Sunday, July 30, 2023

What am I doing WRONG???

 Good morning everyone,

  We've gotten 2 showers in the early morning hours these past few days.  It is TOTAL BLISS to wake up to rain gently falling on the roof when the crops are so desperately needing rain.  I praise the Lord for this HUUUUUUGGGE blessing!!!  We got .15 on Friday morning and nobody has been out to check the rain guage yet this morning but it must be at least that much again.  


 I think I may have mentioned here a time or two that I am following the program called EAT STOP EAT.  You eat nothing after 8:00 PM until 12:00 PM the following day.  I drink water but, if I am weak, I will have a little protein powder with it.  

  In order to keep the body from thinking it's starving, you then eat a meal at noon and another one at supper.  There are no requirements except to avoid foods that you're allergic to.  The mind has to be free to eat those 2 meals until the body is full or it will shift the body into starvation mode and weight loss becomes impossible.  You will find, though, that after fasting that long every day the stomach is much smaller and the meals are smaller too.  

  Eating like this the past 2 years has brought many wonderful health changes to my life but, alas, weigh loss has not been one of them.  That's why I keep thinking I must be missing something.  My wonderful daughter may have supplied the needed information when she mentioned the book "Fast like a Girl."  Apparently, females need additional information in order to receive ALL of the benefits of fasting.  I urge you female readers to check out the book here. Fast Like a Girl: A Woman's Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, Boost Energy, and Balance Hormones: 9781401969929: Pelz, Dr. Mindy: Books

  In the meantime, Cora sent me to the author's videos on YouTube.  This one is full of helpful information that hopefully will get this old body shedding unwanted and unhealthy pounds here soon.  I'm already fasting so I'm eager to fill in the needed information and see what changes. 

  Have a great week all of you wonderful readers!


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Look at what God is DOING!!!


God Equipped an Army in Colorado Springs

by  | Jul 20, 2023 | ColoradoFire and Glory TourLiving Proof Tent CrusadesMario Murillo Ministries | 22 comments

What a way to end out the Fire & Glory Tour in Colorado Springs! It might be the greatest night I’ve ever been a part of under the Tent.

As they’ve done each night Catherine Mullins and her team kicked off the meeting with an incredible time of worship. As Mario said, no one sings “I Speak Jesus” like Catherine does. But for their final song of the night they pulled out the old classic, “Look What the Lord Has Done!” and the place exploded!

It was the right song to sing after all the wonderful things we had seen over the course of the week, and it ushered a spirit of joy into the room. The atmosphere was light, but God’s presence was very real, and people were being touched even during the worship.

Mario began by saying that there is segment of the body of Christ who don’t believe healings occur today. He said it is very shameful for someone to stand in a pulpit and declare that.

He recounted the story in scripture where the paralyzed man was lowered through the roof to Jesus. And said the statement Jesus made right before healing the man is a silver bullet against the cessationist theology that says God doesn’t heal today.

“But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Mark 5:24 NKJV).

He then told about a cessationist preacher who sat next to him on a plane and told Mario that his gift was a fraud. Mario asked him, “Does the world need to know that Christ forgives sin?”

If forgiveness of sins is a catalyst to Christ healing, then we are overdue for more healings now than even happened in the Bible, and that almost every cessationist who believes the gifts stopped, still believes in demonic miracles. They are saying indeed the supernatural has left the world except for the devil’s part in it.

Why would God in America’s darkest hour want us to fight with one hand tied behind our back?

Mario asked us all: ‘Why would God in America’s darkest hour want us to fight with one hand tied behind our back?’ Adding that all the gifts are at work today in great power.

He said that what you have to learn as a weapon in the hand of God, is WHEN to prophecy, WHEN to give a message in tongues, WHEN to heal the sick, WHEN to preach repentance, and WHEN to cast out devils.

Mario then told about a time at San Jose State University he was preaching to university students. While he was preaching a young man came into the room and screamed an agonizing scream, as if he was being burned alive.

Mario said there has never been a good time to be without Jesus, but we are now living in the worst day in history to be without Jesus…

He ran down the aisle, fell on the floor, and began writhing on the floor and foaming at the mouth. Mario didn’t know what to do, but God told Mario to do everything He told him, so, as God directed him, Mario knelt down by the man and whispered into the man’s ear and command this thing to leave. There was no shouting, screaming, ranting, or raving. It was nothing like in the movies. It was instantaneous. Mario led him in the sinner’s prayer and the man was set free and saved!

Mario said there has never been a good time to be without Jesus, but we are now living in the worst day in history to be without Jesus, because the Bible states that in the last days the battlefield will shift from sickness, to the mind and emotions. 75% of American’s are on a prescription medication and the overwhelming category is antidepressants.

There has never been an American public that has such contradictory declarations: ‘I am enlightened as no other.’ ‘I’m more Woke than any previous generation.’ There has never been an American public that boasts so proudly of their knowledge and yet has so much depression alongside of it.

It begs the question, “If you’re so wise, why are you so miserable?”

So he asked, “If I’m so dumb and I’m so delusional—living in a fantasy world with a book that is nothing but a pack of myths. Why do I have so much joy? Why is my marriage so strong? Why is my direction so clear?”

It begs the question, “If you’re so wise, why are you so miserable?”

You cannot live a life where what you believe is so ineffective and so terrible, where you can’t see that what you are doing again and again hurts you, unless demonic power is involved.

Mario said, “There are two things I’m trying to do. I’m trying to win souls and trying to teach you how to witness.”

He talked about how Scripture says, “Perilous times will come” and that another way to look at it is, “Demon-possessed times will come.” Unless you as a pastor learn to have authority over demons, you’ll be irrelevant in the next five years, if you’re going to win the lost in America.

He said you can take all the antidepressants you want, but your depression is not going away. You don’t understand, you think you know why you’re depressed but you don’t. It’s not because you broke up with a girl, or didn’t get the job, or any other reason other than you are separated from Christ.

Mario then told a story about an event he attended in Marin County, called The Holy Man Jam. They had invited a representative from every major religion to speak for five minutes and try to convince everyone that their religion was the true one.

As he listened he noticed none of them had mentioned Satan. So when it was his turn, he told them he was going to tell them what Buddha and Muhammed can’t say, what none of them can say. It is what Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall! And until your faith can break the power of the devil it is useless.”

He asked them, “Who here has power over Satan? When the Devil comes at you, what assurance, what reality, what do you have that will stop him? I have the blood of Jesus!”

It is what Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall! And until your faith can break the power of the devil it is useless.”

He began his altar call by saying, if you want to get rid of the demonic power that’s trying to control you, then you need to respond. He said sanity is not guaranteed to anyone who does not have Christ.

The worst person to talk to is the modern intellectual who tells you humanity has the wisdom to get rid of the power of Satan, because this problem came from the curse that was put on man and was confronted on the cross by Christ. It is the cross where your misery and agony ends. It is at the cross where the devil has to leave.

Mario made the appeal, hands went up everywhere and then when he called them forward, they kept coming and kept coming. It was one of the largest crowds I think I’ve ever seen at the altar.

At first I thought it was similar to the crowds I’ve seen before, how they stretch across the stage out the sides and down the aisles, until I remembered that this tent is twice the size of the previous tent. What a response! It was a beautiful sight!

Mario described conversion as: needing to convince the devil that you have surrendered to Christ. The devil needs to know you are the property of Christ.

Mario led them in the following prayer:

“Lord Jesus! You defeated the devil. You defeated his lies, his power, his tricks, his addictions, his destructive emotions. You defeated them. So I know that if I admit that I am lost, that I need to be saved, that I’ve done wrong. And I need You to forgive me and after You’ve forgiven me I want You to live in me. I want to live by the power of Jesus. I want to be cleansed. I know you died for me, I know You rose from the dead. I know You are the Lord of Lords. And today I am a new creation. I belong to God! I don’t have the problems I used to have, I don’t have the fear I used to have, and I will not be depressed or anxious like I used to be. Because You are in me now and the devil is gone! and the demons are gone!”

Then Mario declared to the people, “You have witnessed a mass deliverance!”

After this the people were led out to be ministered to by our many wonderful workers. Then Mario began to give exhortation and instruction about the importance of a deliverance being active in our lives.

And then there was a shift in the atmosphere as God began to move. It has become a very familiar feeling when the Spirit of God begins to move on His people and to heal their bodies.

But tonight was very different from last night where Mario walked throughout the Tent highlighting individuals and calling out the various illnesses and diseases. Instead tonight, he equipped and charged the people.

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established” (Romans 1:11 NKJV).

He said, “Maybe if I called out healings you’d walk out and say, ‘Mario is a man of God.’ But I want you to walk out and say, “I’m a man of God, ” or “I’m a woman of God.”

Mario told the people that tonight we were going to create 4,000 healing ministries. He effectively turned the Tent into a mass healing site. He said it would divide the demonic power, because they wouldn’t be able to focus their attack on just one person.

Mario had the people put one hand in the air and to pray out loud in the language of the Holy Spirit.

“And these signs will follow those who believe” (Mark 16-17).

He told the people that within the next 30 days they would lay their hands on someone who would be physically healed. He said, “Each one of you will lay their hands on someone and they will be healed.”

I loved this because it’s what needs to be happening in every church in the country. Each of us are to be equipped to go out and do the work of the ministry, healing the sick, and saving the lost. And we can do it if we just allow God’s power to flow through us.

He told the people that within the next 30 days they would lay their hands on someone who would be physically healed.

He said that this is a new era of supernatural power, and then had the people repeat the following: “I believe that I am going to be healed of my disease, when the army of God touches me on my shoulder. I believe I am going to be healed of everything that is hurting me, no matter how long it has been hurting me. It’s going to go away by the power of the prayer of God’s people. These signs will follow them that believe. I believe. These signs are going to follow me.”

Then he told the people, if they needed a miracle in their body, they were surrounded by ministers of healing. He had the people who needed a miracle raise their hands, then instructed everyone to lay hands on those around them who were holding their hand up, and to pray for them with authority!

There were groups of people all throughout the Tent praying for one another. And it wasn’t a casual, simple prayer. There was power flowing through that tent like nothing we’d felt all week. It was incredible, and I can’t wait to hear the many reports I know are going to result from this night.

Mario ended the night by having Catherine and her team come back and sing “Look What the Lord Has Done” one more time. And, once again, the place erupted with joy. It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

If you were not able to be there you missed an incredible time. You can always look back through Mario’s Facebook page or on YouTube to watch the replay of the streams from each session.

But I would really encourage you to make plans to be in Los Angeles, in September, especially if you were one of the volunteers during this crusade. It is something no one is going to want to miss—because Jesus is going to do many mighty works in the Tent, once again!

Volunteer for Los Angeles here!

Monday, July 17, 2023

More encouragement

Sometime in the last year I found Julie Green Ministries--  I am convinced that Julie has a close personal relationship with the Lord.  There have been many days when the Lord encouraged me by what He had shared with Julie and she shared with her listeners.

I love that the Lord gives us Scriptures, through Julie's testimonies, that clarify and support the Word that He just gave to us.  I really love that Julie says over and over for us to read the Scriptures for ourselves.  

This word was so encouraging to me.  If you're not from our country, you can still be encouraged.  You can still apply the Word of the Lord to your homeland and receive it's blessings.  We are not helpless.  We have a voice.  

My goal in writing here these past 15 years has always been to unite us--to help us know that we are not alone!  When one person says what needs saying in their part of the world, it can strengthen someone in another part of the world to say what needs saying there.  We ARE powerful when Christ is in us.  We are SUPER powerful when we support each other in our growth.

I pray that God will strengthen you through this word today.

Lots of love,


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cora's BETTER!!

 I'm so sorry for not posting here sooner.  Thank you sooo much for praying for my daughter!!

 Cora was 9 weeks pregnant and then started to miscarry.  The problem was that her gall bladder needed to be removed but we didn't know that.  She threw up everything for a week--even just plain water.

 Finally they got to a hospital that had some answers for her.  She needed to have her gall bladder removed as it was full of stones.  This must have backed up into the liver as the liver was screaming for help.  Her liver numbers were close to 100 TIMES what they were supposed to be.

  Once the gall bladder was removed, Cora felt much better but there was still the matter of passing the baby.  I'm not sure why they didn't do a D and C when she was under anesthesia for the gall bladder removal.  Perhaps that would have been too much for an already "In crisis" body?


So she came home feeling better but still having not passed the baby.  There were several very anxious days while we watched her temperature and bleeding very closely.  

  Finally she passed the baby 3 days after surgery.  That was a major relief.  

  Yes, I was over in MN watching the children and cooking while she was in the hospital and recovering.  My son, wife, and children were there during the worst part before the surgery.  I'm quite certain that I could not have handled seeing my daughter in such extreme pain so God sent them instead.  Blessed be our God who knows our weaknesses and accomplishes His goals in spite of them.

 I got pretty sick when I was over there, from all of the stress, but have been recovering now at home.  Stress makes MS worse,  It makes EVERYTHING worse.  

  Perhaps now that the worst is behind us, we can enjoy Summer while it's here.  I sure hope so.  

  Lots of love,


PS.  If you're sick today, perhaps this will help just a little to brighten your day.

My Ailing Friend

Get well, get well, my ailing friend,
Whatever it is you've got;
I'm sad and blue, thinking of you,
And missing you a lot!

Rest in your bed, although you're bored;
Be sure to sleep more than eight;
Get healed, get cured; come back to the world,
Where all your fans await!

By Joanna Fuchs

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...