Saturday, November 24, 2012


I am sooo excited!!!!!!!!!!  All year I have felt excitement.  Whenever I prayed for understanding about the end of this year, I felt encouraged that it would be a positive thing for the inhabitants of this planet.  It's so different than how I felt when I was anticipating the problems as 2000 approached.   There has been no fear but only excitement about some unknown wonderful thing that will come to pass for our benefit.

I kept praying for wisdom to know how I can best help others to prepare and today I found the explanation.  I urge you to take half an hour and listen to this Mayan explain how the coming eclipses, so close together, can be used to usher in a world of peace. 

Do you recall my writing that God IS bringing peace on the planet?  He is removing the trauma from my past for me and He can and will do it for you too!!!  Every session that I do releases old traumas and peace moves in and huge sighs of relief follow.  Now I have the BETAR table to help with this too and the VibesUp products are bringing up our healthy energies already.  I AM feeling the higher consciousness through all of these methods and it makes me very excited for the surge of peace that will come to good ol' Earth here very soon.

This is GOOD news just like the good news that the angels shared with the shepherds so long ago when Christ came to dwell with us for a short time.  Let's prepare our hearts to receive, "Peace on Earth, good will to all men," for it is a wonderful gift to the Earth for those who are prepared to receive it!

I beg you to take this seriously as it will remove all fear as this Mayan explains to us here.  Why live in fear when peace is here?

God bless,


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Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...