Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Dear friends,
Thanks a million for your prayers this past week. This is the first day that I woke up without abdominal pain--YEAH! The affects of stress are ever a threat to my life and I'm sure to all of us if ignored long enough.

I'm not sure if I have ever written about Dr. Joseph Mercola but, if I haven't, it's about time that I do. Dr. Mercola has the country's largest alternative health clinic in Chicago. His goal is to completely change the thinking of Americans. Let me explain.

When I was a kid, if you were sick your parents took you to the doctor--it's like it was the goal or something to go see the doctor. When I was a young adult, I bought a book called, "Before you call the doctor," which listed many things that you can do to not have to go to the doctor. The book also listed, under each illness, red flags so that you knew when you absolutely MUST go to the doctor. Well, last year Dr. Mercola wrote an article, with statistics included, which proved that going to the doctor is the number one cause of death in this country!--NUMBER ONE!!! I can't recall the name of that article right now, but I'm sure that you could find it in the archives by going to his site:mercola.com

Well, Dr. Mercola has a new goal for us to ponder--he calls it a paradigm shift in our thinking, which he is working VERY hard to accomplish. His theory is that, if we would all take our responsibility to find out what our body needs to be strong and healthy, and then to DO that, we wouldn't need doctors except to reattach arms after accidents and things like that.

I have come to value Dr. Mercola's opinion so highly that I normally consult his list of approved products before I buy any health related products. He has a team of researchers evaluating products and health tools and I value his opinion HIGHLY. Is he always right? Only God is always right as my friend Sarah K. would tell you that he was WRONG when he said that krill oil is better than ALL cod liver oils. I guess the Weston A. Price Foundation set him straight on that one. However, what I like about Dr. Mercola is that his heart is set on helping Americans recover their lost health, and that makes him a man after my own heart!!!!

Dr. Mercola freely shares his research findings with all of the world when many others charge hundreds of dollars for "Their" discoveries. If you're not yet subscribed to his FREE e-newsletter, I urge you to do so today--it may save your life or that of someone you love!!! Just go to:mercola.com and tell them that you wish to subscribe. Anyway, when I read this article on EMFs this morning, I knew that I simply MUST share Dr. Mercola with all of you out there who are searching for honest alternative health care information.

I can sense the urgency in Dr. Mercola in this article--HE IS VERY CONCERNED ABOUT EMFS and so should we be. IT IS URGENT THAT WE ALL TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!! Please read this article and do the research that he suggests right along with me. There is a website which he recommends where we can learn ways to protect ourselves from emfs. It made me VERY glad that we got rid of our microwave a few years ago!!! In his list of suggestions, there were many things that we can do which won't cost much at all or maybe even nothing.

Before I share Dr. Mercola's article, though, I would like to share one other thing which we BodyTalkers all do for our health. We wear Q-links to protect us from incoming negative energy. Here's one of the sites for you to read up on them:http://www.emf-health.com. I cannot recommend this enough for EVERYONE who lives on the planet at this time, to invest $40 per person and arm your family in this way.

Lastly, I want to say that I decided to copy Dr. Mercola's article this morning, because he explains things the way we BodyTalkers do. As I read through this (he comments down below someone else's article) I thought, "My goodness, that is a very good explanation for what we do in BodyTalk." I'm thinking of using some of his comments to better explain BT to new prospective clients. THANKS DR. MERCOLA!!!

What I'm saying here is that BodyTalk also is a great way of armoring yourself against EMFs. Every BT session I do re-establishes the inner communication that stress (electromagnetic too) has deteriorated. I urge you to consider learning more about BT too as a way of dealing with this onslaught to our nervous systems which Dr. Mercola wrote about today. Feel free to study about BT here:bodytalksystem.com

Once again, it is VERY urgent that all of you read this article and begin to work against this electrosmog which is impacting our health every day without our awareness. I LOVE YOU ALL TOO MUCH TO SAY NOTHING ABOUT THIS VERY REAL AND PRESENT THREAT TO YOUR HEALTH!!!

Praying that you'll read and heed this,

PS. The paradox here, as I ponder the picture that I chose for this post, is that I am writing this on MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True, but I'm going to my room to do a BodyTalk session on myself right now. PRAISE THE LORD FOR BODYTALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An increasingly alarmed army of international scientists have reached a controversial conclusion: The "electrosmog" that first began developing with the roll out of the electrical grid a century ago, and now envelops every inhabitant of Earth, is responsible for many of the diseases that impair or kill them.
During the past 100 years, we have methodically filled in the electromagnetic spectrum far beyond what occurs in nature.
Recently, several developments have highlighted the growing hazards of EMF pollution and the crucial need to address them.
In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies (many very recent) that detail the toxic effects of EMFs from all sources. Chronic exposure to even low-level radiation (like that from cell phones), can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity, and contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, heart disease, and many other ailments.
Additionally, every single study of brain tumors that looks at 10 or more years of use shows an increased risk of brain cancer.
A recent study from Sweden is particularly frightening, suggesting that if you started using a cell phone as a teen, you have a 5 times greater risk of brain cancer than those who started as an adult.
A recent study showed that exposure to very-low-frequency voltage signals (1-100kHz), or "dirty electricity,” can greatly increase your risk of melanoma, thyroid cancer, and uterine cancer. These signals are largely by-products of electronics, such as modern energy-efficient appliances, televisions, stereos and other entertainment devices.
These electronic devices use a lower voltage than other appliances, and this manipulation of current creates a complex electromagnetic field. This field not only radiates into the immediate environment but also can travel along home or office wiring throughout the neighborhood.
"For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment — an electromagnetic soup — that essentially overlaps the human nervous system," says Michael Persinger, PhD, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University who has studied the effects of EMFs on cancer cells.
And it appears that, more than a century after Thomas Edison switched on his first light bulb, the health consequences of that continual overlap are just now beginning to be documented.

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
New scientific evidence is continually emerging that nearly all the twentieth century human plagues can be tied to some aspect of our use of electricity, including:
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children
Brain tumors
Malignant melanoma
Cardiovascular disease
Immune system dysfunction
Hormone disturbance
Brittle diabetes
Sleep disorders, headaches, Alzheimer’s disease and ADHD
And this is just a partial list.
EMFs and Your DNA
Cells in your body can react to EMFs as a harmful invader, just like they do to other environmental toxins.
Remember that you are an electrical being.
Your body is a complex communication device where cells “talk”, tissues “talk,” organs “talk,” and organisms “talk[1].” At each of these levels, the communication includes finely tuned bio-electrical transmitters and receivers, which are tuned like tuning into a radio station. What happens when you expose a radio antenna to a significant amount of external noise? You get static from the noise – and that is what is happening to your body in today’s electrosmog environment.
Two of the more well-known biologicals impacts from electrosmog are the interruption of the brain wave pattern[2] leading to behavior issues[3] and the interference to your body’s entire communication system (cytoskeleton)[4] leading to abnormal neurological function, such as dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia.
At a cellular level, your cell membrane receptors (the brain of the cell) recognize electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure producing a stress response similar to that produced by exposure to heavy metals or toxic chemicals.[5]
This can cause the cell membrane to go from an “active” or permeable state where it allows nutrients in and toxins out, to an “inactive” state where the cell membrane is impermeable. During a normal day, your cells will change states thousands of time, but when under constant environmental stress, the membranes can be locked in the inactive state. This is often referred to as “oxidative stress” as nutrients are able to enter into the cell, while toxins (free radicals) are not allowed to leave.
There is also real evidence that this inactive state can even have geno-toxic effects, meaning electrosmog is toxic by both damaging DNA and preventing your body from repairing DNA, which can be the first step to cancer.
We are not really sure what the “trigger” is that causes health problems, but we know that the electrosmog is definitely a contributing factor. For health, your body must be able to communicate within itself, that is, to be in harmony with the natural rhythm of the earth and all life.
The chaotic and unpredictable patterns from electrosmog can create noise in your body and force your body out of harmony. These damaging biological effects have been found at levels far below the so-called industrial and governmental safety limits—1,000,000 times lower than those limits, in some cases.
Why do things such as MTT, acupuncture, TENS units, pacemakers, and many other bioelectrical treatments work? Most likely a major reason why they work is because they focus on getting your body back into its natural rhythm or resonance. Just as you breathe in oxygen from an atmosphere you can’t see, your cells are suspended in a sea of vibrational energy that you can’t see or feel—that is, until it makes you sick.
As the MSNBC article states:
“Remember, these positive-negative shifts are occurring many thousands of times per second, so the electrons in your body are oscillating to that tune. Your body becomes charged up because you're basically coupled to the transient's electric field."
Keep in mind that all the cells in your body, whether islets in the pancreas awaiting a signal to manufacture insulin or white blood cells speeding to the site of an injury, use electricity—or "electron change”— to communicate with each other.
By overlapping the body's signaling mechanisms, could transients [electrosmog] interfere with the secretion of insulin, drown out the call-and-response of the immune system, and cause other physical havoc?”
Yes, absolutely.
And the really frightening aspect about electrosmog is how little control you have over it.
How You Can Protect Yourself
Fortunately, you are not completely helpless. There are strategies that can help reduce your exposure and protect you from the constant onslaught of radiation.
For over 20 years, Building Biologists (http://www.buildingbiology.net/) have been studying and educating the general public regarding the negative impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF). On their website are multiple videos and information on the why, what and how for dealing with EMFs.
First and foremost, you’ll want to reduce your exposure to as many sources as you can.
For my latest list of safety tips and guidelines on how to reduce your exposure, please see my previous article.
In addition to these recommendations, Camilla Rees mentions a few more in her video, including:
Intestinal care: Make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy probiotics. The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland discovered that symptoms of electrosensitivity can be reduced by providing gut barrier support. For more information, listen to the interview with Dr. Rau, medical director of the Paracelsus Clinic, available at this link.
Regular detoxification programs: Not only are you dealing with increasing amounts of toxic chemicals in your environment, your body is full of microorganisms that respond to EMFs by generating increased levels of their own toxins, according to a course for physicians on this subject, taught by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD.
Beware of mold: Mold, just like other microorganisms, can also react in high EMF environments. One study showed 600 times more neurotoxins generated from mold in a high EMF environment. According to Rees, there are also mold legal cases being reviewed, questioning whether problems in buildings infested with mold may have actually been related to nearby antenna infrastructure.
Controlling the environment in which you sleep is especially important, given you spend a third of your life there. Review how to create a sleep sanctuary in five easy steps.
More Electrical Pollution Solutions
Electrical Pollution Solution has an extensive list of steps you can take to combat electrosmog in your home and work environments. Their suggestions include the following:
Have an electrician remove dimmer switches, halogen lights, and variable speed frequency drives (VSFD) where possible—like on your energy-efficient washing machine.
Remove touch lamps, plasma TVs, most compact fluorescent bulbs, fluorescent lights with electronic ballasts, some full-spectrum lights, and wireless plug-in phone jacks, which are all sources of high frequency EMF.
Remove flashers from decorative lighting.
Remove your microwave oven. Besides dangerous EMF radiation, microwave ovens have other negatives impacts on your health.
Only use laptops on battery; recharge them when you aren’t around since the transformer on the charging cord emits a very large field.
Have your electrician make sure the wire between the meter and your electrical box is large enough and in good condition.
Have a plumber install a PVC pipe between the house pipes and the water/sewer system.
Have the phone company install a Radio Frequency (RF) Filter on your phone line; some people also install shielded phone wire.
Only buy new electronics that have appropriate harmonic noise filters already installed.
Avoid using electric blankets and electric heating pads.
Use rubber gloves when washing dishes or working at the sink, and stand on a non-conductive mat. Both increase the resistance of the path through your body.
Put aluminum flashing on your desktop computer, and connect that to aluminum flashing under your chair with another strip of aluminum flashing.
You can even buy conductive socks or copper insoles! More specifics on these can be found at http://www.electricalpollution.com/.
For additional EMF information, please see EMF.mercola.com for the latest news and updates.
Be a Live Wire for Change
The last thing that you can do, and perhaps the most important, is to help spread awareness about this ever-increasing problem.
If you believe that one or more transmitting products is making you ill, please report it/them to the following agencies (be prepared with the manufacturer, model and/or serial number, and a list of your symptoms):
FDA 1-800-FDA-1088 The same FDA program that regulates medical devices also regulates consumer products that emit radiation.
Consumer Product Safety Commission 1-800-638-2772
EMR Policy Institute
It’s unfortunate, but the government is not likely to step up and do the right thing to protect your health without a lot of pressure from the public.
Power companies have successfully beaten back attempts to modify exposure standards. The cell phone industry, which has funded at least 87% of the research on the subject, has effectively resisted regulation.
Please get involved at any level you can, to help increase the pressure on industry and industry regulators, which is the only way to create a safer future for everyone.
[1] Oschman, James L. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Churchill Livingstone, 2006. P. 189.
[2] Oschman, James L. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Churchill Livingstone, 2006. P. 96
[3] Becker, Robert. MD. Cross Current. Penguin Group. 1990. P. 215.
[4] Oschman, James L. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Churchill Livingstone, 2006. P. 131.
[5] Lipton, Bruce, PhD. "The Biology of Belief." Mountain of Love/Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA. 2005. P. 83Sources:
MSNBC January 18, 2010 Related Links:
Never Use Your Cell Phone in a Plane, Train or Metal Building—Here’s Why
Cell Phones Emit More Harmful Radiation than FM Radios
Warning! This Cell Phone Safety ‘Spin’ Could Make You Dizzy

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Wow! That's a lot to take in at one time. I get Dr. Mercola's newsletters, too. I hadn't read mine yet this morning until I read your blog. It makes sense. It almost seems overwhelming to me. But I can focus on one thing at a time and try to do that. Thanks for putting this up here.

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 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...