Friday, August 30, 2019

Prayer does WHAT to the brain???????????????????

Hi everyone,

Where has this week gone?  Oh that's right it started when I was in MN and since I got home it has been super busy with client's needs; our monthly neighborhood tea party; laundry; and trying to keep up with the garden.

I just saw this and thought of you all immediately.  Many of you are praying for others, I am sure.  If you are reading my blog, you must either be praying for those you love or are in need of prayer yourself.

I've known for 50 years that prayer changes things for the better.  A good prayer and a good cry have cleared my soul of sorrow or anger or bitterness countless times.  Well, look at this!  Prayer has been researched!

I pray that the video loads for you all.  I pray that you are blessed by my prayer for you just now.  I pray that you will keep me in your prayers as well.

God bless and Happy Sabbath in advance.


PS  Here's the link:;postID=

Dear Reader,
Millions of Americans believe prayer works. Yet the mainstream media tends to avoid the subject altogether.
But our Mind Health Report team at Newsmax Health wanted answers to questions like these:
  1. Can modern science explain prayer?
  2. Does praying strengthen your brain and prevent mental decline?
  3. What benefits, if any, does prayer offer you — physically, mentally, and emotionally?
To this end, the team went out to the scientific and medical community to learn the potential benefits of prayer — and what they found both surprised and excited all of us here at The Mind Health Report.
The results were so startling, in fact, we created a FREE video presentation to share with you exactly what we discovered.
When you watch this FREE video, you’ll discover how prayer actually changes four distinct areas of your brain. In fact, you’ll see exactly how prayer or other spiritual practices increase activity in the areas of your brain that are most helpful to you, and diminish activity in areas that are less helpful — or even harmful.
You’ll also see:
  • How a specific amount of “prayer time” per day can help prevent memory loss, mental decline, and even dementia or Alzheimer’s . . .
  • The #1 prayer pitfall that can actually make you sick if you’re not careful (this is one of the most important bits of wisdom you’ll ever gain) . . .
  • 47 scientifically proven benefits of prayer, including pain relief, reduced risk of death from heart attack or stroke, lessened anxiety or depression, and more . . .
  • And much, much more . . .
This video sheds light on a practice that 3 out of 4 Americans engage in on a regular basis — a practice basically ignored by the mainstream media.
Please don’t delay watching this. You could get busy and forget — or the video could be removed and you’ll have lost this special opportunity.
Dedicated to your healthy mind and brain,
Newsmax Health
P.S. See for yourself how prayer activity can be scientifically measured — and how it alters four key areas of your brain. Click here now to take advantage of this special FREE VIDEO about the scientific basis of prayer!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Elsie's TWO

  I have very little time to write but wanted to share this photo.  Elsie turned 2 last Sabbath and we were there to help make her day special.  Cora served sub sandwiches for lunch to nearly 50 people. On Friday we went to the garden to pick things needed for the subs.

  We picked cucumbers and lettuce and tomatoes and peppers.  The party was awesome.  Perhaps I'll have time to share party photos later but this one is of Elsie and me smelling the roses or whatever flowers they were. I can't remember.

 The JOY of being close to my grandchildren is unimaginable.  Still, being close to my children is greater. I am so proud of my girl!!!  What an amazing hostess she is.  What an absolutely incredible wife and mother is my daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Now that I am back here in  North Dakota again, this photo is even more precious.  I just went over across the road to water Cora's plants and to dig some potatoes for supper.  The emptiness without them is unbearable today.  I loved helping Cora prepare for Michael and Elsie's birthday parties.  Now that is over and I am here and unable to help my daughter there.

  As you might imagine, I've been rather glum today.  As I prepared supper, I heard this song and the Lord encouraged me through it.  I can't walk across the road to help Cora anymore.  I can't just pop in and snuggle babies while she runs out to chores.  Those days are over.  However, as the song says, I can pray for them and it WILL help them.  Thank you Father for sending me this song this evening.

  If you are with the ones you love on a regular basis, you are blessed!!!!  If not, then pray for them.  It helps take away the bite of loneliness knowing that Father will help them in whatever way they need it most!!

  Much love for all who love others who are far away,


PS.  I will remember forever Elsie's tiny little voice saying, "TWO," whenever anyone asked her how old she is now.  Yes, our memories can help too!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Woman Phoning Insurance Company To Report Car Damage

Dear friends,

I was having the time of my life last night on my way home from the city.  I had picked up my new glasses in Walmart and I was amazed at how far I could see.  I was looking off into the distance on our County road after I left the Interstate.  I was praising God for the right glasses so that I could actually see so far!!

Then I noticed 3 deer bouncing along in the ditch ahead of me a ways.  I slowed down and prayed that they would stay in the ditch.  As I got closer to them I was down to about 30 mph.  That was when I noticed the deer out in front making his way up to the road so I blasted my horn which has always worked in the past. This time, though, it seemed to confuse the animal as he kept coming closer.

 I really laid on the brakes then but not early enough.  I was swerving away when he hit my car.  There was a terrible thunk and my heart sank.  With my peripheral vision, I saw that he flew into the air and then landed behind me.  By the time I got stopped, I was a bit down the road from the poor beast.  Did I mention that it was near dark?

So I got out to look at the damage in what light was left.  Actually I was relieved when I walked around my car to see that it didn't look as terrible as I had imagined.  I called Robert and told him what happened and he said to come on home and he'd look the car over when I got there.

Well, sad to say, it's going to take some dollars to repair the damage.  Some part of the deer hit right above the light on the passenger side.  There is a dent there and a little blood.  Then it's body pushed the front part of the car back into the door which no longer opens.  );

I was planning on taking my car, with the trunk half full of hoagie buns for Elsie's party, to MN tomorrow.  Now I don't know what to do as my mother-in-law is going along with me. I suppose that she can slide in from the driver's side as the front passenger door does NOT open.

What's worse is that my legs are really hurting.  I did a lot of walking yesterday and stress always makes the MS worse.  I'm writing to ask you to pray for me.  I have so much work to do before I can leave and my legs feel like they are simply worn out.  Is there a new leg store anywhere near you?

I appreciate you praying for me!!!!  In the past when I asked you for prayers, I felt better and better.  I thank you and offer you my prayers in return.

God bless you all!!!!


Tuesday, August 20, 2019


The guys are very busy at our seed cleaning facility as the small grain harvest is in full swing here in the Dakotas.  We've been eating potatoes and onions and zucchini out of the garden. This is a wonderful time of year but there is one drawback.  The daylight hours are getting shorter and Fall is in the air a bit in the mornings.

I've fought Fall my whole life.  Summer is MY time of year.  Why does it have to be soooo short????
As I thought of what to share with all of you today, I was looking for an "End of Summer" poem even though that is a hurtful topic for a Summer lover like me.  None of the poems I read gave me any hope and then I added the word "Christian" at the beginning of my search.  Look at this treasure the Lord led me to.  WOW

If you're like me, you will be sucking up all of the rays you possibly can.  Actually I'm enjoying these days more than in July when it is SOOOOO hot!  Still, I know that Winter is coming and it lasts a VERY long time this far North.  So, as I ponder the value of each and every day, I know that time is short!!

Many people will die today without knowing how very much God loves them and for that I grieve.  I started this blog nearly 10 years ago to give people hope of a better life.  Jesus said, when He lived on the Earth, "I have come to give them life and life ABUNDANT!!  I love Him so much for the abundance that He pours into me every day!!!!

May this poem fill you with purpose today. If you know Jesus as your personal Savior, PLEASE share Him with others.  Every day and every season is a good time to tell others how much God loves them!!



          It’s Always               Harvest Time ~

The Harvest used with permission Doorpost Verses on Facebook
Not just at harvest time,
do we need to have a reason
we can plant seeds of hope
in and out of every season.
We can reap souls to Jesus,
no matter the time of year
it doesn’t have to be Autumn
harvest time is always here.
Seeds of faith can be planted,
into the hearts of everyone
whether under snowy covers
or the warm blanket of the sun.
We can gather in the lost,
bring back a wandering soul
it doesn’t have to be Fall
for the harvest God controls.
It’s always harvest time,
we don’t need to have a reason
we can sow seeds of eternal hope
in and out of every season!
Luke 10:2
“Therefore said he unto them,
The harvest truly is great,
but the labourers are few:
pray ye therefore the Lord
of the harvest, that he would
send forth labourers into his harvest.”
King James Version
by Public Domain
Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Hi everyone,

I am happy to announce that I passed my concealed carry test yesterday.  It's hard to believe that it's five years since Cora and I  took the class.  It was hard not to have her here with me but the Lord provided another shooting buddy who shall remain nameless.  It was a blessing not to have to sit in a class with men all by myself and, oh yes, she passed too! 

I told her on the way home that, had Jacob decided to take the class with us, he would have said, "That's a class of old fooggies."  She laughed.  When I mentioned it to Robert, he said, "Well, when you were Jacob's age, what would you have called a class of everyone over 60?"  I thought a minute and replied, "I probably would have said that it was a class of old farts."  He said, "Ah Hu."

It was great!  We all had lots of questions and some ideas that we'd gained through living into our 60s.  Everyone in class passed although it took the "Older" gentleman in his mid-70s two attempts to make it--we can try three times.  He was amazing.  He could hardly get down on his knees for the second round of shooting but he did it TWICE.  Of course I was praying for him and my friend and I were cheering him on.

Even if you never want to carry, I would urge you to take Paul's class.  It's good to know what the law is but even better to know what to do if you're ever attacked.  Somehow, when Paul acts out how someone who isn't a strong person can prevent being attacked, it makes me feel safer.  EVERYONE needs to be thinking about self defense these days.

It was an awesome experience and I drove home to an absolutely stunningly beautiful North Dakota sunset.  The sky was vibrant with color and I praised God for allowing me to live in such a beautiful place.  As I drove by the corn fields, on the winding road home, several deer ran by and I delighted to see them bounce along as light as feathers. 

I can't recall being so happy since we learned that Cora was moving away!!!!  The world is a beautiful place and I am so privileged to be alive now when God has brought us so many wonderful healing tools!  The prophets are saying that God is sending His angels more and more to help people find their way back to Him.  I've been praying for 25 years for the Third Great Awakening to come to our planet and it's coming!

Recently I heard a great sermon about not dreading the darkness around us.  The pastor summarized his thoughts by saying, "As the world darkens, the light shines even brighter."  Let's all shine for Jesus/Yeshua this week for we have many MANY blessings!!!

Love to all,


PS.  I'm wishing now that I had stopped and taken a photo of the extravagant painting in the sky Father sent me last night.  This doesn't even come close to it's magnificence but you get the idea!

Image result for prairie sunset with cornfield photos

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Planting for the King

  As I lay dying in the Fall of 2006 at a healing place along the US and Canadian borders, Father told me this.  Not only would He heal me completely, but He would open a healing center right here on our farm.  I was too weak to doubt His word to me and I have clung to that promise these past 13 years.  Father has brought me healing tool upon healing tool that will be used there.  Not only that, He has led me to close personal friends with their own healing tools He has blessed them with.

  He's shown me glimpses of the healing center now and then in visions. Sometimes at night I can see the future lights of it blinking at me through the trees. How my step quickens to think that all of my suffering will bless many others.

 Father has also given me the FULL name of His healing center.  I've been calling it GLORY for His glory will shine for the world there.  Recently I was telling a friend how we had named our home school SEEDS OF TRUTH as that is what we hoped to plant in our children.  We called our organic farm SEEDS OF HONOR and our home church SEEDS OF HOPE as Jesus is the only hope we have of being happy in this world or the next.

  Not too long ago, Father told that the full name of the healing center He will build here is none other than SEEDS OF GLORY.  He's also run several amazing songs by me, during the past few years, for choices of the theme song we will play in His honor at His healing center HE will build here.

This is one of my favorites.  I love Marty's music as he is so very open and honest about his relationship with God.  May this song bless you as it just blessed me.

Please keep SEEDS OF GLORY in your prayers.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Something good????????????????

Many of the prophets on the Elijah List, who share what God is showing them worldwide, are saying the same thing!  The last part of 2019 will be different from the beginning!  Many of God's people went through excruciatingly painful events as this year began but God IS using them to open new doors in our lives. 

Robert's and mine was facing Cora and family moving away from just across the road.  I still scream in anguish, at times, as I ponder that this is permanent!!!!  How can it be good?  I don't have the answer to that question yet but there are still 3 1/2 months left for God to reveal all the good He has for us! 

I'm sharing this prophecy with hopes that you will open up to what wonderful things God wants to send you yet this year.  Please read this prophecy with an open mind and an open heart.  Then seek God, right along with me, for what He wants you to do to embrace His rich blessings for us THIS YEAR!!

Prayers for you all,


"The Door Is Open - Don't Miss the Moment!"
Andrew Whalen, Colorado Springs, CO

Don't Miss the Moment!
     In a very recent dream, I saw that many people's walls of comfort, safety nets, and doors of protection were being removed. Most people initially responded with fear, and interpreted these circumstances as negative. As I looked at my own situation, I was about to yield to fear.
     Then suddenly in the dream, the spirit of prophecy came upon me and I said, "These things are not what you think, they are signs that the DOOR IS OPEN." Then I saw a sun rising on the horizon and rain falling down. I ran with all my might shouting, "THE DOOR IS OPEN. NOW IS THE TIME TO RUN THROUGH YOUR DOOR. DON'T MISS THE MOMENT!"
     There has been, and I believe will continue to be, a consistent and varied rate of deconstruction happening. We will see this both throughout the nation and throughout the Body of Christ; the deconstruction of old walls, systems, perspectives, wineskins, relationships, financial streams and so much more. We have been in a time of great shiftings, preparations and at times "seeming chaos."
     The unfamiliarity of these changes will tempt us to interpret them wrongly, to believe our protection, comfort zones and safety are gone. I believe God wants us to see them as our sign that the DOOR IS OPEN – to posses new ground, to enter a new dimension of destiny, and to go with God.
All Interpretations Belong to God
     I remember a time of great challenge and difficulty in my life, and I began to interpret my season from a dark place. God's voice broke into my heart in that time and He said, "Andrew, it is illegal for you to interpret your life and circumstances. All interpretations belong to Me" (Genesis 40:8). He continued to speak: "Your filter is not always clean, but I always interpret your life through the filter of hope according to Romans 8:28."
     "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
"The Door the Sheep" is Open
     To cling to where God has had you in the last season(s) while He is deconstructing it, may remove you from your moment. The Lord wants us to understand that He is "the door of the sheep" (John 10:7). In His ever-living intercession, He has opened the door right in the midst of what we have perceived as loss, brokenness, and even failure. Such amazing grace has been given to those of us who are in Christ!
     I believe it is also worth noting that in my dream I was running toward the horizon where I saw the sun rising and rain falling. In seeking the Lord about this, I saw the horizon marking the end of 2019. By the end of 2019, and the beginning of 2020, the light of Christ will be shining brighter and brighter. The future is about to be filled with great light! His light will bring understanding and clarity to some of the "chaotic deconstruction" of the past. Additionally, the new places we are about to enter, through the OPEN DOORS, are places of great outpouring and the "reign" of His spirit.
     In the midst of your situations, look again, the door is open. I pray you run through the door and seize your moment!
Andrew Whalen

Andrew Whalen is a prophetic revivalist. He and his wife Kelly have pioneered a house of prayer, multiple campus ministries, a house church, revival networks, prophetic round-tables, street evangelism, and human trafficking intervention initiatives. Today, Andrew travels nationally and internationally on prophetic assignments to pray, prophesy, and preach. He works in league with national prayer leaders, financial leaders, and even law enforcement to bring prophetic wisdom and breakthrough. He desires to provoke the Church back to victorious warfare by revelation of the finished work of Christ. Andrew and Kelly run Whalen Ministries, and they currently resides with their family in Colorado Springs.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Why not home school?

I'm sharing this article for those who absolutely can not home school.  I'm sharing it mostly for those of you who could.  Schools are about to start and I'm praying that ALL children will be safe!  

For me I was safer at school than I was at home.  For me home schooling would have been TERRIBLE!  I needed the outside influences of teachers who saw me as a person with talents and abilities worth developing.  If your children are better off in school than at home, then please read this article.

If you HAVE been pondering home schooling your children, I am writing to say that you absolutely CAN do it.  The number one reason parents have given me, over the past 3 decades, for not home schooling their children is that they think that they are too dumb to teach their own children.  

SERIOUSLY?  Do you know how hard it is to learn the English language well?  Didn't YOU do that, precious Mom and Dad?  Speech, potty skills, manners and much much more you are teaching your children without even realizing it.  What would happen if you realized what a great teacher you are?

So, even if you're right--even if your down right stupid--you're still your child's best teacher.  WHY?  Because your child naturally wants to please you more than they want to please anyone else.  With all of the amazing resources that are available to home schooling parents now, you can have the time of your life sharing learning with your children.  Oh the things you will learn!!!

The most important thing that I brought to my 22 years of home schooling was my desire to learn.  I was so abused during my growing up years, I learned very little.  When I started teaching my children, a huger rose in me to learn all that I had missed out on when I was a child in public school.  

Yes, you CAN home school.  If I could home school with chronic poor health and very few resources, ANYBODY can home school who truly wants to!!  The thought of school violence would make me truly want to if I hadn't already wanted to.

PLEASE, readers, pray about home schooling your children!!!  It's one of the best decisions I have ever made!!!


PS  I don't know how to play either the banjo or the guitar so how did they learn?  From books because they wanted to.

Preventing School Violence

What is School Violence?
Preventing School Violence
School violence describes violent acts that disrupt learning and have a negative effect on students, schools, and the broader community.
Examples of violent behavior include:
  • Bullying
  • Fighting (e.g., punching, slapping, kicking)
  • Weapon use
  • Cyberbullying
  • Gang violence
Places school violence occurs:
  • On school property
  • On the way to or from school
  • During a school-sponsored event
  • On the way to or from a school-sponsored event

How big is the problem?
  • Nearly 9% of high school students had been in a physical fight on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey.
  • About 6% of students had been threatened or injured with a weapon (for example, a gun, knife, or club) on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey.
  • About 7% of students had not gone to school at least 1 day during the 30 days before the survey because they felt they would be unsafe at school or on their way to or from school.

How can we prevent violence in schools?
All students have the right to learn in a safe school environment. The good news is school violence can be prevented. No one factor in isolation causes school violence. Preventing school violence requires addressing factors at all levels of the social ecology—the individual, relational, community, and societal levels. Research shows that prevention efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, community members, and even students can reduce violence and improve the school environment.
CDC’s technical package, A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviorspdf icon, helps communities and states prioritize prevention strategies based on the best available evidence.  Also available in Spanishpdf icon.
The strategies and approaches in the technical package are intended to shape individual behaviors as well as the relationship, family, school, community, and societal factors that influence risk and protective factors for violence. They are meant to work together and to be used in combination in a multi-level, multi-sector effort to prevent violence.
How can we prevent child abuse and neglect?

See Youth Violence Resources for articles, publications, data sources, and prevention resources for school violence.

Monday, August 5, 2019

The last lap

With what has all happened this year, I am so so weary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All of the abuse; all of the disappointments; all of the grief; all of the dead dreams; all of pouring myself out for the Kingdom of God until I can't even think anymore; all of my failures...................................................... and then I read this just now. 

Now I see that I am NOT alone and that God IS moving to help me.  He IS moving to help all of us who wrestle against powers and principalities and evil night and day--EVERY day!!!

Take strength weary warriors of Christ!!  Take strength by this prophecy from this servant of God!!


The Latter Is Different Than the Former
Lately I have been sensing that the latter part of this year is going to be totally different from the intense warfare that so many of God's sons and daughters have been under.
I had an impression that the old, financial way of doing things has ended. This was the completion of a season of financial struggle, lack, delay and setback. I believe we've stepped into a new, fiscal year heralding unprecedented favor.
God's Favor is at Work in the Fullness of Time
As I was meditating on what the plans and purposes of God would look like in this season, the Lord impressed on me that He is releasing divine favor into the Body of Christ which will cause a dramatic shift. He is doing this so that the world will know who our God is and what He can do!
This is not the type of favor that causes people to like us or to give us "warm, fuzzy feelings." It is a supernatural favor to get the job done despite our lack of finances, wisdom, revelation or experience in any area. This kind of favor has little to do with how wonderful we are and everything to do with the appointed times of God.
In the Bible, we see that God's works have a set "Mow'ed" (appointed time). We read repeatedly about the "fullness of time, the appointed time and the fulfillment of time." In the Hebrew culture, these phrases represent the full circles of life where something is completed. (Photo via Unsplash)
The Lord lead me to Psalm 102, which speaks of such times:
"I know You are about to arise and show Your tender love to Zion. Now is the time, Lord, for Your compassion and mercy to be poured out—the appointed time has come for Your prophetic promises to be fulfilled!" (Psalm 102:13)
In Psalm 102:14-20, I saw the prophetic picture of the Body of Christ today, crying out to see God's goodness upon the earth:
"For Your servant's weep in sympathy over Zion's ruins and feel love for her every stone. When You arise to intervene, all the nations and kings will be stunned and will fear Your awesome name, trembling before Your glory! Yes, You will reveal Yourself to Zion and appear in the brightness of Your glory to restore her and give her children. He responds to the prayer of the poor and broken and will not despise the cry of the homeless. Write all this down for the coming generation, so re-created people will read it and praise the Lord! Tell them how Yah looked down from His high and holy place, gazing from His glory to survey the earth. He listened to all the groaning of His people longing to be free, and He set loose the sons of death to experience life."

Positioned for Radical Destiny
We saw this kind of supernatural favor upon Joseph's life during great darkness. God made a way to supernaturally promote him at the appointed time. At seventeen, he was sold into slavery. At thirty, he was prime minister of a nation. This is God's divine favor at work. Favor may not bring short cuts, but favor fulfills radical destiny.
We will see positions of political authority, justice departments, ruling and governing bodies in the nations of the earth being fulfilled by the sons and daughters of God. It may have looked impossible for them to win the vote and unlikely that they would turn the hearts of the people, so there will be no other explanation for their positioning than God's favor.
We will also see the people of God fulfilling His plans in the area of acquiring lands, properties, expansions and establishing church and community-functioning organizations. (Photo via Unsplash)
Things are close to their fullness of time, and it will not matter what the enemy does. When the favor of God is lavishly poured out, people will say, "Is anything too hard for their God?"
You Are on the Last Lap!
In a vision, I saw angels waving checkered flags as if they were signaling the last lap of a car race. The cars in the race were formula 1s. I believe that through this vision, the Lord is saying that God's vehicles are in top performance, fine-tuned, and near the end of their race.
These angels that were being dispatched into the earth were too many to number, and as they waved the checkered flags, the favor of God was being released, encouraging God's people as if to say, "You are on the last lap. Don't stop. Shortly there will be a lap of honor!" There is an increase of angelic activity in this hour of favor. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Danielle Dixon
Ark Ministries 

Pastor Danielle Dixon has a passion to see the "captives set free." Having overcome obstacles and bondages in her own life, she shares her life experiences to encourage others to believe that with God all things are possible. Danielle and her husband Massey Dixon are senior pastors of ARK Ministries, a church they planted 19 years ago in Queensland, Australia. Their vision is to embrace people with love, hope and the goodness of God. God has used her prophetic gift to encourage many people in church settings and the marketplace over the past 25 years of ministry.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ready to receive?

Happy new week dear readers!  I think of you often!! I love to see where you all are at.  It makes me happy to think that what God is showing me is blessing others around the world--among English speaking people anyway.  It makes me wish that I could speak more languages!  Who knows, perhaps there is a tool that translates this for people???

I saw on Facebook recently that someone has created a device where you can speak English into it and then it translates what you said into the language of the person that you're speaking to.  Then they answer in their native tongue and the device translates it into English for you so you know what their response is.  How cool is that???  If I were ever to travel further than I currently do, I would get one of those!

So many times I wish that I had something fresh from God to share with you.  I would like to encourage you to subscribe to the Elijah List here:   You will be amazed to read all the prophesies that God is sending to His people around the world right now. Each day has a fresh new prophecy!  YAY

I decided to share with you today Pastor Prince's daily devotional. They're always good.  Being I was raised in an abusive home full of condemnation, I love to hear Pastor Prince explain how VERY MUCH God loves me--loves us all!!  This message today opened my heart up just a little bit more to receive from God all the blessings that He wants to shower me with.  I pray it will do the same for you.

God's best to you if you are one of His children.  If you haven't made that decision yet, I urge you to do so today!!  Get in a quiet spot and open your heart to your Creator.  Tell Him that you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to forgive you.  Ask Him to cover all the sins you have ever committed against Him with the shed blood of Jesus and He will.  Then ask Him to erase the record of your sins from your life's book that He has in Heaven.  Invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into your life and be your best friend.  You'll be so glad you did.

Lots of love,


So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land…
Exodus 3:8

- AUGUST 4 - 


When the children of Israel provided for themselves in Egypt, they ate cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic (see Numbers 11:5). These were types of food which required them to bend down close to the ground and pull out to eat—a backbreaking work.
But when God provided for them in Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey (see Numbers 13:27), He gave them grapes, pomegranates and figs (see Numbers 13:23). These fruits were not found on the ground and the Israelites only had to pluck them to eat them.
God wants you to know that when He provides for you, you will see a flow of provisions coming your way, and all you need to do is to just stretch forth your hand and take from Him!
So if you are planning to get married, don’t say to yourself, “Well, if I work harder and start saving now, I will have…oh my goodness, not much! The cost of the wedding banquet will wipe out everything! How can I get married?”
As a child of God, know that your Daddy God is excited about your upcoming wedding, and He is very rich! I have not seen couples in our church lacking on their wedding day. What I have seen is money coming in on the wedding day itself. And by the time the celebration is over, everything is paid up. So instead of trusting your efforts to have enough for your big day, God wants you to fix your wedding date and put your trust in Him to provide for you abundantly.
Are you faced with a financial debt? How much do you think you can save by working overtime and taking on a second job? Some of our church members will testify that God simply turned their financial situations around. In fact, Pastor Mark, our Hokkien and Mandarin services pastor, had a sizeable debt before he became a Christian. After he got saved, he handed his debt problem over to God. Within two years, his debt was supernaturally cleared and he even had a surplus!
My friend, faith is the hand that takes from God. And He is easy to take from!

Friday, August 2, 2019

How close?

Last night I had an experience of healing that I will never forget.  I only have time to say that a very deep wound from the incest was dealt with and I am walking better today!  I want to say that my knees hurting less is the greatest ecstasy that I experienced but it wasn't.  Being so close to God as to hear them talking among themselves of how best to help me was the greatest thrill of my life!!

I've been seeking for a way to describe it and I did a very poor job of explaining to my closest lady friends this morning.  How does one put into words how it feels to be that close to God?

That is a question that I have been pondering today.  Then He led me to this video and I am thrilled to be able to share it with you!  I am overjoyed that someone else knows how life changing it is to experience being very close to God!!

That's about all I have time for now as Sabbath is close and I still have a session to do and feast to make.  Did I tell you that I bought a new vacuum cleaner and it actually works?  I don't dread vacuuming on Friday any more.  As Robert said, "It really sucks!"

Yahweh loves us far more than we could ever imagine.  I urge you to open your heart to Him right now!  He is very close to those who cry out to Him--VERY CLOSE!!

Happy Sabbath everyone,


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Happy August everyone.

Many people are needing my professional help today.  However I just found this and could not resist sharing it. YESSSSSSS  Many children have been raised in the great outdoors and have learned much from nature--including me!

Let's get outside and enjoy Summer while we can!

Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...