Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Father said just now to get back to my Thanks-living article.  This one hit me hard as so often, when I'm hurting, I find myself grumbling.  That doesn't help the pain AT ALL!  Here is the third point for how to make every day Thanksgiving.  I thank God for each one of you!


3. The Focus of Thanksliving

In a culture of “more,” there’s a lot of whining and grumbling; we’re not happy with our many blessings, and focus instead on our losses and lack. We dwell on what is difficult or inconvenient and take things for granted.
But like Paul, we can learn to be content, and that is the focus of Thanksliving. “It is not how much we have,” Charles Spurgeon said, “but how much we enjoy what we have that makes happiness.”
Spurgeon also reminds us, “God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”
Most Christ-followers need an attitude check. “God has promised to supply all our needs,” Elizabeth Elliot said. “What we don’t have now, we don’t need now.”
One of the most valuable exercises in my life was to go through all my closets and shelves and examine all my “stuff.” It occurred to me that millions of people desperately craved even a little of what I have. People want food, a job, education, medical care, peace, and freedom—and I have all of these. How can I be discontent? How can I not express gratitude?
PS.  Today's song on Thanks-living is one I taught my children as they were growing up.  IT'S AMAZING!!  I have to ask myself, as I encourage you to do also, "Am I a chronic grumbler?"

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