Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Appleseed Project coming up soon

Now I realize that most of you readers are ladies, but I think this is very important. We ladies helped to shape our great nation throughout our history and there's no reason to stop now.

In less than 2 weeks our friend, Christopher Scigliano, is hosting a rifle training school at his farm. The dates are May 30th and 31st. The purpose of this school is to help us prepare for what may be coming into our futures, whether we like it or not. Our boys are planning to attend and we would encourage you ladies to send your husbands and sons too. I'm copying a little information from their website but please feel free to go there yourselves. The cost is minimal and the education top-notch.

Please be in prayer for this event even if you or your menfolk are unable to attend. So many times we want to stick our heads in the sand and act as if the UN isn't trying to take over our country. This is commonly called denial. Let's all take this opportunity to learn what we can do so that we can defend our families; our communities, and our country if that need arises.

If anyone from our area feels led to go, please let us know as you can carpool with the boys.



This is copied from the Appleseed Project website. For more information check out the site at:

What the RWVA (Revolutionary War Veterans Association) is all about:
The Appleseed Program is designed to take you from being a simple rifle owner to being a true rifleman. All throughout American history, the rifleman has been defined as a marksman capable of hitting a man-sized target from 500 yards away — no ifs, ands or buts about it. This 500-yard range is traditionally known as "the rifleman's quarter-mile;" a rifleman can hit just about any target he can see. This skill was particulary evident in the birth of our country, and was the difference in winning the Revolutionary War.

So why me?This country was founded and won by riflemen who fought and beat British forces. We invite all interested marksmen to learn the skills and techniques necessary to shoot proficiently; and then hope you'll participate in teaching and practicing with others so that together we can save this great land. Why you? Well, that's simple: if you're on this page we're betting you're a patriot, and we hope you answer the call.

What's a rifleman?In short, a rifleman is an armed American, trained in the tradition of American Liberty. It's a man who has learned to shoot a rifle accurately — accurate enough to score "expert" on the Army Qualification Course. Until you can do that, you're considered a "Cook," unprepared and unqualified to carry a rifle on the firing line of freedom. But after attending an Appleseed AQT shoot, you'll have the credentials necessary to be a true rifleman, and will understand the critical need for defending freedom in this country.
The RWVA is dedicated to the Appleseed Program and encourages every American to learn to shoot

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