Sunday, April 8, 2012

Greed breeds stupidity

Hi everyone,

  I'm going to share another of Nikki's emails, with her permission of course!  I don't know if you can really relate to what she is going through or not, but certainly at SOME time in your life you were the underdog or weren't treated fairly.  If you can honestly say, "No I haven't" then you must live on another planet, but good for you.  You can just skip reading this post then because you wouldn't get it anyway.

 I can recall my father waxing his car and how it used to gag me.  My father, who never touched me lovingly or said any loving words that I can recall, used to fondly rub his car down with wax.  You know the process.  You get some wax on your cloth and then rub and rub and rub until the paintjob looks brand new.  The whole process takes hours to do your whole car. 

 My father, who didn't have a minute to spend building up his daughter, would spend HOURS waxing his car.  In my opinion, that's what our current Governor and staff are doing--they're waxing the polish instead of cleaning up the mess on the inside.  "We've got money coming in," is all they see while North Dakotans lives are falling apart as a result.  If you still don't get it, then read Nikki's email but I'm warning you--it's NOT pretty!



Hi again,

The term 'growing pains' is a political cover word to make it sound like something 'nice' is going on out here. There is nothing nice about it. And there is no 'growing' - there is only 'destruction'. The latest 'pain' is Dalrymple soliciting 30 states to send MORE people and MORE out of state businesses out here, to trample us even more, while we don't have the room or desire for the thousands who have already invaded.

There is NO REASON TO DRILL AT THIS RATE. And it is JUST PLAIN STUPID AND TOTALLY UNCARING to cause MORE problems... yet that is exactly what he is doing. And, why?, one might ask. Because of the dollar bills they get to roll in.

Never mind how many more lives are taken by cold-blooded murder and highway deaths, how many more crimes now assail us, sewers over-flow, towns dry up from lack of water, crop lands get sold for concrete, electric grids burn up from over-capacity, landfills overflow from over-capacity, trash lines the roads/ditches/pastures/fields from 'campers' and drivers just heaving out their trash, rapists assail us to where a lady can no longer go to Walmart after dark, roads that used to have scorio for our farm and ranch trailers have been pulverized to gumbo and pot-holed to undriveable, farmers and ranchers can no longer afford scorio or even get it because we don't own oil companies to pay the outrageous prices, grocery stores/hardware stores greedily gauging us, strip joints becoming front page news for all their 'business', classes being given to women to learn to use weapons of self-defense, pistols in our vehicles and purses to defend ourselves, locks on doors we've never locked, locks on barns/trailers/tack sheds, locking our homes just to sleep at night, truck drivers and pick-up drivers running our tractors literally off the road, school buses being run off the road to where we have cops riding in them now, people who drive the actual speed limit being run off the road, students and families losing their homes because a $250 apartment just shot up to $2,500, cattle dying from the road dust which causes lung distress and death, cattle being killed on our open rangeland roads, private water wells going dry from the drilling and fracking disturbances, agricultural land being driven up to prices so high that no farmer or rancher will ever afford land again, elderly being shoved out of their lifelong homes from the price gauging, ...

our own people can't afford to start up businesses because the state government monopolizes the Workmen's Comp insurance and gauges OUR people so badly they can't even get started, YET... Dalrymple tells out of state businesses to come on in and wipe us out... AND NOT PAY PROPERTY TAXES... while at the same time, continually opposing Measure 2, saying that WE would be giving out of state property owners a benefit - all the while, though, Dalrymple and the state OFFERS THAT BENEFIT to every business to wipe us out. Why aren't NORTH DAKOTANS given the no-property-tax benefit instead of out-of-staters??

What is even more stupid (if that's possible) is to set this outrageous number of wells to be drilled every year, and INCREASE the number we already CANNOT HANDLE, when we can't even ship the oil, or process the oil, or capture the gas that is burning into the air. We are BEYOND CAPACITY and IF WE HAD A GOVERNOR WITH ANY SENSE, (ie, PAUL SORUM has the sense we need), NO MORE BUSINESSES OR PEOPLE would be allowed to come here. How entirely STUPID it is to continue to CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS. Yet that is exactly what the H-D dynasty is doing. It's the big spot-light, remember? At what point will the spotlight shine the truth: "spotlight on stupid". 

Articles from WISE agricultural people are printed - and ignored! - inclusive of "are you going to eat and drink oil?" We have a growing population, and H-D dynasty doesn't have sense enough to PROTECT OUR AGRICULTURE. Do you realize that throughout history, a nation that loses its agriculture becomes impoverished and vulnerable to the rest of the world?

This oil has been here for thousands of years. A limited number of wells should be set, according to our RESOURCES AND CAPACITY AND OUR PEOPLE, AGRICULTURE, AND LIVES should be the priorities for setting those limits.

GREED BREEDS STUPIDITY. And we are suffering the results of 'greedy, stupid' government.

If this writing seems 'hard' to take, then those who think so need to come out here and see what 'hard to take' really is. Try living with a pistol within finger-tip reach of your pillow at night, and fearing driving on our once-upon-a-time 'safe' roads, and once-upon-a-time 'safe' living. Our quality of life has PLUMMETED... and as it continues to spiral downward, Dalrymple tramples harder.

So, there's an answer to your disbelief, that you think they 'care' about people. NO, they do not. All they care about is rolling in the dollar bills and being in the big spotlight. We are their victims.

Furthermore, the OIL COMPANIES created the jobs that are here - NOT THE GOVERNMENT. But, alas, they take credit for what they have no credit in; and dodge responsibility for what they destroy; and cover up what the truth really is.

The big show about how Dalrymple sends 'millions of dollars' out here is a JOKE. Since when does a dollar bill bring someone back from the dead... become wheat/sunflowers/barley/corn/hay... quench the thirst of a person or animal who needs water...feed a hungry mouth... stop a rapist.... stop a fire that has consumed thousands of acres because out-of-staters throw cigarettes out windows... restore to an 82-year old man the homestead of 3 generations that is now a pile of ashes from another fire??? Throwing dollar bills at us, while INVITING MORE TROUBLE, is so beyond stupid and pathetic I truly can't find the words for it. And THAT, is our Governor and leaders of our state.

There is so much more, you would get tired of reading about it. Yet, we have to live it. More stupidity and waste by one of the most atrocious government agencies also escalates nothing but trouble - the infamous wretched social services fools. While a boyfriend rakes in $6000 a month, an un-wed girlfriend living with him collects welfare! And, to make bad worse, the fools of the SS declare that every child in a camper is 'homeless', which is ludicrous. Their parents are there, they have heat, cooling, food, beds, and more amenities than some of our own homes do. Yet the SS in all its idiocy declares these families to be in an unfit living situation. That entire agency should be abolished for far more reasons that this. As I said, the list goes on and on. And the catch-all word 'infrastructure' and throwing money out here while bringing in more trouble... what words are left... 

We are BEYOND CAPACITY and not one single more person or business should be allowed to come here. Our OWN people should be exempted from property taxes, and our OWN people should be able to start up a business. And our AGRICULTURE should be PROTECTED, NOT DESTROYED. And, as noted above, the drilling should be LIMITED according to the priorities I mentioned.
You said you wanted evidence; well, come on out and see for yourself. It won't be a fun trip.
We USED to live in the greatest ranch country, safe, family living, in the country. Now? We live in the oil PIT. It didn't have to be this way. If we could have gotten Paul Sorum in, he would have used good sense, and protected our lives and agriculture, while still allowing the oil to be drilled - at a reasonable rate. He has no need of a spotlight. He cares about PEOPLE and NORTH DAKOTA, not spotlights!

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