Monday, May 18, 2009


Cora was the heroine tonight at the supper table. She rescued 2 of my brand new, baby goats. My doe, Karen, had triplets this afternoon and almost lost 2 of them. One got pushed out the back door of the goat barn and was being pecked at by the chickens. ): The other one had fallen on it's neck when just born. Cora called me for that one. We milked the small amount of cholostrom that she had, after the other 2 drank, and stomach-tubed him with our make shift "Save a kid" syringe. He seemed pretty weak so I'm hoping that he'll pull through. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of them--2 bucklings and 1 doeling. I wonder if she'll have enough milk for all 3? She should as she's a good-sized doe, but one never knows.

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