Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ready for a BIG breakthrough? YES

I just read today's prophecy on THE ELIJAH LIST and it has me VERY excited.  As I read of the fires sent earlier this year to purify the church, I sadly remembered the internal struggles of both Robert and I when we learned that our daughter and family were moving away from us.  It practically tore our hearts apart and it seems that we're still suffering.

However, this prophecy matches so many others about God using the trials of the first half of this year to usher in the IMMENSE blessings of the second half.  I am so ready for a breakthrough!

Please read this prayerfully and ask God to open doors for you, too, that He has been preparing to open!  I urge you to ask Him for your breakthrough too.  I'm not exactly sure how that will play out in my life but it's going to be BETTER!!

Will it mean less pain?  Will it mean more clients with open minds ready to be healed too?  What will the rest of the year bring?  I don't know but I am eager to find out.

After the prophecy, I'm going to share a song that I sang once in a lady's trio.  It so penetrated my soul that I've said "YES" to the Lord in many a hardship.  Now I am saying "YES" to the Lord bringing in answered prayers and peace and strength and love like never before!  Just tell Him, "YES!"

Talk soon,


Earlier this year, I shared a vision of the fire of the enemy coming on the warriors of God. In that vision, the warriors were covered in black charcoal because of the fire they'd endured. Understandably, I think most people were hoping I was wrong – me too!
Now months later, the fire though shocking, treacherous, jarring and even stupefying, is subduing. And coming out of it, I hear the Father saying: "You are one stone's throw away from VICTORY!"
The Anointing of God Meets the Arrogance of Man
Remember David? When he met Goliath, it was just another day like any other, and yet that day would be different for him. At that point, nothing had changed in his life except for receiving the anointing from God to be king. He had nothing else going for him. He wasn't big, well-known or even the favorite of his family. He was a shepherd and nothing much else was expected from him.
David was ordinary; common by man's standards. The anointing to be king hadn't changed his situation except it did seem to put a big target on his back, and his brothers were obviously jealous. While man chose him to watch the sheep and carry food to his brothers, God chose to make him a deliverer! And so it happened that on that very ordinary day, the anointing of God met with the arrogance of man and only one man was standing when it was all over.
Father God is saying to you: "You feel hidden and forgotten. You have nothing going for you EXCEPT ME! I have chosen you for a purpose that will turn heads and leave jaws dropping. My child, you are ONE STONE'S THROW AWAY from your life changing forever!"
A fire like no other has come against you, but you've remained steadfast in your love and trust for the Father, and all the while He has watched over you and fought for you. Though the fire has been intense, the presence of God has been pervasive, invasive and breathtaking.
Sometimes, He's even carried you through Himself, but you are nearly there. Just one push and your enemy's oppression will give way to the new you that has been hidden under the ashes of the enemy's assault.
You will stand VICTORIOUS in complete submission to your heavenly Father, and thus, through Him, you will be more powerful than any earthly force can reckon with. The fire has not destroyed you! No! The enemy's attacks against you have emboldened you! They have turned your ashes into IRON! No one else could have turned what the enemy meant for your destruction into the construction of a KING!
You Went to Sleep a Child and Woke Up a Warrior
The calling on your life has made you a target. Indeed, the enemy is intensely jealous of the LOVE the Father has for you, and he hates you for having what he can never have. Yet, in the darkness of the night you've endured the enemy's hatred and now the sunrise on your trial has nearly dawned.
Awakening now, you realize that all along it was only the pruning of the Lord you've endured, and all the enemy has thrown at you has worked to make you an intense and glory-filled warrior of the most-high God. You went to sleep a child and awoke a mighty, fearless warrior experienced in VICTORY! God has proven once again that He is the superior power and the darkness is dispelled by the greatness of His light!
Goliath has fallen and you are the one with the sling in your hand. You thought you were only a child, simply trusting the Father who loves you, and yet you see a vile, once-seething giant lying headless at your feet. Everyone is looking at you with their eyes wide and jaws dropped. Not expecting much from you, they had no idea you had it in you, but they were not there when you killed the lion and the bear. They were not there when your heavenly Father told you that you were chosen and loved by Him. They were not there when He poured His power into you and called you RULER OF NATIONS!
A Table for You!
Satan can't stand to watch our faith in God manifest into our breakthrough. He sees it as a great failure. He is determined to strike at the heart of our belief and pour out discouragement. Disillusioned by the lies of the enemy, we tend to lose faith in God and soon feel crushed under the weight of Earth's reality.
Many give lip service to TRUSTING GOD, but it's in the darkest moments that true faith is formed. The Word of God tells us our faith will be tested, so why are we surprised when it is? A faith that is built on the manifestation of the supernatural cannot always be trusted, but a faith that is built on a loving relationship of trust is unstoppable.
When being in God's will matters more to you than getting everything your way, you have a true relationship with Him. When you've tried everything you know to do and have nothing to hope in except the realization that your heavenly Father loves you, then you've discovered the key to everlasting JOY! When your love for Him matters more than your own safety, you're unstoppable!
You Won't Walk Out Alone
You may be thrown into the fire alone, but you won't walk out on your own!
Self-will will frighten us into the arms of our enemy, but the furnace of affliction will turn our ashes into a rod of IRON, a weapon of mass destruction to our enemies.
Nebuchadnezzar was furious with the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, when they refused to bow down to his false god (Daniel 3), but it was their TRUST in God and LOVE for Him that made it impossible for them to consider saving their own lives at the risk of turning from Him. It wasn't courage or gallantry that held them fast, but a relationship of love that made their faith unbreakable.
God's love is UNFAILING! When you are loved like that, it matters more than safety or comfort. If we would just TRUST HIM, He would drive back our enemies, break through the chains of despair and make a wild display of His love for us in the presence of our haters!
The enemy raises up people willing to hate us and uses them as weapons to break us, yet God says, "NO!" He turns the enemy's weapons into an audience and puts on a SHOW OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU! He will make them watch while HE PREPARES A TABLE FOR YOU (Psalm 23:5). He will DISPLAY HIS LOVE for you and make them watch! For, it was their attacks against you that made you the fearless warrior you've become.
It was, indeed, the fire of their harassment that the Father used to prepare you for the INTENSE BLESSINGS He's been waiting to bestow on you. For only a good father understands the pressures you will face as you walk in what's ahead for you. Indeed, would it be a Father's love to allow you to proceed to the calling and purpose awaiting you without proper preparation? He loves you and He doesn't want to see you crushed by the pressures blessings can bring!
Unfailing Love
David was victorious because he focused on God's love for him. It was in the hiddenness of the fields where he was persuaded by LOVE to understand his God well. When David went up against Goliath, he was relying on God's unfailing love to give him success over his enemy. Relying on the Father's love gave him an overwhelming victory, much easier, dramatic and miraculous than any victory David would have had by relying on his own strength and talent.
Often, Scripture equates God's unfailing love with salvation. When we think of salvation, we think of our born-again experience, but those who were writing Scripture would not necessarily have been thinking that. Indeed, their idea of salvation would be salvation from their earthly circumstances.
King David had many enemies who wanted to destroy him, so when David equates unfailing love with salvation, he is counting on the love of God to save him from his enemies. And rightly so, for David was saved from his enemies. God made him victorious over and over. Throughout his life God's love never failed, truly, it was UNFAILING! He said, "Lord, give me Your unfailing love, the salvation that You promised me" (Psalm 119:41).
The Stone in Your Hand
You were created to love; it is your function. You are worthy of love, not because you've done something to make you worthy, but because it is what He created you for. If your earthly father says you are not lovable, remember that your Creator was your Father first and He created you to be loved!
You are not worthy of love because you are perfect. You are not worthy of love because you are good-looking. You are not worthy of love because you are brilliant. You are worthy of love because GOD MADE YOU! And He made you to be loved BY HIM and that makes you extraordinary.
You are not difficult to love, because God loved you from the first. If God loves you, then YOU ARE LOVED. Even if your father and mother hate you, God will love you completely (Psalm 27:10). If you are broken by life, God loves you unfailingly. His love refuses to stop. His love refuses to fail.
When the enemy throws your failures up in your face and when he's relentless with his accusations, you remind him that in spite of it all, GOD LOVES YOU!
Remind him that nothing will EVER separate you from God's love, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).
You are VICTORIOUS! You have what you need for victory. You have the LOVE of the FATHER and, like a stone in your hand, it doesn't look significant, but it is. It is your weapon of mass destruction to annihilate your enemy and fell the giant standing in your way. You are just one stone's throw away from breakthrough – throw the stone and watch Goliath fall!
Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries

Victoria Boyson is a powerful and genuine prophetic voice. She is the founder of Victoria Boyson Ministries and Women of Impact Ministries, a ministry dedicated to raising up an army of women who will impact and revolutionize their world. She is a passionate speaker, operating in extraordinary authority to awaken the Church to their victorious reality. Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she is called to awaken and prepare the Bride of Christ for the end-time harvest and compel His Church to embrace a passionate relationship with their heavenly Father. She is the author of The Birth of Your DestinyHis Passionate PursuitAwakening: The Deep Sleep, and God's Magnum Opus: The Value of a Woman.
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Here's another version.  "Yes Lord Yes!!"  Say it with me, "YES LORD YES"

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