Sunday, September 2, 2018

Hanging on to Summer!

It's a brand new week and it's going to be a busy one--like they all are.  Produce needs to be put up for Winter; family and clients need to feel better; the wheat still isn't all combined due to recent rains; and then there's Fall cleaning.  Did any of you grow up doing Fall cleaning when every single item in the house had to be taken out and cleaned, repaired, or discarded?  It's a great idea but who has time to do it?
ANYWAY, Summer is waning and I don't want to admit it--like usual!  If I could just squeeze it a little bit harder then it won't leave, right? 
Here's a poem about Summer that I hope you all will like.  I suppose that those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are getting excited about it's approach.  For us here, we feel it leaving us and I, for one, am grieving.
Last night Robert and I took some friends out for supper in honor of their 45th wedding anniversary.  We wondered together where the years have gone.  How can it be that we're in our 60's?  Later, after ice cream at their house, they showed us pictures of their wedding day and they looked like kids!  I suppose we did too!!
I pray that you all have a safe and productive new week.  I pray that you grasp the value of each day of life you've been given.  I hope that you will love those around you like never before as they ARE what matter-- no matter what season of the year it is or what season of life you find yourself in. 
I ask for continued prayers for our family.  I hope that you like this photo of Summer on the Great Plains.  This isn't our farm, as we're not growing sunflowers any more, but I've always liked the sight of sunflower fields.  Aren't they gorgeous?
Here's a poem for you poetry lovers.

Natures beauty - a gift from God

The clouds weave in and out
 of the sky's embrace,
Blanketing the sun 
 yet exposing its glorious power. 
Nature dances and sings
 like a magnificent talented orchestra,
Showing its beauty  
 through the seasons of 
The Winter's snows, 
the Summer's warmth, 
the Spring's new beginning, 
And the Autumn's downpour of leaves.

Like a newborn baby,
 each day arises 
 and the sun is reborn--
Accepting all those 
 who embrace its glory 
 and gift of life,
As does the moon
 provide a light
 in the darkened skies,
To make a path 
 through the midnight blackness, 
Blending in with it 
 are stars like fireflies. 
This world, 
 this beauty of nature and life
 is a gift from God--
For those He has created
 to love and embrace it.
Copyright © | Year Posted 2016  modified by Dawn Bornemann
I embrace this life God has given to me today.  Even though Summer is waning, I'M ALIVE!!!!  Very soon I will celebrate my 12th anniversary from the day I died and knocked on the door of Heaven asking to be let in.  I'll always remember that moment.
It was after 3 months of relentless pain in my neck moving up into my head.  An angel came and told me that it was shingles on my brain.  This led to 750 beestings to keep living and finally BodyTalk which healed my nerves and saved my life.  Here's a link to my story from that awful time of my life:
I praise God for saving my life!!  I praise God for all of the Summers that He's helped me to say goodbye to and all the Autumn's he's blessed me with since 2006 when I lay dying.  The Lord is merciful to His children.  Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Have a great week serving the Lord,

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