Sunday, February 21, 2010


We're off to the Dagley farm to help them plan for Prairie Days AND to learn how to write our own wills. Their lawyer neighbor is coming over to share with us and, seeing as this has been on our minds a lot over the years, we will go and see how to take care of this once. Last week, one of Robert's customers had a brother die suddenly. This was the nudge from the Lord that we needed to take this responsibility seriously. More on this later.

Our Sabbath was wonderful. We sang hymns for about half an hour and then I continued reading in BEYOND THE END TIMES. I cannot urge you too much to read this book! We'd be happy to loan you a copy as we have two, if you feel the Lord leading you to the truth in this area of understanding end time prophecy. It's a real eye-opener.

We started studying about Preterism about 10 years ago. Recently, though, Andrew asked if we might revisit this subject as he was so young the first time that we studied it. His comments are a blessing as we revisit this subject. I have become even more impressed with the urgency to help people understand that our very faith is at stake if He didn't come when He said He would!!!!!!!!! Here's the link to the International Preterist Association in case any of you are curious to learn more about this:

After church we watched Cranford. I should say that the rest of the day we watched the DVD Cranford which I checked out at the Bismarck library. WOW!!! What an amazing story about the need to TELL THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I need to get changed to go "Calling," so I wish you a great week in the Lord!!! I'm sharing some old time pictures because, as usual, the British Broadcast Company has once again got me dreaming about the "Good, old days."

In His service,



Jonathan said...

Hi Mrs. Bornemann,

I was interested to learn about that book you're reading and that you guys are Preterists. That means we believe a lot of the same things in regard to the fulfillment of prophecy in the AD 70 period, although I am in the Postmillennial camp that believes that the 2nd Coming has yet to occur. I believe we are presently in the millennium while all things are being put under Christ's feet, after which accomplishment He will deliver up the kingdom to God the Father (1 Corinthians 15).

I think the end result of believing either full preterism or partial preterism is that we can expect God's kingdom to fill the whole earth, and understand that we have a role in making that happen. It's a much more effective belief than sitting on our hind ends waiting for the rapture to occur!

I ordered the free information packet from the website and will study it. Also, I would encourage your family to listen to Greg Bahnsen's series on the book of Revelation sometime (it's on for $3 or $4).



Anonymous said...

Dear Jonathan,
We were ALL delighted here last night to read your comment!! We had thought that we were the ONLY people in ND to even hear of preterism.
I admit that it is a lot for the mind, raised in HEAVY futuristic theology as I was, to grasp that Christ has already returned! That is why I have refrained from writing about this as we do hope to have SOME friends left at the end of our lives. :)
However, this second time through BEYOND THE END TIMES, I have become even MORE convinced than the first time around, that the truth MUST be told in this crucial issue. Christ's very reputation is at stake if when he said, "I will return within this generation, while some of you are STILL living..." He did not return.
There are so many great quotes from the book which have pressed upon me to at least TRY to open people's minds. Like this one: Be assured that Christ returned ONCE, AS and WHEN He said He would. He doesn't need to return twice. We can now live and dwell in His abiding Presence, in both this life and the next. We also dwell in the Presence of God the Father, and no veil separtes us. The Old Covenant could not achileve this consummated reality. Jesus fortold that, "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me and I am in you.. we will come to him and make our home with him (John 14:20,23)
We take it for granted that we can fall on our knees and come into the presence of the living, Holy God( for that is how it has always been for us), but it was not always so. How could God poplulate the whole world with believers, then, if the only way that we could come into His presence was in the temple in Jerusalem? I praise God that He has come (even though invisibly) to dwell with US on this earth!! It is what HE longed for in the very beginning--for man and He to walk together in the garden. HE REALLY LOVES US, JONATHAN!!!!!!!!
Oh Jonathan, how I long to have you read this book along with us! Please say that I may send our extra copy to you, as it certianly seems that you are ready to take this gigantic step in your mind. How I/we all would rejoice to have you join our VERY small ranks. :)
May God bless you with His peace in this as He has blessed me. I was one of the all-time biggest futurists on the planet, feeding my mind constantly with end time theories. I was never at peace, though, and suffered much distress trying to fit in those thoughts with the "I will come soons" that I read in my Bible. Andrew,too, read these and became ready to know the truth. It is right there, in broad daylight, for those who are seeking.
Christ's repuation is at stake here--we must press on beyond the traditions of religion all around us. We must speak the truth, in love, so that God Himself can cease to be a source of mocking to the world all around us.
How right you were in saying that futurism makes people lazy--how this must grieve the heart of our God--the only true and living God!!!!! Will you help us to turn this trend around and honor the one who ALWAYS KEEPS HIS WORD? I will pray that you will have peace as you ponder, my friend. :)
Mrs. Bornemann

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