Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3rd

On May 3rd, 1980 I graduated from collage at Brookings, SD.  I graduated with a major in Sociology and a minor in Law Enforcement.  I have no idea where a photo of that would be so you'll have to imagine me as a very happy young women with my parents, my fiancé; several close friends; and my little brother all present to see me walk the stage. I was also sad to be leaving one of my very favorite places.
On May 3rd, 2014 my dad died.  Here's a photo of us shortly before that day.  I was sad that he was leaving us but happy that his sufferings were over.
Today is also a May 3rd.  This time I am sad that my brother has passed away and left his wife a widow and his children fatherless. On the other hand, I am happy that his sufferings have ended now.
So, what I'm seeing here is that each day we can choose between being happy and being sad.  It's not always easy to choose to be happy but that IS an option too!!
Let's choose to be happy today!!

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