Friday, June 19, 2009

Farm news and another great session

What a busy day this is turning into. Yesterday Robert was going to take the boys up to get the "New" baler home from Mandan. It was raining buckets, though, so he decided to postpone the trip. In the meantime he got inspired to see if Myer Tractor Salvage in Aberdeen has a replacement engine for the 1086 tractor which died last year. We really need that tractor working once we get into haying season. We literally have TONS of hay to put up, as it is our main cash crop, and we've had lots of good moisture this Spring so it looks wonderful! Anyway, the answer came back, "Yes, they do have a replacement engine" so Robert and Jacob took off for Aberdeen just now to go get the engine. Meanwhile, Andrew is driving the 1486 tractor ever so slowly up to Mandan to fetch home the new baler. Robert figures that it will take him pretty much all day but we just didn't want to pay them $350 to bring it down here for us. Andrew wasn't too heartbroken that he didn't "Get" to spend the day working on his thank you cards although he is trying to get the ones done for the people we'll see at Prairie Days tomorrow.

That leaves Cora and I to prepare for Sabbath; get things ready for Prairie Days; AND get the lawn mowed if it ever dries off. We've been waiting all week for the grass to dry off but it hasn't happened yet. No complaints, though, as the memories of drought years are not far enough back for that, if they ever will be. Still, I do like to mow before the grass is a foot high so I'm hoping that we get a breeze here quick.

Have I mentioned about Prairie Days at the Dagley farm? Well, it's the highlight of our summer as it's our chance to step back into the "Good old days." Everyone comes and shares whatever old-time skills they know and almost everyone dresses as though they lived a hundred years ago. The food is all pot-blessing, so the Dagleys aren't put out, and it's all pretty healthy too!! Lots of families share their musical talents too, so it's a wonderful day of fun and fellowship. We'd love it if you would join us too!!!

This year the Dagleys are offering old time family pictures so maybe I'll be able to talk everyone into posing for one. I doubt it'll be like my brother's latest family picture though. Theirs was out in Madora and the men were guzzling on whiskey bottles and the women were saloon girls. I'm positive that ours will not be THAT kind of old time picture--if we take one! Anyway, it's a great day for everyone so, if you're free tomorrow, come and join us. Cora posted the detailed schedule on her blog recently, so you can check it out there.

Now I'm going to share a little about my session with Elizabeth this morning before I share a few pictures. It was an awesome session too so I'm hoping for even more relief from this back pain. The session that she did on Wednesday morning led to about a 50% decrease in pain. Anyway, the category was the circulation to the large intestine with the definition of natural consciousness of lungs. Energetically this means that the whole session will help me to nourish discernment as I release all of this negative junk from my childhood.

The first formula was a secondary normal matrix in the liver. This has to do with anger and adaptability and it was affecting my brain and chest. In this case, the chest meant that I was holding closely to grief and pain. Elizabeth said that it's location in the head indicated that it's been there since my childhood. This was severed and now my body can heal at an even deeper level and release the anger that must certainly be bound inside of me. One thing that I had noticed in my 20 years of recovery work was that I had skipped the anger phase of grief. The four phases being denial, anger, sadness, and acceptance. Certainly I lived in denial most of my life but then it seems that I skipped to sadness. I suppose it's because anger was taboo in my childhood home--for everyone but dad. Now it can finally come out. PLEASE BE IN PRAYER FOR ME AS THIS SCARES ME MORE THAN ANYTHING THAT I CAN THINK OF!!!!! Is it "PROPER" for Christians to get angry?

The second formula was an active memory event in March of 1970. This had to do with the community event of preparing to send our marching band to the Twin Cities. The band had won honors at the state level of competition and was going on to perform representing the state of SD in the national competition. Many of my friends were traveling with their families to see the band compete and, of course, there was no money at our house for such extravagances. So I was feeling left out of my "Society" which was draining my creative and productive energy. This was linked to a parasite in my heart energy center which has to do with the ability to feel loved by others and feeling that I BELONG in the world. This is so interesting because most of my life I have felt all alone. One friend asked me once, "What separates you from the rest of the world?" I guess I thought the answer to that question was the incest but now it would seem that this event when I was 12 years old also played a role in isolating me and keeping me from totally enjoying others that the Lord wanted to bless me with. Now I'm feeling a little angry that I didn't have a parent who would discuss this with me at the time and help me to work it through when I was 12 instead of letting it harm my health for almost 40 years. Can you see how much BodyTalk has come to mean to me? Now I don't have to live the rest of my life "STUCK" in these self-destructive patterns. Once again I must Praise the Lord for leading me to BT and to Elizabeth who is a born-again BodyTalker like myself. Thanks Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the third formula started with the nerve supply to, from, and within the kidneys. The kidneys give us our "Oomph" as Elizabeth says. This specifically had to do with how my mom was affecting my energy levels. This was linked to a secondary matrix in all my senses and joints which linked to ALL the negative side of energy--the self-destructive kind of energy. This too was a very old matrix that I built in childhood, in order to survive. The location of it indicated that 2 main mindsets were prevalent. The first is bitterness and the second is needing to make other people wrong. WOW. When Elizabeth asked me if our family did this, I recalled that during most meals we sat around and criticized other people who were "WORSE" sinners than we were. I'm crying now as I can see how this has kept me from the friendships that the Lord must surely have intended to send me through the years. It is one of the things that I hated most about myself when I was younger. The 20 years of my recovery work have helped to strengthen me so that I feel the need to criticize others very seldom now. Still, it is one of the things that makes me hate myself INTENSELY when I am with others who do this, and I join in. OH FOR JOY TO THINK THAT THIS SESSION WILL END THIS PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!!!! The Lord uses Body Talk so unbelievably to change lives that I MUST TELL OTHERS AS IT CONTINUALLY BLESSES MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that was the end of the session, but Elizabeth said, "Wait, there is something else yet." So we waited while the Lord showed her that I need to be adding something to my diet. She went through the list of things that usually pop up at this time in the session. It wasn't protein, certain fats, calcium, a vitamin or mineral. Suddenly I felt that it was a grain and, when she asked if it was a grain, she got a "YES". She said that I need to eat oats pretty heavily the next 3 days. This was when I told her that Cora came into my room last night and asked, "What would you like me to fix for supper?" I answered, "Oatmeal." Elizabeth and I both praised the Lord as HE knew that I was needing some oats for whatever reason. Isn't that AWESOME???

God gave us intuition for our own good and we usually just shut it off because we're taught to be so left-brained in our country. I think I'll write a post about this sometime soon but for now I should go and make a nice, big batch of granola as we're out and I'm getting hungry. The primary ingredient in my recipe is none other than oatmeal. :)

So for the farm news. Here is a picture of Andrea and her brand-new baby calf! Andrea was given to our family by Andrew Vetter when I was up at the health center in 2006. She was blind and he didn't want to deal with a blind calf. Andrew knew that the Bornemanns can't turn any hurting being aside so he made the offer and Robert took her in . We named her Andrea in honor of Andrew and we had intended to raise her for slaughter.

Andrea was a little bit of a hassle but we stuck her in with a batch of calves who adopted her and we bottle-fed her. She learned to follow her peers around and her sense of sound is incredible. When she was grown, we put her in with the milk cows and they lead her around. She goes way out in the back pasture with them and they bring her back in for water. She knows her name and will follow us when we call her in to the corral for some reason.

Always in the back of our minds we were gong to eat Andrea someday like we did the calf which Dan Vetter gave us years before. However, right when Robert pondered taking Andrea in to the butcher shop, somebody noticed that she was bagging up. Yes, you guessed it. This morning Andrea calved and here is her picture. She knows her way around the corral by herself so the guys put her in the corral with her baby for a few days until we're certain that they're bonded. Andrea won't be able to find the calf in the pasture so it'll be up to the calf to find mama. We must be sure that the calf is able to do this before we turn them loose for the summer. Robert said, "If she's going to mother a calf, we'll just leave her be. There's plenty of steers around here to eat." YEAH--Andrea is spared. Isn't she beautiful? To think that she almost met a bullet just because she was blind. Today she became a mother--PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention that Robert named her little bull calf, "Andy."

Here's a picture from this morning right before Robert and Jacob took off for Aberdeen. Cora wanted to thank Jacob for all of his help with making Andrew's graduation cakes. Well, when Jacob was so excited about Mylo Hatzenbuhler last week, Cora decided to get him a few cassettes of Mylo's. The song that Jacob loved the most was TO ALL THE COWS I'VE MILKED BEFORE. Guess which cassette Cora bought for him? YUP. Robert is going to be listening to Mylo a LOT today. :)

Once again, I invite all of you to join us at Dagley's farm tomorrow for one of the most enjoyable, laid-back days that you have ever had. I wrote a puppet skit, in which Mylo himself appears, so we'll be taking the puppets with us too. I'll post pictures soon after.

Love to all,


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