Thursday, December 5, 2019

What about Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving was special this year as I got to hold my newest grandchild, Josiah Edward Bornemann.  Josiah's middle name is the same as my husband's middle name.  Do you think that was planned?  ;)

Thanksgiving was also sad this year as Minnesota had a terrible blizzard. This meant that Cora and her family were not able to join us.  It was our first Thanksgiving apart and I felt her absence keenly as the cooking was up to me.  Josiah was born on the 18th and Marie was taking care of him.  Marie's sister, Lydia, helped me a lot when they got here for lunch but my day started early putting the bird in the oven and making sure it was moist.

I've been upset for years that Thanksgiving gets so little attention in our abundant culture.  It seems like the more stuff people have, the less they appreciate it.  I was trying to put this all into words, when I found this article.  I decided to share one of the points every day through this time of year.

I am all for honoring Christ every day of the year.  To me, one of the best ways to do that is to be thankful for His countless blessings every day.  We're alive!  That's a good place to start our gratitude attitude.

So here's the first of 10 points about why being thankful is the only way to be happy.  This means no matter what we get or don't get for Christmas and who comes or doesn't come for Christmas, we can be happy.  Christ and His angels are always with us.  THAT'S A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!!

I hope you enjoy the song I chose for you too.

Grateful for all my readers!


10 Ways to Turn Thanksgiving into Thanksliving

  • Dawn Contributing Writer
  • 201813 Nov
While Thanksgiving Day is special, for the Christian it is only a starting point. Thanksliving is so much grander. As Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth wrote, “Thanksgiving really should be thanksliving—a way of life—morning, noon and night—continually, forever giving thanks to the Lord.”
It’s a lifestyle, showing gratitude in action, every day and at all times. Thanksliving begins in the mind, filters through our attitudes and plays out in our actions. I believe there are many ways we can build on Thanksgiving Day to cultivate God-honoring Thanksliving.

1. The Foundation of Thanksliving

Jesus is the foundation of a life of thanksgiving. Our gratitude is rooted in Him—including all we have and who we are because of His sacrificial work in us. Our foundation must be in the Lord, seeking Him and His righteousness first.
Lack of gratitude was evidenced in mankind’s initial disobedience and continues today in all who rebel against God. Gratitude is a response to the great mercy we’ve been shown.
People may or may not express gratitude as a result of common graceOnly one of the 10 lepers Jesus healed returned to thank Him. But “A thankful heart,” John MacArthur says, “is one of the primary identifying characteristics of a believer. … No matter how choppy the seas become, a believer’s heart is buoyed by constant praise and gratefulness to the Lord.
Thankfulness is, in fact, a command for the Christ-follower, as noted by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. “God has commanded it—for our good and for His glory. God’s command to be thankful is not the threatening demand of a tyrant. Rather, it is the invitation of a lifetime—the opportunity to draw near to Him at any moment of the day.” And that is Thanksliving.

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