Friday, August 21, 2009


Well ladies, this post is not very pleasant, but then life isn't always pleasant. I haven't said anything about this up until now, because I don't like pulling my friends down, and it's mostly my friends who read this. Still I have made a discovery worthy of sharing, so share it I will.

I've been dealing with cancer again for about 5 weeks now. No, it has not been confirmed by an earthly doctor as my Heavenly Father is my great physician. I've been through it enough times to know that when I have pain like THAT, plus lumps growing on my body, that it's cancer. As I learned in the book THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS, many people cure the cancer frequently only to have it come back again. It's the coming back part that is most troublesome to me.

Well, I've been using Dr. Clark's herbal remedy since I first felt it in my neck and it's been almost gone several times. I'm almost positive that I know the source of the trouble now, and have eliminated it, so the worst should be over. However, yesterday my chest hurt terribly so I did an examination yesterday afternoon and found a lump the size of a pea in my left breast.

OH MY--THIS IS SOMETHING THAT I HAVE DREADED EVER SINCE MY GRANDMOTHER LOST HER BREAST TO CANCER OVER 40 YEARS AGO. Since then 4 aunts have lost their breasts to that beast. What to do?

First of all, calm down and pray for guidance. Second of all, do a BodyTalk session. The session revealed all sorts of links to my grandmother's cancer. I didn't realize until that session how I was shaped by that visit as a child to the hospital where I saw her lying there almost dead after chemotherapy and radiation. In fact, I realized yesterday that this was when I first became interested in becoming a natural healer. I learned young to desire alternative ways to burning and cutting the human body. That desire has only GROWN since then and that is why I long to share what I learn as I go along. That is why I've named my blog A RAY OF HOPE as sometimes a ray is all that we have. Perhaps that one ray of hope will encourage another searching soul to try something natural that worked for me and they'll get helped too. That is my prayer as I write this!

Well, last night I learned something wonderful about dealing with cancer. My naturopath said to me once, "Every time you go through cancer or some other awful thing ask God, "What am I supposed to be learning here?" So that's what I did last night as the pain spread through the left side of my chest into my armpit. Suddenly I knew what I was supposed to do.

I recalled that, when I had gotten mastitis years ago, I cut an onion thin and put it on my breast to suck out the poison. YUP that's just what I did last night. It's a simple process but it needs to be done correctly so here are the steps to follow.

You clean a large onion; slice it thin; and warm it up in a frying pan on very low heat. When it is shiny, you go to bed and put the onion slices on your breast. Cover it up with a towel and go to sleep. That's what I did and this morning almost all of the pain was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS A MIRACLE IN MY OPINION.

I am excited about the possibilities for helping people when my dream of a health center becomes a reality. I never knew that it would work for cancer, but now I do. :) I imagine that we'll probably grow lots of onions in those days.

So today I've been up and about until now--3:00 PM. Yesterday I lay in bed in agony all day and the only thing that I changed was I let some onions draw out the poison. COOL! Now I do have some pain there, so I'm warming myself another onion and I'm off for a rest. This sure beats yesterday's fear and agony of dreading the most dreadful thing that I've ever dreaded and finding it true.

The point that I'm trying to make here is this. For every one of man's/woman's woes, our Creator HAS made a remedy in nature. We just need to find them, don't' we? I'm sharing this with the hopes that, if someone searches here, they will find the same help that I found yesterday.

Please help pray me out of the woods as I am convinced that prayer is another one of the Creator's healing miracles. I bless you all with a great big hug from a heart full of joy at being alive. God preserved me through all of the times I found lumps growing on my body before this and I have every confidence that HE WILL DO SO AGAIN!!!!!!!!



Kimberly said...

Sorry to hear about the lumps. It would be awful scarey for me, too, as I have had several in my family die from or are living with cancer. It is amazing that through body talk you are able to connect with your body like that. I am happy that you are finding remedies that help. You are in my prayers. I love you!

damae said...

Dawn, Dearly Beloved! Well, it's true, as I have fallen in love with you just by reading these few blog posts. You are a treasure from Heaven.
Yes, that amazing onion has soooo much healing capabilities. For I understand it is high in sulfur and sulfur is very effective at fighting fungus, which I understand that cancer is. Another thing that is a good cancer fighter is copper. There is a good amount of copper to be found in Kelp. Also, you mention Vit D in your next post about Mercola. So, Vit D, copper, sulfur, are very good for you and necessary for your good health--you see they are all important in helping the body absorb calcium. And Calcium is KEY to preventing and stopping cancer. There is a very good book by Robert Barefoot called 'Death by Diet' that explains how critical calcium/magnesium is to our well being and prevention of cancer. And having attitude problems when the cancer is rampaging totally fits with what I know and my own experiences. Keeping your ph up is the solution to all the symptoms you are dealing with. That is my 'humble' opinion. You are loved with an Everlasting Love!! Blessings my friend,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Doris,
I am humbled by your praises--thank you very much!!! Thank you also for your insights into calcium. I am almost positive that I am not lacking in calcium as I milk my own goats every day and help myself liberally to the milk. Eleven years of drinking goat's milk has totally healed my respiratory system problems and holds my digestive system problems at bay.
If you are doing "Everything right" and still are not well, I would recommend checking out the consitution diet. I've been on this almost 2 weeks and have had tremendous health improvements already!
Based on our energy needs, we are taught to eat the foods which are either warming or cooling energetically. By learning what my consitution is, I was able to see why I have had ALL of the health challanges which I have had these 52 years, so I urge you to consider paying the $240 to have the analysis done for yourself!
I do know what you mean by falling in love with someone instantly for that is what happened to me when I first saw Marty Goetz's DVD PSALM ENCHANTED EVENING. Marty sings the way I sing; he presents his thoughts the way I do; and he loves the Lord with a passion equal to mine. If you enjoyed my writing, I am POSITIVE that you will be blessed to check out Marty's music at his site listed on my sidebar. ENJOY!
Welcome to my life and I welcome further comments from you! I am wondering, since this is an older post, if you would mind my sharing your thoughts about sulfur in a new post? Perhaps others will not find this information any other way?

damae said...

Oh, yes, please do!! I'll add another experience. I was wearing my crocs a lot and ended up getting a lot of mud and dirt in them which ended up in me getting a case of athlete's foot(?), anyway lots of itching and blisters which finally became infected as I continued to ignore it until it became painful to walk. So my husband suggested that I soak it in peroxide and minced garlic. Wow!! It immediately killed the infection. Huge improvement, but, the fungus was still in my shoe, and as life is busy, I didn't do much other than clean my shoe, which didn't make the fungus go away. Well the itching and blisters were flaring back up. So I had some spilled sulfur laying about, and decided to pack it in around my toes. Again, Wow!! So not only did it kill the fungus, but it made my shoe a healthier place for my foot to be. I just need to sprinkle a bit in each pair of shoes, I think.
Thank you for your suggestions, I would love to find out more about the constitution diet, do you have any posts about it?

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...