Friday, April 6, 2012


Good morning everyone,

  Praise God--I am FINALLY gaining on this bug!  I started gargling with warm salt water yesterday, as one of my clients had suggested, and it helped SO much!  I also bought THE best probiotic that Terry's had yesterday. 

I can't ever recall asking for THE best anything and then actually buying it--how could I ever think that I deserved it????  My friend, Renee, spent a few minutes going over all of the available probiotics.  She said, "80% of our immune system depends on the gut having adequate probiotics.  Everyone should take ONE of these a day and our nation's health would improve dramatically."  I decided to take her advice, as the probiotic that I'm currently taking doesn't seem to be doing all that much, so I started this morning.  Can you believe that I'm spending a dollar a day on probiotics??  OH MY!

Here is the next section of the national delegate selection at the GOP last weekend in Bismarck.  Notice how he says, "We've given you our permission long enough."  It's like they OWN the party and we, as little children to their parents, must have their permission to ask for a fair election process!!! 

This kind of control has gone on long enough!  If you are getting tired of having no affect in the legislative process, then I urge you to get involved earlier in the process and help pick true patriots to represent you. 

When the Patriots are 51% of the party, THEN we will make things fair for all.  I don't care if Romney gets 20% of the votes at the national convention, as that's roughly what he got in the caucus.  However, I must ask you to ponder why he should have 90% of the votes when Santorum won 40% of the votes and Ron Paul roughly 30%.  Is this fair?  Should a few people at the top of the North Dakota GOP decide who will go to the national convention and cast their votes for the next President???????????????????

Please listen to this whole event and then get involved in the process so that we have the numbers to turn things around in 2 years.  Like Cora says, the revolution began with Ron Paul running for President and it just keeps growing.  Praise God that HE has given us our rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  These are given to us by GOD--what right does the North Dakota Republican committee have to take them away?



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