Friday, April 17, 2009


I thought that I'd take a few moments to recall the "Joys" of Bee Venom Therapy. Here is a picture of Cora getting ready to sting me with the bee. This was taken in November of 2006. The bee venom was the only thing keeping me alive until the Lord led me to BodyTalk in June of 2007. Cora and I agree wholeheartedly that BodyTalk (BT) sessions are MUCH more pleasant than Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). I tease her that I just took out a V. I went from BVT to BT --what a difference that V makes. Read the whole story below of why I needed the bee venom therapy in the first place.

The first thing that we did was I poked around on my neck to find the most tender areas. Cora marked these 5 spots with a washable marker. I numbed the area with an ice cube while Cora dug the bees out of the jar one at a time. We learned that it worked best to chill the jar of bees in the frig for about 20 minutes beforehand so that they weren't all trying to get out when she opened the jar to get one. I truly think that Cora had the hardest part in this deal as my neck was numb through the whole process. True, during the first 2 weeks of BVT there is much swelling and itching around the bee stings, but after the body gets used to it, this subsides.

Most of the bee stings went into my neck where the shingles had started, but many times there was much pain on my head as the shingles had spread upwards to my brain. Here Cora has found the X, by digging through my hair, and has put the bee on my skin. Usually the bee would be ready to sting by the time she had dug it out of the jar and came over to the dining room. However, sometimes the bee was still cold from being in the frig too long. Then I would hear Cora blowing her warm breath on the bee to try to get it angry enough to sting. When it thawed enough to respond to her squeezing it with the tweezers, she put the bee on the tender areas marked with Xs. She waited until the bee threw it's stinger into my skin and then gently tugged on it so that it detached it's stinger from it's body. Cora always had a napkin there where she crushed the bee as it would die anyway without it's stinger. I can recall feeling relieved at the knowledge that it was dead and couldn't sting me. :) "Now wait a minute," I'd catch myself thinking, "I WANT it to sting me." How bizarre, but when you're dying, anything is worth trying. AND IT WORKED. It kept me alive, but I still prefer BodyTalk sessions. :)

Dear friends,
I know that Cora wrote on her blog that I would explain about the picture of the building she showed on Wednesday. Well, I don't have time now to write about it so you'll have to just keep your curiosity under control. :) Still, I do want to keep in touch with everyone so I thought that I'd print what I handed out at the BodyTalk clinic day on April 5th to all of the folks I worked on. It's the story of how God used BodyTalk to save my life. It's a VERY short story of my whole life--kind of like reading the Reader's Digest. It leaves a LOT out, but you can get the drift. It's been rough, but God has seen me through every storm and now I actually have hope to offer to others who are hurting. That is a clue about the building, by the way. I hope to tell all soon, when all of the bugs are worked out, so thanks for your patience. :)

All of my life I've dreamed of being strong and healthy. The stresses of growing up in a severely abusive home took their toll on my health and I was suicidal much of the time. 28 years ago I married an organic farmer, which led to more stresses, as we seemed to be plagued with droughts and attacks by Monsanto. My husband and I decided to home school our 3 children 17 years ago, which has been a huge blessing to our family, but not without stress.
All of this stress affected my fertility and I began having miscarriages, which led to further depression. Then about 10 years ago, I started dealing with cancer which I treated myself herbally. I had read the book, THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS, 5 years previous, and when the lump on my hand was the size of a marble, I began the herbal cure that Dr. Clark highlighted in the book. It worked! The lump shrank; the pain went away; and I tried to forget the whole deal. It was easy to forget until a new lump appeared and I again was fighting the pain which I pray that none of my loved ones will ever know. I again used THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS and it worked again and I praised God for His ways of dealing with things. Then I pushed it out of my mind and went on as though nothing had happened--AGAIN!
After another miscarriage, though, I became angry at my complacency to my "Lot in life." My husband and I then felt the Lord leading us to take a 27 week course on abuse by Dr. Paul Hegstrom. You can receive help from his organization too, if you feel the need, by contacting: This course helped me to see how I was abusing myself by dwelling on negative thoughts. I had grown up hearing that I was "So stupid, fat, and ugly that no man would ever love me." In the abuse class, though, I learned that I didn't have to believe THIS LIE!!! I learned that by dwelling on thoughts like that, I was setting myself up for repeated illness; continued abuse; and a lifetime of sorrow. Taking Dr. Hegstrom's class was a turning point in my life for I began to see myself as someone who COULD do something about my problems.
It takes time, however, to make changes in our thinking and a lifetime of stress took it's toll on my health. I found myself on my deathbed, with internal shingles on my brain, in the fall of 2006. I then went to a health center for 18 days where they used bee venom therapy (BVT) to jump-start my immune system. I learned that after 3 months of nerve torment, my immune system had shut down. The bee sting was viewed by my body as an attack so it rallied my immune system and went to war against the pain. Bee venom also has an anti-inflammatory which took down the swelling in my damaged nerves. The neatest thing, though, as I recall this is that God put an anti-depressant into bee venom. I remember telling people that God maybe looks at it like this, "If someone is so sick that they need to be stung by bees, then they should have a little laughter in their life." My then 20-year-old daughter continued the BVT for a year (5 bee stings a day) at which point my body started to resist the bee venom--the only thing that was keeping me alive.
This was when my naturopathic doctor, Dr. Faye Johnson, encouraged me to begin full-hour BodyTalk sessions with Elizabeth Hanson. She also encouraged me to take the 1 day BodyTalk Access class, which I did in June of 2007. I faithfully did the Access routine (which takes about half an hour) on myself twice a day and at the end of 6 weeks, enough healing had taken place that I was down to 1 bee sting a day. This progress; the increased strength; and lessening of pain prompted me to take the 5 day BodyTalk class in September of 2007. People like myself who know very little to nothing about BodyTalk come together to hear the lesson; see it demonstrated by the teacher; and then they practiced the procedures on a buddy. We all just read out of our books what to do and say, so I hadn't expected much out of the class in the line of personal healing, but I was wrong. On the last day of class, when Elizabeth checked me, I no longer needed bee venom therapy as there was sufficient healing in my nerves for me to do without it. WHAT A JOY THAT NEWS WAS!!!!!!!!! We cried together; hugged each other; and knew that we were on to something that can REALLY can change lives. When I got home and told my family that I no longer needed bee stings, we celebrated like never before. The Lord had gotten us past the worst part of internal shingles on the brain.
Since then I've given myself over 460 BodyTalk sessions, plus continuing sessions with Mrs. Hanson. When I started with BodyTalk in 2007, I had only 2 goals which were to get rid of the constant pain in my shoulders and neck and to get off of the bee venom therapy. However, through BodyTalk, I have been given so much more than this!! Let me explain. BodyTalk sessions uncover the root causes of illness and balance the person to them. When people dwell on negative thoughts and negative feelings, communication breaks down in the body. BodyTalk sessions re-establish the inner communication which is essential to good health. Now I am happier than I ever thought possible. My strength is almost back to what it was before the shingles on my brain and, as long as I guard against negative thoughts, my pain level is less than what it's been most of my life. I praise God for this miracle called BodyTalk for I am convinced that had He not brought it into my life when He did, I would not be here to share the good news of BodyTalk with you. My life truly is a miracle!!!!! To summarize my thoughts on all that the Lord has brought me through, I quote the words of Clarance the angel in our favorite family movie, "It's a wonderful life!!!"

So now you too have been given the opportunity to experience a short BodyTalk session. If you would like to continue experiencing the healing miracles possible through BodyTalk sessions with me, feel free to contact me. Sessions last an hour and cost $30. Feel free to email me at to set up a time to get together. I'm praying that you too will open your heart to the wonderful life that God has planned for you!

1 comment:

Cora Beth said...

Praying for you, Mother B~

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...