Monday, July 3, 2017

God bless America

Look at this.  They removed my video.  Somebody doesn't like freedom for all!  GRRRRRR

One benefit of being as old as I am is knowing a lot of the actors who sing in this video.  Whoever put it together did a brilliant job--a brilliant American job.

Those younger ones who may chance here tonight or tomorrow, who don't recognized the faces and the voices of these who are singing in this video, you can just know that they are all special people.  I can say that as a matter of fact because we are ALL special people.  If we could only know how very special we all are to God, there would be no violence; no crime; no abuse; no murder; no rape............

Watching this video makes me feel like I felt when I was young!  It made me remember a time when people worked hard and had self-respect.  It made me remember when people who lived next door to you were friends and they were there for you and you for them.

I miss the old America I knew as a child!!  However, these days, when I listen to our President speaking (a man who is even older than I am), I get a twinge of delight!  I realize that he has memories similar to mine when Americans truly cared about each other.  We must share memories of when children walked to school; learned all day; and became better people.  Memories when couples worked out their differences and grew more and more in love with time.  Memories when families eat their meals together every day!!

I miss that old America!

I miss that more simple time in my country when things were less techie--before there were even cell phones.

On the other hand, though, if it weren't for technology, I wouldn't be sitting at my computer writing to all of you now would I?

So, I close with this thought, God bless America!!  His blessing it in the past is what made it a land full of heroes and His blessing it now will do the same!



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