Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And the answer is--TO SIGN!

Well, I actually did decide to sign the lease papers last week when we were up in Bismarck for the American Family Association's Tea Party. These are the pictures of that day--one from the tea party and some of me signing the lease. However there arose a few technical problems which made me doubt the decision to sign--until yesterday. I'll explain that in a minute.

This is a picture that struck me as interesting at the Tea Party. Another one that I won't quickly forget was held up by a young man. It said, "God Bless America," except that the word BLESS was scratched out and the word, "Forgive" put in it's place. WOW. I would encourage you to read more about our time at the Tea Party on Cora's blog post called, "Taxes are patriotic?" Her blog is listed in my favorites and it's called, "Maiden in the house of God."

Here are some pictures of the building that houses the North Dakota BodyTalk Center. I like the building very much and the office is lovely, so what's the problem? Well, it's like this. When you have 5 people planning to share the same space, there's bound to be a few problems. Even with BodyTalkers, who continually work on their emotional issues, people have different views on things. For example, my friend took some extra pillows down to the center to use with her clients. Now this didn't mean that these were the pillows that would stay there permanently, but it's how she got started. Well, another one of the practitioners pointed out that we probably would be better off using foam pillows, instead of feather ones, because of potential allergic reactions to feather pillows. That is indeed a very good point, but how do you tell someone that they should have thought of that themselves--and we are talking about people that we love?

I think that my biggest problem in fitting into this group is going to be that I'm the only farmer. I hate to say it but city people and farm people do not exactly see eye-to-eye on all things. :) One person may term, "Working my butt off" as spending 2 extra hours a day (after the 8 hour work day) on a project. Around here, when we work 6 days straight of 16 hours each, we say that we've been "Working our butts off." Also, I did notice yesterday that my van was the dirtiest one in the parking lot! Now I know that our roads have been one sloppy mud mess for weeks. Why, we're grateful when our roads aren't covered with water (that's a switch from the dessert that we've been living in). However, when you're parked in a parking lot with 100 other cars that all pretty much look as though they've been through a car wash sometime in the past 24 hours, you notice the difference. Especially when you're sitting out in the van eating your packed lunch instead of hitting the fast food restaurants. Truthfully, I have no desire to spend time getting used to Bismarck--I can't stand all of the people piled together; all of the noise; and all of the splashing of money around. However, God has called me to spend one day a week in that urban jungle. I'm just going to have to learn to swallow hard, I guess, and focus on my purpose in being there.

So why am I making this change in my life?

I went up to work at the North Dakota BodyTalk Center yesterday. I saw clients most of the day and one last night. It was the most uplifting day that I've had (other than the BodyTalk clinic day) in a long time. I did this on 6 hours of sleep the night before (I used to need 10 hours just to drag through the day). I left Bismarck, after getting a few groceries, at 9:00 PM; drove the hour home singing/humming most of the way; and was in my spot for family prayer just like always at 10:30. Oh yes, I should also say that I drug a bunch of stuff in and out of the center too--and picked up Andrew's Senior pictures and got some things for the farm. How in the world did I ever get the energy to do all of that?
Here's the picture of another reason that I decided to say, "Yes." This is a picture of my adopted sis, Ellen, and me. Like she says it, "We just resonate with each other." :) Many common problems in life and a deep love for the Lord and family AND BodyTalk, has brought us together. Wait until you get a sesssion from her? :) What I love the most about Ellen is her soft, comforting voice. Thank you God for bringing me this sister to love!!!

Well, there's nothing like being happy with the work that you're doing. What makes me happy is helping people. The helping that I like the very best is pointing them to the Lord's plan for a happy life--which includes good health. I TRULY LOVE DOING BODYTALK SESSIONS ON PEOPLE!!!!!
OK, I'll admit that after the meeting with the Center ladies yesterday, I was a bit weary at the thought of another session plus the drive home. However, when Cindy got on the table and we started relating to each other, the healing that the Lord had for her through that session brought me closer to this friend of a decade. She shared her struggles with me and I with her and we cried together. It was so cleansing and so healing and so invigorating that I forgot all about being tired. She helped me carry my stuff out to the car and we embraced as stronger women and stronger friends than ever before. WOW--what a session it was and I know that her life is better because of it. She doesn't feel so helpless in her current struggle and can see several options for making it more bearable. WOW. To think that God allows me the privilege of making that kind of difference in someone's life is so humbling as I know that He leads every session. HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD TO ME!!!
So yes, after a long delay, here is the picture of me signing the one year lease to the building located at 1102 South Washington in Bismarck, ND. We're in Suite #311 with the daffodills on the beautful cherry wood coffee table in the reception area. I encourage everyone to come and visit us and meet my wonderful BodyTalk friends. Maybe you may even want to try a session. :)

I'm sure that there will be difficulties in this new business relationship as there are in all of life. However, the rewards of being able to help people find their way back to God are so fantastic as to even be eternal. One client said yesterday, "It's as though the more sessions I have, the more I realize that God accepts me just as I am." PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Please keep our center in your prayers in the days ahead as we make plans for a grand opening sometime this summer--when everything in there is "Perfect."


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's so exciting to hear about your BodyTalk business!


Anonymous said...

Ditto! It's good to hear you so excited! May God continue to bless you!


Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...