Thursday, July 30, 2009

I love our menfolk--Robert, Andrew, and Jacob

Have you ever thought about how much work the men of the world do every day to make OUR world a nicer place to live? I know that I often just take our menfolk for granted so this post is my apology for not saying, "Thank you guys," more often. Our menfolk here on our farm, Seeds of Honor, work all year long to produce high quality, organic, food for the world. That's not all they do, though. They give us girls, Cora and I, a high-quality life as well. Although I've always been very prudent in the spending of our funds, Robert sees to it that I have many wonderful blessings each day. Perhaps you may not have ever thought of the things I'm going to show pictures of as blessings from a loving husband (and a loving God), but they are. My prayer then in posting today, is to encourage each of you who has a man of God blessing you each day with a wonderful life, to begin to show appreciation for all of the little things that he does for you each day. Of course when he does a really BIG thing, then he deserves a great BIG thank you as I am doing right now. :)

First of all, I want to thank you, Robert, for giving me my wish of a goat herd. I admit that at times it has become overwhelmingly large, but goats are just so prolific that this can happen without one even noticing it. I remember when it went from 40 to 120 in 1 year. That was DEFINITELY sell-back time. :) These are most of our current goats of all sizes and colors when Andrew threw them in a branch from a tree that was growing by the grain bins. YUM.

Thanks too, sweetie, for all of the dogs you've let me mother. We should sit down and count them once. This is our current pooch, Millie, who has been with us a whole year and is getting quit good at fetching the Frisbee when someone has time to toss it to her after evening chores.

Here's a "Pet" that Cora is quite fond of. My girl has always loved playing with frogs to the point that any time someone finds one, they bring it to her to love. Thanks for understanding even this, Robert. :) By the way, the one that you brought to her this morning jumped out of her hand and gave me quite a surprise as it was headed towards my face.

How many times do we really thank God, or our husbands, for all of the wonderful food that they provide for us every day. How wonderful the fruit of summer is when you live in North Dakota and have 6 months of winter. Here is my version of the golden arches. Thanks for providing us with wholesome food, sweetie, even if we do have to do the work for the veggies. You still provided the wonderful soil with fresh manure every Spring. Good job!

I think one of the biggest blessings you give to us Robert, Andrew, & Jacob is a day off from milking every so often. It's especially appreciated when friends have special occasions. Here our friends from our city days, married their daughter to a fine, young man. Congratulations Steve and Susan on raising such a lovely daughter named Kjersti!! Thanks for inviting us and thanks, guys, for the chores-free day! Steve is giving Kjersti away to Jason--talk about a gift!

Thank you, Robert, for all of the nice things in life that I just couldn't seem to do without. Things like a popcorn popper; and popcorn; and oil; and butter; and nacho cheese topping; and bowls to put it in after it's popped. I guess I would be remiss in not adding to the list, "Thanks for my new stove!" Then there's the electricity needed; the hot pads; the stool that I sit on... You give me so much in all of the "Little" things of life. OH, HOW I LOVE MAKING POPCORN--eating it too! Thanks for giving me all of these joys, Robert, especially when you don't even like popcorn. What a wonderful husband you are to me!!!!!!!!!

Now, here's for the really big thing that he and the boys did for all of us yesterday. The deck on this house was in sorry shape when we got here and that was almost 6 years ago. Being it rained and we couldn't hay yesterday, I finally worked up my courage to ask Robert and the boys to take the railing off completely. Robert went to work at once and started cutting it off.

Here it is all in pieces which made a grand campfire last night. :)

God bless Robert Bornemann for he took the extra lumber which was railings on the top of the deck; cut it in pieces to fill the holes; and repaired the floor which was in terrible shape. There were many places in it where we had just walked around because we didn't want to fall in the holes. We didn't really want to repair it because we want to build a new one when we get the house remodeling done some year. However, here was a problem that didn't take any money to fix and our men went straight to work to fix it. YEAH MEN!!!

Here is the finished product of their 2 hours work. Can you believe that they accomplished so much in only 2 hours? Now it's up to us girls to finish the job. I know that we have some deck stain downstairs in the dungeon somewhere but Fern had her deck painted and that looked nice too. I wonder which would stand up the best in case it is awhile until we can build a new deck. Anybody know?

Well, there are many more pictures that I could show of our menfolk working on the farm, and around the house, but these are the most interesting ones from the July folder. My goal in sharing this with you is for you to take a real look at all that your menfolk do for you every day, and find a special way to show them appreciation. Our guys really like pie so I suppose that I should get to work. :) Still, I don't know if you're like me, but a few words of appreciation go a loooooong way to keep me feeling special. How about we all take a few moments to say something NICE to our menfolk today and see them grinning from ear to ear. :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

What a nice tribute to your husband and sons.

You asked about painting or staining your deck. Our deck was painted. I have to paint it every year as it peals off. I don't know how stain would work.

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