Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My daughter, Cora, keeps reminding me that even a short post is better than NO post at all. The perfectionism in me usually cringes when she makes her point, but I know that I have enjoyed her posts, even when they are very short. So here goes.

Today, after morning chores, my menfolk and I went to Bismarck. We saw our friends, the Fuerher family first. Then we headed to the farm store where Robert picked up our pipeline cleaning supplies and Andrew picked up some of his supplies for his new grain cleaner. I ate my lunch in the back seat of Andrew's pickup while they were in shopping. Next we went to the library to return a book and we picked up 3 DVDs to watch this week. One was Cranford which a friend had recommended to Cora. The other was a John Wayne movie and the third an old one about the Olympics.

The guys took me to my office then. They had their lunch while I got to work doing 3 wonderful sessions with 3 wonderful people. :) OH HOW I LOVE DOING BODYTALK SESSIONS! I was visiting with my partner, Jean, when Robert came back for me. From there I went to Sam's and the guys went to Wall Mart to look for some fabric for Andrew's gravity table, which they were happy to find.

While I was in Sam's, I felt led to go to the book section. Have you ever had something just seem to leap out at you? Well, that's what happened as I quickly browsed through the books. There was a little box with a little book called THE MIRACLE BALL METHOD and it came with 2 "Miracle" balls. Has anyone ever heard of this?

Well, all the way home I read the book and got half through it. I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT WHAT I READ. The author shared about her chronic pain in her leg and how this method came together in her mind as she talked to different experts. The theory is that chronically tight muscles cause the body to stay too tight which causes chronic pain which causes the muscles to be too tight.... It's a vicious circle of pain, pain, and more pain.

Basically her program includes deep breathing while you lay on the balls. The weight of the body does the work and people are recovering from long-standing painful conditions. Can you see why I'm excited about this? I will certainly let you know how it goes but for now I want to go try it out. Bismarck days, no matter how wonderful, ARE very stressful. If this works as great as she claims, I will be pain free in no time. THAT SOUNDS GREAT TO ME!!! Oh, I just saw that there is a website listed here but I haven't gone there to see if it's still active. This is the

Let's go check it out together!


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