Monday, May 2, 2011

Joys of blogging and Lydia

 As you may know, things aren't always rosy in bloggerville.  This morning I cannot get these pictures to move for anything, so they'll just have to stay mixed up.  Anyway, this morning I rode out to the pasture with Jacob to check on, "The cow," as she has been called since Friday.  Here he is driving me in our piece of junk, Dodge Ram.
When we got out to the cow, whom I learned through her BT session yesterday is named Lydia, Jacob fed her a pail of oats.  You can see the snow in the background yet on the second of May.  Hardly any fieldwork is done yet, so it's going to be a late year.
I got this closeup of Lydia's surgery.  It's swollen about an inch above the surface of the body and looks really nasty.  Please continue your prayers for Lydia and all of the farmers who are stressed out with all of the storms this Spring.  At least it's a lovely day today. 
When we got back from feeding Lydia, Jacob went to work greasing up the new tractor.  Here he is in the cab looking in the owner's manual to see where all of the grease zurks are on the thing.  Can you tell that Jacob REALLY likes this tractor?

Please be in prayer for my newest project which is coordinating a radionics class.  We've had nothing but trouble trying to get a hotel.  I had no idea that Jehovah's Witnesses are such a large group.  They have every hotel room in Bismarck taken for the night which is our last day of class.  I know that the Lord will work something out for us, as this is HIS work.  The mystery, though, is trying to figure out exactly what He has in mind at times.  Of course, that it what makes life so interesting!   :)

Love to all you who serve the Lord,

PS.  Don't ask me why half way through this post we switched to center alignment.  If I knew that, I would fix it.  Any advice anyone?


Laura said...

Dear Dawn,

Sorry that it took so long for me to respond to your sweet comment on my has been rather hectic around here this week! It was so nice to hear from you...I have really enjoyed corresponding with your daughter and reading about all the happenings around your farm. Thank you also for the invitation to "Prairie Days." Right now I don't think this would be a possibility for our whole this particular season of our lives it is difficult for us to be away from my parents for more than a day or so....but we will keep this in prayer. There might be a possibility that Joshua and Daniel could come...I'm sure they would really enjoy the trip and visiting with your family. We will have to see...but again, thank you so much for asking!

So glad to hear that the cow is mending...for her and for you all! It is so difficult taking care of a sick or wounded animal...trying to prevent infection and further injuries and such. You all seem so dedicated to taking good care of your animals...I know how much of a commitment this is.

On another note, as far as the center alignmnent difficult...I have had this happen to me before. If it should happen again...just highlight everything that is centered...then go up to the toolbar. There is an icon for alignment. Click on the left alignment and you should be all set! You can even try it by editing this should work.

Hope you are all having a blessed week!

Dawn Bornemann said...

Hi Laura,
It would be GREAT if some of you could come for Prairie Days!!!
Thanks for the advice on the alignment. I'll try it soon.

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