Saturday, December 28, 2019

We are one in Christ!

Shabbat Shalom,  Happy Sabbath everyone!

 No I am not Jewish.  I was raised in the Evangelical United Brethren church which sold it's soul to the World Wide Methodist denomination when I was in Junior High.  Immediately all Scripture and mentions of Jesus as God were removed from our Sunday School lessons.  I am so grateful that I got as much truth as I did before this disaster took place!

As Robert and I sought truth for our family, though, our Heavenly Father led us to the Sabbath.  Once we got past how we were raised and what our families would think, we saw it clear as day.  The 4th Commandment is VERY specific about what day Father has blessed as a holy day of rest.  So we have kept the Sabbath day holy for 24 years now.

We didn't know anyone who kept the feasts of the Lord until Andrew met Marie.  We kept the Sabbath faithfully and do so to this day but the feasts were as foreign to us as the Sabbath was once.  How do you do it?  Why do you do it?  Should we do it?

So that's where we've been these past 24 years of Sabbath keeping.  We did make one attempt to keep the Passover but the enemy stole it from us through the harsh words of an extremely dysfunctional family when we were living over by Linton.

This past year, the Father has led me to the Rabbi Curt Landry.  In his book, Rabbi Landry explains how his life became complete when he grasped his identity.  Christianity grew out of Judaism.  That is abundantly clear to those who have eyes to see.

So it's Hanukkah time and we have no clue what it means to us.  Perhaps you are like us and are curious what God would have your family do about the Biblical feasts of God???  Perhaps you are laughing at my ignorance but I would beg you not to.

You see, Rabbi Landry has been called to bring the Church to it's Jewish roots AND the Jews to their Messiah--our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  THAT IS A MAMMOTH TASK!!  Let's all pray for him.

So today I've been listening to this service.  I would urge you to listen, too, especially around one hour and 10 minutes into the video.  Rabbi Landry explains what the hanukkiah means and it is RICH in meaning for us as Christians.

I pray that God will use this very simple and humble attempt to lead the Church to it's Jewish roots and the Jews to the Savior!  May this movement grow and grow as God's love fills us with a desire to understand our true identity in Him!

Lots of love,


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