Friday, April 24, 2009

Printers :)

It has been a looooooooooooong 3 days. Cora, Jacob, and I are working on printing Andrew's graduation invitations. First our printer was totally stupid. It would print one or two and then all of a sudden leave huge streaks in the picture. I picked a picture of Andrew when he was a cute, little fellow sitting on Cora's desk. I imagine that he was dreaming of the day when he would be "Big enough" to have a desk of his own.

The next day we called our neighbors and asked if we could come over and print the invitations on their printer. Tamera said that we could but she only has black and white. Stacey wasn't home, but called later, and said that she would be happy to bring her almost new printer over here. Well, we got 6 printed that night with Stacey's printer when, guess what? All of a sudden we had streaks in the pictures again. Andrew said that it must have run out of black ink.

So yesterday Stacey called and said that she will use the darkest navy, blue ink when she runs out of black, and it's hard to tell that it isn't black. We tried it and IT WORKED--PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! So we got the invitations all printed AND the RSVP cards all printed and we were ecstatic! SO, after chores last night, we started working on the envelopes. Cora and Jacob worked over an hour trying to get one of the printers to print the envelopes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Every time that they tried printing one, it spit the envelope out at them again with all sorts of weird, gobble-dee-gook on it.

Well, I am determined that these are going out in the mail tomorrow!!! Now that it's snowing this morning, (yesterday it was 81 degrees here) Andrew can't clean grain. This means that he will be here to try to help us figure out the printer problem. I have decided, though, that even if he can't get it to work, we are going to HAND ADDRESS all 102 of them. Can you believe it? Like actually work at this? Sometimes I think that it would be easier to just do it all by hand--but then I think of my penmanship. ):

After chores this morning, I'll have to drive into Napoleon to buy post card stamps because I forgot to get them when I was in town the other day. Then we will put all of these stamps on the return address cards (which we hand cut by the way). Then we will match the return addresses on them to the addresses on the envelopes. We'll put the cards in the envelopes; stick in an invitation (still not all folded); pick the "Perfect" pictures for each family; put stamps on the envelopes; put them all in the mailbox tomorrow morning; and it will be over. I'm writing all of this so that you can know if you receive one of these in your mailbox on Monday, that we have gone through GREAT LENGTHS to get them to you. I should also mention that Tamera is going to pick us up more ink in Bismarck today so you can know that this has been a community effort. :)I thank you, Tamera, and you, Stacey, and you, Cora, and you, Jacob, and you, Andrew, for all of your help in this very simple task of printing the invitations.

Well anyway, here are some pictures that we took last Sabbath of the graduate who is worth all of the effort in the world to honor as the special son that he is. I love you Andrew! Thanks for letting me dote on you and get you just "Perfect" for your pictures, as is seen in this picture. :)

Robert's favorite picture of his son in whom he is well pleased. :)
It was my idea to have Andrew take his jacket off and
fling it over his shoulder in a casual way. At first he
thought that I was pretty goofy, but now he likes this
picture too.
Cora asked Andrew to sit like this and we all like the
affect of the formal clothing and a casual pose.
Here Andrew is unashamedly posing with
his "Good, old mom." I have to wonder what
our relationship would be like had he been
educated in the system. I love my "Shorty"
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!

Well since I started writing, Andrew woke up and worked on the printer. We feel a little better that he's having trouble with the printer too (it isn't just US) but that doesn't get the invitations out in the mailbox today. Still, I am determined to scratch this project off of my "To-do" list for the week. I decided, therefore, that they're going out TODAY even if we have to HAND ADDRESS them--how is that for old fashioned? :)


Anonymous said...

The Joys of being a mother Dawn, and all the organization it takes to make things happen. Loved your blog about all the mishaps, even when your are a little computer savy.

Think of you out there struggling with the weather, mud and chores.

Sure love Cora's blog, she is so faithful at it and then she has a word of wisdom, and the cute or fitting poetry.

God bless you, have a good Sabbath. Love Ellen J

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellen,
How wonderful it is to hear from you! I'm so glad that you are enjoying our blogs. Jacob said yesterday that he wants to start one too, but I said that he had to wait until the invitations are finished. You can watch for a new addition to my favorite blog list soon. :)
Well, we got them in the mailbox today but it took all 5 of us. I have a picture of the process I'll post soon. You can look for your invitation at the beginning of next week!
I can hardly wait until you and Clifford get back to North Dakota!
Happy Sabbath dear friend.
PS. Did YOU ever think of starting a blog? We'd be able to keep up with your activities then too. :) Just think, I could put YOUR blog's name as one of my favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!

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