Monday, July 30, 2018

In this storm

I shared earlier that we had a tornado go through our farm in the early morning hours of July 3rd.  If you haven't seen that post, you may want to scroll down and read it before you read this one. 
Although I really believe what this song says, "That in His time HE will make everything right," sometimes it's hard to wait.  We haven't been the same ever since the tornado wrecked our farm.  Often I have noticed us looking at each other as though someone said something in another language that nobody can understand!  Even the babies have that absent look about them at times.
My work of helping folks get their energies balanced has slowed down!  At times I've even dreaded doing sessions due to how much harder they have been to do this month.  Sometimes I feel like I need to get outside of my head and give my brain a push--MOVE!!
This morning a dear friend, who is also an energy practitioner, asked if she can work on me--PRAISE THE LORD!  She said that our Heavenly Father has put me and my family on her heart all last week.  Anna said that she is working on completing her certification with the Body Code program and she needs people to work on.  She was feeling led by the Lord to ask me if that would be ok with me.
I was so grateful that Anna chose me to work on!!  When she asked what concerns I have, I mentioned that it seems like our entire family has it's energies scrambled since the tornado went through here.  It just missed our houses by 30 feet and snapped off massive trees and collapsed buildings but we were safe.
That's what I've been saying for a month and most gratefully, too!  However, as I ponder the after-affects of having that kind of power move through our farm just feet away from where we were sleeping, I have observed that the energies of our family are different somehow.
It's hard to explain what I mean but it's just been hard to think.  I'm reminded of my brothers placing some tin foil by the rabbit ears on our television set we had when I was young about 50 years ago.  The picture on the screen got all fuzzy--like when the programming ended at midnight.  Yes that actually happened in the dark ages.  lol
Anyway, I asked Anna if she could check to see if my family's energies got scrambled when the tornado went through here.  She said, "YES!"  Now THAT explains a LOT of what has been happening in the past few weeks.  I asked Anna if she could check into repairing the damage and she said, 'Yes!"
A little while later she said that she had done a Body Code session on us and was able to unscramble our energies.  Also she was instructed by our loving Heavenly Father to give us the energies of joy and comfort!  Doesn't that sound like Him? 
YES, He is so good to bring us healing through trained Christian practitioners!  I know that He leads me through each session that I do because I ask Him to lead me at the beginning of every session that I give to someone. God (the God of the Bible) the only living God, leads me through every session that I give so He gets the glory for all of the healing that comes out of each session. 
The God of creation created most of the healing modalities available to us nowadays.  Some modalities were created by the enemy to try to steal some of the glory for himself.  You can tell who created the program by the people who are drawn to it--good people are drawn to good programs and vice versa.  If a practitioner is all about themselves, RUN AWAY!!
God leads His practitioners to the trainings that He wants them to take; He helps us to learn the healing tools that He wants us to use; AND He directs each thought in each session.  This is GOD'S WORK!  I am happy to play a small role in it as the conduit through which His energy flows to the hurting ones He brings to me each day! 
I could go on and on about the thrills I experience as people get unscrambled from energies they have picked up in harmful circumstances of life.  I've had the pleasure of seeing God work in this way for over 11 years and I've dedicated my life to continuing the work that He has begun in me.
I wish that I had time to go into detail about all of the healing tools that He's given me.  I don't have that kind of time right now but a friend is designing a website for me that will do just that.  In the meantime, I would like to share Dr. Bradly Nelson with you.  Dr. Brad is the creator of the Body Code program which Anna used to help my family this morning.  Here he is to explain how God uses him to help free the captives of trapped emotions--which is all of us!
Thank you for reading this and thanks much for the prayers you've sent to our family in this difficult month.  God bless you all!!!
PS  I highly urge you to contact Anna at the Holistic Hub in Grand Forks ( or myself if you are needing any help balancing your energies.  We'd be glad to help as God directs us!   Being this work is done with our focused intent, we can work on anyone anywhere.  Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

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Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...