Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Is your life sweet?

Oh I had a marvelous time with Robert yesterday!!  My sweetie and I are going on 40 years of marriage and it just keeps getting better and better.

We both recall that sermon over a decade ago when our church was holding revival meetings.  The guest speaker said that, with satan, what seems good is at the beginning.  Then we are addicted and things fall apart and we have hell on Earth and hell in the afterlife.

With Jesus, we struggle against our selfish desires but He helps us to think of others and not just ourselves.  Sure we matter but we're not meant to be ALL that there is to us.  He blesses us with so much MORE than just ourselves!!!  As He helps us conquer our sinful nature, life gets sweeter and sweeter.  Eventually life is so sweet that we're ready to move up to Heaven and live with Him there forever.  That's the ultimate sweetness!!

At any point in our trying to fix ourselves, we can humbly come before the Lord and tell Him that we know we messed up.  We can ask Him to forgive us and move into our hearts and take over.  THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS TO DO!!

So human nature says, "I want to stay in charge."  Guess what? we're not in charge when we live that way--satan is.  My hugest prayer for you all, as this year wanes, is that you give your life to Jesus.   He is the best friend you will ever find anywhere and He will make your life sweeter and sweeter.  Yes, I know that hugest isn't a word but I want to really stress that the only way to have a wonderful life is to surrender your life to Jesus/Yeshua!  You can do that right this very minute and I urge you to!!!

So, even though Robert and I are just 2 sinners selfish through and through, the Lord has taken our lives and made us 2 lovers for nearly 40 years.  Has He made our life sweeter and sweeter as time goes on?  OH YES HE HAS!!

I was telling Robert yesterday on the way to Bismarck about how Timothy, our little grandson, greeted me at tea last week.  He walked into Luci's kitchen; saw me at the table; got the biggest grin on his face; and came running to me.  I scooped Timothy up in my arms and we hugged for over a minute.  I can't stop thinking about it!!! My life is getting sweeter and sweeter!

If you have given your life to the Lord, and it's not all butterflies and roses yet, press on.  Press into Jesus. Give Him your troubles.  I promise you that every trial He brings you through, He WILL become more and more sweet to you.  He's the best friend you'll ever have!

God bless your day with all the things that are sweet to you!!

Much love,


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