I am sitting here crying tears of joy. My brother, Duard, just sent me this email. Not only does it bring WONDERFUL news about my dad but HE ACTUALLY SIGNED IT, "LOVE, DUARD." I am 52 years old but never do I recall him using that "Love" word with ME!!!! OH FOR JOY!!!!!!!!!
I just HAD to share this, as you are the ones who hear all of my woes--now, at long last, there is a GREAT JOY to share with you. Thanks to each one of you who has prayed long hours for me AND for my family of origin.
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rejoice, our savior has died for our sins and my father has decided he is happy at assisted living and does not want to move home anymore. he is happy there and fits in nicely. that is such a relief for us because he would have lost his spot and if he would have fallen ill again, the nursing home would have been our only alternative, and no one wants that. have a happy easter with your family. we are having sharels family and dad over for easter. prime rib. yummy.. if you can make it, i will save you a small chunk.. ha ha. love duard
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Victory in Jesus
On Wednesday, when I was working at my office, Jean told me that the North Dakota Massage Therapy board had printed a rebuttal in the Dickinson Press. They're no longer insisting that we become licensed massage therapists to do our work, but that there be a regulatory board that keeps track of all of the energy modalities. PRAISE GOD AND THANKS A MILLION TO ALL OF YOU WHO PRAYED ABOUT THIS WITH US!!! I guess I'll never know if my email made any difference, but I did mention the word, "Slander" in it, so I'm assuming that it didn't hurt to make them realize that our businesses are protected under the law also.
There is another meeting, in Bismarck, set for Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 9 am at the Best Western Doublewood Inn to continue the discussion with the board concerning licensure of all these modalities. I am planning to attend the meeting and I hope that you who are practitioners will also pray about and consider attending. This is our chance to show them what WE want.
Here is the transcript of the article that appeared in the Dickenson Press on March 19th, the day after the meeting.
Once again I give all of the glory to the Lord for what He has done for me!!!
In His service,
March 19th, 2010
Board mulls licensing for alternative therapies
By: Lisa Call, The Dickinson Press
After a meeting of the North Dakota Board of Massage Thursday morning in Bismarck, alternative practitioners may continue providing alternative services without obtaining a massage therapy license as previously announced in a public service announcement.
In December, the North Dakota State Board of Massage issued a press release advising that as of Aug. 1, state law had “changed in order to further protect the public.”
During the January 2009 Legislative session, the North Dakota Senate, Human Services Committee, at the request of the State Board of Massage, passed an amendment to the North Dakota Century code, further defining what the term massage encompasses.The amendment further defined massage as a systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissues, whether manually or mechanically, while using western and eastern modalities.
“Under the new law, anyone who performs massage, by whatever name they call it, must be licensed by the state of to do so,” according to the release. “Those unlicensed persons currently practicing Thai Yoga, Reiki, Core Synchronization, Rolfing, Craniosacral Therapy, Healing Touch … and other massage techniques must stop doing so until they obtain a proper license.”
After the press release was published statewide, alternative practitioners were left wondering what effects the changes would have and if they continue practicing.Alternative therapies such as Reiki use the body’s energy to promote healing, reduce stress and increase relaxation.
Thursday’s meeting was to clarify the application of the law change. Bobbi Kleeman, owner of Alternative Therapies and Wellness Center in Killdeer, said her mother attended the meeting and relayed some information.
“Their big thing is they said that the way the PSA was worded wasn’t exactly what their intent was,” Kleeman said. “They want people to just be sure that their practitioners are certified in whichever modality they’re doing, not that they all have to be licensed massage therapists.”
Kleeman said the NDBM wants alternative therapy practitioners to formulate a regulatory board to ensure those practicing have the proper certifications and training for which modality he or she is using.
Kleeman said a meeting of alternative practitioners is scheduled for April 21 at 9 a.m. CST.“We’re going to do something, whether it’s a state board of energy workers or if it’s just a registry board,” Kleeman said.
“They want every group to bring to the April meeting a list of certification requirements for whatever that modality is.”Kleeman said the formulation of a regulatory board for alternative therapy practitioners is a positive step forward.“I think there’s going to be more and more things like this coming up as far as energy work,” Kleeman said.
“It’s been around a long time it’s just that people are finally feeling comfortable with it per se. They’re running out of other options and finding out that this is less invasive and can do a lot.”
Calls to Karen Wojahn, secretary in charge of licensure for the NDBM, went unreturned.Multiple attempts to reach NDBM President Sharon Klusmann were unsuccessful.
Calls to NDBM Board of Directors members including Gail Hovden and Continuing Education Coordinator Bob Benson went unreturned
Doesn't it make you wonder when people have the courage to slander your business in the press but don't even have the guts to talk to you about it afterwards?
The Lord hears the cries of His people and answers with a Mighty ARM--blessed be the name of the Lord forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is another meeting, in Bismarck, set for Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 9 am at the Best Western Doublewood Inn to continue the discussion with the board concerning licensure of all these modalities. I am planning to attend the meeting and I hope that you who are practitioners will also pray about and consider attending. This is our chance to show them what WE want.
Here is the transcript of the article that appeared in the Dickenson Press on March 19th, the day after the meeting.
Once again I give all of the glory to the Lord for what He has done for me!!!
In His service,
March 19th, 2010
Board mulls licensing for alternative therapies
By: Lisa Call, The Dickinson Press
After a meeting of the North Dakota Board of Massage Thursday morning in Bismarck, alternative practitioners may continue providing alternative services without obtaining a massage therapy license as previously announced in a public service announcement.
In December, the North Dakota State Board of Massage issued a press release advising that as of Aug. 1, state law had “changed in order to further protect the public.”
During the January 2009 Legislative session, the North Dakota Senate, Human Services Committee, at the request of the State Board of Massage, passed an amendment to the North Dakota Century code, further defining what the term massage encompasses.The amendment further defined massage as a systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissues, whether manually or mechanically, while using western and eastern modalities.
“Under the new law, anyone who performs massage, by whatever name they call it, must be licensed by the state of to do so,” according to the release. “Those unlicensed persons currently practicing Thai Yoga, Reiki, Core Synchronization, Rolfing, Craniosacral Therapy, Healing Touch … and other massage techniques must stop doing so until they obtain a proper license.”
After the press release was published statewide, alternative practitioners were left wondering what effects the changes would have and if they continue practicing.Alternative therapies such as Reiki use the body’s energy to promote healing, reduce stress and increase relaxation.
Thursday’s meeting was to clarify the application of the law change. Bobbi Kleeman, owner of Alternative Therapies and Wellness Center in Killdeer, said her mother attended the meeting and relayed some information.
“Their big thing is they said that the way the PSA was worded wasn’t exactly what their intent was,” Kleeman said. “They want people to just be sure that their practitioners are certified in whichever modality they’re doing, not that they all have to be licensed massage therapists.”
Kleeman said the NDBM wants alternative therapy practitioners to formulate a regulatory board to ensure those practicing have the proper certifications and training for which modality he or she is using.
Kleeman said a meeting of alternative practitioners is scheduled for April 21 at 9 a.m. CST.“We’re going to do something, whether it’s a state board of energy workers or if it’s just a registry board,” Kleeman said.
“They want every group to bring to the April meeting a list of certification requirements for whatever that modality is.”Kleeman said the formulation of a regulatory board for alternative therapy practitioners is a positive step forward.“I think there’s going to be more and more things like this coming up as far as energy work,” Kleeman said.
“It’s been around a long time it’s just that people are finally feeling comfortable with it per se. They’re running out of other options and finding out that this is less invasive and can do a lot.”
Calls to Karen Wojahn, secretary in charge of licensure for the NDBM, went unreturned.Multiple attempts to reach NDBM President Sharon Klusmann were unsuccessful.
Calls to NDBM Board of Directors members including Gail Hovden and Continuing Education Coordinator Bob Benson went unreturned
Doesn't it make you wonder when people have the courage to slander your business in the press but don't even have the guts to talk to you about it afterwards?
The Lord hears the cries of His people and answers with a Mighty ARM--blessed be the name of the Lord forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This morning I was feeling overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed by all of the wonderful material that I learned in the past 4 days. The perfectionist in me was thinking, "How in the world will I ever memorize all of THAT material?" There are almost as many new techniques as I have already mastered.
Then I was overwhelmed by this finger STILL itching; swelling; peeling; blistering; and tingling. I am soooooo glad that I had a session with "Melanie's" Andrew when he was here during class. He's a chiropractor/BodyTalker... In that session with Andrew, I learned that there are 5 factors involved in this finger problem and hopefully it will be a thing of the past here soon, but it's still a pain in the hand..................................
I was also overwhelmed this morning as I pondered a personal situation that I must deal with involving another BodyTalker. It came up as a factor in this finger situation and Dr. Andrew Colyer told me that I need to address it for the finger to heal. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. I hardly slept last night as I prayed over this, but the Lord showed me a plan of action and now it's just for the courage to follow through.
I'm still shifting from the incredible session with Andrew which I had on Sunday. My head hurts quite a bit and I know that I "Should" (I'll post on SHOULD soon) just take it easy today. However Cora is gone babysitting today and it's time to make lunch but all I want to do is go and soak in the whirlpool. Tomorrow is my office day in Bismarck......................
Just now I cried out to the Lord when I came in the kitchen from the bathroom and saw that I had turned on the wrong burner on the stove. Instead of warming the water in my teapot, I was cooking my bread knife which was VERY hot. I guess I need to be more careful where people put things when they clear the table AND which burner I turn on.
Well, to be honest, I was just plain overwhelmed. That's when I turned my face towards Heaven and cried out to the Lord for help. This song popped into my head then and I knew that I was to find it on U Tube. I watched it and, after I had a good cry, I knew that I was to share it with you too.
I'm hoping that, if you're having a day where you feel like the whole world is resting on your shoulders like I was this morning, this song will be a reminder that it doesn't. Oh yes, He had me do the BodyTalk technique where you get rid of false belief systems before I listened to the video. The concept was, "The whole world is MY responsibility." WOW--no wonder my neck and head are hurting today. I covet your prayers!
Be blessed,
Then I was overwhelmed by this finger STILL itching; swelling; peeling; blistering; and tingling. I am soooooo glad that I had a session with "Melanie's" Andrew when he was here during class. He's a chiropractor/BodyTalker... In that session with Andrew, I learned that there are 5 factors involved in this finger problem and hopefully it will be a thing of the past here soon, but it's still a pain in the hand..................................
I was also overwhelmed this morning as I pondered a personal situation that I must deal with involving another BodyTalker. It came up as a factor in this finger situation and Dr. Andrew Colyer told me that I need to address it for the finger to heal. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. I hardly slept last night as I prayed over this, but the Lord showed me a plan of action and now it's just for the courage to follow through.
I'm still shifting from the incredible session with Andrew which I had on Sunday. My head hurts quite a bit and I know that I "Should" (I'll post on SHOULD soon) just take it easy today. However Cora is gone babysitting today and it's time to make lunch but all I want to do is go and soak in the whirlpool. Tomorrow is my office day in Bismarck......................
Just now I cried out to the Lord when I came in the kitchen from the bathroom and saw that I had turned on the wrong burner on the stove. Instead of warming the water in my teapot, I was cooking my bread knife which was VERY hot. I guess I need to be more careful where people put things when they clear the table AND which burner I turn on.
Well, to be honest, I was just plain overwhelmed. That's when I turned my face towards Heaven and cried out to the Lord for help. This song popped into my head then and I knew that I was to find it on U Tube. I watched it and, after I had a good cry, I knew that I was to share it with you too.
I'm hoping that, if you're having a day where you feel like the whole world is resting on your shoulders like I was this morning, this song will be a reminder that it doesn't. Oh yes, He had me do the BodyTalk technique where you get rid of false belief systems before I listened to the video. The concept was, "The whole world is MY responsibility." WOW--no wonder my neck and head are hurting today. I covet your prayers!
Be blessed,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Half way over already ):
How can it be that class is half way over already? I learned soooooo much today that it makes my head spin.
We reviewed 5 elements first thing in the morning. Elizabeth said that no other of the instructors that she's taken it from has done this. Melanie ran us through the seasons and showed how all of the elements are part of the FIVE seasons. Which is the fifth? Have you ever heard of Indian Summer?
Then we learned body vivaxis. This is really wild but we learned how to move things in the body. The session that I did on Lori was moving her throat chakra down a little bit closer to the muscles in the left lower back. You learn to trust the right side of your brain when doing BT. This is what it felt like.
First I found the links and then I tuned in to her body. I literally felt the energy of the throat chakra come up into my hands. Then I felt that it wanted to move closer to the muscle. I was wondering if that was all that it wanted when I felt that it rotated just a tiny little bit in my hand. Then I felt that it wanted to go back into her throat just a little lower than it had been before. Tap out and switch partners.
Lori got that my nervous system needed to be moved away from my body a little bit and that it needed to link to all of my muscles. It felt sooooooooooo good when she was done.
Later on Melanie taught us a way to balance the breath cycle and, when she tuned into the group's energies she got that she was supposed to do this one on me. It was incredible how focusing my breathing could have the affect of loosening up stuck energies in my pelvis that have probably been stuck for decades.
When I got off the table, I felt 2 feet taller and my posture was perfect!!!! Now I/we have homework of doing those breaths twice a day indefinitely.
Well, I need to go soak but I want to share a few pictures from the first 2 days of class. This is what greeted us when we entered Room # 114 at the DoubleWood Inn yesterday morning at 9:30.

Today Jean took this picture of me working on Lori. The natural sunshine was soooo very welcome as we don't use the florescent lighting so it's kind of blah in there sometimes.
Lori handed me her business card. She's a year behind me and is just getting started running her own business. In the background you can see one of the new ladies named Chris. She talks to animals and teaches classes to help others to learn how to do so. I'm hoping to get her to come here sometime this summer. We're going to work together to have her come back.

Well, as to be expected, I'm tired and sore so I'm going to soak. Robert got called unexpectedly to Eureka to help his folks get rid of their stuff before they move to Mandan the first weekend of April. His dad needs to go on dialysis so then their house will be up for sale. I said to Robert that, if my dad sells his house and stays where he is, we'll have two auction sales to prepare for this summer. UGH.
We reviewed 5 elements first thing in the morning. Elizabeth said that no other of the instructors that she's taken it from has done this. Melanie ran us through the seasons and showed how all of the elements are part of the FIVE seasons. Which is the fifth? Have you ever heard of Indian Summer?
Then we learned body vivaxis. This is really wild but we learned how to move things in the body. The session that I did on Lori was moving her throat chakra down a little bit closer to the muscles in the left lower back. You learn to trust the right side of your brain when doing BT. This is what it felt like.
First I found the links and then I tuned in to her body. I literally felt the energy of the throat chakra come up into my hands. Then I felt that it wanted to move closer to the muscle. I was wondering if that was all that it wanted when I felt that it rotated just a tiny little bit in my hand. Then I felt that it wanted to go back into her throat just a little lower than it had been before. Tap out and switch partners.
Lori got that my nervous system needed to be moved away from my body a little bit and that it needed to link to all of my muscles. It felt sooooooooooo good when she was done.
Later on Melanie taught us a way to balance the breath cycle and, when she tuned into the group's energies she got that she was supposed to do this one on me. It was incredible how focusing my breathing could have the affect of loosening up stuck energies in my pelvis that have probably been stuck for decades.
When I got off the table, I felt 2 feet taller and my posture was perfect!!!! Now I/we have homework of doing those breaths twice a day indefinitely.
Well, I need to go soak but I want to share a few pictures from the first 2 days of class. This is what greeted us when we entered Room # 114 at the DoubleWood Inn yesterday morning at 9:30.
Here Elizabeth is introducing Melanie to the group which was mostly us regulars but 3 additional practitioners. One is from Fargo and the other 2 are from out of state--all nice ladies.
This was the artist section of the class. All 4 of these ladies are artists!
My friend of 20 years, Bel, waiting for her session from Melanie. When you start in BT, every one's name goes into the hat and Melanie draws one out. However, in the upper modules, people volunteer for Melanie to work on them. She said that she likes to let things flow naturally and so leaves it up to the group to decide who should get worked on next. I must be too shy yet as I missed my cue this afternoon that it was my turn. Melanie figured it out, though, as I REALLY needed that procedure.
Today Jean took this picture of me working on Lori. The natural sunshine was soooo very welcome as we don't use the florescent lighting so it's kind of blah in there sometimes.
Lori handed me her business card. She's a year behind me and is just getting started running her own business. In the background you can see one of the new ladies named Chris. She talks to animals and teaches classes to help others to learn how to do so. I'm hoping to get her to come here sometime this summer. We're going to work together to have her come back.
Well, as to be expected, I'm tired and sore so I'm going to soak. Robert got called unexpectedly to Eureka to help his folks get rid of their stuff before they move to Mandan the first weekend of April. His dad needs to go on dialysis so then their house will be up for sale. I said to Robert that, if my dad sells his house and stays where he is, we'll have two auction sales to prepare for this summer. UGH.
I know, I know! One day at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep our class in your prayers.
5 Elements
The first day of class was GREAT. I learned one drop in the ocean of knowledge about the Chinese 5 Elements. Something must have stuck for, when I asked if anyone wanted a sample last night after family prayer time, I did 2 mini sessions. Which 2 I'll leave you to wonder about but will answer the question IF anyone asks.
I took some pictures but I don't have time to post them now. I slept as long as possible this morning as there is SOOOOOOOO much to learn. How I love that God has brought me to BodyTalk where I will never stop learning for the rest of my life. The human body is so incredibly complex that it will never cease to be an amazement to me!
One very interesting thing is that I met an animal communicator. She is willing to come to our farm and do a one day workshop for $140 per person. Anyone interested in attending?
Gotta go but I want to wish all of you a very happy Sabbath.
Love much,
I took some pictures but I don't have time to post them now. I slept as long as possible this morning as there is SOOOOOOOO much to learn. How I love that God has brought me to BodyTalk where I will never stop learning for the rest of my life. The human body is so incredibly complex that it will never cease to be an amazement to me!
One very interesting thing is that I met an animal communicator. She is willing to come to our farm and do a one day workshop for $140 per person. Anyone interested in attending?
Gotta go but I want to wish all of you a very happy Sabbath.
Love much,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can hardly believe that Module 4/7 starts tomorrow in Bismarck! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO
excited!!! I covet your prayers, as it will be a LOT to try to take in with classes (all new material) being every day for 4 days from 9:30 to 6:30, plus 2 hours of driving added in.
Other years I have pondered accepting a standing invitation at my friend, Bel's, house. It seemed so wonderful to be able to just go "Home" and unwind without having to do the driving. Then when I thought of how much better I sleep in my own bed than anywhere else, and how much I'd miss seeing my family, I knew that it would be best for me to commute. I'm comforting myself also that it won't be so bad now that there is more daylight. :)
Please pray for the class. Elizabeth told me last night that 2 more people have decided to join us so that means there will be 18. When there are that many people in the room, there isn't enough space to have lecture tables AND work tables. What we do then is do our classwork while seated at the massage tables. Then, when it's time to work on each other, we have to put all of our books on the floor and get out the pillows. All of this takes time and slows things down, which is an irritation at times. Oh well, how else could I afford to take a class with travel, hotel, and meal expenses added in? I am VERY thankful that our group is now large enough so that the upper modules can come to Bismarck. YEAH!!!! I'll try to post pictures every night, but we'll see how tired I am. :)
I wish all of you who get to go to the home school convention TONS of warm fellowship; great learning; and joy as you praise the Lord together in songs and worship!!!!!!!!!!!! The convention is in our prayers as you all travel and with the concern over flooding. GOD WILL BRING EVERYONE TO THE CONVENTION THAT HE WANTS THERE!! Those of us who are in the category of them that He doesn't want there this year (for whatever reason) will rejoice to hear later of how you were blessed in the Lord! Please share freely--especially your pictures. :)
I haven't written about what's been going on with the ND Massage Therapy board as I wasn't sure what the Lord wanted me to do about it. Elizabeth called late on Tuesday saying that she had just learned that they were holding their meeting THIS morning at 9:00 in Bismarck to discuss what to do with all of us BodyTalkers........ who are ILLEGALLY PRACTICING MASSAGE!!! GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Specifically they were going to discuss the VERY negative feedback that they got from that article in the Dickinson press last December.
Anyway, I was trying to determine if the Lord wanted me to go and speak my mind about this AGAIN. You may recall that I took the opportunity to do so in January at the capitol. I STRONGLY felt that I needed to take yesterday and today to rest up for class and do distance sessions for clients that I won't be able to see during the class.
First I told Elizabeth that I couldn't handle the stress of another day on the road. Then I told her that Andrew may be going up to get grain cleaner parts and I'd go represent us BodyTalkers if he would drive me. Then I told Elizabeth that I wouldn't go because he decided that he'd wait until next week to get the parts that he needs as he has enough work to do with the parts that he has. Then I told her that maybe I could go to the meeting because now Cora is buying some bred heifers from up there and Robert needs to do some business, so I might ride along with him early this morning. Then late last night I told Elizabeth that I went on their website and found that the meeting was cancelled due to the weather (that would have to be the political climate that they find themselves in as the weather is gorgeous.) Lastly I told Elizabeth that I just couldn't go to bed without doing SOMETHING, so I did THIS and I sent her a copy, and FINALLY HAD PEACE! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm only ONE of her clients. :)
This is the email that I sent to the secretary of the ND Massage Therapy board late last night. Now, I want to make it perfectly clear that I love a LOT of massage therapists. The local one in Napoleon offered me a place to work in her home, except that she doesn't really have room for another practitioner, but it's the thought that counts! I have nothing against any of the wonderful massage therapists that I know. However, this one who is the secretary of their board is another matter. She has cost ALL of us energy practitioners in the state LOTS of stress and time and expense to try to keep on top of their tricks.
I decided this morning to post this on my blog so that people can see my response to the threat of the board that we must stop working because they view us as doing massage. That is so totally ridiculous as I could NEVER do massage with my limited strength. NOR DO I WANT TO DO MASSAGE, AS IT IS BODYTALK WHICH SAVED MY LIFE!!!
I need you all to understand that, as far as I know, it's just the board which is confused about our work and resenting that we are taking away income from them, but I could be wrong about this part. I do not hold the board's actions against any individual massage therapist except the secretary of the board who stirred up this hornet's nest!
One friend cautioned me here to separate the individual massage therapists from the board saying, "Some day you may find that YOUR board doesn't 100% represent YOUR wishes either." Good advice. Currently we don't even have a board but this action by the ND Massage Therapy board has started to unify all of us energy workers so that there is now talk (after working together at the capitol) of forming a ND Board of Energy Practitioners or something of the sort. We'll see.
So without any further ado, this is what I sent to the secretary of the ND Massage Therapy board late last night. I tried to be as civil as possible and I asked her to share my thoughts with all of the members on the board. PLEASE PRAY THAT MY THOUGHTS, AND THOSE OF THE OTHER ENERGY PRACTITIONERS WILL HELP THE BOARD TO SEE THAT THEY NEED TO PRINT A WRITTEN APOLOGY IN ALL OF NORTH DAKOTA'S NEWSPAPERS. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO WORK IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, I want to share one funny aspect of my comments to the massage board. When I wrote up my "Testimony" yesterday, I said that God himself had given me my diagnosis because He did! Well, over lunch yesterday I asked everyone what they thought of wording it that way. It was unanimous that I'd be put into the KOOK category if I left it that way. So we had a ball trying to come up with the best way to express that concept.
Some suggestions were, "My physician," "An old doctor," "My physician, who is great," "A wonderful physician," "Paulette's physician," "A doctor I met up there" but that one wouldn't work because I didn't JUST meet God up at Paulette's. Let me know of what you think of what I settled on. NO, I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU HERE--YOU NEED TO KEEP READING TO FIND OUT. ;)
To my whirlpool for a reprieve and then to work,
To whom it may concern,
I am one of the BodyTalk practitioners who met at the capitol to share my thoughts on the slanderous article that was put in the Dickinson newspaper. If I had not come across BodyTalk in 2006, I WOULD BE DEAD FROM SHINGLES ON MY BRAIN. I don't know how you people can sleep knowing that you are trying to keep North Dakotans from getting the kind of help they need!
I was planning on coming to the meeting tomorrow morning to share my thoughts on that newspaper article. However, I just saw on your website that the meeting has been cancelled. At least this is what I saw on your site:
Next Board meeting is scheduled for:Ramkota Inn - Bismarck Room 3130 March 18, 2010 - due to the weather the meeting was cancelled for tomorrow. 9:00am - 2:00pm
In light of my uncertainty about the meeting being held, and the drive that I would need to take to attend a meeting that may not be held, I am sending my comments for all of you on the board to read. I am trusting that you will share my thoughts with all of the board members. Many of us feel that your board needs to print a rebuttal for the slanderous comments which you have made against our businesses. We are certified by the International BodyTalk Association and that should be good enough for you.
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Dawn Bornemann
My name is Dawn Bornemann and I'm from rural Kintyre, ND where I live on an organic farm. I am alive today because of a healing modality called BodyTalk. The stresses of repeated droughts, plus family tensions, almost took my life in 2006. That year in July I began trying to find a doctor who could figure out why I was dizzy all the time.
I became deathly ill but none of the 4 doctors I saw were able to figure out what was wrong with me until much damage was done to my nerves. Later a neurologist told me that I was, "Stressed out and needing a good rest." I then went to a health center in the Turtle Mountains for 18 days to "Have a good rest." I was certain that it would be a permanent one!
Fortunately, I found a naturopathic physician there who diagnosed me with internal shingles on my brain. That was when we began bee venom therapy, as that had been proven to help with shingles. Immediately I improved a tiny bit and was sent home with a quart jar full of honey bees.
My 20 year old daughter gave me, on average, 5 bee stings a day for a year until my body began to reject the venom. At that time, I met another naturopath who suggested that I take the BodyTalk Access class, which I did in June of 2007. When this helped, I pursued in-depth BodyTalk sessions with Elizabeth Hanson, CBP, who also taught the class. I improved quickly then, so she became my heroine!
After using the simple Access techniques for 6 weeks, I was able to reduce the bee stings from 5 to 1 a day. The nerves in my neck began to heal and I had hope of recovering. Prior to this, my sense of balance was damaged from the shingles and for many months I needed somebody to guide me about lest I fall AND it was unsafe for me to drive a vehicle. My head bobbed constantly, as the nerves to my neck were so damaged that there was not enough support for my head. Also, it sounded as though a freight train was running through my head for almost a year and my short-term memory was badly damaged. I liken the pain in my neck and head during that time to someone holding a hot iron to my neck! I lived on pain killers.
In September of 2007 I was somewhat recovered and took the 5 day BodyTalk classes called Modules 1 & 2. On the last day of class, Elizabeth used the BodyTalk biofeedback method of checking with my body. When she asked, "Are bee stings a priority?" the answer came back, "NO." That morning my daughter had given me bee-sting # 745 and it was the last, for the sessions that I received in class healed the nerve damage so incredibly that I no longer needed the bee venom therapy. THAT WAS ONE OF THE HAPPIEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!!!!
After that, I had the knowledge I needed to give myself BodyTalk sessions whenever I had pain. Believe me, I MUCH PREFER THIS TO GETTING BEE STINGS EVERY DAY AND MY DAUGHTER DOES TOO!
As others saw my progress, and recovery from a life-threatening illness, they started asking me to give them sessions. I pursued further training with the International BodyTalk Association and then, last Fall I, myself, became a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP). I named my business, LINKS TO HEALING. I'm so glad to have this wonderful tool which is helping others to recover from minor problems to life-threatening situations.
BodyTalk works by strengthening the communication systems within the body. When we are under stress, the messages that are supposed to flow freely through our body are hampered. The brain is able to repair ANY damage IF its 2 sides are properly linked to each other. I like to think of stress as a tree that's fallen across a road, consequently blocking the flow of traffic. When the crane comes and removes the tree, then traffic can flow freely once again. A BodyTalk session is like that crane that removes the cause of the blockage, PLUS, it repairs the damage to the road.
We use biofeedback to determine where the blockages are located. Then we determine what items need to be linked together to bring healing and we lightly tap on the head. We're saying to the brain, "I know that you know this, but you may have forgotten it with all of the stress you've been under." Next, we lightly tap on the heart so that it stores this information and the changes become permanent. This is how BodyTalk healed my traumatized brain.
I have had many massages and they were not one bit like a BodyTalk session, so I am hoping that my sharing this will help a little to end the confusion! We BodyTalkers do NOT do massage! I cannot imagine myself being strong enough to be a massage therapist, as my body was permanently weakened. I CAN lightly pull on a hand to get a "Yes," or "No" response, though. In this way, not only have I been able to save my own life, but I've been blessed to be able to help others recover their health as well!
See what's happening at our organic farm by viewing my blog (an on-line journal) at: http://dawns-hope.blogspot.com/.
excited!!! I covet your prayers, as it will be a LOT to try to take in with classes (all new material) being every day for 4 days from 9:30 to 6:30, plus 2 hours of driving added in.
Other years I have pondered accepting a standing invitation at my friend, Bel's, house. It seemed so wonderful to be able to just go "Home" and unwind without having to do the driving. Then when I thought of how much better I sleep in my own bed than anywhere else, and how much I'd miss seeing my family, I knew that it would be best for me to commute. I'm comforting myself also that it won't be so bad now that there is more daylight. :)
Please pray for the class. Elizabeth told me last night that 2 more people have decided to join us so that means there will be 18. When there are that many people in the room, there isn't enough space to have lecture tables AND work tables. What we do then is do our classwork while seated at the massage tables. Then, when it's time to work on each other, we have to put all of our books on the floor and get out the pillows. All of this takes time and slows things down, which is an irritation at times. Oh well, how else could I afford to take a class with travel, hotel, and meal expenses added in? I am VERY thankful that our group is now large enough so that the upper modules can come to Bismarck. YEAH!!!! I'll try to post pictures every night, but we'll see how tired I am. :)
I wish all of you who get to go to the home school convention TONS of warm fellowship; great learning; and joy as you praise the Lord together in songs and worship!!!!!!!!!!!! The convention is in our prayers as you all travel and with the concern over flooding. GOD WILL BRING EVERYONE TO THE CONVENTION THAT HE WANTS THERE!! Those of us who are in the category of them that He doesn't want there this year (for whatever reason) will rejoice to hear later of how you were blessed in the Lord! Please share freely--especially your pictures. :)
I haven't written about what's been going on with the ND Massage Therapy board as I wasn't sure what the Lord wanted me to do about it. Elizabeth called late on Tuesday saying that she had just learned that they were holding their meeting THIS morning at 9:00 in Bismarck to discuss what to do with all of us BodyTalkers........ who are ILLEGALLY PRACTICING MASSAGE!!! GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Specifically they were going to discuss the VERY negative feedback that they got from that article in the Dickinson press last December.
Anyway, I was trying to determine if the Lord wanted me to go and speak my mind about this AGAIN. You may recall that I took the opportunity to do so in January at the capitol. I STRONGLY felt that I needed to take yesterday and today to rest up for class and do distance sessions for clients that I won't be able to see during the class.
First I told Elizabeth that I couldn't handle the stress of another day on the road. Then I told her that Andrew may be going up to get grain cleaner parts and I'd go represent us BodyTalkers if he would drive me. Then I told Elizabeth that I wouldn't go because he decided that he'd wait until next week to get the parts that he needs as he has enough work to do with the parts that he has. Then I told her that maybe I could go to the meeting because now Cora is buying some bred heifers from up there and Robert needs to do some business, so I might ride along with him early this morning. Then late last night I told Elizabeth that I went on their website and found that the meeting was cancelled due to the weather (that would have to be the political climate that they find themselves in as the weather is gorgeous.) Lastly I told Elizabeth that I just couldn't go to bed without doing SOMETHING, so I did THIS and I sent her a copy, and FINALLY HAD PEACE! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm only ONE of her clients. :)
This is the email that I sent to the secretary of the ND Massage Therapy board late last night. Now, I want to make it perfectly clear that I love a LOT of massage therapists. The local one in Napoleon offered me a place to work in her home, except that she doesn't really have room for another practitioner, but it's the thought that counts! I have nothing against any of the wonderful massage therapists that I know. However, this one who is the secretary of their board is another matter. She has cost ALL of us energy practitioners in the state LOTS of stress and time and expense to try to keep on top of their tricks.
I decided this morning to post this on my blog so that people can see my response to the threat of the board that we must stop working because they view us as doing massage. That is so totally ridiculous as I could NEVER do massage with my limited strength. NOR DO I WANT TO DO MASSAGE, AS IT IS BODYTALK WHICH SAVED MY LIFE!!!
I need you all to understand that, as far as I know, it's just the board which is confused about our work and resenting that we are taking away income from them, but I could be wrong about this part. I do not hold the board's actions against any individual massage therapist except the secretary of the board who stirred up this hornet's nest!
One friend cautioned me here to separate the individual massage therapists from the board saying, "Some day you may find that YOUR board doesn't 100% represent YOUR wishes either." Good advice. Currently we don't even have a board but this action by the ND Massage Therapy board has started to unify all of us energy workers so that there is now talk (after working together at the capitol) of forming a ND Board of Energy Practitioners or something of the sort. We'll see.
So without any further ado, this is what I sent to the secretary of the ND Massage Therapy board late last night. I tried to be as civil as possible and I asked her to share my thoughts with all of the members on the board. PLEASE PRAY THAT MY THOUGHTS, AND THOSE OF THE OTHER ENERGY PRACTITIONERS WILL HELP THE BOARD TO SEE THAT THEY NEED TO PRINT A WRITTEN APOLOGY IN ALL OF NORTH DAKOTA'S NEWSPAPERS. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO WORK IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, I want to share one funny aspect of my comments to the massage board. When I wrote up my "Testimony" yesterday, I said that God himself had given me my diagnosis because He did! Well, over lunch yesterday I asked everyone what they thought of wording it that way. It was unanimous that I'd be put into the KOOK category if I left it that way. So we had a ball trying to come up with the best way to express that concept.
Some suggestions were, "My physician," "An old doctor," "My physician, who is great," "A wonderful physician," "Paulette's physician," "A doctor I met up there" but that one wouldn't work because I didn't JUST meet God up at Paulette's. Let me know of what you think of what I settled on. NO, I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU HERE--YOU NEED TO KEEP READING TO FIND OUT. ;)
To my whirlpool for a reprieve and then to work,
To whom it may concern,
I am one of the BodyTalk practitioners who met at the capitol to share my thoughts on the slanderous article that was put in the Dickinson newspaper. If I had not come across BodyTalk in 2006, I WOULD BE DEAD FROM SHINGLES ON MY BRAIN. I don't know how you people can sleep knowing that you are trying to keep North Dakotans from getting the kind of help they need!
I was planning on coming to the meeting tomorrow morning to share my thoughts on that newspaper article. However, I just saw on your website that the meeting has been cancelled. At least this is what I saw on your site:
Next Board meeting is scheduled for:Ramkota Inn - Bismarck Room 3130 March 18, 2010 - due to the weather the meeting was cancelled for tomorrow. 9:00am - 2:00pm
In light of my uncertainty about the meeting being held, and the drive that I would need to take to attend a meeting that may not be held, I am sending my comments for all of you on the board to read. I am trusting that you will share my thoughts with all of the board members. Many of us feel that your board needs to print a rebuttal for the slanderous comments which you have made against our businesses. We are certified by the International BodyTalk Association and that should be good enough for you.
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Dawn Bornemann
My name is Dawn Bornemann and I'm from rural Kintyre, ND where I live on an organic farm. I am alive today because of a healing modality called BodyTalk. The stresses of repeated droughts, plus family tensions, almost took my life in 2006. That year in July I began trying to find a doctor who could figure out why I was dizzy all the time.
I became deathly ill but none of the 4 doctors I saw were able to figure out what was wrong with me until much damage was done to my nerves. Later a neurologist told me that I was, "Stressed out and needing a good rest." I then went to a health center in the Turtle Mountains for 18 days to "Have a good rest." I was certain that it would be a permanent one!
Fortunately, I found a naturopathic physician there who diagnosed me with internal shingles on my brain. That was when we began bee venom therapy, as that had been proven to help with shingles. Immediately I improved a tiny bit and was sent home with a quart jar full of honey bees.
My 20 year old daughter gave me, on average, 5 bee stings a day for a year until my body began to reject the venom. At that time, I met another naturopath who suggested that I take the BodyTalk Access class, which I did in June of 2007. When this helped, I pursued in-depth BodyTalk sessions with Elizabeth Hanson, CBP, who also taught the class. I improved quickly then, so she became my heroine!
After using the simple Access techniques for 6 weeks, I was able to reduce the bee stings from 5 to 1 a day. The nerves in my neck began to heal and I had hope of recovering. Prior to this, my sense of balance was damaged from the shingles and for many months I needed somebody to guide me about lest I fall AND it was unsafe for me to drive a vehicle. My head bobbed constantly, as the nerves to my neck were so damaged that there was not enough support for my head. Also, it sounded as though a freight train was running through my head for almost a year and my short-term memory was badly damaged. I liken the pain in my neck and head during that time to someone holding a hot iron to my neck! I lived on pain killers.
In September of 2007 I was somewhat recovered and took the 5 day BodyTalk classes called Modules 1 & 2. On the last day of class, Elizabeth used the BodyTalk biofeedback method of checking with my body. When she asked, "Are bee stings a priority?" the answer came back, "NO." That morning my daughter had given me bee-sting # 745 and it was the last, for the sessions that I received in class healed the nerve damage so incredibly that I no longer needed the bee venom therapy. THAT WAS ONE OF THE HAPPIEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!!!!
After that, I had the knowledge I needed to give myself BodyTalk sessions whenever I had pain. Believe me, I MUCH PREFER THIS TO GETTING BEE STINGS EVERY DAY AND MY DAUGHTER DOES TOO!
As others saw my progress, and recovery from a life-threatening illness, they started asking me to give them sessions. I pursued further training with the International BodyTalk Association and then, last Fall I, myself, became a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP). I named my business, LINKS TO HEALING. I'm so glad to have this wonderful tool which is helping others to recover from minor problems to life-threatening situations.
BodyTalk works by strengthening the communication systems within the body. When we are under stress, the messages that are supposed to flow freely through our body are hampered. The brain is able to repair ANY damage IF its 2 sides are properly linked to each other. I like to think of stress as a tree that's fallen across a road, consequently blocking the flow of traffic. When the crane comes and removes the tree, then traffic can flow freely once again. A BodyTalk session is like that crane that removes the cause of the blockage, PLUS, it repairs the damage to the road.
We use biofeedback to determine where the blockages are located. Then we determine what items need to be linked together to bring healing and we lightly tap on the head. We're saying to the brain, "I know that you know this, but you may have forgotten it with all of the stress you've been under." Next, we lightly tap on the heart so that it stores this information and the changes become permanent. This is how BodyTalk healed my traumatized brain.
I have had many massages and they were not one bit like a BodyTalk session, so I am hoping that my sharing this will help a little to end the confusion! We BodyTalkers do NOT do massage! I cannot imagine myself being strong enough to be a massage therapist, as my body was permanently weakened. I CAN lightly pull on a hand to get a "Yes," or "No" response, though. In this way, not only have I been able to save my own life, but I've been blessed to be able to help others recover their health as well!
See what's happening at our organic farm by viewing my blog (an on-line journal) at: http://dawns-hope.blogspot.com/.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Finally I THINK I get it--I think I understand the mystery of this finger business. I have been deeply grieved over it since this last session. It's like all hell has broken out with it peeling almost all the way up to the knuckle on the backside and blistering something awfully on the front side. It kept me awake last night until I got up and put some kombucha on it. I figured, if that didn't kill the itch, nothing would. Then I slept.
I just didn't seem to get what the Lord was trying to teach me through this experience. Did you ever have lots and lots of thoughts about something, but nothing seemed to make sense when you added up 1 + 1. Did you ever pray for weeks about something and then, all of a sudden, it clicked and you understood. This is what happened tonight--this is how the Lord spoke to me through my precious family.
Jacob was reading my, "Pet peeve" post. He asked, "What's a peeve?" Everyone laughed and we tried to explain it to him. Then he jokingly said, "Well, where do you keep your PET peeve, Mom?" I was trying to come up with an answer to that question when somebody said, "What do you want to keep it for anyway?" Then somebody else said, "Yeah, why not get rid of it?" Then somebody else said, "Maybe you should run an ad in the giveaway section, "Pet peeve for giveaway."
We all laughed, but it stirred something up in me and I felt suddenly excited that I was coming to the end of my journey with this finger business and maybe much more than that! As I washed the supper dishes, my mind was taken back to 2006 when I was deathly ill. I had a friend named Christopher then, who is a Master Herbalist. Chris helped me in soooo many ways, as I battled for my life, but the thing that sticks in my mind the most is when he explained something really profound to me about the concept of healing.
Chris had the details that I don't have now, but he said that we are constantly making new cells in our bodies. These new cells replace the old dead cells so that every so many weeks or months our organs, endocrines, and body parts are completely remade. He went through the different kinds of cells and how quickly the multiply--some of them completely replacing their old parts in as little as 21 days!
By that time I had been ill for many months. Most of those cells that I had when I first had gotten ill had been completely replaced. I remember Chris saying to me then, "If you've had all new cells since you first got ill, then why are you STILL ill? Could it be that your THOUGHTS are keeping you sick? Could it be that sick THOUGHTS are making the newly made cells sick too?" INDEED!
So back to tonight. As I pondered getting rid of my pet peeve AND my itchy finger, I realized that it is once again my thoughts that are keeping me sick. This is almost 4 months now that I'm dealing with this finger. Then I thought about what emotions that finger stores. IT STORES ANGER AND SEXUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if you've been following my blog for any length of time, you'll know that for 20 years I've been trying to recover from the severe abuses that I endured in my childhood. Those are the emotions that have been coming out of my finger during these last 4 months of REALLY deep BodyTalk sessions.
"I JUST DON'T GET IT," I cried out to the Lord as I washed the supper dishes, "what are you trying to tell me? If I'm capable of rebuilding healthy cells very quickly (especially in the skin) then why is my finger still so sick?"
I felt the Lord urging me to think about the emotions stored in the finger and how long they've been there. Why, it's been almost 50 years since the abuse first began--that's a long time to store something. "If it's true, Lord, that I could have rebuilt all new cells in my finger by now, then why didn't I?" EXACTLY.
Melanie always says that a BodyTalk session brings things to the light so that we can deal with them. It's like lowering the water layer on an iceberg so that we can see what needs to be done to fix the problem. Now I am in tears as I see that my UNBELIEF is what has continued my agony these many months with this finger.
Now I see that even THIS must yield to Scripture, so I insist that it try to stand up against this promise in Philippians 4:13: For I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. ALL THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can even be healed from the chains of self-hatred forged early in the home of my childhood.
What a leap for my mind to see that on the inside I can be totally clean and healthy and happy like my finger will be once again after this passes on. I covet your prayers as I face the most dreadful truth of all--the knowledge that I have despised myself for something that wasn't even my fault! Do you suppose that it's time, like Ecclesiastes says, to tear down the self-hatred that I learned 5 decades ago? GOD CAN HEAL EVEN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY!!! I always knew that the Lord is incredible but I just closed this post; went in my room to put my books away for the day; and my eyes feel on these words. I knew that I just HAD to open this post up again and add these words from my Module 3 book. This is what Dr. Veltheim writes in the chapter explaining how consciousness works. I quote from page 66:
Other kinds of expectations can be around the client's view of themselves or how they label themselves. For example, someone with a drinking problem may accept the label, "I am an alchoholic." For this person, even if an underlying physiological disorder such as poor sugar metabolism is balanced, they will still be unable to drink socially. Because they have accepted a label of alcoholism, the first drink will trigger their belief that they cannot drink moderately. They may indeed go on a drinking binge and fulfill the prophecy contained in the label. THIS CAN BE SIMILAR FOR ANY DISEASE WITH WHICH A CLIENT IDENTIFIES--NO CURE IS POSSIBLE. AS LONG AS THEY LABEL THEMSELVES BY THE DISEASE, THEY CAN ONLY GO ONTO TEMPORARY REMISSION OF SYMPTOMS.
In my case tonight, as I ponder these words, I see that very early in life I accepted the label, "Victim," for that is what I was and that is what I stayed! I share my prayer with the hopes that, if this is sounding familiar to you, you too will seek His help to be free from all labels!!!
I just didn't seem to get what the Lord was trying to teach me through this experience. Did you ever have lots and lots of thoughts about something, but nothing seemed to make sense when you added up 1 + 1. Did you ever pray for weeks about something and then, all of a sudden, it clicked and you understood. This is what happened tonight--this is how the Lord spoke to me through my precious family.
Jacob was reading my, "Pet peeve" post. He asked, "What's a peeve?" Everyone laughed and we tried to explain it to him. Then he jokingly said, "Well, where do you keep your PET peeve, Mom?" I was trying to come up with an answer to that question when somebody said, "What do you want to keep it for anyway?" Then somebody else said, "Yeah, why not get rid of it?" Then somebody else said, "Maybe you should run an ad in the giveaway section, "Pet peeve for giveaway."
We all laughed, but it stirred something up in me and I felt suddenly excited that I was coming to the end of my journey with this finger business and maybe much more than that! As I washed the supper dishes, my mind was taken back to 2006 when I was deathly ill. I had a friend named Christopher then, who is a Master Herbalist. Chris helped me in soooo many ways, as I battled for my life, but the thing that sticks in my mind the most is when he explained something really profound to me about the concept of healing.
Chris had the details that I don't have now, but he said that we are constantly making new cells in our bodies. These new cells replace the old dead cells so that every so many weeks or months our organs, endocrines, and body parts are completely remade. He went through the different kinds of cells and how quickly the multiply--some of them completely replacing their old parts in as little as 21 days!
By that time I had been ill for many months. Most of those cells that I had when I first had gotten ill had been completely replaced. I remember Chris saying to me then, "If you've had all new cells since you first got ill, then why are you STILL ill? Could it be that your THOUGHTS are keeping you sick? Could it be that sick THOUGHTS are making the newly made cells sick too?" INDEED!
So back to tonight. As I pondered getting rid of my pet peeve AND my itchy finger, I realized that it is once again my thoughts that are keeping me sick. This is almost 4 months now that I'm dealing with this finger. Then I thought about what emotions that finger stores. IT STORES ANGER AND SEXUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if you've been following my blog for any length of time, you'll know that for 20 years I've been trying to recover from the severe abuses that I endured in my childhood. Those are the emotions that have been coming out of my finger during these last 4 months of REALLY deep BodyTalk sessions.
"I JUST DON'T GET IT," I cried out to the Lord as I washed the supper dishes, "what are you trying to tell me? If I'm capable of rebuilding healthy cells very quickly (especially in the skin) then why is my finger still so sick?"
I felt the Lord urging me to think about the emotions stored in the finger and how long they've been there. Why, it's been almost 50 years since the abuse first began--that's a long time to store something. "If it's true, Lord, that I could have rebuilt all new cells in my finger by now, then why didn't I?" EXACTLY.
Melanie always says that a BodyTalk session brings things to the light so that we can deal with them. It's like lowering the water layer on an iceberg so that we can see what needs to be done to fix the problem. Now I am in tears as I see that my UNBELIEF is what has continued my agony these many months with this finger.
Now I see that even THIS must yield to Scripture, so I insist that it try to stand up against this promise in Philippians 4:13: For I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. ALL THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can even be healed from the chains of self-hatred forged early in the home of my childhood.
What a leap for my mind to see that on the inside I can be totally clean and healthy and happy like my finger will be once again after this passes on. I covet your prayers as I face the most dreadful truth of all--the knowledge that I have despised myself for something that wasn't even my fault! Do you suppose that it's time, like Ecclesiastes says, to tear down the self-hatred that I learned 5 decades ago? GOD CAN HEAL EVEN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY!!! I always knew that the Lord is incredible but I just closed this post; went in my room to put my books away for the day; and my eyes feel on these words. I knew that I just HAD to open this post up again and add these words from my Module 3 book. This is what Dr. Veltheim writes in the chapter explaining how consciousness works. I quote from page 66:
Other kinds of expectations can be around the client's view of themselves or how they label themselves. For example, someone with a drinking problem may accept the label, "I am an alchoholic." For this person, even if an underlying physiological disorder such as poor sugar metabolism is balanced, they will still be unable to drink socially. Because they have accepted a label of alcoholism, the first drink will trigger their belief that they cannot drink moderately. They may indeed go on a drinking binge and fulfill the prophecy contained in the label. THIS CAN BE SIMILAR FOR ANY DISEASE WITH WHICH A CLIENT IDENTIFIES--NO CURE IS POSSIBLE. AS LONG AS THEY LABEL THEMSELVES BY THE DISEASE, THEY CAN ONLY GO ONTO TEMPORARY REMISSION OF SYMPTOMS.
In my case tonight, as I ponder these words, I see that very early in life I accepted the label, "Victim," for that is what I was and that is what I stayed! I share my prayer with the hopes that, if this is sounding familiar to you, you too will seek His help to be free from all labels!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pet Peeve
OK. I've been thinking about this post for a couple of weeks--thinking about it and then putting off writing it. I was just listening to one of Dr. Veltheim's videos about how EVERY aspect of our lives affects our health, so now I'm ready to write about this topic.
As you may or may not know, I have been struggling for the past 3 1/2 years to recover from an illness which almost took my life in 2006. It's called shingles on the brain. I realize now that I got to be in that bad shape by stuffing every negative thought and emotion that I had. I can see now that this is a VERY BAD HABIT!
God gave us our emotions to be our guides through life. When we are angry about something, God is trying to move us to some action to make some change that is necessary for our continued growth. By stuffing the anger, we don't make the change; we don't experience the growth that was intended for us; we die a little bit more; AND the anger wears us out and becomes negative energy in our body/minds. This knowledge is giving me the courage to share what I have been holding in for a couple of weeks now.
When I shared this latest incident with Jacob, he with his 14 years of wisdom said, "Mom, people just want to sit on the fence. They don't want to have to dig in deep and learn the truth because then they will have to pick a side and get off the fence. They will have to change their lives!" WOW!!!
I want to be perfectly clear here. I am not pushing any of my beliefs on you. All I'm asking for is this, "If you really DON'T want to know what I have learned about something, PLEASE DON'T ASK ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!! It's a waste of my time, which is poor stewardship, AND it ruffles my serenity.
Please pray for me as I struggle to shed my pet peeves and enter the true bliss of self-control. If anyone has any truly good ideas of how to develop THAT in my life, I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts. I REALLY WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your patience as I travel on this journey towards wellness!
As you may or may not know, I have been struggling for the past 3 1/2 years to recover from an illness which almost took my life in 2006. It's called shingles on the brain. I realize now that I got to be in that bad shape by stuffing every negative thought and emotion that I had. I can see now that this is a VERY BAD HABIT!
God gave us our emotions to be our guides through life. When we are angry about something, God is trying to move us to some action to make some change that is necessary for our continued growth. By stuffing the anger, we don't make the change; we don't experience the growth that was intended for us; we die a little bit more; AND the anger wears us out and becomes negative energy in our body/minds. This knowledge is giving me the courage to share what I have been holding in for a couple of weeks now.
When I shared this latest incident with Jacob, he with his 14 years of wisdom said, "Mom, people just want to sit on the fence. They don't want to have to dig in deep and learn the truth because then they will have to pick a side and get off the fence. They will have to change their lives!" WOW!!!
I want to be perfectly clear here. I am not pushing any of my beliefs on you. All I'm asking for is this, "If you really DON'T want to know what I have learned about something, PLEASE DON'T ASK ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!! It's a waste of my time, which is poor stewardship, AND it ruffles my serenity.
Please pray for me as I struggle to shed my pet peeves and enter the true bliss of self-control. If anyone has any truly good ideas of how to develop THAT in my life, I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts. I REALLY WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your patience as I travel on this journey towards wellness!
Clara's session report
Wow-it's been forever since I took the time to post Clara's session report. Being this has become quite rare, I thought I'd mention here that I just finished posting her session report from last night. Check it out on my sidebar if you're interested in learning what links this beautiful Brown Swiss cow needed as she struggled to bring balance to her life. Yes, animals DO have feelings. :)
More later,
Friday, March 12, 2010
SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!
As a Christian I was taught to, "Take up your cross and follow me." As a victim I was taught to, "Keep your mouth shut and keep the peace." As a BodyTalker, I'm being taught to "Breathe deeply and let it all out." TALK ABOUT A CONTRAST!
This is a picture of what happens to someone who stuffs everything inside for 50 years. I KNOW that this is essential to my fully getting well, but I am down right sick of this!!!!! Just in case you're wondering, "YES," it does hurt to type with this finger, but then, I'm pretty good at ignoring my pain. After all, that's how I managed to give myself shingles on the brain in 2006.
In an earlier post I wrote about how the middle finger on my left hand got an infection from no apparent cause. This was 3 1/2 MONTHS ago. No matter what I did with herbs, supplements, or even with my personal BodyTalk sessions helped. The infection spread up the finger over the weeks. Later the skin started to peel from the fever in my finger.
Finally I broke down and went to Tone-Lise for BT sessions. She's had all of the modules, plus PaRama and so has more techniques to throw at this thing. She told me that Louise Hay's work indicates different emotions stored in different body parts (even more detailed than what we learned in Module 3).
Well, what a coincidence. The middle finger on the left hand just happens to store anger AND sexuality. Isn't it amazing that this infection in my finger just happened to start at the time that my BodyTalk sessions were taking me deep into the heart of the incest?
In my prayer time, the Lord showed me that I would need 3 sessions from TL to clear through the bulk of the garbage from the time when I was 4 years old and VERY unsafe. After the first session my body felt like it had been run over by a brick truck. After the second one 2 weeks later, I was so depressed I could have just died. After the third one, another 2 weeks later, (which was on Wednesday) I am suffering from both physical AND emotional pain. Yesterday afternoon I just gave up and spent the afternoon in the whirlpool doing Access and Reiki until I finally fell asleep.
I covet your prayers as this finger is driving me crazy. I'm trying to grasp in my mind the concept which TL says I need to somehow be able to come to terms with. It is this, "Even though my parents did not/do not accept me as I am, I CAN ACCEPT ME AS I AM!" I just don't know how to do it--maybe I'm blind or something. I was taught to honor and respect my parents. If they thought I was a second-class citizen, isn't it disrespectful of them for me to think otherwise???????????????????????
I really need help here. If you see something that I don't, PLEASE feel free to share it. In the meantime, I'll share these new pictures of my finger. As you can see, the line of inflammation is now almost up to the knuckle. The skin has peeled all the way up to this line.

What's "NEW AND IMPROVED" since Wednesday is that the finger has now broken out in little blisters. These itch like crazy and kept waking me up all last night. It's not a good picture but maybe you can see them if you look real close.

From the side view you can see the line where the "Good" skin ends and the "Bad" skin begins. Also you can see how red the irritated part is and the swelling in the finger.

This is a picture of what happens to someone who stuffs everything inside for 50 years. I KNOW that this is essential to my fully getting well, but I am down right sick of this!!!!! Just in case you're wondering, "YES," it does hurt to type with this finger, but then, I'm pretty good at ignoring my pain. After all, that's how I managed to give myself shingles on the brain in 2006.
In an earlier post I wrote about how the middle finger on my left hand got an infection from no apparent cause. This was 3 1/2 MONTHS ago. No matter what I did with herbs, supplements, or even with my personal BodyTalk sessions helped. The infection spread up the finger over the weeks. Later the skin started to peel from the fever in my finger.
Finally I broke down and went to Tone-Lise for BT sessions. She's had all of the modules, plus PaRama and so has more techniques to throw at this thing. She told me that Louise Hay's work indicates different emotions stored in different body parts (even more detailed than what we learned in Module 3).
Well, what a coincidence. The middle finger on the left hand just happens to store anger AND sexuality. Isn't it amazing that this infection in my finger just happened to start at the time that my BodyTalk sessions were taking me deep into the heart of the incest?
In my prayer time, the Lord showed me that I would need 3 sessions from TL to clear through the bulk of the garbage from the time when I was 4 years old and VERY unsafe. After the first session my body felt like it had been run over by a brick truck. After the second one 2 weeks later, I was so depressed I could have just died. After the third one, another 2 weeks later, (which was on Wednesday) I am suffering from both physical AND emotional pain. Yesterday afternoon I just gave up and spent the afternoon in the whirlpool doing Access and Reiki until I finally fell asleep.
I covet your prayers as this finger is driving me crazy. I'm trying to grasp in my mind the concept which TL says I need to somehow be able to come to terms with. It is this, "Even though my parents did not/do not accept me as I am, I CAN ACCEPT ME AS I AM!" I just don't know how to do it--maybe I'm blind or something. I was taught to honor and respect my parents. If they thought I was a second-class citizen, isn't it disrespectful of them for me to think otherwise???????????????????????
I really need help here. If you see something that I don't, PLEASE feel free to share it. In the meantime, I'll share these new pictures of my finger. As you can see, the line of inflammation is now almost up to the knuckle. The skin has peeled all the way up to this line.
What's "NEW AND IMPROVED" since Wednesday is that the finger has now broken out in little blisters. These itch like crazy and kept waking me up all last night. It's not a good picture but maybe you can see them if you look real close.
From the side view you can see the line where the "Good" skin ends and the "Bad" skin begins. Also you can see how red the irritated part is and the swelling in the finger.
This is the back view. You can see how the skin peeled off at an angle for some reason. Actually the back is healing a bit now, so that is a relief, but this new rash on the front is making up for it.

So that's the update on my poor middle finger on my left hand. I write this with the hope of helping people to see how closely the mind and the body are linked. There's a reason for everything that manifests as a problem in the body. Praise God that there is hope through prayer AND BodyTalk. I covet your prayers as I heal from the ugliest sin of them all.
So that's the update on my poor middle finger on my left hand. I write this with the hope of helping people to see how closely the mind and the body are linked. There's a reason for everything that manifests as a problem in the body. Praise God that there is hope through prayer AND BodyTalk. I covet your prayers as I heal from the ugliest sin of them all.
I also am suffering in my heart because a good friend is suffering with so much pain and her husband has decided not to continue her BT sessions--even though they were helping her. SOMEHOW I AM GOING TO HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO DEAL WITH THIS TYPE OF TURMOIL OR GO BACK TO JUST USING BODYTALK ON MYSELF. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO FIND PEACE IN THIS STRUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I need a BodyTalk session.
Resting in Yahweh,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
GUESS WHAT! I have finally learned how to post a video from U Tube ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!
Maybe I'm growing up! :)
I was just telling a client whose neck is "Killing her" how to find this link. IT IS MEGA IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE LEARN HOW TO TAP OUT THEIR CORTICES!!!!!! The world would become a much more peaceful place to live in if everyone would start their day, like I do, by tapping out their cortices. It's the first thing that I do, as I've learned that I'm not at my best until I've linked up the 2 sides of my brain. I refuse to step one foot on the floor until I've tapped out my cortices (and done the switching technique) as I think that my family and the world deserves me to be the very best that I can be.
School teachers around the world are starting their school days by tapping out their cortices along with their students. Children learn better; can sit better; are more calm and the whole day goes better. The best part of all is that it is TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot urge you too much to listen to these 2 video clips by the man whom God used to save my life. Dr. Veltheim is a hero to millions of people around the world, including me. I beg you to let him become one to you too!!!
It'll take you 12 1/2 minutes to listen to these videos but for the rest of your life you can become the best that you can be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your family deserve the very best life there is! :)
As we BodyTalkers often say, "Happy tapping!"
PS. Oh yes, my day in Bismarck yesterday was absolutely FANTASTIC. I felt the prayers coming my way and had a fantastic healing experience when Tone-Lise worked on me in the morning. Then the Lord blessed in incredible ways as I worked on 3 lovely ladies in the afternoon. Not only that, Jacob and I came home with 5 new fish for Cora's aquarium. They said to fill it slowly, but that is for Cora to tell about. :) Thanks for your prayer support yesterday.
PS. Did I mention that I now have peace about leaving that office in Bismarck? I'm not sure where I'm going but I sent out an email this morning informing my partners that I'm leaving. I had hoped to have a meeting but things are REALLY bad there and this seemed the least stressful route for all of us. Maybe I'll have courage to tell more about that later. In the meantime, please pray that I can sense God's leading me as to where/if I am to have my Bismarck office after April. Now that I've decided to leave, I am amazed at how calm I am! I'm almost positive that I'd not have been able to leave had it not been for Tone-Lise's session yesterday morning--God bless you TL!
Maybe I'm growing up! :)
I was just telling a client whose neck is "Killing her" how to find this link. IT IS MEGA IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE LEARN HOW TO TAP OUT THEIR CORTICES!!!!!! The world would become a much more peaceful place to live in if everyone would start their day, like I do, by tapping out their cortices. It's the first thing that I do, as I've learned that I'm not at my best until I've linked up the 2 sides of my brain. I refuse to step one foot on the floor until I've tapped out my cortices (and done the switching technique) as I think that my family and the world deserves me to be the very best that I can be.
School teachers around the world are starting their school days by tapping out their cortices along with their students. Children learn better; can sit better; are more calm and the whole day goes better. The best part of all is that it is TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot urge you too much to listen to these 2 video clips by the man whom God used to save my life. Dr. Veltheim is a hero to millions of people around the world, including me. I beg you to let him become one to you too!!!
It'll take you 12 1/2 minutes to listen to these videos but for the rest of your life you can become the best that you can be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your family deserve the very best life there is! :)
As we BodyTalkers often say, "Happy tapping!"
PS. Oh yes, my day in Bismarck yesterday was absolutely FANTASTIC. I felt the prayers coming my way and had a fantastic healing experience when Tone-Lise worked on me in the morning. Then the Lord blessed in incredible ways as I worked on 3 lovely ladies in the afternoon. Not only that, Jacob and I came home with 5 new fish for Cora's aquarium. They said to fill it slowly, but that is for Cora to tell about. :) Thanks for your prayer support yesterday.
PS. Did I mention that I now have peace about leaving that office in Bismarck? I'm not sure where I'm going but I sent out an email this morning informing my partners that I'm leaving. I had hoped to have a meeting but things are REALLY bad there and this seemed the least stressful route for all of us. Maybe I'll have courage to tell more about that later. In the meantime, please pray that I can sense God's leading me as to where/if I am to have my Bismarck office after April. Now that I've decided to leave, I am amazed at how calm I am! I'm almost positive that I'd not have been able to leave had it not been for Tone-Lise's session yesterday morning--God bless you TL!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Off to Bismarck
Recently a friend told me that she appreciated that I had asked for prayer on a specific thing. Being I don't have much time right now, I thought that I'd make this a prayer request post--very specifically. Being today is my office day in Bismarck, most of these have to do with my trip.
Please pray:
1. For safety on the road
2. For Tone-Lise to know exactly how to help me in the session that she's doing on me at 10:00
3. For me to have discernment with my new client at 11:30
4. For Jacob to get his schoolwork done while he's waiting for me
5. That the rest of the sessions I'm doing after lunch will be blessed by God.
6. That the pet food run go well
7. That I pick the right fish for Cora's birthday gift
8. That we remember to pick up Andrew's part from Napa that I forgot last week
9. That we know which books to get at the library/if any
10. That things go well here at home on the grain cleaner
11. That Cora knows whether or not she should fill out an application for a job at the nursing home in Napoleon
12. That Elizabeth has safe traveling to Fargo for Mod 1 & 2
13. That Melanie have a safe flight in from Colorado
14. That we get home in time for chores
15. That all of my clients are strengthened by my work today
16. That I rest in the Lord for the results of this day's labors
Those are the main ones. May God richly bless all of you who have chosen to pray for my ministry called LINKS TO HEALING. I'm having a lot of growing pains right now and I covet all of your prayers.
Swamped but loving it,
Please pray:
1. For safety on the road
2. For Tone-Lise to know exactly how to help me in the session that she's doing on me at 10:00
3. For me to have discernment with my new client at 11:30
4. For Jacob to get his schoolwork done while he's waiting for me
5. That the rest of the sessions I'm doing after lunch will be blessed by God.
6. That the pet food run go well
7. That I pick the right fish for Cora's birthday gift
8. That we remember to pick up Andrew's part from Napa that I forgot last week
9. That we know which books to get at the library/if any
10. That things go well here at home on the grain cleaner
11. That Cora knows whether or not she should fill out an application for a job at the nursing home in Napoleon
12. That Elizabeth has safe traveling to Fargo for Mod 1 & 2
13. That Melanie have a safe flight in from Colorado
14. That we get home in time for chores
15. That all of my clients are strengthened by my work today
16. That I rest in the Lord for the results of this day's labors
Those are the main ones. May God richly bless all of you who have chosen to pray for my ministry called LINKS TO HEALING. I'm having a lot of growing pains right now and I covet all of your prayers.
Swamped but loving it,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Gearing up for Module 4/7
WOW, I am REALLY starting to get excited about my BT class next week now. Elizabeth just went over the objectives of the class and then did a group session on all of us who are taking the class. It is so exciting to realize that soon I will learn more of the neat things that Elizabeth has been doing on me these past 2 1/2 years!
The session was very interesting in that I realized that I am not the only one who is nervous about going into a group setting to learn a bunch of new material; who doubts her self-worth; and who is nervous to work on others with new material. It was neat to have all of us needing to go back to our childhood years and deal with the fear of learning and the self doubt of wondering if I'm stupid or not. I thought that I was the only one!
We got homework to do the day before class so that was a reminder for me to get back to doing my Access every day. It REALLY helps a lot to do Access every day before a big class like this as it gets the body/mind built up to handle the shock. I do mean shock as I'll be sitting in class from 9:00 until 6:30 for 4 days straight. I decided not to take any clients the Wednesday before class so that I don't have the stress of a Bismarck run too.
I have resigned myself to not being able to go to the home school convention this year. It does bother me, though, that none of my family will be able to get away for it. It's in Fargo this year so they couldn't drive it and do the chores. I'll be tied up in class so they'd already be 1 person down. It just seemed easier to everyone to stay at home this year. I guess it's our turn for that.
For as long as I can remember, we have prayed that the Lord will get everyone to the convention that He wants to be there and to keep those away whom He does not want to be there for His reasons. It's always easier to pray that, though, when we know that someone ELSE will be the ones that He wants not to go that year. AREN'T WE SELFISH??????
Anyway, I urge everyone to go to the convention and then you can tell me all about it later. :)
Best get to doing my Access and hit the sack. If anyone is concerned about this, it would be great to have lots of prayer support for the Module 1 & 2 that Melanie is teaching in Fargo this week and the Modules 4 & 7 that she is teaching in Bismarck next week. I am so glad that this time I see Melanie, I don't have to look at her with dread in my heart for now my testing is behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sleep well all,
The session was very interesting in that I realized that I am not the only one who is nervous about going into a group setting to learn a bunch of new material; who doubts her self-worth; and who is nervous to work on others with new material. It was neat to have all of us needing to go back to our childhood years and deal with the fear of learning and the self doubt of wondering if I'm stupid or not. I thought that I was the only one!
We got homework to do the day before class so that was a reminder for me to get back to doing my Access every day. It REALLY helps a lot to do Access every day before a big class like this as it gets the body/mind built up to handle the shock. I do mean shock as I'll be sitting in class from 9:00 until 6:30 for 4 days straight. I decided not to take any clients the Wednesday before class so that I don't have the stress of a Bismarck run too.
I have resigned myself to not being able to go to the home school convention this year. It does bother me, though, that none of my family will be able to get away for it. It's in Fargo this year so they couldn't drive it and do the chores. I'll be tied up in class so they'd already be 1 person down. It just seemed easier to everyone to stay at home this year. I guess it's our turn for that.
For as long as I can remember, we have prayed that the Lord will get everyone to the convention that He wants to be there and to keep those away whom He does not want to be there for His reasons. It's always easier to pray that, though, when we know that someone ELSE will be the ones that He wants not to go that year. AREN'T WE SELFISH??????
Anyway, I urge everyone to go to the convention and then you can tell me all about it later. :)
Best get to doing my Access and hit the sack. If anyone is concerned about this, it would be great to have lots of prayer support for the Module 1 & 2 that Melanie is teaching in Fargo this week and the Modules 4 & 7 that she is teaching in Bismarck next week. I am so glad that this time I see Melanie, I don't have to look at her with dread in my heart for now my testing is behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sleep well all,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A mother for 23 years today
I had to go way back in a VERY old photo album to find these pictures to share with you. They're not very clear but I just HAD to share them with you before I set to work making Cora's birthday supper.
We just spent about 2 hours playing piano duets in the new duet book that I gave Cora for her birthday, so I'm a little behind. Still, how could I not take this moment to honor the life that made me a mother. :)
Here I am just a few weeks before Cora was born. We came home from church and Robert found me looking at the new stroller that friends had just given to us. I'm so glad that he took this picture of both the stroller and me as I have very pictures of me when I was pregnant. Oh, how I loved being pregnant!!!!!!!!! How awesome it was to know that God was shaping a human being inside of my body. WHAT A MIRACLE THAT WHOLE PROCESS IS!!!

This is the first time that I held Cora Beth Bornemann in my arms. It was love at first sight--at least for me! :)

Cora was born on a Saturday morning. Well, on Saturday nights we always played volleyball with the co-ed volleyball league in Eureka. Robert was so tired but he said to me, as I held little Cora, "You don't mind if I go to play volleyball and brag about our little girl, do you?" I laughed as I knew that all of the new dads had been doing it for years. I said, "If you have the energy, I'm not going to stop you." He snapped this picture right before he left to go burst his buttons. :)

Robert did catch a little sleep that day before the guests started arriving to see Cora Beth. I was too wired to sleep at first even though we'd been up all night. I wanted to HOLD MY BABY!!!!

Now that Mom is gone, this note touched my heart. She had bought a baby quilt for Cora's gift and this was the card she attached to it. It reads, "So happy the waiting is over. Glad everyone is doing so well. Welcome Cora Beth. The Delzer Grandparents." How they loved our little girl! Where does time go?????????

Cora has been such a dream come true baby. Her whole life has been such a joy as she has the disposition of an angel; the strength of an ox; and the tidiness of a grandmother. Although I don't very often quote my mother, it seems fitting today, "WELCOME CORA BETH!" I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We just spent about 2 hours playing piano duets in the new duet book that I gave Cora for her birthday, so I'm a little behind. Still, how could I not take this moment to honor the life that made me a mother. :)
Here I am just a few weeks before Cora was born. We came home from church and Robert found me looking at the new stroller that friends had just given to us. I'm so glad that he took this picture of both the stroller and me as I have very pictures of me when I was pregnant. Oh, how I loved being pregnant!!!!!!!!! How awesome it was to know that God was shaping a human being inside of my body. WHAT A MIRACLE THAT WHOLE PROCESS IS!!!
This is the first time that I held Cora Beth Bornemann in my arms. It was love at first sight--at least for me! :)
Cora was born on a Saturday morning. Well, on Saturday nights we always played volleyball with the co-ed volleyball league in Eureka. Robert was so tired but he said to me, as I held little Cora, "You don't mind if I go to play volleyball and brag about our little girl, do you?" I laughed as I knew that all of the new dads had been doing it for years. I said, "If you have the energy, I'm not going to stop you." He snapped this picture right before he left to go burst his buttons. :)
Robert did catch a little sleep that day before the guests started arriving to see Cora Beth. I was too wired to sleep at first even though we'd been up all night. I wanted to HOLD MY BABY!!!!
Now that Mom is gone, this note touched my heart. She had bought a baby quilt for Cora's gift and this was the card she attached to it. It reads, "So happy the waiting is over. Glad everyone is doing so well. Welcome Cora Beth. The Delzer Grandparents." How they loved our little girl! Where does time go?????????
Cora has been such a dream come true baby. Her whole life has been such a joy as she has the disposition of an angel; the strength of an ox; and the tidiness of a grandmother. Although I don't very often quote my mother, it seems fitting today, "WELCOME CORA BETH!" I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning everyone,
Today is a special day at our house--CORA TURNS TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD TODAY!!!
Actually it happened already as she was born at 7:35 AM. If you haven't done so yet, please send her birthday well wishes at her awesome blog:http://maidenhouseofgod.blogspot.com/
A very happy mama,
PS. I'll post pictures later. :)
Today is a special day at our house--CORA TURNS TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD TODAY!!!
Actually it happened already as she was born at 7:35 AM. If you haven't done so yet, please send her birthday well wishes at her awesome blog:http://maidenhouseofgod.blogspot.com/
A very happy mama,
PS. I'll post pictures later. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Fourth Commandment

It's been a lovely Sabbath again today. After our hymn sing, and the next chapter of BEYOND THE END TIMES, we again got into a discussion on the matter of the 4th commandment. I can recite it, as the children and I learned it for school over a decade ago. It's found in Exodus 20:8--11 and reads like this.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work but the SEVENTH day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work--thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor the cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in 6 days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the SEVENTH day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.
How I long for all of those I love to open their hearts to TRULY hear the words of this Scripture passage. Fourteen years ago, Robert and I felt the Lord leading us to interpret these words literally. We went against all that we had been taught and followed the Lord in obedience to these words. OH THE PEACE THAT IT HAS BROUGHT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time and time again, the Lord has honored our obedience to this and I wouldn't give up observing the Lord's Sabbath day of rest to save my life. After all, it is one of the 10 Commandments!!!
Please ponder this passage seriously, for the seventh day is the day that the Lord has blessed and made holy. It is the day that HE rested from His labors at creation. How can we resist following His example on the 4th commandment when we wouldn't dream of throwing out any of the others? May the Lord bless you with the truth here so that you may join the growing ranks of believers who are starting to "Keep the Sabbath."
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What you didn't know about moms
My niece, Tessa, sent this over today and it's just perfect as I am hurting tonight. We took Cora out to Taco Johns yesterday for her birthday and I didn't think it mattered if I had a little salt now and then. Tonight I am paying the price--owwwwwwwwwwwwww. Please pray for me!!! Anyway, I laughed at some of these, even though I'm hurting big time, so I thought that you may all like a few of them too.
WHY GOD MADE MOMS Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me..
What kind of a little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms and dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
WHEN YOU STOP LAUGHING -- SEND IT ON TO OTHER MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS, AND AUNTS . . . .and anyone else who has anything to do with kids or just needs a good laugh.
WHY GOD MADE MOMS Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me..
What kind of a little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms and dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
WHEN YOU STOP LAUGHING -- SEND IT ON TO OTHER MOTHERS, GRANDMOTHERS, AND AUNTS . . . .and anyone else who has anything to do with kids or just needs a good laugh.
Monday, March 1, 2010
I'm so accustomed to viewing myself as a failure that it never really entered my mind that my booth at the bazaar in Napoleon would be a success--but it was! I don't have much time to write about it now, but I thought I'd share some pictures for you to look at until I do.

There were about 30 different vendors.
This is the information table with the BT brochures and my CBP certificate. I set my massage table up behind it so it was hidden a little bit to allow for a little privacy. I was surprised how it didn't seem to bother anyone that the sessions were done in public. This was way in the back of the room, though, so it was as private as possible.
I printed this sign to let folks know what I was offering and to tell them to fill in their consent forms before I worked on them.
I printed this sign to let folks know what I was offering and to tell them to fill in their consent forms before I worked on them.
There were about 30 different vendors.
This woman said that she didn't mind my taking a picture of my working on her...
It was kind of dark in there but here we're both smiling for you.

It was kind of dark in there but here we're both smiling for you.
I came home floating with excitement. New possibilities that opened up to me are a chance to teach cortices to the staff at the nursing home and perhaps open up an office in Napoleon's new fitness center opening in May. WOW--and all it cost me was $25 for all of that free advertising. :)
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