Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Seeing clearly?

 What a day!!  They had to go "All the way" to be guilty of treason, you know.  Still, I realize that many may need to be encouraged so I was praying how I might do that.  Father said to share this song with you.  I pray that it blesses you as you ponder your country, too!   I see that good folks from many countries come here to ponder which makes me happy.  We saints have the same Heavenly Father so we are kin. 

  I do have a prayer request.  Please pray for my right eye.  It has been a bit of a worry for about a month so my friends who do Christian energy healing have been working on it. With that many sessions, I am convinced that there is an emotional component to my decreased vision this past week.  If it was strictly physically based, there would not be this much discomfort.

  Perhaps I didn't want to see my President leaving the White House???  At any rate, I need you to pray for 2020 vision in my actual eyes.  Right now it is hard to see the screen and I don't want to become dependent on glasses.  NO this has to have something to do with the high emotional intensity the world is dealing with right now--has been dealing with since last November.  I covet your prayers!

 With not much more to say, and great difficulty seeing what I am writing, I leave you with this song.  God has given us a beautiful planet to live on!!  Amen?


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