Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Parental rights

Ever since we got back from the home school convention I have been feeling burdened to share what we learned there about the need for the parental right's amendment to be added to our country's Constitution. It was pretty heavy and discouraging, but we the people still have the power in this country!!! We just need to be informed about what is going on in order to do what needs to be done. What parent wouldn't want to protect their children?

Since then I've been receiving the updates from the website: parentalrights.org. I've been greatly encouraged to see that the list of cosponsors for the amendment is growing steadily. What do we need to do? Go to this site and read up on why this is so important. Check to see if your representative is a sponsor or not. If he/she is, then write and thank them for doing what is right. If not, then start hounding them. I just wrote another e-mail to mine and asked him to list the reasons for his name not being on the co-sponsor list. What is he anti-family or what? As bad as things are in this country, I think it's pretty safe to say that most of our congresspeople do NOT want to be thought of as being anti-family. Why it's un-American.

PLEASE TAKE THIS THREAT SERIOUSLY. Already some liberal judges in our country have ruled against parents as though the UN is running this country already. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

One family had their children taken away from them because one of the children thought that the parents took him to church "Too often". This was Sunday morning; Sunday night; and Wednesday night. I was raised going to church that often--even more if we were working on music. I guess I wasn't traumatized too much by being in the house of God that often, but we live in a world that hates God. The judge ruled with the child saying that once a week is enough church for anyone. The parents now know that, if they take their children to church more than once a week, they will have their children taken away from them. THIS IS SICK PEOPLE!!!!!

We must work together to ensure that children will be under the care of their parents and not some sick social worker or judge. "What if the parents are sick?" I can hear some brains asking. I ought to know--I lived under those conditions. Well, then a loving social worker should see to it that the children are put into loving foster homes. How many are there of them? No--that is not a good argument for taking children away from their parents for picky little things. The overwhelming majority of parents care about what happens to their children more than any social worker does. Believe me I know, I WAS a social worker.

So, I urge you to take a little time to get informed about this critical issue. Dr. Farris shared at the convention that there is not a lot of time for us to get the masses moving. This is being worked on right now. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS!!!

This is the email I just received from parentalrights.org


Saving Motherhood
This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States. If you are a mother, we thank you and salute you for the invaluable work you do in fulfilling that vital role in the life of your children, and the heritage of our nation!
Sadly, the United Nations would hold such a sentiment to be discriminatory against women. In 2000, the United Nations CEDAW Committee (named for the Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, or CEDAW) criticized the nation of Belarus for “the reintroduction of such [sex-role stereotype] symbols as a Mother’s Day and a Mothers’ Award, which it sees as encouraging women’s traditional roles.” [See paragraph 361 on page 37 of the UN document here.]
For our part, ParentalRights.org is proud to encourage women in the role of mother, as we are proud of loving fathers for the part they play. The fact is, the role of parents in directing the upbringing and education of their children is a precious and fundamental right. It should not be looked down on, nor stolen, by international governing bodies such as the CEDAW Committee, nor the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), like CEDAW, is an international treaty attempting to dictate domestic policy. Like CEDAW, it has set up a panel of UN “experts” to “advise” nations who are not in compliance with the treaty, setting international law policy which activist judges then incorporate into national law.
Unlike CEDAW, however, the UNCRC does not oppose Mother’s Day. Rather, it constitutes an attack on Motherhood itself, replacing fundamental parental rights with bureaucratic oversight at a federal and international level. Perhaps if we ratified both treaties we could just replace Mother’s Day with Social Worker’s Day, and the UN would be pleased.
The only permanent solution to prevent U.S. ratification of the UNCRC is the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which includes the provision that “No treaty may be adopted nor shall any source of international law be employed to supersede, modify, interpret, or apply to [fundamental parental rights].” This would finally end the threat of UNCRC ratification in the United States. While that alone may not preserve Mother’s Day, it can at least save Motherhood from international interference.
Please, as you value your own parents and your rights as parents to raise your own children, take a moment to forward this email to every mother you know – or even everyone who has a mother – and be sure to wish them “Happy Mother’s Day!” To sign the petition or to learn more about the dangers of the UNCRC or the need for the Parental Rights Amendment, visit us on the web at parentalrights.org.
Tracking Our House Sponsors
The number of Representatives cosponsoring the Parental Rights Amendment legislation (H.J.R.42) is 85 and growing. Track the sponsors and look for your Congressman on our Sponsors List.
Ride-4-Rights in California
Vincent Collins of California left Redlands on Sunday and is bicycling his way to Sacramento - a journey of 400+ miles - to call attention to the cause of parental rights. Follow his progress on Twitter.
Join Us On Twitter
Both Michael Farris and ParentalRights are now available on Twitter. Why not follow us? And send us a tweet about YOUR work for Parental Rights!
Volunteer to Promote the Parental Rights Amendment
We need many, many more volunteers to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures in each Congressional district. We need you to join us! Find out how you can help at parentalrights.org/join-the-fight.
Michael Farris on Huckabee
In case you missed it, Michael Farris was on Huckabee Saturday, April 25. See the video here.
State Resolutions Coming in Oklahoma and Tennessee
The Oklahoma state legislature will soon be considering a resolution in opposition to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, while Tennessee lawmakers may soon resolve to call on Congress to pass the Parental Rights Amendment. Sample wording for such resolutions is available at our website. Read more here.
Answers: Does the Tenth Amendment Already Protect Parental Rights?
If that rumor were true, the Amendment would be unnecessary - but the Supreme Court's ruling on that is crystal clear.

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