Tuesday, August 25, 2009

North Dakota's Second Appleseed Shoot

Well, my boys returned home safely from the second Appleseed Shoot held in North Dakota up at the Bartlett's farm. They looked pretty tired, when they got out of the pickup last night, but they didn't complain about doing chores as they knew it was time to get back to work after 6 chores off. Andrew said as he headed out to the barn after supper, "Vacation's over, Jacob." A groan, but no comment.
We did take time to look at the pictures of the shoot yet before bed and we showed the boys the pictures of our outing to the Dagleys. After a quick family prayer time, it was lights out. Feel free to check out Jonathan Bartlett's blog or "My"Andrew's blog (both listed on my sidebar) for more pictures and some intelligent comments.
Being I wasn't there, I can't rightly make any comments about that particular shoot but I thought that I'd share some pictures as I do believe in this project very much. I still plan to write a detailed post about why I believe that every man, woman, and child should know how to properly defend themselves with a firearm. I'll just briefly say here that, if I had not learned how to shoot well when I was 10 years old, I have every reason to believe that the incest would have continued for years yet. I knew how to shoot, and they knew it, and that made all of the difference in the world.
Isn't it terribly sad that an 11 year old girl had to defend herself with a rifle from her own brothers? I think so and thinking this has always motivated me to encourage self defense type thinking and actions and this is why I am 100% in support of the Appleseed Shoot Project. Perhaps these pictures seem gruesome to you, but incest is gruesome too. I wonder if I'd have survived without knowing how to shoot, as it was getting more violent as I aged, and I was protesting more. I thank God, then, for teaching me the skill of holding a rifle in my hand and knowing what to do with it in order to protect myself. THIS IS WHY I AM 100% SUPPORTIVE OF THE APPLESEED SHOOT PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, now it is out and I feel better.

I spoke with Lynn, Jonathan's mother, a bit about lining up a shoot here and she said that it will be imposable to do one here this fall yet, as it takes up to 3 months notice. I'm sure that absolutely nobody would come here to shoot for 2 days at the end of November. It'll have to wait until next year. We may just go ahead and line up a date so that we can get an instructor then, when the weather in North Dakota is more suited for laying on the ground for 2 days.

Here are some pictures that either Andrew or one of the Bartletts took. In this one, Andrew is checking to see that they have everything that they'll need. My sons were on the end of the line which makes it nice as they're easier to spot in the other pictures. The grass was very wet that morning so Andrew put on his barn boots.

Here the boys are firing in the prone position.

Here our friend, Christopher Scigliano who brought the Appleseed Project to North Dakota, is demonstrating the use of the hasty sling. Don't think that I knew what this was but I got it off of Jonathan's blog. Thanks for posting, Jonathan:)
Jonathan, by the way, is standing next to Chris with an orange hat on too. From my understanding, first a person must qualify at the Rifleman level in their shooting. Then, if they choose to proceed on to Shoot Boss, they have to assist the boss in teaching at 4 other shoots. Jonathan said to me at Prarie Days that it would be a blessing to the whole project if North Dakotans could have these 4 shoots. Then he, Chris, and his brother, Peter, would all be qualified for shoot boss and they wouldn't need to bring someone in from out of state. This time the shoot boss, Alex, came from Iowa.
Andrew Bornemann and Andrew Bartlett checking for progress. Everyone made progress, which is what matters!!! My Andrew did qualify, by the end of the shoot, for the "Marksmen" level of recognition with the Appleseed Shoot Project and Jacob got close. The next level higher is called "Sharpshooter" and the highest level is called the "Rifleman." I haven't heard the history lesson from the course, as the boys were too tired to share that last night. However, I do recall reading on the Appleseed site (also listed on my sidebar under self defense) that 200 years ago almost every man in the country could shoot at Rifleman level. How far we have slipped due to our complacency. This picture also shows Alex. The Shot boss wears a red cap and those in training wear orange caps.
The group resting in the shade and hearing the history of our great countries' battle for freedom. This is a picture that stirs my heart to joy for I see that God is calling others to wake up to the direction our freedoms are going in this country. We must shake off the complacency that threatens to choke us and rise up and be men and women of God fully capable of defending ourselves spiritually, mentally, AND physically.
I wish to publicly thank the Bartlett family for opening up their home to us in this way. Their acreage is absolutely beautiful in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota. Jim, Lynn, Jonathan, Peter, Andrew, and David I thank you all with a warm heart. May God continue to bless and to guide your family.
Please ponder reading up on this fine project. I'm sure we'll let you know when and if we set the date for our very own Appleseed Shoot Project. I'd like to make it available to people around here and I pray that your family will consider doing the same.
To our freedoms,


Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm an Instructor for the Appleseed Project and I enjoyed finding your post!

I will say that we typically do not need three months to set up an event. Ideally, we like to have sixty days, but that is mostly to line up all the requirements for a public range (private land doesn't have this problem), and for promotions. So three months is certainly not needed! Two months is ideal, and we set it up in less time than that!

If you're interested in pursuing this more, please email me at MeanStreakerOH at gmail dot com and I can get you in touch with the right people.


Kimberly said...

I would love for our family to go to one these shoots!

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