Thursday, June 4, 2009

Barnyard News

I helped move the cattle today which was an interesting experience when you consider that it's naturally wetlands up there AND we actually had rain this spring. Half the time I was praying that I wouldn't get stuck and the other half of the time I was praying that my head wouldn't fall off. I also had a little hitchhiker to consider. One of Jacob's calves just was not getting enough milk and needed to hitch a ride. Later we decided to bring him home and feed him with the barn milk as he was so weak.

After we put him in the milkroom, I mixed up some electrolytes for the thirsty, weak little fellow. Robert sent Jacob out to the barn and he fed his new baby. The calf drank well so we're hoping that we caught him early enough to save.

Jacob doesn't mind his extra chores for summer. He loves baby calves and this little fellow may be just the thing that he needs to spice up his life.

Later I went down to give this old grump some water. Last year we didn't get a single gosling out of all our setting geese so nobody expected anything this Spring. This morning, though, Andrew was pretty sure that he saw a little bundle of yellow fuzz underneath her. She sits pretty tight but she did get off of her nest a wee bit when I started filling her water dish. You have to imagine my surprise to find...

THREE LITTLE ONES UNDERNEATH HER!!! What a pleasant surprise!

The other farm news is that the guys are working hard to get the sunflowers planted around here before the weekend. First Robert plowed; then Andrew disced; then Robert planted. Now Andrew is going over the field and picking off the biggest rocks. It's looking good for finishing up around here before Sabbath.

Best go practice with Andrew. He's singing a fun song the name of which shall remain a secret until after Sunday.

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