Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Haying season

Please pray for me. My back is so weary from bouncing around in the tractor 8 hours yesterday in the very rough pasture of Fern's 30 miles from here. First Andrew thought that I didn't have to go along today as I almost got the mowing done last night. I just talked to Robert, though, and he said that I need to finish that up and then start on the raking, as he'll need to sleep.

Just in case I thought I had it rough, this is what his day was like yesterday. He worked all day in the fields and then baled until 3:30 this morning. He put fuel on the truck and left for Enderlin at 4:00 AM. He got there at 6:30 and they dumped him at 7:00. Now he's driving back and will sleep in the van today after baling doesn't work anymore. Tonight he'll do the same thing if he "Feels good enough."

This is as bad as calving season as the hay must be baled at just the right moisture content. If it's put up too dry, the leaves fall off and all there would be for the cattle to eat is sticks. If you put it up too wet, the bales mold or start on fire. It's an art.

The nicest part about yesterday was coming home to a newly painted deck. Jacob and Cora worked all afternoon getting it beutified so I am soooooooooooooo happy to say that I'm ready for outside company. YEAH! Come on over and I'll make us some tea--sometime after haying season or on Sabbath. :)

This is late breaking news. Cora just brought the mail in and said, "This may be a good mail day." In May we usually get a nice check from my dad as my brother is buying the farmstead near Eureka and dad has been distributing the money to all 4 of us kids. This May it didn't come and I asked dad about it. He said that he had taken the money to pay for mom's funeral. This didn't help us any but we had thought maybe we would get it when the money came from mom's life insurance policy. Well, we were right except for one thing. It's 3 times the size of what we were expecting. HOW NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR MEETING OUR NEEDS IN THIS WAY. He always knows when things are tight. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!

Back out to the tractor,


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Praying for your back!

I'm glad you got the nice check!!!

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