Friday, February 21, 2020

Is peace even possible?

Today I've been praying for peace for my family members who are in Michigan burying my daughter-in-law's grandmother.

I've been praying for peace for my beautiful daughter and her family who now live in Minnesota on an organic dairy farm.

I've been praying for peace for my incredible husband who is working at our grain cleaning facility all alone.

I've been praying for peace for my brother who is getting married this May in the Philippines.

 I've been praying for my clients from all walks of life; all ages; varied religious affiliations or none at all; those with MANY health challenges or simply trying to find their path in life.

 I've been praying for my President and his team who are draining the swamp of those who hate our country--those traitors who hate us having freedoms.

  I've been praying for all people who are grieving the loss of a loved one whether from death, or divorce, or a strained relationship--whether they're missing someone 2 legged or 4 legged.

 I've been praying for God's people in all levels of peace in their lives whether their physical bodies are safe or not--whether they are strong or weak--whether they are happy or so heart broken they can't even imagine walking across the room for a Kleenex.

 As I prayed for each one He loves, I cried out for God's peace to fill the Earth like never before!

 Then He led me to this song!  It is my prayer for all of YOU today!  May the clear understanding that God LOVES you bring you, not only peace, but comfort, strength, and direction.

Happy Sabbath all my loves,


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