Monday, September 14, 2020

God still uses prophets?

 I don't know what you think about the idea that prophets of God are living today.  I used to think that all stopped at the cross.  The prophets of Old Testament times told about Jesus's coming and He came.  They told about His death and He died.  They told He would rise from the dead and He rose from the dead. 

  The end!  What more needs to be said?  

  I didn't know any prophets so they must not exist.  What would God need prophets for today anyway? I really had no interest in this topic until one day I became a prophet. True, I only told one person what God had said but God told me to say it and it happened.

 About half a year before my mother died, Father told me that she would die soon.  I told my best friend that God had said my mother would die soon.  She calmly said, like she always does, "OK."  She knows of my walk with the Lord for decades and she, too, knew no prophets.  I'm sure she had her doubts about my "Hearing from the Lord" but she very kindly kept them to herself.

 Then my mother died.  She worked all day; felt a little off at suppertime; kept feeling worse so my dad took her to the clinic she went to.  At 8:13 PM she slumped over dead!  I won't get into her cause of death but I probably need to do that sometime as it concerns me greatly.

  So the prophecy of my mother's unexpected death woke something in me.  I started to wonder if God was telling other of His children about the future too.  You must imagine my delight when I found THE ELIJAH LIST which I've shared here numerous times.  Yes, God DOES speak to His children in our lifetime!

  This particular prophecy is hard to share.  I hesitate to share it due to the horrible images of child sacrifices.  However it is a word that is desperately needed today as our Presidential election draws closer.  

  I can recall laughing with my best friend, back in 2015, about "That Donald Trump!"  When he won the nomination, she said, "NOT DONALD TRUMP!"  We were both so glum because we only saw what the mainstream media wanted us to see about him.

  I remember starting to love Donald Trump during the debates.  Hillary was her usual rich bitch self and oh, so, smug!  I laughed for weeks over Trump's declaration, "I'll put you in jail."  Today as I watched this video, I laughed when I saw that those words are included in this video.

  This prophecy was made during the 2016 Presidential campaign.  It was made by a man of God who had heard from God many times.  It is an encouragement now, perhaps even more than at the time when it was shared, as our election draws closer.

  Satan is stirring up divisions in our country like never before.  I have been praying for some way to combat this. Perhaps this video is the tool to bring unity to the church of God?  

  Will you please join me in praying for our President?  He is clearly chosen by God to lead us through this tumultuous time with COVID; all the rioting; and all of the election fraud attempts.  When will people understand that they're not bigger than God?

  So I share this prophecy with you from Kim Clement.  May Father lead and guide you as you process this information.  Please share it as He leads you to share.  PLEASE pray for our President with greater confidence that he is chosen for such a time as this.  

  Much love,


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Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...