Monday, April 6, 2009


WOW--it has been an exciting 2 days here. Yesterday I got to be part of the first ever BodyTalk clinic day in Bismarck, ND. These are being done around the world to let people experience BodyTalk for themselves at no expense. I'm including pictures of my fellow BodyTalkers who are my new friends. I may not ever have written here that most of my friends rejected me after I began using BodyTalk to recover my health after the shingles. This was very hurtful as these were the people who had been praying for me to get well during my long illness. People are so afraid of what they know nothing about that they reject it without proper analysis, which in my opinion would at least involve having a BT session. Robert puts it this way, "People put God into the box with their definition of how much He can do to help them." I'm thankful now that I was too ill to do so because, not only have I gotten well, but also God is allowing me the incredible joy of helping others to get well too. Not only that, but God has given me new friends who also have a heart for the sick. All of us donated our time yesterday, and gas to get there, because we know that BodyTalk can help EVERYONE who has pain or sickness. About 150 people came in for short, free sessions and I rejoice to have been one of those giving these people new hope.

I worked on a woman who had an emotional reason for the pain she's had in her foot the past 2 years. I worked on an 8 year old boy who had an emotional reason for the rash which has covered his body for years. I worked on a 77 year old woman who got shingles 2 years ago and has lived with the same unbearable pain I lived with ever since. I worked on a sprained ankle; a small child with a cold; and another small child with an inherited nervous system condition and many others. All the while I prayed to God for wisdom to be able to do what most needed doing and for peace to come to these over-stressed systems. I praise my Heavenly Father for the good work which He began yesterday through us 17 BodyTalk practitioners.

Here are some pictures of the day. This is a client of mine from Bismarck but I had a shocker when I was doing her session. She had to be balanced to her home town which she said was Eureka, SD. I gasped as that is where I was born and raised. I asked her maiden name and it turns out that her older sister was my classmate for all 12 years of public school. This was most shocking. She started laughing and said that she had told her husband after I had visited their home, "I wonder if she isn't Dawn Delzer." I said, "Yes, I was." They both started laughing and she said, "Well, you sang for our wedding." I joined their laughter then. I used to sing for weddings a LOT but hadn't recalled theirs. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord brings people together?

It was such a blessing that Robert was able to spend the day with me as I had been wanting him to meet my new friends. Here he is getting a session from Esther Hanson, the worlds' youngest certified BodyTalk practitioner. It was so neat to work next to Esther as she is such a miracle. She went from autistic to CBP in 6 years thanks to her mom's and other practitioner's hard work at restoring her brain through hundreds of sessions. Then Esther continued the hard work for 2 years as she mastered all of the BT techniques--there is a LOT to learn.

One of the people that I "Lost" when I turned to BT for help with my health was a woman who used to call herself my sister in the Lord. Well, the Lord CAN restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Working here is my new adopted sis, Ellen. She was so happy all day to be able to give her services away for free to those who came. She gives one powerful BT session. The most exciting part of the day was that 4 of the ladies up in Bismarck are opening a BT clinic and Ellen is one of them. They asked me if I want to go in with them so now I have something new to ponder. I would only go up one day a week for now but it could grow into something more. Who knows? The answer is that God knows. Isn't Ellen beautiful? The other picture is of the group working with my aunt Donna closest sitting with a blue sweater on. She too would have died without BodyTalk sessions but now she is helping others to recover their lost health thanks to this miracle called BodyTalk!!!

This last picture was of us tapping on our husbands. First is Liz and Steve Braus; next Elizabeth and Scott Hanson, next is Donna and Yatsin Berger; then myself and Robert; and last but not least is Jean and Bob Landseidel. Now, I normally list a husband's name first because he is the head of the house, but in this case I listed the ladies first as they are the BT practitioners who worked very hard to get to this day--many of us conquering life-threatening illnesses. Elizabeth said that she wanted a picture of our men because they are the ones who keep us going. How true. Robert also commented that he was surprised how I kept going all day yesterday doing sessions and never even thought of a break other than our short lunch break. I LOVE DOING BODYTALK SESSIONS AS EACH ONE IS A MYSTERY!!! What an incredibly wonderful day it was.

Today was great too as we learned that the Senate approved the home school bill. Now it must pass the House ed. committee's scrutiny once again and then go to the governor. If passed, our children will be able to home school their children without government hassles provided that the test results stay high during the next 2 years as they will review them in 2 years. Before this you had to have a teacher's certificate; 4 year degree; or pass the national teacher's exam in order to home school without a monitor. This is sooooooooooooooo exciting. True, like Robert says, "We wouldn't have had to get into this fight as we already are set for home schooling seeing as I have a 4 year degree AND passed the National Teacher's Exam," but we fought for our children to be able to home school their children as none of them most likely will have a collage degree and taking the NTE was NO FUN!!! I studied a full year to pass that one but now our children will be able to home school their children with their diploma they received from our school on their graduation day. Oh yes, mark your calanders for June 7th as that is Andrew's graduation day.

WOW--I wish that I could sing for you all right now as I know what I'd sing. We used to sing a neat song in church choir in Eureka decades ago but it's ringing fresh in my mind tonight. I don't even remember the exact name of it but the words go like this.

If it keeps getting better and better. If He keeps on pouring it on.

If my heart just keeps getting richer. If He keeps on giving a song.

If my cup gets fuller and fuller. If my prayers keep on getting through.

If it keeps getting better and better, oh Lord, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I praise the Lord who took me out of the depths of despair 3 years ago and has kept me safe under the shadow of His wings and now gives me the joy of sharing His hope with a hurting world.



Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear you happy!!!

Anonymous said...

Your day sounds amazing. Keep up the good work!


Tessa Ligon said...

Hello Dawn. Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog and that I have put it on my bookmark list as well as Cora and Andrews. It is nice to hear how you are doing and I am glad that things are going so well for you. Hope to hear more good things in the future.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kimberly,
I haven't been so excited in a long time! Years ago, when I started sharing what I knew about herbs, I was so disappointed that very few people were really intersted in adding them to their lives. Now with BodyTalk, the results are so amazing that people are opening their minds to this natural approach very quickly. I'm really able to help people and that is what I've wanted to do all along. :)
Blessings on your day,

Anonymous said...

Dear Tessa,
What a joy it was to hear from you this morning! I am so glad that we can keep in touch like this! It's been a sorrow for me that families drift apart nowdays. Perhaps you would like to start your own blog so that everyone can keep up with your lives and you only have to write things once? It's REALLY nice!
Happy today,

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...