OOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS. You know that I have my head in the clouds already when I forgot to mention the most important news of our day today. We had our organic certification inspection today. It's always a very stressful day for us and we are so glad that it's over. I am VERY happy to report that we got a good report card and our inspector, Lacy, said that Robert did very good paperwork. YIPEE!!! Good job, Robert!
This is just a very short post seeing as I need to be in my room packing. It's just that so much has happened and I must not leave without telling you at least the basic information.
This past Sabbath day was wonderful. We joined our new friends at their small fellowship group called, "El David Assembly" in Bismarck. Although we didn't know any of the songs, it was wonderful to experience what Yeshua experienced every Sabbath of His life on earth! I especially loved it when all of the adults stood to read a portion of the Torah; the Prophets; and the book of Acts. It was neat that they did it by age with the oldest reading first. I wonder how old they knew we were? :)
The group even provided an awesome lunch for us. We didn't know that there was going to be a group meal, so we didn't take anything. You may recall that I was planning on taking our family out to eat at our favorite feeding trough up there called THE GOLDEN CORRAL! Oh well, nobody minded when we stopped at Dairy Queen on our way out of town instead. :
I've been super busy with trying to finish finding homes for everything from my dad's sale. I have a neat story about how I found this jewelry box for all of my new jewelry that I inherited from my mom. I'm not into jewelry all that much, believing that my beauty needs to be of inner character, but I got all of this jewelry given to me so I decided to keep it in case it comes in handy some rainy day. :)
Anyway, I was in the Hodge Podge with Andrew when one of the staff ladies came up to me with a somber expression and said, "I haven't seen you in so long, I thought maybe you were gone." She DID mean DEAD, by the way. So I told her the good news about BT and was giving her my business card, when this elderly woman came up to me and said, "Did you say that you do BodyTalk?" I said, "Yes," and she wanted one of my cards too.
Just at that moment, I happened to ask the clerk if they had any jewelry boxes for sale. The elderly woman's mouth dropped open and she said to me, "Why, I just brought one in yesterday. I'll go and get it and show it to you." Now, what's the chances of that happening?
Anyway, I liked it and the old woman seemed so happy to know who her jewelry box was going to and I marveled at the workings of my King. Here's a picture of me when I got it home. It really is VERY pretty and it is so nice to have a place to put all of my treasured pieces from home into.
One of my greatest delights is that my children have learned how to praise the Lord with their musical abilities. Perhaps you recall how Cora bought my mother's piano at dad's sale? Well, I am absolutely amazed at the miracles she did to fit it into her room! It is such a delight to hear her playing it--it just plain old warms the cockles of my heart to think of her playing my mother's piano. Cora's beautiful heart brings out the riches of that instrument and I rejoice every time that she takes a break to play.
Well, you haven't been reading at this blog very long if you haven't heard that Jacob and I are leaving for Georgia on Friday morning. I bought this suitcase for $1 at my dad's sale and it just barely fits into the size requirements for a checked bag with Delta Airlines. No--we're NOT flying United!!! If you look closely, you'll see our radionics machine to Jacob's right. That's what this whole trip is about--we're going down to Georgia to take a 3 day class so that we can learn how to better utilize this awesome technology.

Here Jacob is working on lining up the rental car that we'll be driving down there. Just in case you're wondering--it's the economy car!

Here Jacob is working on lining up the rental car that we'll be driving down there. Just in case you're wondering--it's the economy car!
Perhaps you recall my sharing that I asked Jacob to pray that I get to do lots of BodyTalk sessions to help pay for the airline tickets? Well, his prayers have been answered in a tremendous way.
On Sunday I did 1 session; on Monday I did 1 session; yesterday I did 5 sessions (2 in person and 3 distance ones out of my Bismarck office); today I have 3 sessions; and tomorrow I have 4 sessions. Not only this, but miraculously the Lord worked and my former landlord sent me my deposit back. I've been waiting months for this so it does indeed seem like a miracle that it arrived just a few days before we leave. PRAISE THE LORD!!
Well, I need to get supper eaten as my last session today is at 8:00. Please continue to pray for me to be calm about the airplane flight and driving in Atlanta. I inherited my dad's dread of flying but I know that I'm to go so I will obey. Robert said, "Just think of this whole thing as a wonderful adventure." I'M TRYING!!!
I'll try to post pictures of our packing, but we'll see if I have the time. At any rate, Andrew is sending his laptop along with us so that I can post from down there. I'm praying constantly for PEACE!!!
Hugs to all,