Wednesday, July 28, 2010


OOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS. You know that I have my head in the clouds already when I forgot to mention the most important news of our day today. We had our organic certification inspection today. It's always a very stressful day for us and we are so glad that it's over. I am VERY happy to report that we got a good report card and our inspector, Lacy, said that Robert did very good paperwork. YIPEE!!! Good job, Robert!

This is just a very short post seeing as I need to be in my room packing. It's just that so much has happened and I must not leave without telling you at least the basic information.

This past Sabbath day was wonderful. We joined our new friends at their small fellowship group called, "El David Assembly" in Bismarck. Although we didn't know any of the songs, it was wonderful to experience what Yeshua experienced every Sabbath of His life on earth! I especially loved it when all of the adults stood to read a portion of the Torah; the Prophets; and the book of Acts. It was neat that they did it by age with the oldest reading first. I wonder how old they knew we were? :)

The group even provided an awesome lunch for us. We didn't know that there was going to be a group meal, so we didn't take anything. You may recall that I was planning on taking our family out to eat at our favorite feeding trough up there called THE GOLDEN CORRAL! Oh well, nobody minded when we stopped at Dairy Queen on our way out of town instead. :

I've been super busy with trying to finish finding homes for everything from my dad's sale. I have a neat story about how I found this jewelry box for all of my new jewelry that I inherited from my mom. I'm not into jewelry all that much, believing that my beauty needs to be of inner character, but I got all of this jewelry given to me so I decided to keep it in case it comes in handy some rainy day. :)

Anyway, I was in the Hodge Podge with Andrew when one of the staff ladies came up to me with a somber expression and said, "I haven't seen you in so long, I thought maybe you were gone." She DID mean DEAD, by the way. So I told her the good news about BT and was giving her my business card, when this elderly woman came up to me and said, "Did you say that you do BodyTalk?" I said, "Yes," and she wanted one of my cards too.

Just at that moment, I happened to ask the clerk if they had any jewelry boxes for sale. The elderly woman's mouth dropped open and she said to me, "Why, I just brought one in yesterday. I'll go and get it and show it to you." Now, what's the chances of that happening?
Anyway, I liked it and the old woman seemed so happy to know who her jewelry box was going to and I marveled at the workings of my King. Here's a picture of me when I got it home. It really is VERY pretty and it is so nice to have a place to put all of my treasured pieces from home into.

One of my greatest delights is that my children have learned how to praise the Lord with their musical abilities. Perhaps you recall how Cora bought my mother's piano at dad's sale? Well, I am absolutely amazed at the miracles she did to fit it into her room! It is such a delight to hear her playing it--it just plain old warms the cockles of my heart to think of her playing my mother's piano. Cora's beautiful heart brings out the riches of that instrument and I rejoice every time that she takes a break to play.

Well, you haven't been reading at this blog very long if you haven't heard that Jacob and I are leaving for Georgia on Friday morning. I bought this suitcase for $1 at my dad's sale and it just barely fits into the size requirements for a checked bag with Delta Airlines. No--we're NOT flying United!!! If you look closely, you'll see our radionics machine to Jacob's right. That's what this whole trip is about--we're going down to Georgia to take a 3 day class so that we can learn how to better utilize this awesome technology.

Here Jacob is working on lining up the rental car that we'll be driving down there. Just in case you're wondering--it's the economy car!

Perhaps you recall my sharing that I asked Jacob to pray that I get to do lots of BodyTalk sessions to help pay for the airline tickets? Well, his prayers have been answered in a tremendous way.
On Sunday I did 1 session; on Monday I did 1 session; yesterday I did 5 sessions (2 in person and 3 distance ones out of my Bismarck office); today I have 3 sessions; and tomorrow I have 4 sessions. Not only this, but miraculously the Lord worked and my former landlord sent me my deposit back. I've been waiting months for this so it does indeed seem like a miracle that it arrived just a few days before we leave. PRAISE THE LORD!!
Well, I need to get supper eaten as my last session today is at 8:00. Please continue to pray for me to be calm about the airplane flight and driving in Atlanta. I inherited my dad's dread of flying but I know that I'm to go so I will obey. Robert said, "Just think of this whole thing as a wonderful adventure." I'M TRYING!!!
I'll try to post pictures of our packing, but we'll see if I have the time. At any rate, Andrew is sending his laptop along with us so that I can post from down there. I'm praying constantly for PEACE!!!
Hugs to all,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Plans for Sabbath

Oh, I am sooooooooo excited! We are going away for Sabbath today to have fellowship with others who have been called to this way of life. We met this neat couple at Ben and Hannah's wedding and they made us feel so welcome to join their small group which meets in Bismarck. We've been too busy with the sale to accept their offer up until now, but today is the day! I'm sure I'll share pictures later--if they don't mind my taking a few pictures that is.

Other excitement around here is that Jacob began counting down the days until we fly to Georgia. Yesterday was one week and he kept saying things like, "We'll be in the Minneapolis airport at this time next week;" or "We'll just be getting into the rental car at this time next week;" (that one made me nervous) or "We'll be at the Inn by this time next week." He started getting ME excited with that one. Driving out of the busiest airport in the world will be behind us by then. :)

We measured the huge suitcase that I bought for one dollar at my dad's sale. We were delighted to learn that it's almost too big for the required measurements, but it will work. I thought, "Good grief, who would want to carry that monster around when it's full," but Jacob showed me that it's on wheels and it has a nice, long strap to pull it with. I told him that he can pull it around on our trip and he didn't even mind--HE WAS TOO EXCITED TO MIND!

Yesterday was a great day for progress. Cora is almost finished adjusting her room now that she has a piano in it too. I went through a million old pictures and saved the ones that I want to keep of our family.

A truly awesome moment came when I was almost ready to throw out this old picture because I didn't know the man. Then I paused to look at the woman and was surprised to see that it was my Grandma Elizabeth (Mom's mom) when she was yet a young woman. "Who is that man with his arm around her waist?" I wondered. Then a thrill went through me as I realized that it was a picture of my Grandfather Jacob Kusler. He died when mom was in 7th grade and I can't ever recall seeing a picture of him. He is a total stranger to me, but I sure liked to see how much he loved my sweet old Grandma.

I made lots of progress in my room too. I finally got down to the box which Sharel had filled for me as she had gone through the house. In that box I found a picture frame that I had given to mom which is truly old-fashioned. I honestly ever saw the frame when I looked at it and didn't pay any attention to the old people in the frame. However, it took on new meaning when I realized that it was a picture of my Kusler grandparent's on their wedding day on one side. On the other side was a picture of an exceedingly handsome young man who was my Grandpa Jacob. Isn't it appalling at the lack of communication in my family of origin that I never knew what my Grandfather Kusler looked like until yesterday?

Anyway, now you can walk into our room and not wonder if 5 boxes are going to fall on your feet. It is sooooooooo nice and I'm especially grateful that I bought the white book case at the sale as it is nice and tall. It's not even full yet but all of the boxes with books are empty except one. It had some musty-smelling ones in it so I put an old rag with some cinnamon oil on it in their to hopefully overwhelm the must odor. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid that THE GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST and many of my favorite horse stories will have to hit the garbage can. Cinnamon oil helps to get rid of mold by the way.

I'm still not finished with all of the boxes as they involve hanging things on the walls. Hopefully I'll get to it this week as my goal is to have my house back to normal before I leave for Georgia in 6 days. We made tremendous progress yesterday so I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

One disappointment came yesterday, though. I had been invited to attend the equine ministries' free run through a few miles from here. Being it was VERY likely to rain, they postponed it. Guess what day they chose as their alternate date. Yes, next Friday when Jacob and I are taking off for our Georgia trip. Oh well, my mother did remark wisely when she said, "Sometimes you just can't have your cake and eat it too."

Well, today I hope that won't come true. We're going to fellowship with other Sabbath keepers AND I am planning on taking the family out to eat at our favorite place in Bismarck--THE GOLDEN CORRAL. Everyone can pick exactly what they want to eat and there is absolutely no excuse for not getting full. I've been wanting to take them out in appreciation for helping get ready for Dad's sale but it hasn't worked out until today. TODAY IS THE DAY!!!

I'm sure that pictures will follow but right now I need to get people moving. We need to leave by 8:30 and there are chores to do yet and some of us need to take our showers and all of us need to eat breakfast so, as you can see, I must close this post. I send a Sabbath blessing to all who follow this Commandment and here's a hug for everyone. :)



Thursday, July 22, 2010


It occurred to me just now, while I was milking the goats, that I never told you about Clara. Clara was the milk cow whom I milked twice a day for over 5 years except when I was too ill to do so; was attending a BodyTalk class; or maybe one or two other minor reasons. Anyway, most of you probably recall the struggle that I went through this Spring as I was pondering selling her.

Clara was 14 years old and in excellent shape. I loved her as I have loved few animals. She was a Brown Swiss and had the most amazing huge brown eyes that always seemed to hold oceans of wisdom. I love, present tense intended for I still do love, her cream-colored muzzle; her elegant long tail (not at all like ordinary cow's tails); and most of all her soft, fuzzy ears that would bend backwards to catch every word I said to her. Well, maybe not when I was upset with her, but that wasn't very often.
You may recall how I agonized for several months about selling her but that the day of Jacob's test I finally had peace to give up my dear one in favor of spending more time with Jacob during his last 4 years of school. When I realized that Jacob needs me more than Clara did, I could let her go. Of course, with my BodyTalk business growing, I needed to make room in my heart for new dreams to replace the one I had of owning the world's oldest dairy cow.
It all was very painful until I took the animal communicator class a week after I'd sold Clara. Kris, the woman who taught the class, took the time to tune into Clara's energy as I gift to me. She told me that Clara was still alive, but was going backwards without her daily BodyTalk sessions. I recall the joy of knowing that I could keep in touch with Clara by doing distance sessions on her just like I do on my clients. Now why hadn't I thought of that?
You may recall that I did about a dozen sessions for Clara after that and she seemed to be doing better. I was VERY happy to be able to help her get over that wet spell we were having as Clara did not do well during wet spells. Then I got very busy dealing with getting ready for my dad's auction sale and I forgot to tune into Clara on a daily basis.
Now, the day of the class, Kris did caution me to be prepared for a final parting. She said that I would know when Clara died as I would no longer be able to get any responses from her body/mind. She had chuckled, "It's kind of hard to get a yes/no response to questions about organs, endocrines, and body parts after an animal is dead."
I had chuckled, but was sure that it wouldn't happen for years. After all, I could still do sessions from a distance and keep Clara going for I knew that she could feel my love through sessions just as when she was being milked and I was sitting right beside her in our milking parlor.
I was wrong, though. I never wrote about it because it was just too painful and, with the sale just a few weeks away then, I didn't really have time to absorb it. But now I've begun processing the moments from an awful day when I went into the milk room and sat down by Clara's stall to get a yes/no to "Permissions a priority?" Except no answer came.
I did the usual things. I checked to see if I needed cortices or was switching and asked again the question which begins all BodyTalk sessions, "Are permissions a priority?" Still no answer. I spent a little time praying for my girl and asked the Lord to guide her session just as I do at the beginning of every session I do. When I asked for the third time, "Are permissions a priority?" and there was still neither a "Yes" nor a "No," it registered in my thick skull that there was a reason for there being no reply.
With tears streaming down my face, I asked the Lord, "Is Clara still alive?" Then I got a very clear, "No" reply. Just to be sure, I asked in the reverse, "Is Clara dead?" and I got a strong, "Yes" reply. I'm crying now just to remember that moment. I know that it's good to cry and get those emotions out, but sometimes I plain old get tired of crying. I wonder sometimes why I've had such a sad life. Maybe the Lord just really likes comforting me?
So now I'm wondering whether or not I should start a new session report column. What do you think? I know that several of you enjoyed it when I was doing sessions regularly for my girl. Any thoughts on this? I have all kinds of animals to choose from, if I did decide to continue doing this. Any suggestions as to which breed of animal to choose from?
Well, I need to go soak in the whirlpool. Jacob and I spent the whole day pulling monstrous weeds in the garden. They got away from me and, with the recent rain, they came out VERY easily. Trouble is, tonight my back isn't thinking that it was an easy day at all. I am so very thankful for the whirlpool and I'm still recommending that everyone get one if at all possible.
Thanks for listening to me talk about Clara one last time! Isn't she beautiful?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Office day

Hi everyone,
I'm off to see clients in my Bismarck office today. I'm riding up with Andrew and have lots of errands to do up there as well. I took these pictures last week. It's not completely finished yet, but I like the blend of professionalism and homeyness in my own office at 2910 East Broadway; #44. It is sooooooo wonderful not to have to share it with anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my waiting room. Esther Hanson arranged the flowers, feathers, and balls when she was in there last month. I was so glad that the Lord sent her as I do NOT have the knack for such things and Esther had just taken a class in it. Those are Helen Steiner Rice poetry books to match the seasons and a little cross that always sat on my parent's table. It says, "With God ALL things are possible." AMEN!

My new friend, Bonnie, who works at the Welcome House ministry in the building with me was walking down the hallway with a young man whom I believe volunteers for the ministry. I overheard him say to Bonnie, "Boy, THAT sure looks pretty." I was so glad to hear it as I spent quite a bit on the screen which has metallic panels in it. When the lights hit it, those panels just sparkle.

This is the work area on the other side of the panel. I still haven't had time to put up the border yet but maybe today.

I have been praying for the perfect "Something" to hang in this spot that I look at almost all of the time when I'm with a client. Well, I bought this picture at my dad's auction sale for $2 and, as I took it back to join Robert and Cora that day I said out of the blue, "This is for my office." Cora had looked at it then and said, "Oh look, Mom, it even has orange in it." It's not like I set out to have an orange office but it just came together that way.
Last week I looked at it often and drew strength from knowing that, thanks to God leading me to BodyTalk, those people did NOT destroy me. That picture will be a symbol of my victory from now on and I just love it there.

I'm off to the shower and then to this special quiet place that the Lord has given me. How I rejoice in His provision for me to have my very own office.
Happy Summer day,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Airplane tickets

Today was a busy day with trying to make preparations for Jacob's and my trip to Georgia in 2 weeks. We bought the airline tickets and swallowed hard as we realized that the price of the trip went up quite a bit since we first priced it. I have never flown on a major airline in my life, so I'm learning things the hard way. I was just, "Too busy" to deal with it sooner and now it bit me hard. I told Jacob, "You need to pray hard that I get LOTS of sessions before the trip so that we can pay for these airline tickets." He started right then and there.

We are renting an economy car, so our fuel mileage will be good. This helps as we need to drive 2 hours from the airport to the place where the radionics course is being taught. We will be flying into the Hartsfield/Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia.

Last night, as we worked on preparing a flat of strawberries for the freezer, Andrew entertained us with this fact that he got off of his I-pod. This airport is the busiest airport in the WORLD--meaning that it has more flights come and go than any other airport ANY WHERE! I smiled sweetly and said, "If God has asked me to go there and drive out of there all by myself, I am certain that He will take care of me while I do it." He chuckled knowing that it's easier to have courage before a situation than when you're right in the middle of it.

Jacob already goggled directions for us from the airport to LakeMont. It is VERY precise reading such as, "Stay in the left lane here," and "Go to such and such street--about one minute. As I read through it I thought, "I CAN DO THIS!" Still, there are moment when it's more like,"Do I HAVE TO GO?????????" :) Oh well, like I said last night, seeing as God wants me to go, I am sure that He will go with me and I am positive that He knows the way even better than Goggle Maps!

That's our big news for today, except that I had a brand-new client come to the house today. The session went great and I was eager to meet this woman as she and her mother-in-law (another client of mine) are starting an equine ministry about 20 minutes from here. I guess working with the horses even helps autistic people recover, so this is VERY intriguing to me. In fact I have seriously been praying about whether or not God wants ME to be one of their clients. Maybe they'll trade their therapy for BodyTalk sessions?

Thinking about horses made me want to see some of these glorious creatures. However, this is the only horse picture that I could find. It's not the best, but at least you can get the picture of how large a horse really is, as that's a buffalo with the three horses.

I used to ride bareback, when I was a girl, and let the horse go where it wanted to go. What did I care just as long as I was on the back of a beautiful horse. I hung on tight to the horse's mane and dreamed that I was riding away from the pain. Only God knows how much those moments helped me get through that dreadful childhood.

Anyway, I have always been drawn to horses and maybe that's because the Lord knew that they can help me in a way that nobody else can. I guess that there has been some very exciting research to prove that this program can help heal deeply on ALL levels. The horses just sense what the person needs and they become a team.

I learned that the people stand in the corral and the horses are released. The horses mill around the people and then go pick out the person who needs them. Do you suppose that's what they call, "Horse sense?" Anyway, I will have to wait until they put another class together to get to participate, but I am eager to see what the Lord has in store for me there. But first it's to Georgia for the radionics course and even before that, it's off to bed.

Sweet dreams to all--especially you fellow horse lovers out there!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Dad's Auction Sale/July 11th, 2010

Yesterday was Sunday, July 11, 2010. It was the day that almost all of the possessions that my parent's had accumulated, over the past 50+ years of marriage, was sold at public auction. God certainly out-did Himself in the way He answered our prayers for "Perfect" weather for the sale. It was one of the most beautiful days that I have ever experienced. PTL!

The day started early as we got up at 4:30 to do our chores before we left. Jacob had been fighting a cold and Andrew got it just the night before. Both boys stayed at home so that they wouldn't be miserable all day and spread their germs. I missed them both but knew that the Lord had things all planned out for me NOT to get stressed, so I just prayed for them and we took off around 5:45. We needed to be there by 7:00, as that was when the guys were coming to help us empty out the house and Quonset. We arrived at 7:05, so that was pretty close. :)

Duard had asked some of his friends to come over and help us get the stuff put out and my dad's neighbor, Perry, was there too. I was amazed how quickly the work was accomplished and by 10:00 things were all finished.

Knowing that the sale wouldn't start for another 2 hours, and that it would be a long day, I decided to rest a bit. I went into my childhood bedroom, now completely empty, and sprawled out on the floor. It was pretty hard but I was pretty tired and I fell asleep. Later I woke up with tingling arms so I went and sat in the corner and slept again. I wonder how many years it's been since I slept in that room One thing is certain--it won't ever happen again.

I'm glad that I had the chance to have that time in my old bedroom as many memories flooded my mind then. It was comforting to know that they weren't ALL bad. Here it is, folks--the room that I lived in from the time that I was 11 years old until my wedding day at age 22. Of course, 4 of those years I spent at South Dakota State University getting my degree in sociology and law enforcement. Even then, though, I spent my summers here until on October 10, 1980 I married Robert Bornemann and ceased to be Dawn Delzer who was the girl who lived here.

The front yard with the furniture from the upstairs--living room; kitchen/dining room; bathroom, and bedrooms.

The back yard filling up with things from the basement. There is a door in the recreation room so that made it nice to take things out easily. This stuff was from the rec room; furnace room; cellar; bedroom; and summer kitchen. That's Robert on the lower left carrying out a crock from the cellar.

Cora, God bless her, went around and swept the floor as the house emptied. People were free to go through the house if they were interested in buying it and she wanted it as clean as possible. She likes nice and fresh here yet.

Our work crew of 8 guys. I missed my boys in this picture but they were better off at home.

Carrying out the little hoop house that Dad had made to keep the birds out of the strawberries. It brought three whole dollars. ):
I asked them not to take Mom's piano outside as it just would not be good for it to sit outside in the sun all day. We left it in the dining room so that, if anyone was interested, they wouldn't have to walk on the carpet all the way into the living room. It's interesting how the piano story unfolded throughout the day.

The front yard.

After my snooze in my room, I felt better. My former neighbor lady, my second mother for many years, dropped by to give me a hug. She had to leave town that day but wanted me to know that she was thinking about me that day. I'll always remember the hug that she gave to me before she left. This is Lee with me.

Ready for the sale and now waiting, this is my sister-in-law, Sharel. She is married to my second brother, Duard, and they live a few blocks from here. She introduced us to her friend, Doug, who served a constant source of delight to me all day--his humor being just what I needed. I rejoiced to watch the Lord bringing people to cheer me just when I needed them. Is He awesome or what?

There were 4 of these trailers piled high with things just waiting to go to new homes.

Folks started coming to snoop around 11:00. I didn't really want to be outside then as I didn't want them to think I was snooping at them. People like to go early to a sale to look through the hundreds of boxes and find the ones that they intend to bid on. I went inside then and took pictures of the whole house which I'll post in a separate post.

We even had a chuck wagon and we bought bar-b-ques; chips; and wonderfully fattening bars for a treat. When we tried to decide where to eat, Robert said, "How about if we eat one last meal at the table." Cora and I giggled and that's just what we did. We ate our lunch right outside in front of dad's house. Lots of cars passed by and we just chuckled--OH FOR SILLY!
This is my cousin, Crystal, who lives in Eureka. She was a joy to be with all day and encouraged me to keep bidding when I wasn't sure about going higher on mom's silverware chest. Later she said, "I hope you don't mind my urging you to keep bidding. It's just that I know there will never be another chance to buy your mom's best silverware." I thanked her for she was right--even though I never dreamed that I'd spend $100 on some old silverware.
Right after lunch, Dad came over from the assisted living facility where he now lives. He plunked down on the grass, like he used to, and didn't seem upset at all, for which I rejoiced. This is Robert; Dad; and Cora visiting shortly before the sale started which began at 12:30.

Sharel with the antique bowl of mom's which she purchased.

A little cutie running around with his hot dog. Don't you just love his curls? :)

This was the biggest astonishment all day. The auctioneer announced that years ago there was a dairy on that site where my grandparents, and later my parents, milked cows. They didn't announce this but, when my grandparents sold the land up the hill to the city, they named it, "Delzer's First Addition" in honor my the dairy. There was never a "Delzer's Second Addition" to the town of Eureka. Later that hill was called, "Mortgage Hill" as it was THE place to build in those days. Now there are bigger mortgage hills in Eureka but it still is a nice part of town.
Anyway, this was an authentic cream bottle from those days when were we sat was grazed by dairy cows. People went crazy over it and it sold for $250--yes, that's right TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. Well, in this picture one of Sharel's students said, "Mrs. Delzer--think fast," and he pretended to throw the little bottle at her. She screamed and everyone sighed a big sigh of relief when he VERY GENTLY handed her the bottle which she had bought for someone who couldn't attend.
I believe it was Andrew who had found a case of the lids in the cellar that they had used to seal the jars up with over 50 years ago. Our family was all amazed when people paid up to a dollar apiece for that little bit of Eureka's history.

Some children playing nearby with toys their parent's had bought for them.
Cora enjoying herself in the shade. I must say again that the Lord blessed us with the most perfect weather that I could have imagined. Everyone said that the day before they had sweltered in the 95 degree heat. It was around 80 degrees and the breeze was just perfect under the trees.

Dad visiting with another old timer. Robert's brother, Ron's, wife in the blue to the right. Her name is Bev and they were spending the weekend in Eureka with Bev's parents. It was sooooo nice that they came over to the sale even though Ron told her that she was not to buy a single thing. My goodness, I was so impressed that she didn't! I wonder if Robert would have liked if I had done the same. :)

This was an interesting item. It was from Eureka's 75th birthday. It's a piece of cardboard on a tongue depressor but it was from the drive-in in Eureka and announced Eureka's birthday celebration. It sold for $25!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, in one of the boxes that I bought, I found a pack of napkins from the same event and I wondered how much they would have brought had I found them sooner.

This is dad's rifle and THAT deserves a post all of it's own. I will simply say that I BOUGHT IT!!!! The rest will have to wait as it's already almost midnight!

This is the crock that we used to make root beer with and beautiful Lake Eureka in the background.

We're starting in the backyard now. This is the auction crew hard at work. I'll tell you that those boys earn their money!!!

My brother, Duard, and his friend, and Robert. The friend's dad is one of Robert's customers so they sort of knew each other.

Perhaps this is why the Lord didn't want Jacob there. He wanted to buy this pool table in the worst possible way but, alas, we have no room for it here. Sometime I may tell you about Robert's and my first date and how we played pool on it. If you'd like to hear it, please leave me a comment asking me to do so. The ping-pong table went with it and that, also, holds many special memories for me.

A nice, cozy spot which looked very inviting as the day wore on.

Robert snapped this one of myself, SIL Bev, and Cora when we finally got up front to the good furniture.

Duard getting the clock to chime so that people could hear it. It brought $320. I kind of wanted it, but I wanted other things more and there are, as everyone knows, only so many dollars to go around.

Robert and Cora resting as the bidding continued.

Me too! Actually I had positioned myself to be able to bid on my mother's rocking chair which I bought for $60. My former high school teacher was bidding on it too. Robert told me later that Mr. Berreth turned to him and asked him, "Does Dawn REALLY want it?" Robert had answered him, "Let's just put it this way. You're NOT going to get it." He quit bidding then, for which I was grateful. :)
My nephew, Bennie, resting at "Grandma Erdie's" table one last time. See, we weren't the only ones.

Someone had driven this cool car to the sale and I couldn't resist having my picture taken by it. I sure am fond of old cars, in case you haven't noticed.

Boys lined up at the chuckwagon.

I had asked a woman to take our picture and, just as she did, something came up that I wanted to bid on. I was torn, "Do I pose for the picture or bid?" Can you guess which was my priority at that moment?

After everything was sold, Cora and I went out this door for probably the last time. She said, "Mom, do you want me to lock up the basement?"
"Yes dear," I replied. "I'm going to stay out here and get a few last pictures of my old home."

The yard, again empty of a crowd, was so lovely in the Summer evening. How could I resist breathing in, as Anne of Green Gables said, "The Summer loveliness of home." With the lake in
the background, that I grew up in, it truly is a remarkably beautiful location. I pray now that God will bring the people there to live whom He wants to be there, for only then can I be at peace with turning my old home over to another family. Please pray for this too!

I tore myself away from the wonderful memories there and went to say, "Goodbye" to dad in his new home. How far he has slipped to have to leave his lovely home and be content here. Still, it's where he needs to be now and I must accept this so that I can move on with my life too. If you can read this without tears streaming down your face, you don't know me very well, for I certainly have them coursing over my weary cheeks. However, as always, writing about this has been good for me and I thank you for handling my memories of the day gently. Please continue to carry my in your prayers in the days ahead as you have so faithfully been doing. I felt your prayers yesterday, as I was much more calm than I could have imagined myself being, and I bless each one who helped to make the day super special for me by covering all of us with your prayers!
And one last picture. As I strove with my feelings on the 80 mile trip back home, I didn't really want to talk much. However when, just as Robert turned up our road the sun broke through the clouds, I exlaimed, "OH, I SIMPLY MUST HAVE ONE MORE PICTURE."
Here it is. This is the end of the day in which we sold my parent's belongings. A lifetime of their treasures were gone and my mother with them. Things that I remembered her touching went to strangers, but not all of them. Sometime soon I will share pictures of the things that I bought and how they look in their new homes here. Now I am very tired, but it's a good tired, and I rejoice that I was able to share this day with you who have been waiting to read about/see it.
This is last night's sunset on the prairie and I bid you all good night.

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...