Sunday, March 26, 2023

Are you a Frustrated Saint TOO?

 When I was a teenager our church youth group traveled to Aberdeen, SD to watch the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade."  This movie is the story of how God called a farm boy to move to the city and start saving souls.  I always remembered it.

  Later I learned that the work was still going on in New York City.  Here's a link to the website where, I see, you can watch their services.  Times Square Church

  I bring this up today as I saw on a friend's Facebook page this article.  Do you want more out of church?  Then ask the Lord to lead you to a place to worship where people are REALLY saving the lost as David Wilkerson did.

  Here's to the fruits of the Spirit filling the people of God and pouring out God's compassion for lost souls!!!  The church NEEDS to be shaken!!!

  Here's to the third Great Awakening revival growing and filling every nook and cranny of our beautiful Earth!!


Fruition of David Wilkerson Prophecy Is Shaking the Church

by  | Mar 13, 2023 | EvangelismProphetic & RevivalRevival

Mario Murillo says David Wilkerson saw it coming. The scope and sensationalism that has engulfed our churches for years—something that has left the church empty and dry—will no longer be tolerated by God. True children of God want more, and a separation, Murillo says, is coming our way very soon for a “massive number of Christians” who will experience this strange miracle.

“The Holy Spirit is separating them. He has selected them for special grace and power to do mighty acts at the edge of history,” Murillo says. “They will be uniquely equipped to face the sophisticated evil of our time. But it all begins by making peace with the Holy Spirit and restoring His rightful place in our hearts and in the church.

“Take a close look at the book of Acts and you will see the disarming down-to-earth way they related to the Holy Spirit. While they revered Him deeply, they had a sense of his nearness and His involvement in their day-to-day operation. They behaved as if He was close by and they could almost see Him. Most of all, they anticipated His instructions.”

Acts 13:2-4 reads: “As they worshipped the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them and sent them off. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.”

Murillo says God is revealing to all praying people that a glorious new work of the Spirit is about to break forth, and that He will shake everything that can be shaken, tearing down the old political, backslidden, ecclesiastical system.

In essence, millions of His children are hearing God’s command: “Separate to Me!”

Years ago, Murillo says, the Holy Spirit revealed to Wilkerson, one of His greatest warriors, that pockets of prophetic people would huddle together across the nation. Among themselves, Wilkerson says, they knew that what has taken place in recent years is a far cry from what God expects of them.

“This is not it,” Wilkerson said. “There is something more. … We want more. More than entertainment. More than big, showy buildings. More than a shallow celebrity gospel. We want deeper values. We want to see Jesus. We want spotless robes of righteousness. We want to go back to doing things in total dependence on God.”

In other words, Wilkerson said, the church in general became lazy and complacent. And those who wished to continue doing things God’s way were treated like outcasts because they wouldn’t conform to the culture-friendly atmosphere that darkened our churches and bowed to Satan’s will instead of God’s and denied the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“Many of these people were chased out of churches that were once fiery, Spirit-filled churches that had taken on a new ‘seeker-friendly’ format,” Wilkerson said. “They saw their church now focused on church growth, down-playing the presence of the Holy Spirit, and only designed to attract outsiders. They felt punished for wanting a move of God.”

But no more. Murillo says that those who are simply hungry for more of God and for Jesus to do His work are done with “ego-centric preachers with grandiose, expensive and carnal visions that have nothing to do with soul winning or revival.”

Preachers, he said, have been distracted or even derailed from their first love. Disciples are abandoning “attraction” churches and something revolutionary is happening inside them because God is starting a fresh movement.

Wilkerson once said that God is revealing to all praying people that a glorious new work of the Spirit is about to break forth. God is going to shake everything that can be shaken. He will tear down the old political, backslidden, ecclesiastical system. He will disown the formal, super-church structure. He will chase out of His presence all who are engaging in self-promoting ministries.”

Murillo says these praying people “will force changes, and that they are a new breed for a new need. They are frustrated, hungry and their numbers are growing fast. They are coalescing around certain truths: fasting, repentance and holy surrender to Christ.”

Isn’t this what the younger generations—especially GenZ—are looking for from today’s church? They are tired of the complacency they have been seeing in their churches for years.

When evil is exalted, Murillo says, “God looks for deliverers. He looks for those who will allow God to make them indestructible and irresistible voices to restore righteousness to America.

March CM CoverWilkerson saw it, but so did Smith Wigglesworth back in 1927. Wigglesworth prophesied then, “All the people which are pressing into and getting ready for this glorious attained place where they shall not be found naked, where they shall be blameless, where they shall be immovable, where they shall be purified by the power of the Word of God, have within them a consciousness of the very presence of God within, changing their very nature and preparing them for a greater thing, and causing them to be ready for translation.”

Both men, Murillo says, believe that this gathering unto the Holy Spirit would begin after a great falling away. And the great falling away has been happening for years.

But a great gathering of frustrated saints is also beginning to happen and these are being pulled away from fleshly things to desire godly things. “They are,” Murillo says, “surrendering to a special work of the Holy spirit, and it will soon engulf the earth.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Has Spring Really Arrived? NOPE

 There seems to be a poem for everything although I doubted that when I went looking this morning.  This is ITTTTT!  It is so how we feel living through the second largest snowfall Winter in North Dakota history.

Below I'm sharing a picture of the view out onto my garden.  sigh.

Happy Sabbath everyone,



Spring Tease

by Deborah Ann Belka

I thought I saw the sun peeking,
through the dark clouds today.
And in between the snow flakes,
I prayed Spring was on its way.

For, I am tired of all the chilly days,
and the long cold frigid nights.
Oh, how I wish Spring would come,
and bring its warm and friendly sights.

Oh, to look out at my flower garden,
and see my beautiful climbing rose.
Just the very thought of its perfume,
tickles my frozen little nose.

This prayerful hope for Spring,
comes like a breath of fresh air.
Making me feel all warm and toasty,
as this winter has really been a bear.

I know that this taste of Spring,
is just a little tease.
And soon the Lord will bring to me,
a gentle warming breeze.

But, for now I'll just have to wait,
for nature's way and law.
And I'll trust that in the Creator's timing . . .
my feet will begin to thaw!

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rest it is!

 So many times I wish that I could explain to people what living with MS is really like.  At other times I wouldn't dream of putting that knowledge into someone's head.  Why should they have to think about it just because that has been my life for about 35 years?  

When I was younger, it was easy to talk myself out of the situation.  That spasm in my feet at night was just because I worked too hard that day in the garden.  That wooziness in my head 3 weeks later was because I just plain old got too hot while mowing the lawn.  The cognition decline was from trying to teach 3 children at 3 different levels in our home school.  

I think it's probable that most people would do just about anything to avoid grasping that they have multiple sclerosis.  I never even gave it a thought until I was reading the book WHEN YOUR BODY SAYS NO!  

I'll always remember that moment.  The author was telling the story about 2 of his female patients who had MS.  As I read, I started to realize that their story was a lot like what I was going through.  That's when I got tingles everywhere.

I remember looking up to Heaven and asking "God, are you saying that I have MS?"  How I wish I hadn't heard so clearly "Yes, my darling."

So then I knew.

That began my journey of looking for what would get rid of it.  I had gotten rid of cancer a number of times.  How hard could it be to get rid of MS?  

I could not have grasped at that time that there is no getting rid of MS.  If there is a way, then I would ask you to share that information in a comment below.  There is helping relieve symptoms.  There is fighting cognitive decline.  There is RESTING often but, as far as I know now, there is no getting rid of MS.

I just found this article and I really like it.  If you have MS, or you know someone who does, I pray that this information will help you too.

Lots of love,

Dawn B.

Dealing With the Ups and Downs of MS
photo of

FB group member Lauren Kinsley replied, “The thing with our struggle with multiple sclerosis (MS) is we have to ‘overcome’ daily, weekly, over and over. I will have a GREAT day, when I feel like I’ve never been sick in my life. I am so full of energy and life and love. Then, the next day I’m back to my normal miserable self. These ups and downs are unpredictable and out of my control. How can I overcome this? This is my life. So, I just accept it and take it day by day.” 

Thanks, Lauren, for calling out our reality. Dealing with MS ups and downs is a challenge. The unpredictability can make us confused or depressed, but there are ways of dealing with them. 

What Causes MS Ups and Downs?

In writing my chronic illness book, I learned that most conditions have their good days and bad days. Like with diabetes, people might have normal blood sugar one day and feel fine. The next morning, they wake up with a high blood sugar and feel awful. Sometimes they know why, and sometimes they don’t. 

I think life itself has ups and downs. They’re normal. The world is far too big to control, so things are always changing. As Lauren said, sometimes you just have to accept it.

Without a doubt, the goods and bads of MS days are more intense than most conditions. I’m pretty sure this is because MS is an inflammatory disease. When the inflammation starts, we will be knocked out, even if it doesn’t go to a full-blown flare-up. I sometimes find it helpful to take an anti-inflammatory medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen on a bad day. 

For me, getting too warm means Instant Bad Day. If I wear warm pajamas to bed because the warmth helps me sleep, I will not be able to get up in the morning until I take those clothes off and cool down. 

You might notice that psychological stress drains your energy and sets you up for a bad day. Having strategies for avoiding and for coping with stress might prevent those down times.

Many people with MS find that they have good and bad times of day, more so than whole days. I can relate to that; don’t call me between 4 and 7 p.m. if you want an intelligent response. Our bodies have rhythms, and pushing through them can lead to a miserable day. It’s good to schedule our days to allow for downtime during our low periods.

Rhythms of Activity and Rest

A Zen Buddhist story goes: Once a priest was going around and winning throngs of followers by performing spectacular miracles. One of his disciples was walking along a river with a Zen monk. “Our master,” said the disciple, “can stand on one side of the river and write the name of God in letters of fire on the other side.”

“That’s a good trick,” said the Zen monk. “My miracle is that when I’m thirsty, I drink, and when I’m tired, I rest.” 

I try to practice the Zen monk’s miracle. (The fire-writing thing doesn’t interest me nearly as much.) Move when your body wants to move; work when it wants to work. Stop and take breaks before you absolutely have to. If we wait until we’re exhausted or in pain, it will take a lot longer to recover.

I’m taking breaks from writing this article every 5 minutes or so. If I don’t, my fingers stop typing right. Some people set timers on their devices for every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or hour. When it goes off, they move around, they lie down, they breathe, meditate, or pray. Rest the mind as well as the body. That’s how they keep good days good. 

Admittedly, this can be hard if you work a demanding job or if you have four kids running around. But we can try.

Coping With Good and Bad Days

On days when your body feels good, do you tend to overdo things? Most of us do, and sometimes it’s worth it. But if you’re like me or like most people with MS, try not to overdo. You’ll pay for it, possibly with more than one bad day to recover. Sometimes we consciously decide to do more than we should because we think what we’re doing is so important or desirable. That might be OK.

But other times, we’re unwilling to say no to requests or opportunities that really could wait. That’s a sure way to have a bad today or tomorrow.

What do you do with bad days? I’ve learned to look at them as opportunities to rest. I try to enjoy staying in bed, maybe catch up on reading or watch a show. I cancel whatever commitments I can. 

Sometimes I’ll use my voice recorder to make notes for a story or bring my journal up to date. Meditate. Plan out what to do on the next good day. If the bad day involves pain or spasms, I may have to take something for that. 

Sometimes I try to analyze what might be causing the bad day. Am I warm, did I catch a virus, am I stressed out? Did I do too much yesterday, or neglect to exercise, or eat something unhealthy? Sometimes I figure it out, and sometimes the cause remains unknown. I just have to rest. 

I know I’m totally blessed to have a life in which I can zone out like that. You may not have that freedom, but I encourage you to rest when you can. 

Remember: There will always be ups and downs, but they are not permanent. We will have good days and bad days, good and bad weeks, months, even years. A bad stretch doesn’t mean we’re getting worse; a good day doesn’t mean our MS is going away. 

If we have too many consecutive bad days, we might want to let a doctor know. Something could be wrong, but most of the time, ups and downs can be managed. Wishing you more good ones.  


To connect with other people living with multiple sclerosis, join our MS Facebook Support Group.


Monday, March 20, 2023

Just for FUN!!

 I was so happy yesterday after writing here so I'll try it again today.  lol  I do have a problem with thinking that I have nothing important to share because I have nothing profound to say.  Therefore why would I take someone's reading time if I don't have an amazing success story or something wonderful to share?  

That must be a trap from the enemy.  Is every day a major accomplishment?  Maybe it is.  Maybe being alive and wanting to be with you all in this small way is what I've been missing here lately?  I was pretty stunned to see that my first blog post of 2023 was in MARCH!!  What happened to January and February?

So, as I pondered what to share with you, I saw this post on my Facebook page.  It really tickled my funny bone and others have liked it too.  I hope that everyone who sees this knows that it's just for fun.  What's wrong with that?  Does every blog post have to be somber and serious?  

Perhaps, if I get my thinking straight once again about why I started my blog in the first place in November of 2008, this blog will become the joy that it once was to me??????  So, without any further ado, I give you some humor.

Have a delightful day; a wonderful week; and a SUPER Spring.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Do You like Steve?

 Hi Everyone,

  How are you all doing?  We're buried in snow here in the Great Plains of North Dakota, USA.  At this point we are just 8 inches shy of the MOST snow year ever which was in the Winter of 1996-1997.  At this point, people I know are like "BRING IT ON.  Let's break our record."  lol

  Here are a couple of photos of our accumulated snow.  The first one is of our deck.  You can also see that the snow is over the picket fence in several places too.

This is the snowbank looking out of our family room.  It looks towards the garden.  If you look closely, you can see my white car and Jacob's blue pickup buried in snow.  

  Winter talk aside
, I've had a very positive change in my life.  Being I've been dealing with Multiple Sclerosis for almost 35 years, I'm always looking for a supplement that can help my body REALLY improve.  I've found some that help a lot but none that kick the MS into "Remission."  

  I don't know if you know who Steve Harvey is but I couldn't stand him at first.  One long Winter we spent some time watching "Family Fued" and his personality seemed way too arrogant for my liking.  

  I just didn't like Steve at first.  Then, as I watched him dealing with all kinds of individuals who came on the show. my opinion started to change.  What a truly accepting person Steve is.  There's not many people who can make all types of personalities feel at home.  God is like that too.

  So my search for a supplement "Just for me" may have come to an end.  I'm not sure yet but I've had 3 of the best days since I started Steve's new product.  I even like the name which is "L'evate You."  Think about it.  There's a product that can elevate us older folks back to a younger stage of our life.

  How does it work?  Well, as we age, the mitochondria that make energy in our body stop functioning at peak levels.  This product helps to get them what they need to rev us up.  You can go here to get more information and to order.

  In the meantime, you may enjoy seeing Steve Harvey talk about addressing his declining health as he aged.  Although he may always seem a bit arrogant to me, Steve's concern for his fellow man is encouraging.  How many people with his success takes the time to share with us how to get back our youth?

  I must confess that Steve Harvey has something else that made me look deeper.  My father's name was Harvey....

  For what it's worth, I'm going to recommend that all of my readers purchase a month's supply of L'EVATE YOU!  I believe that you will be pleased with the improvements that come with this product.

  Lots of love especially to those whom I may not exactly be YOUR cup of tea,  :)



Monday, March 6, 2023

Here's a quick update!

 I feel totally incapable of making a blog post right now and yet it seems like the right time.  My head spins as I think about all that has happened since I wrote here last.  I'll see if I can remember the highlights.

  Well, I turned 65 in December last year.  That means that I had to sign up for Medicare and figure out all of that rig a ma role.  I'm glad that I am a member of AMAC as they have a Medicare specialist who got me into the right program for me and saves me $55 a month.

  We got to go to Cora's for her son's first birthday at the way end of December and, of course, we hosted our New Year's Eve party again.  It was the quietest party yet as the young couples left before 9:00 and the older couples left before 11:00.  If it weren't for my sweet neighbor, Luci, and her husband I have to wonder if we would have been in bed before midnight and missed that first kiss of the new year.  :)

  This has to be the snowiest Winter of my life.  It just keeps coming and coming.  We just finished a 2 day blizzard and now I hear that a 3 day one is supposed to move in tomorrow.  The guys take turns between pushing snow like crazy for long hours and recovering on the couch watching movies or playing with computer buddies.

  The biggest decision for me was to close my Bismarck office.  I've been in there for 12 years but, alas, many of my clients were older and have passed away.  With my declining health, I was unable to find new clients and the day finally came on February 27th when I turned in my keys.  My office neighbor, Paul, saw me loading my car and said "Dawn, are you leaving?"  I told him that yes, sadly I was leaving.  He looked so sad which, I'm sure, matched my expression.  

  Now that the bitter pill has been swallowed, I'm happy to admit that I felt a sense of freedom when I didn't have to pay rent for March.  It was also a blessing to see the people that God sent to buy my office furniture.  I especially was blessed to meet the ranch wife who will use my massage table in her Christian energy practitioner office.  That made me so happy to know that it will go on blessing the world through her hands!!

  The farm's biggest news is that the crew has finally arrived to build our shop.  We were expecting a crew last September but they must have had many delays as they never came.  We were told over and over that a crew would come but we never imagined that they would come at the end of February which is our coldest month.  

  So they got the frame up last Friday before they left for the weekend.  Most of that time it was below freezing so I kept praying for the wind to stay down at least. This morning they showed up ready to get back to work on our shop.  PLEASE pray with me that they can get the building enclosed so that they can work inside no matter what the weather is like.  Here's a picture that I took of the shop frame this morning.  

  In other news, my daughter Cora turns 36 tomorrow.  That means that I've been a mother for 36 years plus 9 months.  How I wish that she still lived across the road from us but she is happy where they are at now.  That's worth so much to her papa and I.

   My guys and I have been working on the building that will adjoin the shop.  This is where the farm office will be on the main floor and an apartment will be upstairs.  Some day our son, Jacob, will live there.  I'll see if I can add some pictures of that project later.

  Once again I thank you for all of your prayers for my family and I over the years.  I pray for you to be at peace with God and to shine for Him in this horrible darkness all around us.  His servants are all saying that He will turn over the money changers tables soon.  

  Most of all, as always, the children of this world are in my thoughts and prayers.  Let's all pray for all of them to be safe and in loving environments.  That's what they deserve and anyone who would hurt them deserve what Jesus talked about.  It would be better that a millstone be tied around their necks and be drowned in the sea than to face the wrath of the God who loves ALL of the little children!!!

  Robert and I delight in the 6 grandchildren that He has blessed us with although we wish that we could see them more....................

  Sometime I 'll write about the home school convention.  I got to go with Andrew and his family.  It was a blessing to see so many new faces amongst the parents.  The best part for me was seeing the daddys kissing their babies.  Truly I am blessed to be a part of the home school community here in North Dakota.

  May God bless your week,


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...