Monday, June 29, 2009

In person session with Elizabeth

If you are ever given the opportunity to have a BodyTalk session in person with Elizabeth Hanson, take it. Sure it costs $50, but it is worth every penny!!! I don't know if I'll live long enough to take all of the classes that she has taken in BT, but what she knows is just phenomenal. I learn so much just listening to her do my sessions.

As you know, my back has been killing me for about 3 weeks now. Sure, I had a fall and sure, the chiropractor said that I had a crushed disc but always it seemed like there was "Something else." I've had 2 distance sessions with Elizabeth, plus my own sessions, but my back just kept aching something terrible. Yesterday Elizabeth taught her fantastic 8 hour Access class and then took the time to do a session on me before the practitioner practice at 7:30, which she also led. I am so amazed at her knowledge AND her willingness to share it with the rest of us practitioners with the hope of making the world a better place.

Anyway, my session was fantastic and my back is sooooooooooo much better today. This is what I learned yesterday during my session. You see, the back represents support. As children we are supposed to be emotionally supported by our parents and I never was. I went on as a cripple without their support but, when my mother died, I realized that I would NEVER get the support from her that I needed all along. The hope of her "Coming around some day" was ended.

This caused growing anxiety and so I turned to my dad with hopes that HE would now support me. On Father's Day, not 2 months after my mother's death, he told me that he thinks he has found a woman to be his new "Companion". I told him that he had better marry her, or it will be sin, but he assured me that he has no intentions of getting married. He just needs a "Companion" he said. I suggested a dog but, when he jeered at me, I knew that I would get no support from him either. My anxiety mounted as did the pain in my back.

It's been a very hard time for me, with great pain physically to match the emotional pain. The session last night was great for so many reasons as Elizabeth balanced me to these people who had no idea how in the world to be a parent. She even offered me some hope that my relationship with my family of origin may become a bit less stressed now. Today my back feels better for the first time in weeks. I'm hoping that the worst is over now and I can get back to being a blessing to my family and my clients. Please keep me in your prayers though.

Practice was great as we learned more about how to help people understand that things like this will not go away in one session. Things that took a lifetime to develop cannot be expected to disappear in one session. We were encouraged to help people to realize that they will get out of BodyTalk what they put in. I shared that I got phenomenal results because I hit the shingles with both barrels. I did Access twice a day; had sessions with Elizabeth; and took Module 1 & 2 so that I can do daily sessions on myself. I got well because of my commitment to continue the wellness practices that I have always followed AND I committed to getting all that I could out of BodyTalk.

We also discussed Christian's fear of BodyTalk and tried to figure out it's basis. One of my partners, Liz, said that people tend to fear that which they don't understand. BodyTalk is so new and it works so incredibly better than anything out there that people are suspicious of it to begin with. Take, for instance, the Chinese clock. Elizabeth explained that we could get the same results if we went to the dictionary and went through all of the D's to find that our link was "Depression". However, all of this has been thought out for us by the Chinese who have studied the body's natural healthy state (instead of studying sickness) for thousands of years. Why not make good use of our time and learn from those who have already mastered a subject?

Someone said that people are getting Chinese medicine and Chinese religion mixed up. Is OUR medicine and OUR religion the same thing? NO, but here again people are afraid of things that they don't know anything about. Some people thought that demons turned on the lights when electricity first became available too. Does anybody think that nowadays? I DON'T THINK SO!

Elizabeth talked about what she covers with new clients. These include their sleep, eating, exercise, stress-reduction, and water consumption habits. She talked about water again which was a good reminder. Elizabeth is ALWAYS talking about drinking water to cleanse of toxins AND to help with pain reduction. Did you know that drinking water is in itself a pain releaver? It lubricates the joints and all of the body surfaces. She also reminded us that for every ounce of something else we drink, we need to drink that many more ounces of water to flush that out of our systems. There is nothing more healthy than drinking LOTS of water every day. Which kind of water is a whole 'nother subject, but even "Bad" water is better than drinking anything else as this is the liquid which we are made of. DRINK UP!

Lastly Elizabeth showed us how to get a free education out of the IBA website. All of us felt a little sheepish about not using this resource more. She showed us how to use the forum where most likely somebody in the world will already have asked our question and most likely 10 CBPs have already answered that question. I'm not sure where I was when that point was made, but I got it last night! I'm excited now to be able to tap into the knowledge of others, like Elizabeth, who are willing to share their knowledge with those of us just getting started in the endless body of knowledge called BodyTalk. You can even get collage level credit for taking the upper level modules. Why, Elizabeth got science credits for the many classes that her daughter, Esther, has taken.

Anyway, it was great to be with my fellow BodyTalk practitioners. I'm still thinking about taking the test to become certified when Melanie is here next month. However, with all of this stuff with my parents still working it's way through my body/mind, I'm leaning towards testing in November when Melanie comes back to teach Module 4/7. Now I need to start saving my pennies as all of this takes money. Still, if I can help people like Elizabeth does, no amount of investment would be too small.

Oh yes, I just remembered how my session ended. She found that I have an immune reaction that people normally get when they have been on chemo. She said that this told her that my childhood was as venomous to me as if I had been on chemo which wipes out the good things that help us to fight bugs. I am so thankful that she set it to right for me and I have hope that someday my back (and the rest of me too) will be as strong as the backs of those of you who had parents who loved and supported you. Once again I find myself praising the Lord that he led me to BodyTalk. :) How can I keep silent about so great a hope I have in Christ and in His natural healing ways?

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