Saturday, December 21, 2013

Standing Tall-ish

Today is a hard day for me as so much is going on at one time that I've become overwhelmed with my inability to do more, to be more, to think more accurately, to punctuate, to be everything that everybody wants/needs me to be.

Crying out to the Lord, He led me to this song.  I guess today I can see that it applies to me.  If it is what you need, then I include it with a hug for better days to come. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Piano duets

Now, I'm sure that you all know that I LOVE to play the piano.  Further, I LOVEEEEE to play piano duets with Cora!!!   However, I have NEVER seen piano duets like this.  Plainly, I have never seen ANY piano playing like THIS!!  ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's press on!!!!!!!!

At the end of a day I often grow weary.  At the end of a week I usually grow very weary.  At the end of a month I can become so overwhelmed with pushing through all that remains doing that I just wish that it was over already.  Can you imagine what the end of a year represents for me?

All of the unfinished projects; the unwritten letters; the unsaid kindnesses; the weariness of life can just wipe me ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

That's why this inspired me soo much!  I hope you'll watch too and together let's press on towards the mark of the high calling we have in Christ Jesus!

I think I can......................


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday music delight!

I'm sure that everyone is enjoying all of the awesome music this time of year as much as I am!  I just heard this AWESOME creation and am just floored with their talent!

Today is a special day as the CCRC is having it's debut.  Yes, I have been a part of this secret society aimed at teaching people the contents of the US Constitution, but we're coming out of the closet.

Come check out our booth at the Hazelton Holiday Happening and hey, as long as you're there, you may just want to buy something.  We're raising funds to host Constitution classes so, as they always say, it's for a good cause.

Happy Sabbath everyone!


Monday, December 2, 2013

SOOOOOOOOOO disappointed

I went to Eureka yesterday for my dad's birthday and was soooooooooooo disappointed.  When I was there with Elizabeth last month, dad was much more open and loving, so that I was not prepared for his cold heart yesterday. 

I know that he knew what he was doing as I kept asking him if he knew who I was and he nodded or said, "Dawn".  I know that he hates me because I represent his failures to protect me.  I know that he, nor anyone else, is worth the pain that it causes me to hate back.  What option does that leave me?

On the way home, I decided that I'd never see him again and I'm pretty determined to keep that promise to myself.  HOWEVER, this morning Cora showed me this video of a song written during the time of great sorrow for the author.

Needless to say, I cried through it all and ended up hugging my wonderful daughter who knew how badly I was hurting last night.  You know how I know this?

Cora asked me, when I walked in the house last night, "So how was your day?"

I said, "Rotten," and went on to explain the details of my father's rejection even though I sang and played the clavinova in a hymn sing just for him which he used to love.

Anyway, last night Cora said as I headed for bed, "I know that it was a rough day when you head for bed at 7:30!" 

This morning she shared this song with me and I felt God's love rushing in once again!!!  I hope that it will bless someone out there who is hurting like me.  I certainly hope that it blesses YOU!

Clinging to Jesus,


Friday, November 29, 2013

Can't read it

Although I can't read the writing my heart certainly can read the acts of kindness.  If you want more hope for the world, then watch this video with joy as I just did!!!

Love of love,


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Warm in my heart

Hi everyone,

It's bitter cold out there tonight and, of all nights, Sally refused to come in on her own.  I'm so thankful that Jacob was there to fetch her in for the night milking.  I am so NOT ready for Winter and cccccccccccccooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllldddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

I was trying to find an old song from collage days called, "In this quiet place" but was not successful.  Then I saw this one and it made me feel warm inside even on a night like this.  I wonder how many times I sang this as a child or as I taught it to my children.  I wonder how the world could ever get tired of it.  I know that I cannot.

Thank you sweet Jesus, for telling me at an early age that you loved me!  :)


Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I just love the Booth Brothers.  Today, as we celebrate Andrew's 23rd birthday, I celebrate his salvation, and mine, and yours...................

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDREW!!!  I love you soooooooooooooo much!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

View ourselves as winners!

WOW--I just watched this short video and was amazed to see the impact that self perception makes on our lives!  It just goes to show that, if through some miracle we can begin to see ourselves as winners, we will BECOME winners.  Every BodyTalk session that I receive takes me one step closer to seeing myself as a winner in ALL aspects of life.  Who knows, maybe someday I will actually see that happen in my reality.

Have an awesome week everybody!


Sunday, October 27, 2013

God's comforting ways

It's been pretty rough today since I have a terrible toothache and I am grieving the death of a BodyTalk friend.  Then God had a friend send me this link and suddenly I knew that today IS a super special day for me because I AM ALIVE and so are YOU!!!

I love you all!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

leap for joy

I praise God for Pastor Joseph Prince who preaches and administers to my heart like nobody ever has.  Why?  because he gives me hope and today he even gave me joy.

You see, recently I received a letter pointing out that I am not perfect and you know how much I dislike that thought.  However, after listening to this 6 minute video by Pastor Prince, I have JOY that I have been insulted as one living in sin.

When I first read the letter, I comforted myself by thinking, 'Everyone is living in sin,' but then it really started to smart in my heart that this special friend showed me such little grace in her letter.
The Bible says that we are to correct a brother/sister at the presence of 2 witnesses which she did NOT do.

However, as I cried out to the lord (my computer keyboard is dying and it won't capitalize l for me today but God knows that), for the response that He had for me to this ugly letter which was based strictly on hearsay and twisted by fear, this is what He gave me.

I covet your prayers as I respond the way that God wants me to and I'm asking that you will pray that God's positive will completely overwhelm my negative, helpless, sinful nature.  May my response bring joy to all people and may it open doors for healing to all involved.

For my weaknesses, He has given strength in the past and I beg of Him to do it again.

Happy Sabbath beloved ones,


PS.  Please know that Pastor Prince is teasing about Elvis--those who don't know Pastor Prince well may wonder at those remarks. I urge you to keep watching and you will hear one of the most powerful explanations of how God works through us weak ones to do His miracles.  Praise God!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Back to work

Soon, I promise, I will share about the Great Radionics Expo which I was privileged to be a speaker in but I will just say that I took my Kangen water machine with me to the expo and continued to be strong and alive with great joy.  For FOUR whole days I pretty much kept up with my sons as I guzzled this wonderful Kangen water.

If you would like to have more energy and grow younger as the days go by, listen to this video.

Be back soon!

Hugs to all,


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Drink Kangen water or else.........

Andrew just found a new toy on his smart phone and it is hilarious!  I am even MORE determined to drink at least a gallon of Kangen water EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew was quite shocked when I asked him to let me share it as it really is quite repulsive.  He can advance the age of a person with his new program up to 50 years.  It was a hoot to see him but WOW not so pretty to see me 50 years older. 

If YOU want to reverse aging, come on over and pick up some Kangen water.  Go ahead and ENJOY a laugh at my expense.  I can take it having seen around 100 people in their 50's 60's 70's and 80s who drink Kangen water every day.  They did NOT look like this. 

The laughing aside, today was the 9th day of my Master Cleanse and it's going better now.  It sure has been rough so I'm glad that tomorrow is the last full day.  Things are hanging more loosely on me so I'm happy.
Love to all you Master Cleansers out there tonight!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Don't watch these

Don't watch these while eating!  I'm serious!!!

Never-the-less, I urge you to watch this video as it IS remarkable!  However, I MUST share this disclaimer.

Have you ever noticed how people look at the world through the view of their mindset or worldview as some people call it?  Well, Dr Shinya's mindset seems to me to be that animal products cause all of the health problems in this world.  ):

Now, as much as I admire his work, I would have preferred that he had shared this video from the perspective of what Kangen water did to help these folks.  It doesn't take much discernment to see that his bias against animal products is stronger than his love of Kangen water and I couldn't DISagree more!!!!!!!!!

Decades of research shows that grass-fed beef, and it's products, are absolutely essential to our health.  The brain cannot function without these in our diet!  I used to think it was just because I was raised on as much as I wanted of great grass-fed beef from my dad's ranch that I grew weak without it.  Now I know that it is NOT "Just me."

One client of mine told me that she asked her naturopath, "Of all the changes that I need to make in my life, which is the most important for me to make with the resources that I have?"  Do you want to know what the doctor said?

"GRASS-FED, ORGANIC (IF POSSIBLE), BEEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dr. Mercola was the first one who confirmed from his research that our bodies MUST have healthy animal fats or suffer.  Children's brains especially must have the fat from animal products to keep growing normally.  How thankful I am that God placed me in a ranch family where I had unlimited access to all of the great beef and raw milk that my body needed then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as you listen to this, I would urge you to ponder what it is that folks have with their beef.  Have you ever gone to a fast food restaurant; ordered a burger; and NOT gotten it with MORE bread in the bun than there was beef in the burger?????????????????

Dr. Mercola, and many others, recommend absolutely NO grains in our diets.  It is MUCH better to feed the grains to animals who make far superior products for our bodies than grains ever could be!!!

On the Trim Healthy Mama diet, AFTER you have lost all of the weight that needs to go, you can have sour dough bread like the pioneers used to feed their children.  With all of the obesity causing all kinds of problems for Americans (and now world-wide thanks to us), we need to look at the real culprit and that is refined carbohydrates including BREAD!!! 

For this reason, I urge everyone to buy THM and start following this proven weight-loss plan.  Further, start eating more vegetables.  I learned in Sally Fallon's book, "Nourishing Traditions," that not all vegetables are healthiest in their raw state but, for Pete's sake, don't boil them all to death as I was taught to do. 

I encourage you to read "Nourishing Traditions" for another reason.  She teaches you how to lacto-ferment grains before you eat them which removes the phytic acid coating which irritates so many people's intestinal tracts.  Until you reach your ideal weight, though, I cannot encourage ANY eating of grains whatsoever as THEY irritate the intestinal tract and cause many of the problems which Dr. Shinya (because of his anti-animal products stance) attributes to the problems in these scenes.

Go ahead and watch now.  In fact, I dare you to.  It's always a good thing to know what may be going on inside your body. 

Here's another video with proper English.  I AM becoming aware that we are linked to everyone in the world and I AM grateful beyond measure to the Japanese people for sharing Kangen water with
us, but it still bugs me a bit to hear English used poorly.  SIGH!!!

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Here's to an ABUNDANT healthy life for all of God's children!!!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 2 and 3

Day 2 and 3 were exact opposites and I loved them both.  Yesterday was quietly spent at home picking chokecherries and processing them.  Day 3 today was busy running all over Bismarck and seeing clients PLUS the 2 hours on the road of course.

The best part about today, though, was weighing myself and finding that I have lost 4 pounds already!!!  Either the Kangen water or jump starting my metabolism with Trim Healthy Mama have made the difference.

Most people will lose from 15 to 20 pounds in 10 days on the MC.  My metabolism was so stuck, though, that I did it for 30 days last year and lost 12 pounds--UGH!  Needless to say I am delighted with the progress so I press on.

Sleep well my loves!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

This is GREAT!

We just found this explanation of how Kangen water works in the body to heal like nothing else.  It's true and Dr. Michael can explain it in under 12 minutes so please open your mind; sit down; and truly listen.  This information can change your life as it has mine and so many others!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Master Cleanse 7--day 1

Hi everyone,

I trust that your Sabbath rest was refreshing and that your fellowship was enlightening.  I had a nice day with my family quietly enjoying farm life. 

Cora and I decided to do another master cleanse together and this was the first full day.  This means that we have been working our way into it for the past 3 days which is the only safe way to begin and end such an intensive time of cleansing.

We learned something very valuable today.  I have been all excited to do this cleanse with Kangen water.  I thought, "It'll be so neat to cleanse more quickly," but it wasn't!!!!!

Today Cora and I discussed the fact that neither one of us has been feeling very well.  She said, "Maybe we shouldn't combine the Master Cleanse with Kangen water.  Maybe it makes us detoxify too quickly.  Being it is capable of blasting apart medications, maybe it is getting the lemonade into our cells too quickly."   HMMM 

That was when we got the idea to Goggle master cleansing with Kangen water.  When Cora found an article about doing the lemonade cleanse with 7.0 water, we knew what to do.  Of course, I don't know why I didn't think about this 4 days ago, but now we know that we CAN combine Kangen water with the master cleanse--only use 7.0 instead of the stronger waters.

I am so happy that I don't have to give up my Kangen water over the next few weeks of master cleansing.  I am so happy that Cora is doing this with me.  I am so happy that there are so many wonderful ways to help our bodies to get well.  Now for some food......  WRONG!  I just thought I'd check to see if anyone is listening.  :)

Have a great week!


PS. Here is something that we did this past week--took family pictures.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

One smart woman

Wow--this doctor is one smart woman.  I learned so much more about water listening to her and I am thankful for the chance to take one more step towards becoming a molecular hydration specialist like Michael and certain of my friends.  My day is coming.  :) 

If you've been wondering about water clustering or the hexagonal shape of Kangen water, the answers are here.  Also, why RO water is BAD for you and how to get rid of addictions and stop plagues with Kangen water. 

BTW, if you happen to be in Bismarck on Monday night, PLEASE come by the Ramada and take advantage of the Kangen water class which I am coordinating for those friends mentioned above. 

Here's to getting younger every day with Kangen water!  Want to give it a try for 30 days--it's on me!


Saturday, August 3, 2013


"Help me, Lord?"  You mean this works?  If you're not convinced, watch this 7 minute video by Pastor Prince explaining why God is NOT impressed with loooooooooooooong prayers.

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Running the bars

If you have read my previous post, you now know that Consciousness Bars is a whole new way of thinking BUT that comes about partly by becoming more aware of your thoughts AND by having your bars run.  What does this mean?

Well, there are 32 points on the head that are the bars locations.  One week ago yesterday I took the one day Bars class to learn how to stimulate these 32 points on the head.  It's easy and fun and VERY bonding!  I had my bars run twice that day and have been running bars on folks all week with GREAT results.  People are more relaxed, more positive, and more happy after I added in the Bars with my BodyTalk sessions.  I can even give "Just" bars sessions for those who want to sample it all by itself.  That worked well too!

Let me tempt you to come in for a bars treatment with this short video.  You'll be happy you did!

Leave it to Bars

It has now been one week since I took the wonderful Access Consciousness Bars class and it's been an amazing week!!!  "How can it get any better than this?" has become my constant focus and it DOES work to make me more receptive to the Lord's blessings that He is just aching to send my way.

Another tool is to ask, "Who does this belong to?  Is it mine?"  Sit and listen quietly and you will hear your inner self answer.  If it's your stuff, then we'll need to talk further.  However, lots of times it really isn't my stuff at all.  It's somebody else's frustration that I'm picking up on.  In that case, all I have to do is say, "Send back to sender," and the energy will go back to the person who is able to deal with it.  It's really cool!!!

I just found this cute video to show you how it works.  Check it out and start to lighten your emotional overload by returning other people's stuff to them right away.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

South Dakota

I was just working on registering Jacob and I for Raymon Grace's class and The Great Radionics Expo in Rapid City this Fall when I found this video.  WOW.

 I've been involved in many roundups but none like THIS!  It made me happy to say that I'm from South Dakota which hasn't happened very often.  Perhaps I'm "Getting over it," as I have been advised to do repeatedly.  I'm thinking that the Bars class which I took last weekend may have something to do with this renewed interest in my home state.  Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this short video of a BUFFALO roundup!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Big compliment

Cora just shared a song with me that turned out to be a big compliment.  She knows how much I love to sing praises of my wonderful Lord.  She knows how much I LOVE to sing harmony with those I love and how, once in awhile, I love to solo some of my most favorite songs when anyone will listen.  However, this song knocks my socks off!

More than anything, even more than wanting to be a famous religious singer all my life, I have wanted to have a happy home.  All the years of growing up in one that was not loving, happy, or supportive became my driving force to give up ALL to have what I wanted MOST--a loving environment to live in!

Never did I think that it would make this kind of an impact, though, and it thrills me to think of my 32+ years of being a homemaker having had THIS kind of an impact.  Here's to all of you true ladies out there who, more than anything, value a happy home and family!  That doesn't mean that you don't have other interests, just that NOTHING else matters more than serving God by serving your family!  It's REALLY worth it all, ladies, and this is my tribute to you!!!

God bless all of the homemakers out there!!!  You ARE changing the world for the better and I bless you whole-heartedly!

Dawn for happy homemaking!  Go, ladies, GO!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We trust in God in America

Here's another tribute to our great country.  I may just keep posting them as I find them so stay tuned for what's GREAT about the USA!

Our great Republic


I just listened to my all time favorite female singer, Sandi Patty, honoring our country as she sang on Independence Day 2009 at DisneyLand.  WOW--she is simply the best at moving me to tears of gratitude to God and, in this case, it's for making me an American citizen.

Our country IS the greatest EVER!!! God brought it into being; God has preserved our Republic: and by God's help we WILL keep it for generations to come.

Let's BLESS our country--you who love God.  Your blessing is the most powerful thing that you have to give and by blessing our country we WILL stir up the hearts of the people to preserve this Republic forever!!!  BLESS, BLESS, BLESS America along with Sandi Patty and me and all who love freedom.

PLEASE take 5 minutes sometime before Independence Day ends tomorrow to listen to this tribute to GOD who put us in this great country.  GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

For freedom,


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I just received this email and, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why I would receive it.  I am NOT in favor of "Gay rights!!!" 
 Why would I be in favor of something which destroys people?  I have the power within me to commit suicide but you probably would not be blessed by it.  No, resisting that temptation every time that it lifts it's ugly head in my life makes me the victor over my natural desires from having grown up an incest victim.  It means that I'm here for my family and friends instead of buried in the cemetery lying there forgotten and useless to God. 
People have the right to break all of God's laws if they insist upon it.  They have that right to destroy their lives if they insist upon it.  The Bible is full of "Do this" and "Don't do that" and every one of them is for our GOOD!!!

When will we people realize how much God loves us??????????  I know that it took me decades and I still struggle at times grasping how much God is for me.  Pastor Joseph Prince of Singapore( has helped me more than any pastor to help me to grasp God's grace extended towards me from the cross.  His series, "Condemnation Kills" has freed me from the self-hatred that fuels my suicidal tendencies.  When I truly feel God's love for me, all I want to do is run towards him and soak it all up.  All I want is to live for Him and share His love with everyone.

Yes, once a person learns to accept God's grace they can learn how to truly love themselves.  Only then is loving others even a possibility.  I am positive that God loves gay people as much as He loves everyone else.  I know that I sure do. 
 However, if someone were to come into my office and share with me that they're fighting suicidal tendencies, I would feel led to help them get the help that they need to keep living the life which God has for them.  I would do the same for someone who came to me for help with the miseries that their gay lifestyle is causing them. 
I firmly believe that if a person fully grasped how much God loves them, they would no longer want to keep hurting themselves as a gay person.  Why don't they feel God's love?  I believe that it is because of feeling condemned all of their lives for every little thing that they do.  Where does this come from?
I believe that it comes from the churches.  Pastors haven't grasped God's grace and they're not teaching their parishioners to extend it to everybody.  Condemnation, like cancer, grows and spreads and takes over whole organizations.  Pretty soon everybody who enters the doors feels, as I have felt in nearly every church that I belonged to, that nothing they do is ever good enough.
After a lifetime of this kind of condemnation, people start linking the condemnation that they're feeling in organized religion with God which couldn't be further from the truth!  God blesses (read The Power of Blessing by Kerry Kirkwood) everybody!!  In fact, I learned in that book that if I ever condemn others with a superior attitude, then I have just placed myself in direct opposition to God!!!  He then must condemn me for my Pharasitical attitude and the blessings stop flowing into my life and who wants that?

No, I do not condemn the people who wrote this email or those who cheered as our US Supreme Court brought condemnation upon itself by ignoring Scripture.  What we followers of God, our creator, must do is start blessing all involved in this type of thinking.  Let the church bless ALL people and it will again prosper and be a light in the darkness that it once was before condemnation took over and choked out God's love.  Let's let the judging of the Supreme Court rest in the hands of the Almighty and let's just bless EVERYBODY so God's love can again flow to ALL the hurting in our land!!
God bless,


PS.  Yes, I did unsubscribe to their emails but I also want to take this opportunity to educate and to bless you all with God's sweet blessings of love, compassion, and sympathy for all who are hurting!

Today we celebrate love and equality. The Supreme Court struck down the crushingly unjust "Defense of Marriage Act," which barred same-sex married couples from recognition by the federal government along with the rights and benefits (like Social Security) that comes with that recognition.
And for gays and lesbians in California, the justices ruled that a lower court's ruling stands, ending enforcement of Proposition 8 and allowing all couples the freedom to marry under state law.
Join us in this exciting moment in celebrating today's historic victory for equality. Share the image above with your friends and family on Facebook:
Thanks to supporters like you, we helped win marriage equality in 13 states and the District of Columbia, and now federal benefits for same-sex couples. Today's decision is an incredible validation of the work we've done, and now is the time to celebrate before getting back to work to ensure everyone in every state has the freedom to marry.
Thanks for your activism, which has made a difference.
Jordan Krueger and the entire CREDO Action team
CREDO Action
1. "Gay Rights Supporters Erupt in Cheers Over Ruling," Associated Press, June 26, 2013

© 2013 CREDO. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Trying not to cry

I just read this and am trying NOT to cry!!!

Years of Math 1950 - 2013.

Last week I purchased a burger at Burger King for $1.58. The counter girl took my $2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen on her register.

I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and cried.

Why do I tell you this? Because of the evolution in teaching math since the 1950s:

1. Teaching Math In 1950s

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

2. Teaching Math In 1960s

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

3. Teaching Math In 1970s

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit?

4. Teaching Math In 1980s

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

5. Teaching Math In 1990s

A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living?

Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it's ok. )

6. Teaching Math In 2009

Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?

7. Teaching Math In 2013

Who cares, just steal the lumber from your rich neighbor's property. He won't have a gun to stop you, and the President says it's OK anyway cuz it’s redistributing the wealth.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wedding day prayer request

Hi everyone,

The Bornemann family is heading to a home school wedding today and we're so excited!  It's a bright beautiful day so all of us have high spirits for that reason.  :)

  Robert just pulled home his new disc bine so that the hay can be cut no matter how many wet gopher holes there are out there in the alfalfa fields.  The last wet haying season we had, the guys spent as much time digging mud out of the cutter bars as cutting down the alfalfa.  They came home so grumpy after weeks of that so I rejoice that God has made the way for us to enjoy this luxury!!!

  The only dark cloud is that Cora isn't feeling the best this morning.  Please pray that the whirlpool miracle, BodyTalk session, and lots of Kangen water get her ready to go in 3 hours time.  PLEASE.  This is a special friend of ours and Cora would be so bummed to miss Esther's wedding.  PLEASE pray and/or send Reiki to my girl NOW!

Best wishes for a wonderful late Spring day--SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE AND IT 'S MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!!!  YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love to all you gardeners out there and anyone who is planning a wedding!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm a Kangen water miracle

Hi everybody,

I think that most of you know that I have discovered Kangen water and I am sooo thrilled!  I started drinking it about 3 months ago and I have very little arthritic pain left in my knees!!!  I sleep better; take about 1/10 the arthritis pain relievers that I took before I found this miracle worker; have more energy, and am so much happier as I look forward to a pain-free old age!!

I've been watching lots of videos as I study to share this information with the world.  This one is an awesome explanation of how people who regularly drink Kangen water return to a healthier, younger state of being. 

I love the motto that Enagic chose to help people grasp how powerful this water is: change your water--change your life!  I'm so glad that I did and I'd be happy to help you do so also! 

God bless,


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our country's leadership

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry but this did NOT make me very confident in our government. My goodness--I suppose it's better than lieing. However, if he really DOES know, then saying that he doesn't know really IS a lie! HMM

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I haven't written much here lately as I've been busy doing "Stuff".  We've been calving and spent Friday running the cattle up to the pasture as we're nearly out of hay.  That was the WORST cattle drive of my life as nothing went right and Jacob got hurt.  A cow KICKED him off of his dirt bike and now I'm doctoring his wounds and doing extra BodyTalk for him.  Please keep him in your prayers.

I did a trade show and met an awesome lady named Debbie.  Debbie and I are the same age; are married the same number of years; and both of us have a passion to help those who are hurting.  It looks like Debbie will be sharing my office starting in July.  That makes me VERY happy as it's just sitting there doing nothing half of the time.  Debbie is involved with Young Living Essential Oils and she sells magnetic jewelry which is just gorgeous.

We've been trying to get the garden planted but it's been wet which is wonderful.  We did get the green house planted so that makes us a bit less nervous with it getting later and later.

My big news is that I have fallen in love with Kangen water.  My friend from my youth, Anna, has been telling me about how the water helped her diabetes and her heart and her weight and her aches and pains.  I started drinking the water 2 months ago and it's been helping a LOT with the arthritis in my knees.  I decided to become a distributor and my machine will arrive this week.

I feel king of dead as I write this.  I feel like this must be the most boring writing that I have ever done and yet I feel as though I am to share it anyway.  I can't begin to imagine why as I sound so boring and I doubt that anyone will read this anyway.  Still, when one must write, one must write.

Greetings to all those I love and hugs and come on over for a glass of Kangen water--it's amazing.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Hi everyone,

I just watched this video about moms around the world getting their children's day started.  It made me so happy to be part of the world's oldest profession for a woman--motherhood!

Happy Mother's Day all you moms out there!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

My passion

My passion is helping people to feel better!  Today I gave 4 short sessions at the massage therapist convention and it was so awesome!  I watched the ladies who had received the sessions throughout the day and these special ladies walked around with smiles on their faces.  To summarize this very short post, before heading to bed early so that I'm ready for another day tomorrow, I guess you could say that my passion is making people happy.  :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Farming--why bother?

I've been so overwhelmed with farming this past month and it's not only me. Comments like, "That's why people get out of cattle," or "Why doesn't it just warm up?" or "Will YOU please go check the cows?" are common place with nearly 200 head of cattle to calve out plus 2 grain cleaners running long days and the weather being so gloomy..............................

This morning everyone was OUT of little patience and every one was walking around mumbling to themselves or each other if someone would listen and I asked myself again, "Why am I doing this?  Why are WE doing this?"

What I'm saying is that the concept that there are hungry people in the world who need the beef that we're trying to keep alive just doesn't cut it today. Then God led me to this video. I thought, "If only city people could grasp how much we go through to bring them their food, then maybe somebody would appreciate us a bit."

So I share this with the hopes that at least one person will really listen to it--I mean REALLY listen to it.  In case you think this is an exaggeration, it is NOT.  This is the life of the farmer!  I know because I'm the daughter of a farmer; I'm the wife of a farmer; I'm the mother of 3 farmers; PLUS I am a farmer.  This is my life and sometimes it's a plain old pain in the rear.

I'm praying that you'll think about it and say a prayer for farmers who, besides all that he mentions in this video, risk their lives to deal with mad mamas as we try to help their helpless newborns get out of the mud..........................

I guess, if you haven't lived through calving season, you probably can't grasp the despair that sets in after seeing one or two dead bodies in the mud and snow.  All I ask is that you think of us once in awhile, when you're eating your burgers or your steaks or your roasts, and thank God that some farmer somewhere did the work that brought you that beef because sometimes it's pure hell out here--pure hell!



Saturday, March 30, 2013

God with us!

After all the years of being unloved, it's taken me a looong time to grasp what it's like to have someone "For me."  As I have pondered Pastor Prince's teachings for over a year now, it is slowly sinking in that God  really, truly is FOR ME!  This wonderful concept was strengthened again as I read the devotional this morning which I am sharing below.
If you are having a hard time grasping how very much God is for you and what that means, then I urge you to read these very special words today and apply them to YOU.
Sabbath blessings,


So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
Matthew 1:22–23
Jesus Is Immanuel—God With Us
Jesus is also known by the name Immanuel, meaning the Almighty God is with us. How comforting it is to know that our awesome Almighty God, who is also our loving Father, is always with us!

Now, what does it mean to say “God with us”? We must understand it the same way the Hebrew people would have understood it.

The Jewish mind understands that when the Lord is with you, you become successful in every endeavor. The Bible records that whenever the Lord was with them in battle, the children of Israel were never defeated, and every military campaign ended in overwhelming success. In fact, in the battle for Jericho, the city was theirs with just a shout (Joshua 6:20)! The Lord was with them. Even in battles when they were outnumbered, they triumphed because the Lord was with them.

It is no different for you today. Jesus is with you to help you, assist you, turn things around for you and make good things happen for you. He is not with you to condemn, judge or find fault! When Almighty God is with you, good things will happen in you, around you and through you. Expect this to happen to you today!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Chore time: From glass to glass

I just received this email and I wish that we lived closer.  I thought I'd share it for those of you who are near Fergus Falls.  At any rate, the DVD sounds great--my kind of people.  Sometimes chores get old but I just cannot imagine living without raw milk........

Raw Milk Production Workshop

Thursday, March 14, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The instructor will be Tim Wightman, author of the Raw Milk Production Handbook and the DVD, Chore Time: From Grass to the Glass-A Complete Guide to Raw Milk Production. The workshop is open to all current raw milk producers and consumers and those looking to get more information before starting an operation.

Event Details:
March 14, 2013 - Thursday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at Library Building Room 103, M State Fergus Falls
1414 College Way, Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Tickets: $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family
Price includes local foods lunch

Please register by Monday, March 11 so that the lunch count will be accurate.

To RSVP, email the following information to Sue Wika:
Email and/or phone:
Make checks payable to "Sue Wika" and either send to Sue Wika at 11643 State Highway 78, Ashby, MN 56309 or pay with cash or check at the door.
Thanks to the workshop sponsor, Southwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership.

For more info, contact Sue Wika at or

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My own website and other news

Recently a dream came true for me.  One of my clients has designed a website for me which you can check out  It's my blog called, Links to Healing, which he converted into a website.  It's so exciting to see this a reality for me.

Not as exciting is that our farm will no longer be organic.  I cannot even come up with words to describe my grief.  Why do they have to make farming so complicated?  Please pray for me and our family as we work into the wonderful world of Monsanto.  I just cannot believe that this is God's will--there MUST be another way!!!

DEEPLY sorrowful,


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day of Resistance

Happy Sabbath everyone,

I just received this email which states that today is a day to resist big government's attempts to take over every aspect of our lives.  When I read the book, "1987" in high school English class, I was shocked to think that people could ever be forced to live like that.  If we do nothing to resist it, I believe that we WILL live like those people depicted in 1987. 

At the very least, everyone needs to read 1987 and that will wake you up.  We need EVERYBODY awake in order to thrust off of us the chains that are already forming around our daily lives.  We need to firmly and repeatedly tell Washington, and our State legislators, that we will NOT be pushed around by them EVER!!!

Please read this email and act on it.  May God bless you richly for becoming an active citizen of this incredible nation that we've been given. 


Dear Patriot:

The Day of Resistance is almost here. On Saturday, February 23rd ,121 groups around the country will take stand against the freedom-bashing, big government agenda of the Obama regime, in peaceful demonstrations that say loudly “We’re not going to take this anymore!” Help us send this message loud and clear HERE.

For most of my adult life, I was complacent. Many of you were likely the same. I naively believed that the people in Washington, D.C., who swore in their oath of office to protect and uphold the Constitution, were doing the best thing for the country and her citizens, adhering always to the Constitution and acting in the nation's best interests. What awakened me was when then President Bush allowed himself to be used in the midst of a ‘crisis’ and stated that he was abandoning his belief in free market principles to "save" the free market. What he should have said was, “Welcome to Big Government 101” or "I don't actually believe in free markets, including the vital "stick" of allowing failure when businesses make poor decisions. Bailouts are anything but "free market."

This act opened the door to four years worth of usurping the Constitution and attacking our freedoms. For the last four years, we have had our freedom attacked at every angle, over-and-over again. At times, throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, I have felt like the American people were a punching bag as we were thrashed with bad policy, backbreaking debt, and freedom destroying mandates and laws, like ObamaCare and "Porkulus." While I woke up four years ago from my lulled sleep to the reality of the cesspool of D.C., for many, the straw that broke the camel's back was the use of the loss of innocent lives at Sandy Hook Elementary by the left to attack and limit our 2nd Amendment rights. What part of ‘SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED’ do they not understand?!

Do the "intellectual" elitists not understand what a "right" is? Do they want us to register our First Amendment or the remaining ones as well? Rights, as the Founding Fathers properly proclaimed, are given to us by God. They are inherent. They are...NOT NEGOTIABLE, nor are they debatable! Will you stand with us to send this message at a DAY OF RESISTANCE rally near you?

If you have not connected with a group in your area, then you can find a rally near you at If there is not one in your area, then consider gathering like-minded friends together in your own, private event to stand together in this fight for freedom. Please also share the event with your friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag: #DayOfResistance

The Second Amendment exists in granting Americans the right to bear arms as a last means of protection against a tyrannical, abusive government. While the likes of redcoat Piers Morgan wants to ask if we really believe our government would turn against us, I assert that in many ways, it already has! We are ready to stand and fight; to be a voice for freedom in the midst of a glaring attempt to silence it. We ask humbly, but boldly, that you help us to do so HERE.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cora's new blog

Hi everyone,

Cora started a new blog so that she could post pictures again as she filled her first one up completely.  Here's the link--  I love her blog as she shares daily what we're doing here.  I love the name as counting our blessings is the best way to be happy every day.

I took a class this past weekend about the enneagram.  You can read about it here and learn how studying what type of personality we have can help our relationships:

There's a free test that you can take in 10 minutes which will most likely show you which personality you have.  It was very interesting to me to see that I am not the perfectionist that I thought I was.  My mother was a perfectionist but I was just living to please her.  Actually I am a helper. 

It's good to be a helper as everyone knows that they can depend on you.  What we learned in class, though, I have learned by experience.  Everyone can depend on a helper EXCEPT the helper! 

I sat with 2 women who also were helpers who said the same thing.  They both have problems with taking care of themselves, until they absolutely MUST, although everyone else's wishes are MOST important.  One of them has suffered from shingles and cancer, as I have, so it was a warning to take a little time to take care of myself every day which I will now go and do.

Have a great week!


PS.  If you care to share here what you are, after taking the test on the enneagram site, I would love to hear about it--especially if you're a 2.  Maybe we can start a club?  I can help you........................  ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013

He did it again!

Pastor Prince once again got me sitting here in tears of joy!  He is so amazing, like his Heavenly Father!

 I have never heard anyone teach like Pastor Prince does.  I have never felt God's love for me this strongly in all my life.  I praise God for Pastor Prince's preaching on God's grace which is freeing my mind from all of the condemnation I and others have heaped on me all my life!  As he would say, "Hallelujah." 

Here's today's devotional with best wishes for a joyful day; a peaceful Sabbath rest; and a great new week.  I'll tell you more about the class I'm taking later.  The Lord just opened up the doors a few minutes ago and I am very excited.



Jesus Took Your Place So That You Can Take His
Matthew 27:46
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

Do you know that it was at the cross that Jesus addressed His Father as “God” for the first time? He had always addressed His Father as “Father”. But at Calvary’s tree, He addressed His Father as “God”.

Jesus lost that Father-Son relationship when He was representing you and carrying your sins at the cross so that today, you can call God “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15) and have a loving father-son relationship with God forever. Jesus was forsaken by God and His world became very dark on that lonely hill so that in your darkest hour, God will always say to you, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5)

At the time when Jesus needed God most, God turned His back on Him. God had to turn His back on His Son because His eyes are too holy to behold all the sin that was in His Son’s body. And because God turned His back on Jesus, He will never turn His back on you. Instead, you will see God’s face of favor shining on you all the time!

Jesus also took your place of no protection at the cross. For the first time, He gave up divine protection so that you can have it every day of your life! And because He became sin, He took your curse at the cross so that today, as you take His gift of righteousness, you receive only blessings from God.

Jesus received the full brunt of God’s wrath in His body once and for all when He carried your sins. All of God’s anger and condemnation fell on Him, consuming all your sins until God’s wrath was exhausted.

Today, God is not angry with you. The body of Jesus absorbed everything — your sins, curses, and God’s anger and condemnation. So live life expecting to see not the judgment, but the goodness and blessings of God!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Yesterday morning about 30 North Dakotans met by the steps of the Capitol building in Bismarck.  Andrew and I were there making a stand for smaller government.

 After the meeting a man came up to me and said, "I'm from the Tribune and took several pictures of you.  I am wondering if you'd be willing to give me your name in case I use one of them?"  Of course I smiled at him and told him my name and how Andrew had milked his cow and we drove an hour to get there to stand in the frigid January air.  He was very nice.

Last night, when I went searching for the article, I couldn't find it.  I was puzzled but kept looking.  All at once I saw myself in an article describing the weather for the week.  Here's the link so you can see the paragraph the Tribune decided to give to Patriots who drove in from across the state to meet together to protest the big government mentality moving into our state government.

I felt that the "Campaign for Liberty" meeting at the capitol deserved WORLD WIDE coverage hence the blog post.

My hats off to Charlene who drove over from Fargo and directed the whole thing. 

Andrea from Bismarck also deserves much praise for the hot chocolate and everything else she brought including her father and his sound system.

 Also many thanks to Rob Port who drove in from Western North Dakota to speak and to all others who helped in some way to make the event a success--even though we were as important to the Trib as the weather which comes and goes. 

My biggest compliments this morning go to my son, Andrew Bornemann, who is an immense help wherever he goes!  I am so proud of my son who is indispensable to any group who is blessed enough to have his support!!  Thanks, Andrew!!!

My advice to you is to keep your eye on the weather forecast--you never know what kind of interesting information may be tucked away deep inside those reports.  ;)


Sunday, January 13, 2013

A real thinker

 Hi everyone,

I've been doing some research on orgone energy today and found this article here:  I hadn't read much about Dr. Reich before but have heard my radionics instructors speak about him.  He was incredible but ahead of his time. 

We are NOT ahead of the time that he saw.  Indeed we are living right in it and it's about time that people realize that the "New World Order" is a dinosaur just like nuclear warfare is.  It's time for us to rejoice that we're smarter now and want peace more than before--having witnessed failed wars upon failed "Wars," if you catch my drift.

This is an deep article by an excellent writer.  I'm not sure why it was used to market a product but, if you feel led to develop your intuition with the product mentioned below (more info on that at the link above), go right ahead!  I certainly am in favor of THAT!  :)  I think that embracing our entire brain, as I was taught to do in my BodyTalk training, can do the same thing.  Anyway, here's a big bite to chew if you're still big time into the myth that we need the government in some way.

Blessings to all of you deep thinkers out there.  Oh yes, by all means, get yourself one of Mr. Crofts orgone pyramids.  I love mine and have witnessed many times when clients come in and are drawn to holding this energy converter.  They really work miracles!!!

May God bless you with a great week!


PS.  At first I thought that he made a typo on, "World Odor," but then I caught the pun.  Very clever indeed!  Also loved his definition for MDs.

Chances are good that if you’re reading this, you’re a discernment junkie and have discovered how much fun it is to uncover and implement simple truths, even when they challenge our own perceptions.

Really, we can track our individual and specie progress by looking at the succession of simple truths that have been assimilated and applied to every day life. For instance, in Dr Reich’s day, fascism was the fashionable mindset of the dominant Western cultures and, by now, people are simply growing weary of excessively-centralized political, intellectual, ecclesiastical and economic power.

That has been coming about in very small stages, despite the World Odor’s best efforts to stop that progression. Their main tool is disinformation, which is why scores of witless media personalities (the World Odor’s charismatic mouthpieces and exemplars) make more money than heads of states or corporate moguls earn.

Who can say that he/she knows all of the conditions in our world that lead to increasing human awareness? It may be better to avoid speculating about that, since there isn’t a lot of factual evidence, yet, but it’s clear that human progress has been accelerating in recent generations.

Dr Reich had the misfortune of being on a sort of cusp; a transition point between rampant institutional domination and individual freedom, which will be ultimately expressed, perhaps, by dynamic global unity and prosperity within a minimally-centralized planetary commonwealth. Many people have seen that coming, in fact, and there’s no reason at all why national frontiers should be any more significant than the borders between provinces are.

Europe is sure demonstrating the feasibility of that concept, at least, and as recently as Reich’s day some of those countries were still tearing each other apart, as they’d been doing for centuries. One of the World Odor’s Big Lies has been that humanity are naturally contentious, belligerent and even bloodthirsty but we know, by now, that most people only ever want peace, prosperity and to get along with each other.

FDR, the primary destroyer of the US Constitution, had to eventually arrange the slaughter of thousands in Hawaii in order to scam Americans into WWII, more than two years after it got started. His sponsors in London also sponsored Hitler and the Japanese war machine, so the latter weren’t the primary threats to ‘freedom’ in the world; they were middlemen for the families in London and Europe who facilitate the World Odor. This has been abundantly documented in public record for the past century and a half or so.

FDR got elected on the strident promise to keep us out of that arranged conflict, of course. The Depression Babies, who were brought up to worship FDR, didn’t have to be convinced at all to send their children to invade Vietnam, on the other hand, but that may be seen as a historical fluke. Shortly after that, Russia’s Depression Babies sent their children to invade Afghanistan, of course, and the Russians then got so fed up with communism that they simply rejected it soon afterward in a mostly bloodless coup.

All of the old and newer fascist ideologies, including the fundamentalist Persian church state, national-socialism and communism, have been proven to be impractical and even repugnant by now. Even the financial and petroleum cartels are losing humanity’s support. Note the series of failed attempts to crash the world’s stock markets over the past twenty years and the open discussion, even on the What To Think Network, of magnet-powered engines as a workable alternative to petroleum and nuclear power.

Notice, also, that the inventors of free-energy technology are not being murdered as frequently these days. All of this shows the increasing erosion of centralized authority in our world. I’ve dared to consider that the downfall of the World Odor, itself, may be bloodless and fairly trauma-free, except to the sewer rats of the World Odor.
The internet has been the catalyst for the more recent stage of humanity’s liberation and maturation process. No matter how many disinformants and doomsayers that the World Odor throws at the internet they will continue to fail and, by now, more and more people are seeing the saboteurs, themselves, as evident signs of progress.

There’s a specie-wide groundswell of desire to live more from our hearts and less in the realm of the manipulable brain. For many of us, by now, there’s a constant desire to integrate the mind and heart and maybe this is what WakeUp mainly facilitates. If you’re interested in taking larger bites of reality you probably know that there’s a risk of going insane, though, due to having our personal paradigms challenged well beyond comfort. We’ve all got limits to how much we’re able to assimilate at one sitting, of course, and taking too much in at one sitting would blow us away, so the balanced person has well-functioning, built-in safeguards. Since WWII, the Tavistock (initiated under Freud’s supervision, apparently) and Langley branches of the world odor have become adept at disabling the safeguards so that their millions of programmed, non-paid assets operate in the world with dissociative (schizophrenic) personalities.

The intense discomfort of being the first scientist to recognize and chart the new realm of reality characterized by orgone is is one of the issues that Dr Reich personally struggled with, as you can imagine. Many thousands of people are now following along in the trail he blazed but when he was still alive almost nobody could comprehend or even consider it.

Any time we find a truth that lies far outside the What To Think Network paradigm it’s a challenge for us to assimilate it, let alone discuss it openly, and we’re no longer even living under the overt, obtuse, armored fascist conditions that Dr Reich had to deal with every day in which the populace eagerly policed each other on behalf of Big Brother. Well, in a couple of generations maybe our progeny will feel shocked to consider how restricted our freedom is today, so I suppose that’s a relative consideration. I’m sure that in another thousand years people will still recognize that the journey’s progress in the moment is more significant than the goal is.

Dr Reich literally overturned institutional, materialistic science in the fields of psychology, biology, physics, astrophysics and maybe even mathematics and he made a lot of bitter, high profile enemies in the process, including Freud, the dangerous US Government (he was railroaded into prison on false charges, then murdered the day before his sentence ended) and Einstein. I think that Reich’s ultimate vindication will be the introduction and distribution of free energy tech, which will also signal the end of this parasitic World Odor, perhaps sooner than we dare to realize.

All of that technology is run by orgone and implosion, similar to the way that most of the current technology is run by electricity and combustion. There’s a wide variety of technologies involved with how these inventions operate, though, and Reich apparently invented one based on orgone-driven rotation on a vertical axis.

Here’s how Dr Reich characterizes the difference between insanity and genius: Insanity (schizophrenia) is a knowledge of unarmored life which lacks the courage to bear that knowledge. ‘Genius’ is knowledge of unarmored life plus the courage which that knowledge produces.
Since you’re reading this you probably have the courage to ‘drop your defenses’ and assimilate real information. Life must be hell, these days, for fearful people. It’s clearly less risky, socially, to talk openly about simple truths, now, than it was in Reich’s day, but it’s still risky, politically, because one has to contend with the World Odor’s omnipresent but hidden surveillance and interference by untold millions of paid and/or thoroughly programmed sewer rats in the developed countries.

In his day, the white people, themselves, were the thought police. Reich adored ‘Negroes,’ on account of their instinctively un-armored lives, but he had very little contact with anyone but Europoids, much to his dismay. Society in America was quite polarized in those days, of course, and I think that if America had ever exemplified ‘the equality of all men,’ as guaranteed by the US Constitution, the world would have been a much better place by now because the force of example is the most powerful one there is.

If you doubt my assessment of the Depression Babies in Europoid countries, watch how most of them behave when they get together: loud, deaf, drunk, intolerant and self-gratifying. That’s the schizophrenic generation who happily sold their own children as cannon fodder in Vietnam, Southern Africa and Afghanistan in exchange for prosperity and ‘security’ under National-Socialism. Those are also the ones who gathered around the public book burnings that followed Wilhelm Reich’s kangaroo-court conviction in 1955. ‘Duck and cover,’ indeed.
Aren’t you glad that they’re no longer in control of our collective destiny? I surely am. Look at how their numbers are quickly and needlessly being decimated by degenerative diseases, too; a direct consequence of their unquestioning devotion to serial killers (MDs) with their cornucopia of chemical weaponry. They’re dropping like flies right now from M.D.s’ ministrations. We know that ‘aging’ is not an illness.
Chances are good that if you’re reading this, you’re a discernment junkie and have discovered how much fun it is to uncover and implement simple truths, even when they challenge our own perceptions.

Really, we can track our individual and specie progress by looking at the succession of simple truths that have been assimilated and applied to every day life. For instance, in Dr Reich’s day, fascism was the fashionable mindset of the dominant Western cultures and, by now, people are simply growing weary of excessively-centralized political, intellectual, ecclesiastical and economic power.

That has been coming about in very small stages, despite the World Odor’s best efforts to stop that progression. Their main tool is disinformation, which is why scores of witless media personalities (the World Odor’s charismatic mouthpieces and exemplars) make more money than heads of states or corporate moguls earn.

Who can say that he/she knows all of the conditions in our world that lead to increasing human awareness? It may be better to avoid speculating about that, since there isn’t a lot of factual evidence, yet, but it’s clear that human progress has been accelerating in recent generations.

Dr Reich had the misfortune of being on a sort of cusp; a transition point between rampant institutional domination and individual freedom, which will be ultimately expressed, perhaps, by dynamic global unity and prosperity within a minimally-centralized planetary commonwealth. Many people have seen that coming, in fact, and there’s no reason at all why national frontiers should be any more significant than the borders between provinces are.

Europe is sure demonstrating the feasibility of that concept, at least, and as recently as Reich’s day some of those countries were still tearing each other apart, as they’d been doing for centuries. One of the World Odor’s Big Lies has been that humanity are naturally contentious, belligerent and even bloodthirsty but we know, by now, that most people only ever want peace, prosperity and to get along with each other.

FDR, the primary destroyer of the US Constitution, had to eventually arrange the slaughter of thousands in Hawaii in order to scam Americans into WWII, more than two years after it got started. His sponsors in London also sponsored Hitler and the Japanese war machine, so the latter weren’t the primary threats to ‘freedom’ in the world; they were middlemen for the families in London and Europe who facilitate the World Odor. This has been abundantly documented in public record for the past century and a half or so.

FDR got elected on the strident promise to keep us out of that arranged conflict, of course. The Depression Babies, who were brought up to worship FDR, didn’t have to be convinced at all to send their children to invade Vietnam, on the other hand, but that may be seen as a historical fluke. Shortly after that, Russia’s Depression Babies sent their children to invade Afghanistan, of course, and the Russians then got so fed up with communism that they simply rejected it soon afterward in a mostly bloodless coup.

All of the old and newer fascist ideologies, including the fundamentalist Persian church state, national-socialism and communism, have been proven to be impractical and even repugnant by now. Even the financial and petroleum cartels are losing humanity’s support. Note the series of failed attempts to crash the world’s stock markets over the past twenty years and the open discussion, even on the What To Think Network, of magnet-powered engines as a workable alternative to petroleum and nuclear power.

Notice, also, that the inventors of free-energy technology are not being murdered as frequently these days. All of this shows the increasing erosion of centralized authority in our world. I’ve dared to consider that the downfall of the World Odor, itself, may be bloodless and fairly trauma-free, except to the sewer rats of the World Odor.

The internet has been the catalyst for the more recent stage of humanity’s liberation and maturation process. No matter how many disinformants and doomsayers that the World Odor throws at the internet they will continue to fail and, by now, more and more people are seeing the saboteurs, themselves, as evident signs of progress.

There’s a specie-wide groundswell of desire to live more from our hearts and less in the realm of the manipulable brain. For many of us, by now, there’s a constant desire to integrate the mind and heart and maybe this is what WakeUp mainly facilitates. If you’re interested in taking larger bites of reality you probably know that there’s a risk of going insane, though, due to having our personal paradigms challenged well beyond comfort.
We’ve all got limits to how much we’re able to assimilate at one sitting, of course, and taking too much in at one sitting would blow us away, so the balanced person has well-functioning, built-in safeguards. Since WWII, the Tavistock (initiated under Freud’s supervision, apparently) and Langley branches of the world odor have become adept at disabling the safeguards so that their millions of programmed, non-paid assets operate in the world with dissociative (schizophrenic) personalities.

The intense discomfort of being the first scientist to recognize and chart the new realm of reality characterized by orgone is is one of the issues that Dr Reich personally struggled with, as you can imagine. Many thousands of people are now following along in the trail he blazed but when he was still alive almost nobody could comprehend or even consider it.

Any time we find a truth that lies far outside the What To Think Network paradigm it’s a challenge for us to assimilate it, let alone discuss it openly, and we’re no longer even living under the overt, obtuse, armored fascist conditions that Dr Reich had to deal with every day in which the populace eagerly policed each other on behalf of Big Brother. Well, in a couple of generations maybe our progeny will feel shocked to consider how restricted our freedom is today, so I suppose that’s a relative consideration. I’m sure that in another thousand years people will still recognize that the journey’s progress in the moment is more significant than the goal is.

Dr Reich literally overturned institutional, materialistic science in the fields of psychology, biology, physics, astrophysics and maybe even mathematics and he made a lot of bitter, high profile enemies in the process, including Freud, the dangerous US Government (he was railroaded into prison on false charges, then murdered the day before his sentence ended) and Einstein. I think that Reich’s ultimate vindication will be the introduction and distribution of free energy tech, which will also signal the end of this parasitic World Odor, perhaps sooner than we dare to realize.

All of that technology is run by orgone and implosion, similar to the way that most of the current technology is run by electricity and combustion. There’s a wide variety of technologies involved with how these inventions operate, though, and Reich apparently invented one based on orgone-driven rotation on a vertical axis.

Here’s how Dr Reich characterizes the difference between insanity and genius: Insanity (schizophrenia) is a knowledge of unarmored life which lacks the courage to bear that knowledge. ‘Genius’ is knowledge of unarmored life plus the courage which that knowledge produces.

Since you’re reading this you probably have the courage to ‘drop your defenses’ and assimilate real information. Life must be hell, these days, for fearful people. It’s clearly less risky, socially, to talk openly about simple truths, now, than it was in Reich’s day, but it’s still risky, politically, because one has to contend with the World Odor’s omnipresent but hidden surveillance and interference by untold millions of paid and/or thoroughly programmed sewer rats in the developed countries.

In his day, the white people, themselves, were the thought police. Reich adored ‘Negroes,’ on account of their instinctively un-armored lives, but he had very little contact with anyone but Europoids, much to his dismay. Society in America was quite polarized in those days, of course, and I think that if America had ever exemplified ‘the equality of all men,’ as guaranteed by the US Constitution, the world would have been a much better place by now because the force of example is the most powerful one there is.

If you doubt my assessment of the Depression Babies in Europoid countries, watch how most of them behave when they get together: loud, deaf, drunk, intolerant and self-gratifying. That’s the schizophrenic generation who happily sold their own children as cannon fodder in Vietnam, Southern Africa and Afghanistan in exchange for prosperity and ‘security’ under National-Socialism. Those are also the ones who gathered around the public book burnings that followed Wilhelm Reich’s kangaroo-court conviction in 1955. ‘Duck and cover,’ indeed.

Aren’t you glad that they’re no longer in control of our collective destiny? I surely am. Look at how their numbers are quickly and needlessly being decimated by degenerative diseases, too; a direct consequence of their unquestioning devotion to serial killers (MDs) with their cornucopia of chemical weaponry. They’re dropping like flies right now from M.D.s’ ministrations. We know that ‘aging’ is not an illness.

We haven’t arrived at a state of functional, widespread intellectual freedom in the world, yet, so our partner in healing, Dr William von Peters, has developed a homeopathic product that may be useful for any of us when we’re in the process of acquiring new realizations through sincere effort and legwork, including reading books (you won’t find what you need on the internet because genuine research journalists need to be paid for what they offer). If you still subscribe to non-conspiracy theory, by the way, you can get a free copy of the late Gary Allen’s primer, NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, after a simple online search.

You may also purchase NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

The Doc is calling it ‘WakeUp!’ and I’ve lately found it useful during times when I’ve felt challenged by new information.

Discernment is a constant struggle that might only end for each of us on our deathbeds, of course, and the process is the entire point in this life, I feel certain. If WakeUp! can make the process a little smoother, more pleasant and less traumatic for you it will be well worth $35, in my opinion.

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