Saturday, February 13, 2010


We're in the middle of another blizzard and my family is watching the Olympics, but I found myself eager to share with you my big news. Many of you may recall that Robert gave me $250 for my birthday so that I could have my energy analysis done. I sent in the information that they needed to perform the analysis shortly after that. Then I waited over a month for the results, as they were in the process of moving their office at that time. I guess it usually only takes 2 weeks for the processing, but it was worth the wait!!!!

This may have been one of the most important things that I have ever done for my health!! It is absolutely fascinating to watch my body start to respond to "MY" diet. This is helping me to meet the needs of the Constitution type that I was born with. Further, as I listened to the hour long CD which explained my constitution type, literally EVERY event that I experienced in regards to my health, could be explained in light of my not understanding what my constitution was. In other words, I now can understand the repeated miscarriages, cancer, and even shingles which I had twice (on my side in the mid 90's). Being I didn't know what my body needed, I suffered untold sorrows. The good news is that NOW I DO KNOW HOW TO BEST NURTURE MY BODY!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooooooo much, Robert, for making this possible. Many thanks also to those who shared the information about the Constitution diet with me in the first place!!!

Basically I have the Lesser Yin Constitution. This means that my stomach and spleen energy are VERY cold and damp. This means that I need to eat 80% of the foods I eat this month in the warming category and 20% in the neutral category with 0% being in the cooling category. This means that all of the hot peppers which I have been avoiding, thinking that they were upsetting my stomach, are actually GOOD for me.

Then, for the rest of my life, I need to eat roughly 60% warming foods; 40% neutral foods; and 1 cooling food a month IF I don't start feeling poorly again. The good news here is that I can eat WHEAT. The bad news is that it's probably been the salt (VERY COOLING) in the bread all of these years that's been making me sick. The trick here, then, will be to find ways to make the recipes work without the salt. Does anyone know if the salt actually is necessary for wheat foods to turn out or is the salt merely there for taste? I am very interested in any information that you may have about living salt-free.

There is much more to it than that but I am VERY happy that I can still have wheat, peanuts, and my precious goat's milk. These are all warming foods and what I need to eat so that I can get more warmth into my system. I've certainly been enjoying the horseradish sauce I've been topping everything with this past week, but it does have salt in it. It would seem that I need to find a line of salt-free foods or else make EVERYTHING myself. I am very excited that I started a horseradish plant here last summer which I dug out of Robert's Aunt Lyla's garden, but I have no idea how to go about making anything with it. :)

One other major change is that I need to focus 70% of my exercise time on building up the upper body. This is NOT what I have been doing as I LOVE my Burner for toning up the lower part of me. This needs to change, though, as I need to focus on bringing the excess energy which is in my lower body up to the top part of me. This will help my body make better use of the heat which I am now losing through the skin. This is for my LIFE to improve so I need to let go of the pre-conceived idea that "I need to work my thighs half to death."

To be blunt, then, I have been watching my body like a hawk since I began eating for my Constitution this past week. The first major improvement that I've noticed is that my bowels ACTUALLY WORK!!! Constipation is a sign that the Lesser Yin constitution needs are not being met. When I think of all of the laxatives that I have taken in my life, it is absolutely SHOCKING to think that they were totally unnecessary if I had only been eating according to my constitutions needs!!!!!!!!!

Now today I have noticed another improvement which I'm sure will seem totally weird to you. All my life, I have been amazed to hear people say that they were FULL. I honestly can say that this phenomenon was a total puzzle to me. Even on Thanksgiving Day I would stuff myself with food, but could not ever notice something called, "Feeling full."

Well, yesterday before evening chores, we had a snack as we eat late on Friday nights. We like to have chores done before we enjoy our feast of Sabbath, so we usually have a snack before we go out to do the milking. When it came time for supper a few hours later, I noticed that I was not hungry. I still had a chicken enchilada because they are SOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful, but 1 really filled me up so I skipped a second one.

Then today at lunch, I again noticed that I was feeling strangely content with the food I had eaten. Sometime this afternoon I noticed that I was not one bit hungry and at suppertime I had no desire for my Saturday night popcorn. HOW CAN THIS BE????????? In truth, I haven't had one bite for supper but merely drank some tea as I am not hungry one bit. Slowly today my brain has absorbed this thought, "I'M FULL." I'm full and I know it and I'm not eating too much because I have no desire to put more food in my already full stomach!!! IS THAT A MIRACLE OR WHAT??????????? I can honestly say that I cannot recall feeling this sensation every in my life before today!!!!

The ramifications of this are soooooooo exciting as I ponder FINALLY getting my weight under control. On the CD, Grace said that my constitution is the slowest to make changes as it is very cold inside. If, after only 4 days on "MY" diet, I have enjoyed 2 major changes already it doesn't take much of an imagination to comprehend how excited I am starting to get at the thoughts of a lifetime of eating the way that I need to eat!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR THIS HOPE!!!

Well, if you're not curious yet to read about this, I must not have done a very good job of expressing my excitement at learning how to meet the needs of my Lesser Yin constitution. If you ARE curious, though, feel free to go here to learn more:
It would make me so happy to learn that you have felt the call to meet your body's needs in this way too, so PLEASE let me know if you are pursuing this in your life as well.

Please keep me in your prayers as I learn how to accept the good news that I know now how to feed my body for maximum health. I need to learn that it really is OK for me to be healthy. You mean to tell me that I REALLY DO DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep you posted!



Hannah said...

I think salt is in bread mainly for flavor. The three ingredients in the bread we make are flour, water and salt. Sometimes though, my younger brothers and I will make flatbread to snack on and we just use flour and water.
I think it would be a good idea for you to look in to natural leavened bread.
Natural leaven bread settles alot better with me than commercial yeast bread. I think my sister plans to tell Cora sometime soon how we do it, but you probably can find info on the internet also.
Just a thought,

Anonymous said...

Dear Hannah,
Thanks for your comment and the hope that I can still enjoy bread even though I can't handle salt!
I am very eager to hear how you make the natural-leavened bread as Cora had mentioned it to me before.
We will wait for your instructions before plunging in to it.
I'm glad that you found a way of handling wheat. We try to lacto-ferment our grains as often as possible as this makes them easier to digest. You can learn about that process through the Weston A. Price Foundation's site listed on my sidebar. That bread is sooo very delicious but I'm not sure how leaving the salt out will affect it. I guess we'll find out here soon. :)
Blessings and please continue blogging, as most of us here go to your blog often. :)
Keep warm,

Bethany said...

Thsnk you for your birthday wishes. And thank you for your intimate, self-revealing blog. I salute your work. How tempting it is to write about others and their troubles and challenges. How humbling it is to write about ourselves....but ultimately, that is the story we are here to live and tell.

Horseradish is so darn easy. You just wash and wash the roots, peel them and then grind them up. Put in vinegar. It is powerful enough you don't need any salt. Watch where you plant it...will take over quickly, very hearty.

We are on the Gulf in Florida, should be in low to mid 70s now. This morning, on our walk with the dogs, we saw frost.

Can you have garlic? Putting garlic powder in your bread might give it some bite!

I am thrilled about your discoveries re: metabolism, and look forward to reading more.

Peace be with you. Bethany

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany,
Thanks for your insights on how to deal with horseradish. I planted some in a huge tub (3 foot diameter) last Summer so I hope that it will grow well in confinement there.
Yes I can have all the garlic I want. The problem is that I have dragon breath afterwards (even with a parsley chaser). When I'm working with clients, that is NOT appreciated. Any ideas, other than using garlic pills which just aren't the same, of how to deal with garlic breath?

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 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...