Monday, April 30, 2012

Prayer request

Please pray for me tomorrow morning at 9:30.  When I was in 7th grade, I fell on the ice and broke my tailbone.  My mother took me to the chiropractor who straightened it manually.  If you've ever had this done, you know that it is immensely painful and I can recall almost passing out. 

Well, about 5 years later I fell again on the ice but it wasn't as severe.  In fact, I never even told my parents about it, and eventually it healed.  That's what I thought.

I think that I've mentioned that I found an awesome massage therapist in Bismarck who has mostly been working on my head and neck which is where I've had my major trauma.  However, now that that's getting settled down a bit, Jessica has taken a look at other parts of my anatomy and discovered that my coccyx did NOT heal properly on it's own.  Instead it is sharply pulling to the right and this may have played a role in my repeated miscarriages!

 She's been slowly loosening the muscles around the coccyx and tomorrow morning she is sure that it will loosen up.  Jessica told me that one time she was doing this procedure on a man when it POPPED into place--literally filling the room with a loud pop.

I told her that I'm going to come prepared with Tylenol in my system already.  I am NOT looking forward to this as Jessica told me that it will hurt a LOT if it has been almost 40 years since it happened.  I asked her why none of the chiropractors that I've been to have fixed it but she said, "Are you kidding, do you think that they want to go there?"

All in all, Jessica said that it will take about 20 minutes and that I will need a driver as it is going to hurt big time.  Can you see why I'm asking for prayer in advance? 

 May God richly bless all of you prayer warriors out there who truly cover me with your heartfelt prayers.  It's especially a need as I have 2 clients coming to my office in the late afternoon.  First Corinthians 10:13 says that God never gives us more than we can bear so I'm sure that I'll make it through.  It's just that I know how much prayer helps, so thanks a million!

God bless,


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Three years

Three years ago today my mother died.  I just thought I'd mention that as the world rushes around trying to earn approval from others.  Although I never earned my mother's approval, it doesn't matter anymore.  Why?  Because she's gone so long that I've forgotten all of her nasty, cruel, controlling ways?  No, because I've found Pastor Joseph Prince and I read his emails every morning before I start my day.  I cannot urge you too strongly to get into this practice yourself.  Just go to and sign up for his free daily emails. 

In case you're not convinced that this can change your life, here's today's meditation for you to ponder.  I've come to see that the reason we humans try to make our own path to God is because we think that this means that we have power--look what I did, Mom!  That, not only is childish, it is keeping us from experiencing a deep relationship with God.  PLEASE read this meditation and let it seep into your soul today. THEN you will know how happy I am today to be free of my mother's condemnation on my life!  PTL

I really, truly, sincerely, entirely, unequivocally, wholly, graciously AM loved by God--YIPPEE!!  SO ARE YOU!  Here's to Pastor Prince and here's to GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Happy today!


The Good Life Without The Sweat
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Most people are of the opinion that the good life does not happen without hard work and buckets of sweat. They believe that to achieve success, you first need to have this educational certificate, that professional qualification, this particular job and that many years of hard work. I have good news for you: God has a better way.

We all must work, but the world wants you to believe that there is a natural process of sowing, reaping and gathering, accompanied by waiting, toiling and stress, before the good life actually comes. But God says, “My people do not need to go through this natural process to enjoy the good life for they are not of this world’s system. They can operate out of My economy and I can give them the good life straightaway!”

In the same way that God feeds the birds which do not go through the sow-then-reap-then-gather system of the world, He wants to and will do much more for you!

Your heavenly Father wants you to know the generosity of His heart toward you and how much He wants to make you successful. A case in point is what happened to a church member who believed this truth. After leaving his previous job, he trusted God to provide him with a better one. Within just four months, he found himself heading two companies.

His newly formed distribution company not only clinched a major project in Singapore, but was also made the principal distributor in Southeast Asia for a popular line of products from the United States. His second company, which provided consultancy services, was given two projects by a Korean and a Hong Kong company for a six-figure consultancy fee in US dollars.

Today, God wants you to know that you are not of the world’s system. You are of the kingdom of God — the same kingdom that feeds the birds that do not toil, but simply trust their Creator for all their provisions in life. Be convinced that you are of more value to your heavenly Father than the birds, and let Him give you the good life without the toiling and laboring of the world

Monday, April 23, 2012

3 Generations

Hi again,

  We had a great day on Sabbath but, seeing as Cora did such a wonderful post about it, I'll save you the time of reading about it twice.  I do want to share, though, about the fantastic day that I had on Friday.  I don't normally work in my Bismarck office on Fridays, but I had received a special request to do so. 

The gal who called was in a class with me last Fall in Bismarck.  This means that she's a beginner in BodyTalk but was needing some upper module work done.  She also made an appointment for her son, whom I learned later is a BodyTalk practitioner a year longer than I am.  She also brought her parents in who had medical appointments in town that day.

  At first, when Mary Ann called, I had told her that my usual days up there are Tuesday and Thursday.  However, when I thought about the chance to have 4 new clients, I decided to go up and do it.  What a GREAT day it was--after I got there.  Oh my!

You see, the guys have been working on my CP (Crysler Pacifica) because it won't let you put gas in easily.  It takes forever to fill and then it only fills half the tank.  So my fellows had spent parts of 2 days fixing a PART of the problem.

 They were sure that I was good to go so I took off with the CP Friday morning.  A few miles out of Bismarck, all of a sudden the gas gauge dropped to nearly empty.  I called Robert immediately and he said that it could just be a censor OR it could be that the problem was only partly fixed and that I REALLY was almost out of gas.  Although they had put in 11 gallons at home, ever since we've had this problem, it won't burn the other half tank of gas.

Sure enough, just before I reached the first Bismarck exit where I get off to head for my office, I RAN OUT OF GAS.  I was glad that I'd left early but now what could I do but call my hero, Robert, AGAIN and ask him what to do.  Needless to say, I was shook up, and it really helped that there was a hitchhiker on the other side of the road--NOT!!!

Robert called a taxi for me and I made it to my office just a few moments after my 4 clients did.  I quickly set up things; then did a little BT on myself; and set to work.  Getting to work was the best thing as I quickly got wrapped up in the sessions.  Robert called our Jackson friends and made arrangements for David to get some gas in my car at the end of the day, but that comes later.

It was fascinating working on 3 generations of family members.  First I worked on the grandfather who has heart issues and lower back pain.  I spent a lot of time getting that back to release and, when he crossed his legs later on, I could see that he had much less pain.  He was pleased and gave me a big hug before he left at the end of the day--totally cool!

 Then I worked on the daughter who soon will be a grandmother.  She is a BodyTalk practitioner but has not been having any real success.  She and her son were going to open an office in Willistin but the building got run into by a car and is closed down.  We worked on the issues that were keeping her from feeling like a success and now I believe she is ready to begin working with the public.  AWESOME!

Next was the grandson who has suffered from test anxiety.  He wants to become a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner but blanked on the oral exam when he went in for the test.  This 21 year old man (who has been in BT for 6 years) told me later that he felt like a veil was lifted from his face and now he feels like he can test!  It's so wonderful to see people being transformed during their sessions.  They come in with hangups and the BodyTalk techniques release them so that people can begin again to pursue their dreams!

 Lastly was the grandmother whose hero brother died in 1957.  That's the year that I was born, so I remember the year, and she's been holding in to that grief ever since.  Sure, the tears poured out and she went through 3 Kleenix, but those tears have been waiting to pour out for over 50 years.  This woman gave me the biggest embrace that I have ever had when her session was finished!  Now can you see why I love my work so much?

It was also a joy when they asked if I would work on another one of their 17 children!  This woman has not been able to conceive and the medical system has not been able to help her either.  I told them that I was sure that BT could help as it has helped many people to both conveive and carry their babies to term.  Isn't that wonderful?  They thought that they would stop in on their way home (which was a 3 hour drive one way) and give her the good news that there is hope yet that she may be a mama some day! 

After all of that, here comes my brother in Christ, David Jackson, with his sweet babies.  They helped me carry everything out to David's van and soon we were parked by my CP on the interstate.  I held the funnel, as David dumped in the gas, and I shared how grateful I was for him to be my brother in the Lord.  Isn't it strange how I am so comfortable with this black man while my own brother who lives in Bismarck is a total stranger to me.  Thank God that I'm a part of the family of God.  AMEN?

Well, my faithful CP started right up and David followed me to the Oasis on the East edge of Bismarck.  As he filled his gas jug we talked about how he is learning to speak Spanish now and I was just so thrilled to see his desire to learn a new language. It is so wonderful to see adults learning new things--this thrills me every time I see it!

As I filled my CP, ever so slowly, David washed my windows and I rejoiced in his window washing technique as I realized that I was learning something new too.  The human brain is so incredible--absolutely incredible!!!

I followed David, Silas, and Jacylyn until they turned off to go to their Lincoln home.  The weather was so warm and lovely that I opened my window at the red light as I found myself parked beside them.  We all laughed in the Spring evening that marked the beginning of another Sabbath rest.  Finally the light turned Green and, as David started turning, I shouted, "GOD BLESS YOU!"  His grin was huge as he headed home to his awesome family to begin their Sabbath rest together.

I still had to get to Sam's club for supplies.  Would you call this a miracle?  As I came out and went to my car, who do you suppose had their car parked back to back with mine?  Yes, the family of 4 from Willistin.  We all laughed and headed our separate ways but I became more and more aware that the world truly is filled with friends just waiting to be made!  Let's go and make them, folks!

Here's to the brotherhood of Christ which spans the entire globe.  Here's a hug to all within it, and to those without it, I say, "Come on in".  There's room at the table for you!

Have a great week everybody!


Thursday, April 19, 2012


Well everyone, I am one month into Dr. Tennant's protocol for ridding my body of hypothyroidism.  Yesterday was a "Fun" day as I did the large intestine cleanse.  All you do is mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts with a cup of warm water and drink it.  My package of Epsom Salts says that a regular dose is 2 to 6 teaspoons for a good cleanse.  The best thing seemed to me to do 2 tsps in 3 doses.  However, I only needed 2 doses as that stuff sure works!  It was a "Stick close to home" day to say the least!  :)  Once a year it is advised to do this to get the large intestine squeaky clean.

This morning I started the gall bladder flush according to Dr. Tennant's instructions.  The first thing in the morning you drink 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice with 2 TABLESPOONS of olive oil mixed in.  It really didn't taste as bad as it may seem as the mind focuses on the sour grapefruit instead of the oily oil--at least mine did.  THANK GOD! 

Then right before bed you take 2 more tablespoons of virgin olive oil in 1/2 cup of either grapefruit or prune juice.  I picked prune as I actually like the stuff.  You keep this up for 7 days and the gall bladder will be feeling happy again.  I decided to post about it so that I can remember when I started at the end of the 7 days.

Following that cleanse comes the liver cleanse.  I decided to share it with you in case anyone wants to do all of this on your own.  You make a tea and drink at bedtime for 3 months.  The tea consists of 5 - 7 drops of Dr. Tennant's liver cleanse essential oils in a cup of hot water.  Then you add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (which I love) and 1 - 3 teaspoons of local raw honey (which I love).  Sound good?

I am eager to get to this part as it seems that every one's livers are not functioning properly.  It's rare for me to do a BodyTalk session without the liver (or gall bladder) coming up.  Being they both process our anger, it makes me think that we have a lot of angry people out there--including me!

This is only a small part of my anti-hypothyroidism protocol which Dr. Tennant set up for me.  Perhaps some day I'll share the whole thing.  So far I've stuck about $1,000 into getting started but, monthly, the expense looks to be around $100 after the initial analysis and consult with the doctor.  I can say that I feel my body adjusting in ways that it never has done before!  I can tell that it doesn't trust the process yet, because I've done so many horrible things to it, but it is starting to be much more relaxed and THAT is worth millions! 

I urge everyone to read this article from Dr. Tennant's website about hypothyroidism which I have copied below.  Although it's long, it may have the answer to many of your mysterious health issues. Even if you have had a doctor tell you that your thyroid was working normally, if you have these symptoms, chances are that your thyroid is NOT working properly.  This is because the tests that doctors use to test thyroid function do not analyze the "Real" iodine levels.  It measures the "Fake" thyroid production which Dr. Tennant talks about in his book, HEALING IS VOLTAGE and in the article below.

  The major symptoms that I have had all my life are low body temperature; low energy; allergies; and poor cognitive ability particularly after meals.  In the later years I've noticed that my body absolutely will NOT loose weight no matter what I do.  This is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism.  Also I have suffered from repeated miscarriages; anaphalyctci shock; my hair has been falling out like mad for several years; plus I have ridges in my fingernails--all common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

When I had my phone conversation with Dr. Tennant last month, I asked him if he knew why so many of my babies died.  He answered, "Hypothyroidism kills babies and that's all that's to it."  Although I finally had the answer to the question that's haunted me for 18 years, it left me feeling even more frustrated.  Why didn't any of the medical people that I saw during those years tell me about hypothyroidism?  When I asked this question to Dr. Tennant he said, "It is what it is--let's just get you well now!"  INDEED!

Please take this seriously. Many of our thyroids are not working correctly because of fluoride in our lives. Fluoride displaces the iodine that our bodies make leaving the thyroid with nothing to work with. I cannot urge you too much to take it seriously.  If you have any of the listed symptoms in this article. contact Dr. Tennant at:  Dr. Tennant found over 90% of the people whom he worked with were hypothyroid and that's what he calls an epidemic--I agree!

After one month on my personal protocol, I am sleeping like a log for the first time that I can remember.  When one sleeps well, one works well, and my brain is certainly functioning better here lately.  I am eager to watch my weight start to drop which Dr. Tennant says starts to naturally happen between 3 and 6 months following his hypothyroidism protocol.  Won't that be awesome?

Off to make stir fry!


In this newsletter, we are going to discuss the causes of a major epidemic in the U.S. The symptoms of the epidemic, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attacks, depression, etc. are well known. However, the root causes of these miseries are not well known.

In order to discuss hypothyroidism, we must first discuss Metabolic Syndrome X and iodine deficiency as this understanding is necessary to understand hypothyroidism.

Most doctors agree that what is called Metabolic Syndrome X is responsible for most of the illnesses in the U.S.

So what is Metabolic Syndrome X?

The symptoms and features of Metabolic Syndrome X are:

1. Fasting hyperglycemia — diabetes mellitus type 2 or impaired
fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or insulin resistance

2. High blood pressure

3. Central obesity (also known as visceral, male-pattern or apple shaped
adiposity), overweight with fat deposits mainly around
the waist

4. Decreased HDL cholesterol and elevated triglycerides

Obesity requires some special attention. When you are bigger
around the waist than around your hips, this is called “Apple Obesity”.
This type of obesity is associated with illnesses such as heart
attacks, strokes, diabetes, gall bladder disease, and cancer. When
you are bigger around your hips than around your waist, this is called
“Pear Obesity”. This is associated with hormonal imbalances but is
not as likely to cause you heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

A major contributor to obesity is MSG. Leptin is a hormone released
to tell your brain that you are full. MSG damages the brain so that
it does not recognize leptin. Thus you always feel hungry. MSG is put in foods because it is addicting and it makes you want to eat more = more profits for the food manufacturers. MSG is hidden in foods by calling it “other spices”.
Additives that always contain MSG
• Monosodium Glutamate
• Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
• Hydrolyzed Protein
• Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
• Plant Protein Extract
• Sodium Caseinate
• Calcium Caseinate
• Yeast Extract
• Textured Protein
• Autolyzed Yeast
• Hydrolyzed Oat Flour

Metabolic Syndrome is an epidemic that also includes stress, anger, heart
attacks, ADHD, migraine headaches, and childhood and adult obesity with

Traditional Medicine has not found a solution for Metabolic Syndrome X
except for diet and exercise. Often, diet and exercise alone will not reduce
blood pressure, correct diabetes, correct blood lipids, or allow you to lose

 Metabolic Syndrome X often proceeds to fibromyalgia. Doctors typically prescribe pills to lower blood pressure, pills to lower blood sugar, pills to lower cholesterol and a band around your stomach without asking the question why you got these illnesses in the first place.

It is my opinion that Metabolic Syndrome X is simply Type II Hypothyroidism. After 6-12 months of therapy for hypothyroidism, most cases of hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity return to normal without other therapies. Studies have also shown that 80% of arthritics will be normal.
Iodine Deficiency

Most people know that the thyroid uses lots of iodine to make thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland gets to use iodine before other parts of the body. However, most people don’t know that every gland in the body that secretes something needs large amounts of iodine. A partial list is given below.
• Thyroid = highest concentration
• Salivary glands
• Cerebrospinal fluid and brain
• Intestinal Mucosa
• Choroid plexus
• Breasts
• Ovaries
• Prostate
• Ciliary body of the eye
• Nose, Sinuses, Mouth
• Substantia nigra of the brain
Note that this list is the same organs that typically get cancer!

The Japanese consume a lot of seaweed and thus a lot of iodine. They have the least amount of cancer of anyone on the planet! The only kind of cancer they have an excess of is stomach cancer. Iodine is inactivated by nitrates (found in processed meats like bologna, hot dogs, processed meats) and thus when they eat processed meats, it inactivates the iodine in their stomach allowing them to get stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. It is apparent that iodine is protective against cancer.

Iodine kills all single-celled organisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Jean Lugol, a Paris
physician, in 1829 discovered that iodine is more soluble in water that contains potassium iodide. This is the basis for “Lugol’s Solution”. “Tincture of Iodine” mean it is in an alcohol base whereas Lugol’s Solution is water based. Iodine is bacteriocidal even at dilutions of 1/170,000 so  microorganisms do not develop resistance to iodine.

Iodine is so important in brain development that iodine deficiency is the leading cause of intellectual impairment in the world! (ADD/ADHD?).

Hypothyroidism is the leading cause of violent behavior in the world. It was suggested by Campbell in The China Study that the reduction in cancer and heart disease in Asia was due
to a vegetarian diet, but the differences may well be in the
amount of iodine consumed and not in the amount of meat eaten.

The parts of the body exposed to the outside world have
iodine levels 30 times the blood level. Iodine is the immune
system’s “bug killer”. That is, it is the bug killer for
bugs trying to enter the body. For example, if you breathe
in a flu virus and you have enough iodine in the lining of
your nose, it will kill the virus before it has a chance to
enter the system.

Once a microorganism is in the body, it is attacked by
white blood cells. Neutrophils, a type of white blood cells,
contain hydrogen peroxide to kill the bacteria. Vitamin C
creates hydrogen peroxide in the body, increasing the efficiency
of the immune system.
Drinking Lugol’s solution is the best treatment for food poisoning as it kills the bacteria. Lugol’s solution will also inactivate snake venoms.

Nitrates (hot dogs, bologna, Processed meats) inactivate iodine and allow Helicobacter pylori to grow in the stomach and cause stomach ulcers/cancer. The Japanese get stomach cancer because the processed meats they eat inactive the iodine protecting their stomachs from cancer.

Large foreign proteins ingested are inactivated by iodine preventing them from becoming allergens.
The energy in fats is contained in their double-bonds. These double bonds are protected by iodine.
Fetal iodine is five times the level in the mother. Low maternal iodine can lead to miscarriage, birth defects, failure to thrive, mental retardation, etc.

There are only micrograms of iodine in table salt and some of the companies are using bromine instead of iodine because it is cheaper (and toxic). Sea salt contains almost no iodine! Adults needs 12-15 milligrams of iodine per day! Because of our farming practices, there is very little iodine in our soils. About the only people in the US with normal levels of iodine are those who eat seaweed frequently.

Every person should be taking iodine to stop having infections and to prevent cancer. However, taking it orally tends to kill the good bacteria in the gut. It is therefore better to dose it through the skin. I recommend you put the Lugol’s iodine into a glass spray bottle. Do not use plastic or aluminum or the iodine will react with the bottle! Remember not to use Tincture of Iodine as you don’t want the alcohol in it!

Spray a circle of Lugol’s iodine onto any portion of your skin (avoid the eyes). Have a tissue handy as it is messy and will stain your carpet, counter-top, clothes, etc. if it spills. The dose is not critical, so spray a circle about 3-4 inches in diameter. Dry it with a hair dryer so it will not stain your clothes.

If it stings, dilute the iodine in the bottle with water. The biggest nuisance of this system is that the sprayer can clog up frequently, so you may want to have a few extra sprayers or wash it out each time you use it. When the body needs iodine, it will take it in through the skin, so the orange spot disappears. Tomorrow you will find the spot gone, and you spray it again. Keep during this every day until finally the orange spot remains tomorrow. That means that “your tank is full” (your body doesn’t want any more iodine, so it left it on your skin).

After you have completed your task of filling your body with iodine, use it once a week for maintenance. Remember that you need iodine to protect you against infections and cancer whether your thyroid is functioning normally or not.

Up to 90% of the American population has undiagnosed hypothyroidism! This epidemic is causing havoc with our mental and physical health. It is easily and inexpensively treated. The primary cause is fluoride in our water and dental products.

I can’t urge you strongly enough to read the web site You will quickly discover how toxic fluoride is and that the symptoms of hypothyroidism and fluoride are the same. See the following table. What you will see is that the symptoms of hypothyroidism and fluoride poisoning are the same.

The numbers are references to medical articles from which the data was taken. The references can be found at the end of this newsletter.


Abnormal Sweating (18) Abnormal Sweating (154, 155, 156)
Acne (2,3) Acne (52)
ADHD/Learning Disorders (4,7) ADHD/Learning Disorders (54)
Allergies (2) Allergies (52)
Alopecia (Hair-loss)(18) Alopecia (151)
Alzheimer’s Disease (5,6,46) Alzheimer’s Disease (98)
Anaphylactic Shock (2) Anaphylactic Shock (124)
Anemia (15) Anemia (67)
Apnea (Cessation of breath) Apnea (52)
Aorta Calcification (2) Aorta Calcification (100)
Asthenia (Weakness) (18) Asthenia (97)
Asthma (2) Asthma (129)
Atherosclerosis (3) Atherosclerosis (59)
Arthralgia (2) Arthralgia (58)
Arthritis (8, 13) Arthritis (52, 58)
Ataxia (2) Ataxia (66)
Autism (169) Autism (170, 171)
Back Pain (2) Back Pain (153)
Behavioral Problems (3) Behavioral Problems (54)
Birth Defects (5) Birth Defects (53)
Blind Spots (3) Blind Spots (52)
Body temperature disturbances (13) Body temperature disturbances (52)
Breast Cancer (5) Breast Cancer (147)
Cachexia (wasting away)(2) Cachexia (133)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (5) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (52)
Cataracts (2) Cataracts (69)
Change in blood pressure(=/-) (2) Change in blood pressure (52)
Chest pain (26) Chest pain (52)
Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)(2) Cholelithiasis (134)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (2) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (52)
Collagen breakdown (3) Collagen Breakdown (99)
Cold Shivers (13) Cold Shivers (52)
Coma (1,3) Coma (65)
Concentration Inability (13,8) Concentration Inability (52)
Constipation (52) Constipation (52)
Convulsions (2) Convulsions (81)
Crying easily for no apparent reason (18) Crying easily for no apparent reason (52)
Death (3) Death (123)
Decrease in Testosterone (32) Decrease in Testosterone (96)
Dementia (2) Dementia (54)
Demyelinizing Diseases (2, 35) Demyelinizing Diseases (137)
Dental Abnormalities (2) Dental Abnormalities (86)
Dental Arch smaller (27) Dental Arch smaller (95)
Dental Crowding (23) Dental Crowding (93)
Dental enamel more porous (29) Dental enamel more porous (96)
Dental Fluorosis (Mottling of teeth) Mottling of teeth (172)
Delayed Eruption of Teeth (28) Delayed Eruption of Teeth (86)
Depression (8) Depression (52, 97, 152)
Diabetes Insipidus (36a,b) Diabetes Insipidus (120)
Diabetes Mellitus (2) Diabetes Mellitus (64)
Diarrhea (8) Diarrhea (53)
Dizziness (8,13) Dizziness (52)
Down Syndrome (10) Down Syndrome (54)
Dry Mouth (2) Dry Mouth (52)
Dyspepsia (8) Dyspepsia (157)
Dystrophy (3) Dystrophy (79)
Early/Delayed Onset of Puberty(14) Early/delayed Onset of Puberty (53)
Eczema (2) Eczema (115, 116)
Edema(3) Edema (97)
Epilepsy (2) Epilepsy (121)
Eosinophilia (15) Eosinophilia (55)
Excessive Sleepiness (8) Excessive Sleepiness (52)
Eye, ear and nose disorders (8) Eye, ear and nose disorders (52)
Fatigue (2,13) Fatigue (52)
Fearfulness (1,18) Fearfulness (71)
Fever (13) Fever (96)
Fibromyalgia (2) Fibromyalgia (143)
Fibrosarcoma (3) Fibrosarcoma (144)
Fibrosis (3) Fibrosis (76a,b)
Fingernails:Lines/Grooves (1) Fingernails:Lines/Grooves (97)
Fingernails:Brittle (1,3) Fingernails:Brittle (97)
Forgetfulness (3) Forgetfulness (97)
Gastro-disturbances (8) Gastro-disturbances (52)
Gastric Ulcers (2) Gastric Ulcers (92)
Giant Cell Formation Giant Cell Formation (135)
Gingivitis (19, 173) Gingivitis (72)
Goitre (2) Goitre (52)
Growth Disturbances (1) Growth Disturbances (53)
Headache (2) Headache (118)
Hearing Loss (5) Hearing Loss (165)
Heart Disorders Heart Disorders (52)
Heart Failure (3) Heart Failure (109, 110)
Heart Palpitations (13) Heart Palpitations (52)
Hepatitis (2) Hepatitis (136)
Hemorrhage (1,2) Hemorrhage (85)
Hives (3) Hives (108)
Hoarseness (18) Hoarseness (97)
Hyperparathyroidism (2) Hyperparathyroidism (82)
Hypertension (8) Hypertension (52, 60)
Hypoplasia (40) Hypoplasia (150)
Immunosuppression (3) Immunosuppression (52)
Impotence (3) Impotence (97)
Incoherence (8) Incoherence (54)
Infertility (2,3) Infertility (87)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease (142)
Inner Ear Disorders (2,5) Inner Ear Disorders (139)
Irritability (18) Irritability (160)
Joint Pains (8) Joint Pains (52)
Kidney Failure (2) Kidney Failure (125)
Lack of Energy (8) Lack of Energy (52)
Lack of Coordination (2) Lack of Coordination (52)
Loss of Appetite (2) Loss of Appetite (97)
Loss of Consciousness (2) Loss of Consciousness (138)
Loss of IQ (25) Loss of IQ (83)
Loss of Spermatogenesis (33) Loss of Spermatogenesis (102)
Low Birth Weight (5) Low Birth Weight (158)
Lung Cancer (3) Lung cancer (145)
Lupus (3) Lupus (101)
Magnesium Deficiency (2) Magnesium Deficiency (94)
Memory Loss (13) Memory Loss (52)
Mental Confusion (20) Mental Confusion (52,54)
Migraine (8) Migraine (52)
Monisiliasis (Candidasis) (162) Monisiliasis (Candidasis) (161)
More fluorosis/high altitudes (30,31) More hypothyroidism/high altitudes (96)
Mouth Sores (2) Mouth Sores (87)
Myalgia (Muscle Pain) (2) Myalgia (58)
Myotrophy (Muscle wasting) (2) Myotrophy (58)
Multiple Sclerosis (4) Multiple Sclerosis (126)
Muscle Cramps (3) Muscle Cramps (58)
Muscle Stiffness (3) Muscle Stiffness (58)
Muscle Weakness (2) Muscle Weakness (57)
Musculoskeletal Disease (3) Musculoskeletal Disease (80,57)
Nausea (8,13) Nausea (52)
Osteoarthritis (2) Osteoarthritis (62)
Osteoporosis (2) Osteoporosis (62)
Osteosarcoma (22b) Osteosarcoma (104)
Optic Neuritis (2) Optic Neuritis (68)
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (22) Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (103)
Otosclerosis Otosclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease (5) Parkinson’s Disease (110,111)
Pins & Needles (18) Pins & Needles (52)
Polydipsia (2) Polydipsia (64)
Polyneuropathy (2) Polyneuropathy (57)
Polyurea (2) Polyurea (64)
Pyelocystitis (2) Pyelocystitis (63)
Premature Delivery (16) Premature Delivery (52)
Pruritis (Itchy Skin) (3) Pruritis (113)
Pulmonary Edema (2) Pulmonary Edema (114)
Recurring Colds (18) Recurring Colds (52)
Respiratory Complications (13,8) Respiratory Complications (52)
Restlessness (13) Restlessness (52)
Retinitis (2) Retinitis (128)
Rhinitis (38) Rhinitis (6)
Schizophrenia (18) Schizophrenia (163, 164)
Scleroderma (3) Scleroderma (74)
Skin Pigmentation (2) Skin Pigmentation (97)
Secondary teeth erupt later (16) Secondary teeth erupt later (86)
Sensitive to light (1,17) Sensitive to light (52)
Seizures 913) Seizures (88)
Shortness of Breath (13) Shortness of Breath (52)
SIDS (16) SIDS (54)
Sinus Infections (2,8) Sinus Infections (52)
Skeletal Changes (2) Skeletal Changes (86)
Sleep Disorders (2) Sleep Disorders (52)
Slipped Epiphysis Slipped Epiphysis
Sluggishness (2) Sluggishness (52)
Skin Irritations (13,8) Skin Irritations (52)
Spondylitis, ankylosing (5) Spondylitis, ankylosing (148)
Stillbirths (2) Stillbirths (97)
Swallowing Difficulties (Dysphagia) (13) Swallowing Difficulties (52)
Swelling in Face (Angioedema) (3) Swelling in Face (97)
Telangiectasia (166) Telangiectasia (167, 168)
Testicular Growth/Alteration (2, 42) Testicular Growth/Alteration (102)
Thirst (13) Thirst (89)
Thrombosis (39) Thrombosis (122, 141a,b)
Thyroid Cancer (22) Thyroid Cancer (87)
Tinnitus (8) Tinnitus (52)
Tingling Sensations(18) Tingling Sensations (52)
Visual disturbances (13,8) Visual Disturbances (52)
Ulcerative Colitis (41) Ulcerative Colitis (142)
Urticaria (2) Urticaria (105, 106, 107)
Uterine Bleeding (2) Uterine Bleeding (91)
Uterine Cancer (23) Uterine Cancer (77)
Vaginal Bleeding (5) Vaginal Bleeding (90)
Vas Deferens Alterations (5) Vas Deferens Alterations (146)
Vertigo (8) Vertigo (52)
Vitiligo (white spots/skin) (2) Vitiligo (73)
Weak Pulse (13) Weak Pulse (52)
Weight Disturbances (2) Weight Disturbances (52)
Zinc Deficiency (2) Zinc Deficiency (94)

The pituitary gland produces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). It causes the thyroid
gland to produce Thyroid Hormone (T4).This thyroid hormone is converted to the active
form T3.  As more T3 and T4 are present, it causes the pituitary to stop making TSH. Thus they are
in a “teeter-totter” or feedback relationship.

When we do blood tests, we expect the TSH, T3 and T4 to be in the normal range when
the thyroid is functioning normally. If the TSH is high, we would assume the T3 and
T4 are too low and the pituitary is trying to correct the situation. This would be called
Type I Hypothyroidism. If the TSH is low and the T3 and T4 are high, we would diagnose Hyperthyroidism. You can see that the TSH tends to be the opposite of the T3 and T4 if you are not balanced.

We doctors tend to order these tests. If they are normal, we tell you that your thyroid is functioning just fine and don’t consider that your physical findings are diagnostic of hypothyroidism. I am going to tell you why the lab tests are too unreliable to pay attention to.

Iodine is a halogen. The halogens are a series of nonmetal elements from the periodic table, comprising
1. Fluorine, F
2. Chlorine, Cl
3. Bromine, Br
4. Iodine, I
5. Astatine, At
Here are the halogens in the periodic table:
As you can see, the halogens are in a column in the periodic table of elements.
The problem is that fluoride is a “bully”. Anytime an atom of fluoride and an atom of any other halogen are in the same vicinity, the fluoride will displace the other halogen and take its place.

The thyroid hormone T4 is a protein called tyrosine that is attached to four iodines. You can see it represented in the graphic as “thyroid hormone”. However, when you consume fluoride, it displaces the iodine and you get the fake thyroid hormone noted in the right of the graphic.

One problem is that our blood tests can’t tell the difference between the real and the fake hormone.
Another problem is that the fake one doesn’t work. Thus your blood tests are normal but your body
is really deficient of functional thyroid hormone. This is called Type II Hypothyroidism.

Because most Americans consume fluoride in water, toothpaste, visits to the dentist, etc., most Americans have Type II Hypothyroidism!!! A great book that discusses the medical literature about
this subject is Hypothyroidism Type II by Mark Starr, MD. Dr. Starr has made a major contribution to the health epidemics that are ravishing our country! Another book you should read on this subject is Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness by Broda Barnes, MD.

Damage to Thyroid Gland from Fluoride

Many assume that if you stop consuming fluoride and take iodine, the thyroid function will return to normal. This is rarely the case. In 1996, Mahmood investigated the effects of low doses of sodium fluoride on the thyroid glands of guinea pigs. Findings are:
1. Depletion of colloid from the follicles.
2. Shrinkage of follicles.
3. Disruption of follicular basement membrane associated
with edema and degeneration of the follicular epithelial
4. Increased follicular vascularity.
5. Fatty degeneration in the inter-follicular connective tissue.

There is a condition of the thyroid gland called Hashimoto’s Disease. It is assumed it is an autoimmune disease. However, the description of Hashimoto’s Disease is the same as damage from
fluoride. It is possible that Hashimoto’s Disease is simply fluoride damage. In the graphic, the upper image is of a normal thyroid gland. The lower one is Hashimoto’s Disease (?fluoride damage).

Hypothyroidism---The Epidemic
Since fluoride permanently damages the thyroid gland, most people require both iodine for its anti-infective effects and thyroid hormone to have normal thyroid function.
Other Causes of Hypothyroidism
Although fluoride is perhaps the major cause of hypothyroidism, there are other things that cause/contribute to it. A major issue is estrogen dominance.
Estrogen Dominance means that you have effectively more estrogen than you do progesterone. That is true for female and males. Estrogen Dominance shuts down the thyroid as well as often being associated with other issues such as breast and prostate cancer. Estrogen Dominance can be caused by soy, petrochemicals, fuel exhaust we breath, estrogenic hormones in meat and chickens, plastics, propylene glycol (deodorants), sodium laurel sulfate in toothpaste and ointments, herbicides and pesticides. These potent estrogenic substances block the production of thyroid hormone and greatly magnify the incidence of estrogen dependent cancers. All males and females in developed nations have estrogen dominance. Obviously you should attempt to avoid these things.

Antibiotics, chlorine from our water purification systems, fluoride, and NSAID drugs used for arthritis all kill the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. This results in overgrowth in the intestines of Candida, fungi, mycoplasma, and anaerobic bacteria (Yeast syndrome). These dangerous organisms release powerful neurotoxic substances into the blood stream that damage the  hypothalamus often resulting in multiple endocrine disorders including underactivity of the thyroid gland.

Mercury released from our dental amalgams is toxic to the thyroid gland. Selenium deficiency is related to lack of trace minerals in our soil. The proper conversion of precursors into thyroid hormone depends on a selenium containing enzyme which is lacking. Lack of iodine in our soil and diet leads to decreased thyroid hormone production. Diagnostic x-rays injure the thyroid gland (dental, neck, spine). Perchlorates widely found in drinking water inhibit the production of thyroid hormone by blocking the reuptake of iodine.

Since Blood Tests for Thyroid Function are Unreliable, How Can We Diagnose Hypothyroidism?
Thyroid hormone controls body temperature. Extensive research by Broda Barnes, MD has shown that Basal Body Temperature is a reliable way of diagnosing thyroid function.

You need to measure your Basal Body Temperature (temperature at rest before activity). Put a thermometer at your bedside. Use a Temporal Artery Thermometer (Exergen®) before you get up in the morning. (Oral temps are high due to sinus and oral infections usually present so they should be avoided).

One of the problems with taking temperature is that mercury thermometers have been replaced with digital thermometers. The mercury in thermometers was poisonous, and they were taken off the market even though they were accurate. The digital thermometers that replaced them are unfortunately not very accurate. You can take six readings and they may be two degrees apart!!
There are infrared thermometers designed to read the temperature of the eardrum. Studies have shown that nurses who use them regularly can get reproducible readings but average parents cannot.
The most accurate thermometer you can buy (without paying $400 for one) is the Temporal Artery Thermometer. You want the kind that takes 1000 readings per second and analyzes them for the correct temperature. The brand is Exergen. You need to have one of these for all the reasons you will need to take your temperature or that of a family member.

Take your temperature before you get out of bed and your muscles create heat. If you sleep under heavy quilts, remove them for a few minutes before you take the temperature. If you are perspiring, run the device across your forehead from the midline to the hairline and, keeping your finger on the button, press it behind your ear. Then release the button. If it is below 97.6, you have

Hypothyroidism Type II. You will need to correct this deficiency with thyroid hormone and iodine.
Normal Basal Temperature is 97.6 to 98.2. If your temperature is above 97.6 but you have the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism, assume that you currently have an infection. Take your temp-erature each week until you are sure what it is.

Special Signs of Hypothyroidism

Mucin is like clear Karo syrup. It is deposited into the tissue in hypothyroid patients. It is mistaken for fat in Metabolic Syndrome X. People with hypothyroidism and Metabolic Syndrome X have a combination of fat and mucin in their tissue. If you pinch over your deltoid muscle, you should be able to almost put your fingers together. Any bulk you feel is mucin.

When you make mucin, it begins to fill your whole body with “goo”. However, it tends to collect in a special pattern. The face becomes round. There is a pouch under the chin. The shoulders appear as if you were wearing shoulder pads. The area over the deltoid becomes rounded. The chest becomes shaped like a barrel. Breasts become pendulous. You become bigger around the waist than the hips (“beer belly”). The buttocks become large and wide. The thighs touch in the middle of the legs.

Although there is a long list of symptoms from hypothyroidism, common complaints are weight you cannot lose, insomnia, dry skin, poor memory, bouts of anger, constipation, and hair loss.

Remember that Metabolic Syndrome X has the following features:
1. Fasting hyperglycemia — diabetes mellitus type 2 or impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or insulin resistance
2. High blood pressure
3. Central obesity (also known as visceral, male-pattern or appleshaped
adiposity), overweight with fat deposits mainly around the
4. Decreased HDL cholesterol and Elevated triglycerides
When mucin is inserted into the tissues, the cells are surrounded by goo.

This makes it more difficult for insulin to be able to access the cell membrane.
You develop “insulin resistance” and Type II Diabetes. One of the problems with using medication to lower the blood sugar is that it also lowers the amount of glucose getting into the cells. When one is first hypothyroid, the heart beat is weak and the blood pressure is too low. This prevents blood
from reaching the brain, and one has symptoms associated with the brain. As goo begins to fill up the tissues, it gets harder and harder for blood to perfuse the tissue. The blood pressure rises in an effort to provide circulation to the tissues. Thus hypothyroidism starts with low blood pressure and ends up with high blood pressure.

One of the problems with lowering blood pressure with medication is that it makes circulation to the tissues even worse. The diseases associated with leaving the blood pressure high are the end results of hypothyroidism.

When you are making mucin and depositing it into the omentum and the parts of the body described above, you appear to be obese. In addition, when you are hypothyroid, you crave sugar and caffeine
to give you a little “spark”. This extra sugar does add fat to the mix. The entire endocrine system depends upon adequate thyroid hormone to function and make other hormones. Most of the hormones are made from cholesterol.

 When the liver notices that you are hormone deficient, it makes more cholesterol in an effort to help you make more hormones. Suppressing the liver’s ability to make cholesterol further reduces your hormone levels. In addition, the brain is 50% cholesterol by weight. It replaces itself every eight months. If there isn’t enough cholesterol available, one cannot make hormones and repair the brain.

For many years, a high cholesterol was considered diagnostic of hypothyroidism.
A careful review of the medical literature shows that high cholesterol levels of any kind do not increase the risk of dying from a heart attack. This will be discussed in another newsletter.
As you can see, all the features of Metabolic Syndrome X are features of hypothyroidism. This explains the epidemics of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, heart attacks, strokes, depression, ADHD, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and cancer that plagues Americans.

More About Fluoride and Hypothyroidism
It has been known since 1917 that fluoride causes goiters. F.S. McKay, DDS noted that people in Colorado Springs, CO had mottled teeth. He also noticed that they didn’t get cavities. In 1918, Professor Greves in Utrecht Holland noted that people who drank the local water got both mottled teeth and goiters (goiters are usually associated with hypothyroidism). It was later determined that the water in Colorado and Holland had high levels of naturally occurring fluoride.

In 1919, Goldemberg in Argentina also noted that people who drank the local water with high levels of fluoride developed goiters. He reviewed the literature and concluded that hypothyroidism was caused more by high levels of fluoride than low levels of iodine. In 1926 he reported on his use of fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroids).

1932 - Machoro (Italy) uses sodium fluoride in the successful treatment of hyperthyroidism.
In 1932, Wilhelm May (Germany) also starts fluoride therapy in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and in 1933, Gorlitzer von Mundy (Austria) reports more on fluoride’s effect on the thyroid.

In 1934, Purjesz and colleagues (Poland) gave chicken eggs high in fluoride to hyperthyroid patients and achieved lowering of body temperature, of pulse and BMR, as well as weight gain. They reported that most of the fluoride is found in liver; no fluoride is found in the blood of healthy people.

1937 - Kraft (Knoll AG, Germany) investigates inorganic sodium fluoride and organic fluoride compounds fluorobenzoic acid and fluorotyrosine and reports that all fluoride compounds inhibit thyroid hormones. It is a matter of amplification - the fluoride component is essential.

1941 - Wilson (UK) reports in the Lancet on his findings that mottling of teeth is prevalent in the same areas in the UK which had previously been prevalent with goiter.

1941 - Schwarz (Germany) prepares fluoride/iodide anti-thyroid medications and combines with sedatives.

1946 - The Atomic Energy Commission (Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology - headed by Harold Carpenter Hodge, incomprehensibly at the same time also head of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) - acknowledges the German findings that all fluoride compounds - organic or inorganic - inhibit thyroid hormone activity, and declares this issue a research priority. No further research into this issue is conducted, however.

1952 - In the court case Reynolds Metals Corp. vs. Paul Martin hypothyroidism caused by fluoride is documented.

1953 - Wadwhani (India) reports that fluoride concentrated in thyroid gland of rats consuming 0.9mg F- per day.

1957 - Galetti et al. treated hyperthyroid patients with fluoride at daily doses lower than those estimated being the current average intake in the US, and document a significant reduction in protein-bound iodine, as well as an overall reduction of iodine and a reduction of iodine uptake by the thyroid gland.

1959 - Jentzer again shows reduced iodine levels in the pituitary gland under the influence of fluorides.

1960 - Gordinoff and Minder describe the results of experiments with radioactive iodine (I131) which show that fluorides remove an iodine atom during the conversion process (T4 to T3). Effects are dose-responsive, meaning the higher the fluoride intake the lower the iodine measurements.

1962 - Steyn (Africa) reports that drinking water containing “as little as 1 to 2 ppm of fluorine can cause serious disturbances of general health and especially in normal thyroid gland function and in the normal processes of calcium-phosphate metabolism (parathyroid function).”

1962 - Spira reports on the fluorine-induced endocrine disturbances in mental illness.

1963 - Gorlitzer von Mundy reports on the [then] current knowledge gained from experiments by Gordonoff with I131 as to how the effects of the enzyme responsible for the T4 to T3 conversion were inhibited if a fluorine ion was absorbed before the conversion from T4 to T3 occurs.

1969 - Siddiqui show small visible goiters in persons 14 to 17 years of age in India to be connected directly to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water.

1991 - Lin Fa-Fu et al. reported that a low iodine intake coupled with “high” (0.88ppm) fluoride intake exacerbates the central nervous lesions and the somatic developmental disturbance of iodine deficiency. The authors considered the possibility that “excess” fluoride ion affected normal de-iodination. Fluorides caused increase of reverse T3 (rT3) and elevated TSH levels, as well as increased I131 uptake (see: Bachinskii et al,1985).

This is a very small sample of the medical literature on the toxicity of fluoride. For more information, see point is that you must avoid fluoride if you are to be healthy. Don’t sacrifice your health to avoid a few cavities.

Paradoxical Hypothyroidism
A minority of people with hypothyroidism are skinny, have a rapid heartbeat, and suffer tremors and anxiety. The only way to diagnose hypothyroidism in them is the temperature and the fact that their symptoms disappear with thyroid therapy.

Thyroid disease is one of the few diseases where too little hormone or too much hormone can give you exactly the same symptoms! The temperature is the key to figuring out what is happening.
TSH and Osteoporosis

In the early 1990’s it was suggested that very low levels of TSH (and thus too high levels of thyroid hormone) were associated with osteoporosis. For this reason, doctors are currently taught to lower the amount of thyroid hormone taken if the TSH is lower than “normal”. Remember that the TSH and T3-4 labs are made incorrect by fluoride! A December 2003 medical journal review article conducted a systematic review of the effects of TSH-suppressive (such as in thyroid cancer) and replacement levothyroxine therapy on bone mineral density, to determine the main causes of the conflicting results and their implications.

 The goal of the review was to evaluate existing studies in order to provide guidance for patient management and to recommend the directions that future studies of this question should take. Included in the review were 63 separate English-language studies published from1990-2001 that were identified by a Medline search. Many of these studies were designed to determine whether the patients taking thyroid hormone replacement had a reduction in bone mineral density.

What the reviewers found was of interest to patients and practitioners: All studies provided results that were considered by the reviewers to be either limited and/or controversial.
Of the 63 studies reviewed:
• 31 reported no effects of levothyroxine on bone mineral density
• 23 studies found partial beneficial or adverse effects, and
• 9 studies showed overall adverse effects.
t is quite common for patients to be feeling great on their thyroid hormones until their doctor does blood tests. The tests show a low TSH suggesting they are taking too much thyroid hormone. The TSH is low because both the real hormone they are taking and the fake fluoride hormone reduce the TSH. Their doctor tells them to reduce or stop their thyroid pills because the TSH is low. They feel terrible, but their doctor pays attention to the faulty blood test and not to the patient’s symptoms!

Treating Hypothyroidism
You will need to take thyroid hormone as well as correct your iodine levels as discussed above.
There is some argument about whether to use synthetic thyroid hormones like Synthroid levothyroxine) or take a naturally occurring hormone like Desiccated Thyroid Hormone. The best known brand name for Desiccated Thyroid Hormone is Armour Thyroid. It is desiccated pork thyroid.

Synthetic thyroid hormones can cost 2-5 times as much as desiccated hormone. There is a strong pressure on doctors to prescribe synthetic drugs instead of bioidentical hormones. The question is, “Which works the best?”

Desiccated Thyroid Hormone contains T1, T2, T3 and T4 in the natural balance. Synthroid contains only synthetic T4. Remember that the active form of thyroid is T3. Also remember that fluoride inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3. Thus it can be difficult to find the right dose of Synthroid, especially since doctors are trained to find the correct dose using blood tests that are inactivated by fluoride.

There are synthetic T3 hormones available like Cytomel. The problem with giving just T3 is that it is short lived. If you take enough of it to correct your needs for hormones, you will often have spells during the day in which you feel hyper and jittery and other times when you are exhausted.

One of the advantages of Desiccated Thyroid Hormone is that it can slowly convert T1, T2, and T4 to T3 as needed. Many patients have been converted from Synthroid to Desiccated Thyroid Hormone and feel much better.

Drug salesmen tend to say that Desiccated Thyroid Hormone has inconsistent hormone
 amounts where synthetics are always the same. The opposite appears to be true. There have been recalls for the synthetics because they contained wrong amounts of hormones.

The following is from the Armour Thyroid Web site:
“To ensure that Armour® Thyroid tablets are consistently potent from tablet to
tablet and lot to lot, analytical tests are performed on the thyroid powder (raw
material) and on the actual tablets (finished product) to measure actual T4 and
T3 activity. Different lots of thyroid powder are mixed together and analyzed to
achieve the desired ratio of T4 to T3 in each lot of tablets.”

Synthetic hormones are usually dosed in micrograms. Desiccated Thyroid Hormone
is measured in grains or milligrams. One grain is approximately 60 mg. In many
cultures, a grain is a unit of measurement of mass that is based upon the mass of a
single seed of a typical cereal. Historically, in Europe, the average masses of wheat and barley grain were used to define units of mass. Since 1958, the grain or troy grain (Symbol: gr) measure has been defined in the International System of Units as precisely 64.79891 milligrams. However, it is common to round it off to 60 milligrams instead of 65 milligrams.

Most adults who have been consuming fluoride will need to take about three grains (180 milligrams) of Desiccated Thyroid Hormone per day. However, if you start with that much, you will “blow a gasket”. By that I mean that you will feel jittery, have a fast heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure, and just feel terrible. Thus you must start slowly and work up giving your body time to make new mitochondria to use the hormone.

Start with 1/4 grain (15 mg.) in the morning and again at about 3:00 p.m. for a total of 1/2 grain (30 mg./day)/ After two weeks, take your temperature and pulse. If your temperature is still low, increase the daily dose by 1/4 grain (15 mg.) by taking 30 mg.. in the morning and 15 mg.. at about 3:00 p.m. After you take the increased dose, monitor your pulse. If it is over 100 or you feel jittery, reduce the dosage and wait two more weeks.

As you continue increasing the dose, nothing much will happen for the first two months, so don’t be discouraged.  After about two months, your temperature will start to rise. At about that time, you will start to notice that you have more energy. Notice that it often takes about six months to achieve the correct dose.

The mucin does not tend to leave the body until the thyroid dose is normal. That is about six months. Most of the weight loss happens between the six and twelfth month. Generally speaking, you will be at your ideal weight at the end of a year.

It is not uncommon for patients to requires up to five grains (300 mg.) of Desiccated Thyroid per day to achieve a normal temperature and feel good. Remember that thyroid hormone requires a prescription in the U.S., so you will need to find a doctor that understands Type II Hypothyroidism to work with you.


Many are tempted to ramp up the dose of thyroid hormone too fast. They are impatient to get rid of the fatigue and extra pounds and do not pay attention to not increasing the dose by more than 1/2 grain (30 mg.) per month (1/4 grain = 15 mg. every two weeks). This can be dangerous or even fatal! Don’t do it!

The common symptoms that you are taking too much thyroid hormone are:
• Anxiety
• Confusion or disorientation
• Heart palpitations
• An irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
• High blood pressure (hypertension)
• A rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
• Seizures
• Strokes
• Coma
• Death.
If you develop any of these symptoms while you are taking thyroid hormone, reduce your dose or stop taking it until you can talk to your doctor or see an emergency room doctor. You can have problems if you just stop taking it altogether as well. Let your doctor help you adjust the dosage

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm shocked at myself

I cannot believe what I just did!  Folks have been after me to join Facebook for years but I felt that blogging was enough of a responsibility for me to handle at this time. 

Well, I went online to donate to Ron Paul's money bomb and then, at the end, it said, "Do you want to share about your contribution with the world?" so I clicked, "Yes."  I was thinking that I'd post the cute check with my name on it HERE.  The next thing I knew, I was in Facebook getting signed up.

BOY, how did that happen?  Well, I know absolutely nothing about being on Facebook except that several times I tried to go on Cora's laptop to check on wedding pictures.... and got lost.  If anyone has any advice on how to get my computer to accept friends, I'd be grateful if you'd share it.  I spent half an hour getting very frustrated and now I'm on to other things.  I guess I'll pester Cora to show me how to move around within Facebook tomorrow.

Now, for the other thing.  I got an email a couple of hours ago inviting me to join a free teleconference on, "How to heal our relationship with money," so I'm going to go and listen.   Do I EVER need help with this area as my father loved money and despised people so I did the flip flop of that--I love people and despise money.  HMMMMMMMMMMM 

I'll let you know how the teleconference turns out and if there is any hope for this money hater.  Until then, if you're on Facebook and want me for a friend, it is now possible for us to be friends.  Now, if I can figure out how to get back to Facebook that would be helpful.  SIGH

Have a great week everyone,


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let's get cooking

Happy Sabbath everyone!

As always, Dr. Mercola says it best--we need to get back to cooking.  I've always enjoyed cooking but since my illness things have changed somewhat.  When Cora is working in town and I am working in my Bismarck office, I regret to say that my guys don't always get a warm home-cooked meal.  I really needed this reminder this morning to get back to cooking every day!  It is vitally important that SOMEBODY spend time in the kitchen preparing food from scratch for the family--every day!

I want to take this time to praise my daughter, Cora, publicly.  She became our main cook during my illness and now we split the duties.  Cora is one whooper cook!  For Sabbath feast last night we had home made tacos with tortillas that she made herself; our organic ground beef; cut lettuce and olives; grated cheese and sour cream (from Sams), and taco sauce from the store in Napoleon.  We also had home made cheesecake with home made graham cracker crust and home made filling with cherries on top.  It was wonderfully tasty and filling and I say, "Thank you, Cora."

Here is the article that inspired me to keep trying to make every meal home made fresh from our kitchen.  I get a kick out of the ad that says, "I loved my mom's caramels so we make our candy just like she did."  I told my children one day that, since they have captured with kirlean photography the love pouring out of a woman's fingers when she cooks for her family, I doubt very much that the machine made candy tastes "Just like mom's!"   ;)

I salute all of you cooks out there!  Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS.  If anyone needs any organic, grass-fed beef, just drop us a note after the Sabbath. We've got lots of it walking around here just waiting to go into somebody's freezer.  It is sooooooooo good!

Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?
Posted By Dr. Mercola | April 14 2012 | 7,321views

Story at-a-glance

  • In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out); this is less than half or more of most any other country on the planet
  • The “faster, bigger, cheaper” approach to food production that the United States has mastered is unsustainable and is contributing to the destruction of our planet and your health
  • Easy access to cheap, poor-quality food is contributing to the rising rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic disease
  • Nearly all cheap processed foods in the United States contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients and come from confined animal feeding operations, which contribute to environmental destruction, animal cruelty and the spread of antibiotic-resistant super-germs
  • To protect your health and the environment, strive to make 90 percent of your diet non-processed, whole organic foods; it may cost more to eat this way initially, but the amount it will save you in the long run is immeasurable

By Dr. Mercola
In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).i
This is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when over 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of a “bargain” compared to 1930, when Americans spent over 24 percent of their disposable income to feed their families.
When you compare what Americans spend to what people in other countries spend, you’ll also notice some great disparities.
On the surface, having cheaper food may seem like an advantage, but in reality while Americans may be saving a few dollars on their meals, they’re paying big time in terms of their health, and the health of the planet.

No Place on the Planet Has Cheaper Food Than the United States

As reported in TreeHugger, professor Mark J. Perry stated on his Carpe Diem blog:ii
“... compared to other countries, there's no other place on the planet that has cheaper food than the U.S. The 5.5% of disposable income that Americans spend on food at home is less than half the amount of income spent by Germans (11.4%), the French (13.6%), the Italians (14.4%), and less than one-third the amount of income spent by consumers in South Africa (20.1%), Mexico (24.1%), and Turkey (24.5%), which is about what Americans spent DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION, and far below what consumers spend in Kenya (45.9%) and Pakistan (45.6%).”
Unfortunately, the “faster, bigger, cheaper” approach to food production that the United States has mastered is unsustainable and contributing to the destruction of our planet and your health. Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and a number of other bestsellers, said it best:
"Cheap food is an illusion. There is no such thing as cheap food. The real cost of the food is paid somewhere. And if it isn't paid at the cash register, it's charged to the environment or to the public purse in the form of subsidies. And it's charged to your health."
In other words, pay now or pay later. American food may be cheap, but that’s about the only “compliment” it deserves, because when you rely on cheap food, you typically get what you pay for.

Why are So Many Americans Fat and Sick?

In many cases, easily the majority, it is due to dietary factors! Millions of Americans live in "food deserts" where fresh produce is hard to find but processed food and fast food is available everywhere. If your meals consist of $1 burgers and super-size drinks, your diet may be cheap, but it is also excessively high in grains, sugars, and factory-farmed meats. This is a recipe for obesity, diabetes and heart disease, just to name a few calamitous conditions that befall those who consume the standard American diet!
You have the U.S. government to thank for this cheap food, as farm subsidies bring you high-fructose corn syrup, fast food, animal factories, monoculture, and a host of other contributors to our unhealthful contemporary diet. A report comparing federal subsidies of fresh produce and junk food, prepared by U.S. PIRG, a non-profit organization that takes on special interests on behalf of the public, revealed where your tax dollars are really going, and it's quite shocking.
If you were to receive an annual federal subsidy directly, you would receive $7.36 to spend on junk food and just 11 cents to buy apples. In other words, every year, your tax dollars pay for enough corn syrup and other junk food additives to buy 19 Twinkies, but only enough fresh fruit to buy less than a quarter of one red delicious apple.
Heart disease is a direct reflection of poor dietary choices. Heart disease costs us $189.4 billion per year. However, statistics show that by 2030, these costs will triple, resulting in a mind-bending $818 billion!iii Meanwhile, as TreeHugger reported:
“If Americans continue to pack on pounds, obesity will cost us about $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018, eating up about 21 percent of healthcare spending, according to an article in USA Today.iv Not to mention the unseen health issues associated with a genetically modified and pesticide-bathed food system.”

What's the "Cost" of a Food System Based on Genetically Modified Foods?

The damage is quite simply immeasurable. Nearly all processed foods in the United States contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients, particularly Bt corn and Roundup Ready soy. These crops and other GM varieties are now planted on nearly 4 billion acres of land throughout 29 countries, as their makers (primarily Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta) continue to praise their worth. These companies, which have created patents and intellectual property rights so that they now control close to 70 percent of global seed sales, extol the virtues of GM crops as though they are a panacea for ending world hunger and solving the food crisis.
But in fact, as a report coordinated by Navdanya and Navdanya International, the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, The Center for Food Safety (CFS) and others, has stated, GM crops are surrounded by false promises and failed yields, to the extent that they are now destroying the food system with superweeds, superpests and more.
Scientists have discovered a number of health problems -- like changes in reproductive hormones, testicular changes and damage to the pituitary gland -- related to genetically modified foods, however these studies have been repeatedly ignored by both the European Food Safety Authority and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). GM foods are typically regarded as equivalent to their conventional counterparts. This, however, is flawed logic because GM foods contain foreign genes that have never before been introduced into the food supply, and are universally contaminated with toxic GMO-specific herbicide residues.

Behind Virtually Every Cheap Burger is a CAFO

It cannot be ignored that the animals raised on confined animal feed operations (CAFOs) pay one of the highest prices for Americans’ cheap food. The typical CAFO can house tens of thousands of animals (and in the case of chickens, 100,000) under one roof, in nightmarish, unsanitary, disease-ridden conditions.
Animals raised at CAFOs are treated like objects, not animals -- stuck in cages, overcrowded, often covered in feces -- which is not only hard to watch, but also hard to stomach. It is not at all unusual for animals to be abused in these circumstances; the very conditions in which they live are abuse in their own right. For those who aren't aware, about 80 percent of all the antibiotics produced are used in agriculture -- not only to fight infection, but to promote unhealthy (though profitable) weight gain in animals. Unfortunately, this practice is also contributing to the alarming spread of antibiotic-resistant disease -- a serious problem that is costing tens of thousands of Americans their lives.
CAFOs have been highly promoted as the best way to produce food for the masses, but the only reason CAFOs are able to remain so "efficient," bringing in massive profits while selling their food for bottom-barrel prices, is because they substitute subsidized crops for pasture grazing.
Factory farms use massive quantities of corn, soy and grain in their animal feed, all crops that they are often able to purchase at below cost because of government subsidies. Because of these subsidies, U.S. farmers produce massive amounts of soy, corn, wheat, etc. -- rather than vegetables -- leading to a monoculture of foods that contribute to a fast food diet. As written in "CAFO: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories":v
"Thanks to U.S. government subsidies, between 1997 and 2005, factory farms saved an estimated $3.9 billion per year because they were able to purchase corn and soybeans at prices below what it cost to grow the crops. Without these feed discounts, amounting to a 5 to 15 percent reduction in operating costs, it is unlikely that many of these industrial factory farms could remain profitable.
By contrast, many small farms that produce much of their own forage receive no government money. Yet they are expected somehow to match the efficiency claims of the large, subsidized megafactory farms. On this uneven playing field, CAFOs may falsely appear to "outcompete" their smaller, diversified counterparts."
As it stands, the book notes that "grazing and growing feed for livestock now occupy 70 percent of all agricultural land and 30 percent of the ice-free terrestrial surface of the planet. If present trends continue, meat production is predicted to double between the turn of the 21st century and 2050." Does this sound like a good deal to you?

Allocating More Money to Your Food is Investing in Your Most Valuable Asset...

You... and your family (including those who are yet to be born)! If you want to optimize your health, you simply must return to the basics of healthy food choices. And, as more and more people begin to grasp this concept and demand healthy, unadulterated foods, the more must be produced, one way or another. There is just no way around it -- if you want your family to be healthy, someone in your household, or someone you pay, must invest some time in the kitchen preparing your food from scratch, using fresh, whole ingredients.
Avoiding processed food requires a change in mindset, which is not always an easy task. It CAN be done, however. Rather than looking at processed foods as a convenience that tastes good or saves money, try thinking of it as:
  • Extra calories that will harm your body
  • A toxic concoction of foreign chemicals and artificial flavors that will lead to disease
  • A waste of your money
  • Likely to lead to increased health care bills for you and your family
  • Not something to give to children, whose bodies are still developing and in great need of nutrients
Your goal should be to strive for 90 percent non-processed, whole food. Not only will you enjoy the health benefits—especially if you buy mostly organic—but you’ll also get the satisfaction of knowing exactly what you’re putting into your body, and that in and of itself can be a great feeling. It may cost more to eat this way, but then again it might not. (And in the long run the amount it will save you in the long run is immeasurable.)
You may be surprised to find out that by going directly to the source you can get amazingly healthy, locally grown, organic food for less than you can find at your supermarket. This gives you the best of both worlds: food that is grown near to you and sold with minimal packaging, cutting down on its carbon footprint and giving you optimal freshness, as well as grown without chemicals, genetically modified (GM) seeds, and other potential toxins.
Restaurants are able to keep their costs down by getting food directly from a supplier. You, too, can take advantage of a direct farm-to-consumer relationship, either on an individual basis by visiting a small local farm or by joining a food coop in your area. To find these types of real foods, grown by real farmers who are eager to serve their communities, visit

Simple Strategies to Eat Well Without Spending More

There are many strategies available to stretch your food dollars while feeding your family healthy foods. Rather than wasting money on expensive cereal boxes and bags of chips, put your money toward foods that will serve your health well, such as raw organic dairy, cage-free organic eggs, fresh vegetables and fermented foods you make at home (fermented foods are incredibly economical because you can use a portion of one batch to start the next).
The following strategies will also make it easier to eat well on a tight budget:
  • Identify someone to prepare meals. Someone has to invest time in the kitchen to prepare your meals, or else you will succumb to costly and unhealthy fast food and convenience foods. So it will be necessary for either you, your spouse, another family member or someone you pay to prepare your family's meals from locally grown healthful foods.
  • Become resourceful: This is an area where your grandmother can be a wealth of information, as how to use up every morsel of food and stretch out a good meal was common knowledge to generations past. Seek to get back to the basics of cooking -- using the bones from a roast chicken to make stock for a pot of soup, extending a Sunday roast to use for weekday dinners, learning how to make hearty stews from inexpensive cuts of meat, using up leftovers and so on.
  • Plan your meals: If you fail to plan you are planning to fail. This is essential, as you will need to be prepared for mealtimes in advance to be successful. Ideally this will involve scouting out your local farmer's markets for in-season produce that is priced to sell, and planning your meals accordingly. But, you can also use this same premise with supermarket sales or, even better, produce from your own vegetable garden. You can generally plan a week of meals at a time, make sure you have all ingredients necessary on hand, and then do any prep work you can ahead of time so that dinner is easy to prepare if you're short on time in the evening.
    It is no mystery that you will be eating lunch around noon every day so rather than rely on fast food at work, before you go to bed make a plan as to what you are going to take to work for lunch the next day. This is a simple strategy that will let you eat healthier and save money, especially it you take healthy food from home in with you to work.
  • Avoid food waste: According to a study published in the journal PloS One, Americans waste an estimated 1,400 calories of food per person, each and every The two steps above will help you to mitigate food waste in your home, and you may also have seen my article titled 14 Ways to Save Money on Groceries. Among those tips are suggestions for keeping your groceries fresher, longer, and I suggest reviewing those tips now.
  • Buy organic animal foods. The most important foods to buy organic are animal, not vegetable, products (meat, eggs, butter, etc.), because animal foods tend to concentrate pesticides in higher amounts. If you cannot afford to buy all of your food organic, opt for organic animal foods first.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


It's been a quiet day inside as the wind is howling like mad today.  Robert and Andrew have very red eyes having been out in this storm cleaning grain.  Andrew is finished and Robert has one more to do when the neighbor has his trucks empty.

  I've offered to give haircuts to the grain cleaning men tonight but so far only Robert has accepted.  They're both looking pretty bushy.  I've been thinking of doing a survey forever but couldn't ever come up with one so I think this is it.  Have you ever given anyone a haircut?  This will give me a chance to get some feedback from you as new people are telling me these days, "I've been reading your blog."

Got to get out the haircut equipment and then snip, snip, snip.


Why bother?

For awhile now I've been reading Chuck Baldwin's, "News with views."  When I saw his topic this morning, I thought, "Why bother trying to say it any better than this?"  Here it is, then, in it's entirety. 

Have a great day in the Lord!



By Chuck Baldwin
April 12, 2012

Today, I am going to do something that I have never done: I am going to devote virtually my entire column to posting another man’s words. That man is the man who should be President of the United States: Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. The following is a written transcript of a speech Dr. Paul gave on the floor of the US House of Representatives back in 2007. Had Congressman Paul been elected President in 2008, the country would be four years into the greatest economic, political, and, yes, spiritual recovery in the history of America. As it is, the US is on the brink of totalitarianism and economic ruin. And you can mark it down, four years from now it won’t matter to a tinker’s dam whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney was elected President this November. Neither man has the remotest understanding of America’s real problems nor the courage and backbone to do anything about it if they did understand.

Read the following. This is a man who understands the Constitution. This is a man who understands sound economic principles. This is a man who understands liberty and freedom. This is a man who has the guts to tell the truth. This is a man who has put his life and career on the line for the principles of liberty for more than two decades. This is a man who has returned every dollar that he has been paid as a US congressman to the taxpayers. This is the man who should be President of the United States.

[Ron Paul’s speech begins here] For some, patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. For others, it means dissent against a government's abuse of the people's rights.

I have never met a politician in Washington or any American, for that matter, who chose to be called unpatriotic. Nor have I met anyone who did not believe he wholeheartedly supported our troops, wherever they may be.

What I have heard all too frequently from various individuals are sharp accusations that, because their political opponents disagree with them on the need for foreign military entanglements, they were unpatriotic, un-American evildoers deserving contempt.

The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power.

The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state. Resistance need not be violent, but the civil disobedience that might be required involves confrontation with the state and invites possible imprisonment.

Peaceful, nonviolent revolutions against tyranny have been every bit as successful as those involving military confrontation. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., achieved great political successes by practicing nonviolence, and yet they suffered physically at the hands of the state. But whether the resistance against government tyrants is nonviolent or physically violent, the effort to overthrow state oppression qualifies as true patriotism.

True patriotism today has gotten a bad name, at least from the government and the press. Those who now challenge the unconstitutional methods of imposing an income tax on us, or force us to use a monetary system designed to serve the rich at the expense of the poor are routinely condemned. These American patriots are sadly looked down upon by many. They are never praised as champions of liberty as Gandhi and Martin Luther King have been.

Liberals, who withhold their taxes as a protest against war, are vilified as well, especially by conservatives. Unquestioned loyalty to the state is especially demanded in times of war. Lack of support for a war policy is said to be unpatriotic. Arguments against a particular policy that endorses a war, once it is started, are always said to be endangering the troops in the field. This, they blatantly claim, is unpatriotic, and all dissent must stop. Yet, it is dissent from government policies that defines the true patriot and champion of liberty.

It is conveniently ignored that the only authentic way to best support the troops is to keep them out of dangerous undeclared no-win wars that are politically inspired. Sending troops off to war for reasons that are not truly related to national security and, for that matter, may even damage our security, is hardly a way to patriotically support the troops.

Who are the true patriots, those who conform or those who protest against wars without purpose? How can it be said that blind support for a war, no matter how misdirected the policy, is the duty of a patriot?

Randolph Bourne said that, "War is the health of the state.'' With war, he argued, the state thrives. Those who believe in the powerful state see war as an opportunity. Those who mistrust the people and the market for solving problems have no trouble promoting a "war psychology'' to justify the expansive role of the state. This includes the role the Federal Government plays in our lives, as well as in our economic transactions.

Certainly, the neoconservative belief that we have a moral obligation to spread American values worldwide through force justifies the conditions of war in order to rally support at home for the heavy hand of government. It is through this policy, it should surprise no one, that our liberties are undermined. The economy becomes overextended, and our involvement worldwide becomes prohibited. Out of fear of being labeled unpatriotic, most of the citizens become compliant and accept the argument that some loss of liberty is required to fight the war in order to remain safe.

This is a bad trade-off, in my estimation, especially when done in the name of patriotism. Loyalty to the state and to autocratic leaders is substituted for true patriotism; that is, a willingness to challenge the state and defend the country, the people and the culture. The more difficult the times, the stronger the admonition comes that the leaders be not criticized.

Because the crisis atmosphere of war supports the growth of the state, any problem invites an answer by declaring war, even on social and economic issues. This elicits patriotism in support of various government solutions, while enhancing the power of the state. Faith in government coercion and a lack of understanding of how free societies operate encourages big-government liberals and big-government conservatives to manufacture a war psychology to demand political loyalty for domestic policy just as is required in foreign affairs.

The long-term cost in dollars spent and liberties lost is neglected as immediate needs are emphasized. It is for this reason that we have multiple perpetual wars going on simultaneously. Thus, the war on drugs, the war against gun ownership, the war against poverty, the war against illiteracy, the war against terrorism, as well as our foreign military entanglements are endless.

All this effort promotes the growth of statism at the expense of liberty. A government designed for a free society should do the opposite, prevent the growth of statism and preserve liberty.

Once a war of any sort is declared, the message is sent out not to object or you will be declared unpatriotic. Yet, we must not forget that the true patriot is the one who protests in spite of the consequences. Condemnation or ostracism or even imprisonment may result.

Nonviolent protesters of the Tax Code are frequently imprisoned, whether they are protesting the code's unconstitutionality or the war that the tax revenues are funding. Resisters to the military draft or even to Selective Service registration are threatened and imprisoned for challenging this
threat to liberty.

Statism depends on the idea that the government owns us and citizens must obey. Confiscating the fruits of our labor through the income tax is crucial to the health of the state. The draft, or even the mere existence of the Selective Service, emphasizes that we will march off to war at the state's pleasure.

A free society rejects all notions of involuntary servitude, whether by draft or the confiscation of the fruits of our labor through the personal income tax. A more sophisticated and less well-known technique for enhancing the state is the manipulation and transfer of wealth through the fiat monetary system operated by the secretive Federal Reserve.

Protesters against this unconstitutional system of paper money are considered unpatriotic criminals and at times are imprisoned for their beliefs. The fact that, according to the Constitution, only gold and silver are legal tender and paper money outlawed matters little. The principle of patriotism is turned on its head. Whether it's with regard to the defense of welfare spending at home, confiscatory income tax, or an immoral monetary system or support for a war fought under false pretense without a legal declaration, the defenders of liberty and the Constitution are portrayed as unpatriotic, while those who support these programs are seen as the patriots.

If there is a war going on, supporting the state's effort to win the war is expected at all costs, no dissent. The real problem is that those who love the state too often advocate policies that lead to military action. At home, they are quite willing to produce a crisis atmosphere and claim a war is needed to solve the problem. Under these conditions, the people are more willing to bear the burden of paying for the war and to carelessly sacrifice liberties, which they are told is necessary.

The last 6 years have been quite beneficial to the health of the state, which comes at the expense of personal liberty. Every enhanced unconstitutional power of the state can only be achieved at the expense of individual liberty. Even though in every war in which we have been engaged civil liberties have suffered, some have been restored after the war ended, but never completely. That has resulted in a steady erosion of our liberties over the past 200 years. Our government was originally designed to protect our liberties, but it has now, instead, become the usurper of those liberties.

We currently live in the most difficult of times for guarding against an expanding central government with a steady erosion of our freedoms. We are continually being reminded that 9/11 has changed everything.

Unfortunately, the policy that needed most to be changed, that is, our policy of foreign interventionism, has only been expanded. There is no pretense any longer that a policy of humility in foreign affairs, without being the world's policemen and engaging in nation building, is worthy of consideration.

We now live in a post-9/11 America where our government is going to make us safe no matter what it takes. We are expected to grin and bear it and adjust to every loss of our liberties in the name of patriotism and security.

Though the majority of Americans initially welcomed the declared effort to
make us safe, and we are willing to sacrifice for the cause, more and more
Americans are now becoming concerned about civil liberties being needlessly
and dangerously sacrificed.

The problem is that the Iraq war continues to drag on, and a real danger of it spreading exists. There is no evidence that a truce will soon be signed in Iraq or in the war on terror or the war on drugs. Victory is not even definable. If Congress is incapable of declaring an official war, it is impossible to know when it will end. We have been fully forewarned that the world conflict in which we are now engaged will last a long, long time.

The war mentality and the pervasive fear of an unidentified enemy allows for a steady erosion of our liberties, and, with this, our respect for self-reliance and confidence is lost. Just think of the self-sacrifice and the humiliation we go through at the airport screening process on a routine basis. Though there is no scientific evidence of any likelihood of liquids and gels being mixed on an airplane to make a bomb, billions of dollars are wasted throwing away toothpaste and hair spray, and searching old women in wheelchairs.

Our enemies say boo, and we jump, we panic, and then we punish ourselves. We are worse than a child being afraid of the dark. But in a way, the fear of indefinable terrorism is based on our inability to admit the truth about why there is a desire by a small number of angry radical Islamists to kill Americans. It is certainly not because they are jealous of our wealth and freedoms.

We fail to realize that the extremists, willing to sacrifice their own lives to kill their enemies, do so out of a sense of weakness and desperation over real and perceived attacks on their way of life, their religion, their country, and their natural resources. Without the conventional diplomatic or military means to retaliate against these attacks, and an unwillingness of their own government to address the issue, they resort to the desperation tactic of suicide terrorism. Their anger toward their own governments, which they believe are coconspirators with the American Government, is equal to or greater than that directed toward us.

These errors in judgment in understanding the motive of the enemy and the constant fear that is generated have brought us to this crisis where our civil liberties and privacy are being steadily eroded in the name of preserving national security.

We may be the economic and the military giant of the world, but the effort to stop this war on our liberties here at home in the name of patriotism is being lost.

The erosion of our personal liberties started long before 9/11, but 9/11 accelerated the process. There are many things that motivate those who pursue this course, both well-intentioned and malevolent, but it would not happen if the people remained vigilant, understood the importance of individual rights, and were unpersuaded that a need for security justifies the sacrifice for liberty, even if it is just now and then.

The true patriot challenges the state when the state embarks on enhancing its power at the expense of the individual. Without a better understanding and a greater determination to rein in the state, the rights of Americans that resulted from the revolutionary break from the British and the writing of the Constitution will disappear.

The record since September 11th is dismal. Respect for liberty has rapidly deteriorated. Many of the new laws passed after 9/11 had, in fact, been proposed long before that attack. The political atmosphere after that attack simply made it more possible to pass such legislation. The fear generated by 9/11 became an opportunity for those seeking to promote the power of the state domestically, just as it served to falsely justify the long-planned invasion of Iraq.

The war mentality was generated by the Iraq war in combination with the constant drumbeat of fear at home. Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, who is now likely residing in Pakistan, our supposed ally, are ignored, as our troops fight and die in Iraq and are made easier targets for the terrorists in their backyard. While our leaders constantly use the mess we created to further justify the erosion of our constitutional rights here at home, we forget about our own borders and support the inexorable move toward global government, hardly a good plan for America.
The accelerated attacks on liberty started quickly after 9/11. Within weeks, the PATRIOT Act was overwhelmingly passed by Congress. Though the final version was unavailable up to a few hours before the vote, no Member had sufficient time to study it. Political fear of not doing something, even something harmful, drove the Members of Congress to not question the contents, and just voted for it. A little less freedom for a little more perceived safety was considered a fair trade-off, and the majority of Americans applauded.
The PATRIOT Act, though, severely eroded the system of checks and balances by giving the government the power to spy on law-abiding citizens without judicial supervision. The several provisions that undermine the liberties of all Americans include sneak-and-peek searches, a broadened and more vague definition of domestic terrorism, allowing the FBI access to library and bookstore records without search warrants or probable cause, easier FBI initiation of wiretaps and searches, as well as roving wiretaps, easier access to information on American citizens' use of the Internet, and easier access to e-mail and financial records of all American citizens.
The attack on privacy has not relented over the past 6 years. The Military Commissions Act is a particularly egregious piece of legislation and, if not repealed, will change America for the worse as the powers unconstitutionally granted to the executive branch are used and abused. This act grants
excessive authority to use secretive military commissions outside of places where active hostilities are going on. The Military Commissions Act permits torture, arbitrary detention of American citizens as unlawful enemy combatants at the full discretion of the President and without the right of habeas corpus, and warrantless searches by the NSA. It also gives to the President the power to imprison individuals based on secret testimony.
Since 9/11, Presidential signing statements designating portions of legislation that the President does not intend to follow, though not legal under the Constitution, have enormously multiplied. Unconstitutional Executive Orders are numerous and mischievous and need to be curtailed.
Extraordinary rendition to secret prisons around the world have been widely engaged in, though obviously extralegal.
A growing concern in the post-9/11 environment is the Federal Government's list of potential terrorists based on secret evidence. Mistakes are made, and sometimes it is virtually impossible to get one's name removed even though the accused is totally innocent of any wrongdoing.
A national ID card is now in the process of being implemented. It is called the REAL ID card, and it is tied to our Social Security numbers and our State driver's license. If REAL ID is not stopped, it will become a national driver's license ID for all Americans. We will be required to carry our papers.
Some of the least-noticed and least-discussed changes in the law were the changes made to the Insurrection Act of 1807 and to posse comitatus by the Defense Authorization Act of 2007. These changes pose a threat to the survival of our Republic by giving the President the power to declare martial law for as little reason as to restore public order. The 1807 act severely restricted the President in his use of the military within the United States borders, and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 strengthened these restrictions with strict oversight by Congress. The new law allows the President to circumvent the restrictions of both laws. The Insurrection Act has now become the "Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order Act.'' This is hardly a title that suggests that the authors cared about or understood the nature of a constitutional Republic.
Now, martial law can be declared not just for insurrection, but also for natural disasters, public health reasons, terrorist attacks or incidents, or for the vague reason called "other conditions.'' The President can call up the National Guard without congressional approval or the Governors' approval, and even send these State Guard troops into other States.
The American Republic is in remnant status. The stage is set for our country eventually devolving into a military dictatorship, and few seem to care. These precedent-setting changes in the law are extremely dangerous and will change American jurisprudence forever if not revised. The beneficial results of our revolt against the King's abuses are about to be eliminated, and few Members of Congress and few Americans are aware of the seriousness of the situation. Complacency and fear drive our legislation without any serious objection by our elected leaders. Sadly, though, those few who do object to this self-evident trend away from personal liberty and empire-building overseas are portrayed as unpatriotic and uncaring.
Though welfare and socialism always fails, opponents of them are said to lack compassion. Though opposition to totally unnecessary war should be the only moral position, the rhetoric is twisted to claim that patriots who oppose the war are not supporting the troops. The cliché "Support the Troops'' is incessantly used as a substitute for the unacceptable notion of supporting the policy, no matter how flawed it may be.
Unsound policy can never help the troops. Keeping the troops out of harm's way and out of wars unrelated to our national security is the only real way of protecting the troops. With this understanding, just who can claim the title of "patriot''?
Before the war in the Middle East spreads and becomes a world conflict for which we will be held responsible, or the liberties of all Americans become so suppressed we can no longer resist, much has to be done. Time is short, but our course of action should be clear. Resistance to illegal and unconstitutional usurpation of our rights is required. Each of us must choose which course of action we should take: education, conventional political action, or even peaceful civil disobedience to bring about necessary changes.

But let it not be said that we did nothing. Let not those who love the power of the welfare/warfare state label the dissenters of authoritarianism as unpatriotic or uncaring. Patriotism is more closely linked to dissent than it is to conformity and a blind desire for safety and security. Understanding the magnificent rewards of a free society makes us unbashful in its promotion, fully realizing that maximum wealth is created and the greatest chance for peace comes from a society respectful of individual liberty. [Ron Paul’s speech ends here]
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There it is. The speech Dr. Paul gave in 2007 seems even more relevant today than it did then. Don’t you think?
You want to elect a real American statesman? You want to elect a man who would preserve liberty and freedom in America? You want to elect a man who would resist the devilish New World Order? You want to elect a man who would reestablish sound economic principles? If so, you will vote to elect Ron Paul as President of the United States. (And, no, no one has paid me a penny to post his speech or make this endorsement.)
Forget all the smoke and mirrors and the dog and pony shows that you see and hear from the other Presidential candidates. The issues that Dr. Paul addressed in this speech are the issues that are going to determine our country’s future. Again, this is the man who should be President of the United States.
If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link.
© 2012 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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