t need to label anyone as a narcissist in order to know how to respond. In fact, your first response is the same regardless of whether someone is emotionally healthy or unhealthy. Then, you tweak your responses from there based on the information that you get about the other person from the way they are responding.

What this boils down to is that the way you interact with people isn’t dependent upon whether they have a chronic mental health condition, whether they have authority over you, or even whether you’re married to them. Your response to them is based upon who you are and the boundaries that you have and the truth that you cling to from God’s word. Because you know that . . . .

hope isn’t found in our situation changing; it is found in our situation . . .


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Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...