Friday, November 22, 2019

Are you willing?

Recently I've had numerous encounters with the Lord and dreams regarding "speaking" and the "mouth." In 2020 and beyond, we are moving into an era of declaration. I believe right now the Lord is teaching His people, giving them a deeper understanding of the power of their words, the power of decreeing the Word of God, and their authority in Christ.
As I sought the Lord about these encounters and dreams, I heard Him say, "Welcome to the school of the mouth!"
There is an invitation being extended by the Lord right now to enter into a time of being schooled by the Holy Spirit in the power of our words like never before. "Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences" (Proverbs 18:21, TPT).
I heard the Lord say, "I am raising the standard in the lives of many, through the revelation of My Word, in the words that they speak."
The Lord has already begun to shine His light upon His Word and speak to many people about the power of declaration, but this major shift is going to continue and increase because this is the new era where we shall decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28).
Conviction Upon the Tongue: No More Careless Words
"Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing." (Proverbs 12:18, NCV)
"Reckless words are like the thrusts of a sword, cutting remarks meant to stab and to hurt. But the words of the wise soothe and heal." (Proverbs 12:18, TPT)
"You can be sure of this: when the day of judgment comes, everyone will be held accountable for every careless word he has spoken. Your very words will be used as evidence against you, and your words will declare you either innocent or guilty." (Matthew 12:36-37, TPT)
As I continued to seek the Lord's heart, I felt that this beautiful invitation to be schooled by Him would lead to a realm of revelation and re-introduction to the authority and power of decree and the Word of God. I strongly felt the fear of God, sensing that there is a weighty responsibility entrusted to us to steward our words well in this new era.
The Holy Spirit spoke again: "Fire is coming upon the tongue. I am bringing MAJOR deliverance to My people from WRONG declarations."
There is a MAJOR purification and conviction of the Holy Spirit coming to the Body of Christ to bring conviction and purification of words that are spoken. For the Lord is going to bring forth DEEP healing in the hearts of many, where they will say, "YES" to entering into the school of the mouth.
"...For out of the heart the mouth speaks." (Matthew 12:34)
The Lord is going to continue to convict and highlight words that are flowing out of mouths which are not in line with the Word of God. It is the love of God that is going to bring the correction. He is going to the root of lies, unforgiveness, bitterness and the place of simple "careless speech." He is training His people in the power of words and the tongue because we are moving into a time where decrees will be made about what the Lord is saying and there will be SUDDEN manifestations.
When the Lord said, "Fire is coming upon the tongue," He spoke of conviction and purification, but He also spoke of commissioning. This is the era where fire will fall upon tongues, and a commissioning will take place in greater ways for those being positioned to speak, sing and declare the Word of the Lord. Many have lost their voices, and this is the era where voices will be restored.
There is a mighty wave of His deliverance being released upon the tongue to deliver the people of God from declaring things that are not His heart, not what He is saying and not His truth. God is dealing with lies and half truths and leading His people into a place of declaring what He is saying in alignment with His Word.
Heavenly Wisdom That Has Never Been Seen Before
I heard the Lord say, "Those that embrace the school of the mouth will have mouths that flow with heavenly wisdom that has never been seen before."
By the Lord's Spirit, those who participate in this "school of the mouth" will see MAJOR revelation and impartations of wisdom being released to them. They will open their mouths and out will flow revelation of His wisdom and the mind of Christ. The level of wisdom God is going to release will be unprecedented.
It's all about yielding to the process and training of the Lord, speaking what He sees and then seeing the manifestation of what He speaks.

The Lord showed me that many are speaking words of death over their lives, not words of life, but there is a mighty summon of the Lord to stand and to speak ONLY that which HE SPEAKS – to speak LIFE. The Lord is going to demonstrate like NEVER BEFORE the power of words, decreeing His Word, and blessing.
Increase in Authority to Speak What the Lord Is Saying
"For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14, ESV)
In this "Esther," "Joseph" and "Daniel" era, there will be ever-increasing doors that are going to open to many in the Body of Christ, moving them into different mountains of culture to speak forth the Word of the Lord. In this "school of the mouth" they will receive the wisdom and blueprint strategies from Heaven to answer the problems and issues that kings and leaders will need. We can see that this has already begun, but it is going to increase in momentum like we have never seen before. The Church will be called on to SPEAK the wisdom of God in places of significant influence that will shift and change nations.
There is not only a mighty deliverance upon His people from wrong declarations, there is a MIGHTY deliverance in cities and nations through prayer and the declaration and decree of His Word to those of influence – those leading the mountains of culture.
I heard the Lord say, "In 2020 and beyond there will be mighty demonstrations of My decrees suddenly unlocking the destiny in nations in ways that have never been seen before."
EXPLOSIVE demonstrations of the deliverance of God are about to be seen in prayer and intercession as the Word of God is decreed and declared. There will be demonstrations of the power of the Word of God through decree, where sudden shifts and manifestations will happen in accelerated momentum. These demonstrations will not be "sporadic" and just "here or there," but it will become normal to see swift shifts and answered prayer through the decree of His Word.
Dealing with Backbiting
The Lord showed me that there is much 'backbiting' that is taking place in the Body of Christ right now. There are 'words being spoken in secret' that are really partnering with a spirit of witchcraft and bringing curses upon fellow Believers. The fire of God and His conviction is coming in greater increase to deal with the backbiting and the words that have been spoken over one another that are bringing division and heartache. The Lord is doing a deep work in the Body of Christ to bring His people into a place of brotherly love, unity, and honoring one another.
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13)
I saw the fear of God coming upon the Church. There will be repentance, EN MASSE, over 'backbiting words' and 'careless words' that have been spoken, and a revival of honor and love will blossom in many ways, and many of those ways will be unexpected.
"And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them." (Ephesians 4:29)
Limitations Will Be Removed as Words Change
There are limitations that many are living under right now, and some of those limitations are connected to the words that they are prophesying over themselves and others. Where this beautiful invitation to the "school of the mouth" is accepted, the Lord will remove and shatter these limitations, and the TRUTH of the Word of God will shine bright to expose, uproot, untangle and activate.
2020 and beyond will be a decade to declare and decree; a decade of the boldest faith we have ever seen. A people will arise with increasing conviction of the power of the Word, and with His words on their lips. They will see mountains move.
The Power of the Mustard Seed
The Lord spoke to me and said that in 2020 and beyond He will demonstrate the POWER OF THE MUSTARD SEED (Matthew 17:20)! God is training His people in their decrees and declarations and leading them into a major increase of faith that they already have in Christ.
The signs, wonders and miracles that will be seen in this decade of decree will be astounding, and the invitation to the Lord's "school of the mouth" is the preparation to walk in these creative miracles. The fire of His purification is falling now upon tongues so that tongues may carry His fire like never before.
The invitation is being released. Will you say yes? Invite the Holy Spirit to come; give Him permission to do whatever He has to do to purify your mouth, teach and prepare you to partner with Him in this new decade of decree.
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with their family.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What are you glad for?

The Lord just led me through an incredible Splankna session for a client and I praise Him for this amazing healing tool! It made me even more thankful to be a Christian energy worker! The more thankful I became, the more I remembered Pollyanna! At this time of Thanksgiving, I urge everyone to watch, or re-watch, this movie.

 Let's all play the "GLAD GAME" every day like this precious child did!  Let's change our families, our communities, our churches by being glad for what God has given to us EVERY DAY!

I'm so glad for my blog!  Did you know that this month I celebrate my 10 year anniversary from the first time I wrote here?  At that time, the 5 of us all lived together in the little farmhouse across the road.  Now our family has grown to 11 with our youngest grandchild being born just yesterday!  I'm so glad for how God has grown our family!

I'm glad for all of you, too!  I love knowing that there are those who receive a blessing from my sharing tidbits of  my life with you.  I heard on the radio this morning that people receive healing from writing down what they are feeling.  I was driving when I  heard this, so I didn't have time to write down the statistics, but research shows that people who write down what they're feeling have LOTS less pain and sadness!  How cool is that?  I'm very thankful for all of you who have read my thoughts these past 10 years so that I could have less pain and sadness!  ;)

If you haven't started blogging yet, perhaps God is calling you to do so.  Some people like to write in a journal, which is just as therapeutic I would think.  However, I have always felt that, if my learning something could help someone else, I need to share it.  I'm sure that you have things to share that would bless others too.  Come on, give it a try!

Have a great week!  If you do watch this movie, make sure to note the pastor's response to the glad game!  That, I think, was the gladdest part of the whole movie for me!!

Gladly sharing,


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Prayers for our Veterans

I grew up on a farm and I married a farmer.  I know nothing of the life of our military folk.  My brother was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, though, so I know a little bit about what he went through.  I know that there was such a stigma against that war that my brother was in the midst of it all and I WASN'T EVEN TOLD THAT HE WAS THERE!!!  My parents didn't think I needed to know!  HOW ABSURD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could have been praying for his safety.

 Both my father and my father-in-law served during the Korean War and I've heard stories about life during war time.

My father-in-law was leaving Korea, as his term was over, and he was going home.  On the way out to the airfield, their jeep was hit by a grenade and all but he died!!  Yes, I know a little of what our military goes through from second hand stories and tears rolling down faces!

Robert and I watched MASH daily as newlyweds so that broadened our understanding of what happens to military folks as they face death on a daily basis.  Even those who aren't overseas are in danger as they maintain order here.  I'm afraid that's becoming a larger and larger job as the idiocy grows here in the good old USA.

I don't even pretend to grasp what it's like for those who risk their lives to protect ours!!  What a thankless task.  Only God can reward them adequately.  Only God can be with them constantly and speak peace and comfort and direction!

Let's all pray for our military personnel every day!!  It's the least we can do for those who protect us with their own lives!!

God bless all who served our country in all branches past, present, and future!


PS  I'll always remember singing in a patriotic concert at Linton in the park when a group of Senior campers came through.  When we sang this medley, we asked those in the group who served our country to stand when they heard their song.  The men jumped to their feet and stood there tall and proud saluting the flag as though they were still in their 20s.  Many were crying tears of joy for those who returned and tears of sadness for those who didn't.  What an amazing moment to be a part of.  I love my country so much.  It was an honor to sing for those who risked death to defend it!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


My sons would probably never forgive me for calling them babies.  They are both full-grown, strong, competent men capable of doing a day's work with the best of them.  However, I remember not so long ago when they were babies in Robert's and my arms.  Both of them were born in November.

This month my son will have a baby of his own.  Andrew is hoping that the baby doesn't come on his birthday and I hope so too.  Our boys had a birthday week as their birthdays are exactly 1 week apart.   The due date for the new baby is close to Andrew's birthday so it could happen but I hope it won't.  He shared his birthday with his brother his whole life............

There's another November birthday in our family.  This year my mother-in-law turns 85 and we're giving her a party.  It's strange to think of her as a baby once but she was. 

Here's a blessing to all of you November babies!!   No matter your age, you are SPECIAL!!


Monday, November 4, 2019

Can you imagine this?

Dear readers,

Today Father says that I am to stretch your imaginations and your faith.  He wants me to share with you how I've been able to bear my daughter's moving away from across the road and taking her 2 precious daughters with her.

Before they moved to MN, Father assured me that He will teleport me to their farm whenever He feels like it and when He sees the need for it.  Since then I've been noticing stories about folks being teleported to do God's work.  It's happening everywhere and it's just like Phillip in the Bible being removed to another place after he baptized the Ethiopian eunuch.

It's a matter of opening our minds for God to use us anyway and anywhere He wants to.  This is just the next step for me and perhaps for you also.  If you are intrigued, then I encourage you to watch this video on Elijah Streams today.

Have a great week following Jesus wherever He takes you!


PS  I've been praying for the THIRD GREAT AWAKENING for years and years!!  Dr. Herzog says it's right around the corner here in the US!! It's starting around the world but will come here last. The thing to remember is that IT IS COMING!!!!GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2019


In the midst of all my concerns for the farm, for the plant, for my husband this morning, Father said, "Just worship me." Then He brought this song to mind. May it bless others who are burdened today! "NOTHING I DESIRE COMPARES WITH YOU, OH LORD!!"

Please keep my family, and all the farmers in the Midwest, in your prayers.  We desperately need hot, dry weather.  We farm a little over 1,000 acres and not one of them has been harvested yet!!

Rich blessings to all God's people!


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