Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prayer service

I'm absolutely exhausted but I am encouraged to continue sharing to help others know a little of what to expect when it's your turn--plus it's just good therapy for me to write. Well, this is the way my mother looked in her pretty coffin. The necklace and earrings were given to her by my dad on their wedding day. It was hard for me to put them on her and think that they would be gone forever. My sister-in-law, Sharel, asked the mortician to take them off of her and give them to me afterwards. He said that they would be able to do that so then I wanted her to wear them as they were very special to her.
The mortician (Mr. Carlsen) said that she was so full of air because they kept trying to resuscitate her. The doctor was her friend, and did not want to give up on her, so he kept trying and trying but it was no use. Mr. Carlsen told us on Sunday that much of the swelling would go down but she still looked puffy in the face and neck here on Tuesday afternoon. She also had a bad bruise on her hand where they tried to get an IV started. She was shutting down, though, so nothing had worked. The bruise was on the hand away from the public so you had to really look to see it for which I was thankful. Here is my mother--Erdmuth (Kusler) Delzer. She used to say that her parents never gave her a middle name becuase they gave her such an ugly first name and that was enough. She liked "Erdie" much better and nobody even knew that her real name was Erdmuth. Her parents were both born in Russia and immigrated here as a young married couple.

Today went better than I thought it would so I praise God for all of your prayers. Still, these are the facts. My oldest brother has not responded to anyone since Saturday night so we don't know if he'll be at the funeral or not. He wasn't there today. My dad is NOT coping. My second oldest brother took him to the doctor for something to "Calm" him down this morning as he is a wreck. How I wish that I could have been given an opportunity to do a session (or 300) on him, but I wasn't. My youngest brother ruined his brain cells on drugs decades ago. I should have known better than to leave something real important to him as it bit me again today. He didn't tell my dad's sister from Bismarck about the prayer service. She came with a cousin of my dads who found out about it somehow. She kept saying over and over, "I didn't know about this," and glaring at ME!!! Thanks a lot Rick!!!

I'll write more later about how wonderful the pastor was and the friends the Lord sent to comfort me, but for now I'll just add this video. Our family sang one of our favorite hymns AND CAN IT BE. It went well and then I sang FIND US FAITHFUL. Cora videoed it with her camera so I'm not sure what the quality will be like. I know that it was far from my best singing but then, I've never sung for my mother's prayer service before. I wanted to do it, because I knew that she would have wanted me to sing, plus I had ulterior motives.

I spoke for a little while how I learned in '06 on my deathbed, that it was killing me to cling to all of these petty little grudges. I spoke of the joy that has come to me from learning to forgive others. Then I said that I want to leave to my children an example of faithfulness to God as He has blessed me soooooooooooo much. It was very hard but it was also very good. THEN I sang. Praise the Lord for the strength He gives us when He asks us to do something very difficult. Robert would call it "Stretching."
I can hardly wait to write more about seeing my Uncle David right before we came home. I haven't seen him in years, but it was as though we'd never parted to be in his big, strong bear hug tonight. :) His love carried me through my difficult teenage years as mentioned in my post called FULL OF BEAUTY. Some people just light up the world with their smiles. :) This is the only picture that I have of Uncle David and I together and it's taken in mom's kitchen. My brother, Rick, is in the white sweater. It sure was cold for April.

Well, here's the video. Thanks for all of your prayers and please continue praying us through tomorrow too. I'm praying for a rich harvest of souls for the kingdom to come out of mom's funeral--so is the pastor. :)
This is the last picture that I'll ever have taken with my mom. I'll say again that I hope that nobody is getting grossed out by this but it IS THE LAST PICTURE THAT I'LL EVER HAVE TAKEN WITH MY MOM! Death is real and it is permanent. In my case, my mother was sick 3 hours before her death. PLEASE people, if you love somebody, tell them every time that you think it because there will come a last time (if they go first). Aren't her flowers from our family just lovely?
Here I was trying to comfort dad minutes after he saw
mom's body for the first time. He hadn't seen her since
Saturday night when she collapsed right before her death.
I'll never forget how he sobbed, "Erdie, why did you leave
me?" as he wept over her body. How can you comfort
somebody who loved a girl for 70 years? They met when
he was 9 years old and he's 79 now. He said that he
always thought that she was such a pretty girl!

What more can I say but the words of Job, "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed by the name of the Lord." He doeth all things well!!! We just don't always understand what He is up to.
I love you all,

PS. Andrew said that it would take too long for him to get the video on tonight as he's just beat. He cleaned grain before and after the prayer service so I'll post it later on in the week.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mom's obituary

Here is Mom's obituary posted on Carlsen's website http://www.carlsenfh.com/Default.asp. Feel free to leave a comment as the Lord leads.

Erdmuth "Erdie" Delzer
10/10/1929 - 4/25/2009
Eureka, SD-Funeral service for Erdmuth “Erdie” Delzer, 79, of Eureka will be 2:00 pm, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at Eureka United Methodist Church. The Rev. Kyle Reinhiller will officiate.
Burial will be in the Eureka City Cemetery.
There will be a prayer service Tuesday at 2:00 pm with visitation from 1-6 pm and on Wednesday from 9:00 am to noon at the funeral home.
She died Saturday, April 25, 2009 at Avera Eureka Community Hospital.
Erdmuth Kusler, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Fried) Kusler was born October 10, 1929 on the family homestead near Artas, SD. She attended grade school in Artas and graduated from Eureka High School with the class of 1948. She worked at the Eureka Community Hospital as a nurse’s aide.
She was united in marriage to Harvey Delzer on December 3, 1950 in Eureka Evangelical United Brethren Church. They made their home in Washington, D.C. and Norfolk, VA while her husband was in the army. They moved back to Eureka in 1952. They began dairy farming and in 1958 quit milking but continued to raise small grains and beef cattle. They retired in 1992.
Erdie and Harvey enjoyed wintering in Weslaco, Texas for ten years. Music was very important to her; she enjoyed playing the piano and loved singing. She gardened flowers and vegetables and nothing was as important to her as her family, church and the Lord.
She was a member of Eureka Methodist Church, Ladies Aide and a past Sunday school teacher and choir director. She was also a member of the Avera Eureka Community Hospital Auxiliary and a past President. She was a member of the Red Hatters and sang with The Harmony Hens.
Survivors include her husband, three sons, Duard (Sharel) Delzer of Eureka, Russell (L.V.) Delzer of Williston, ND and Rick Delzer of Bismarck, ND, one daughter, Dawn (Robert) Bornemann of Kintyre, ND, one brother, Wallace (Irene) Kusler of Eureka and six grandchildren, Cody and Dylan Delzer, Cora, Andrew and Jacob Bornemann and Benjamin Delzer.
Her parents, two brothers and three sisters preceded her in death.
Casketbearers will be her grandchildren, Cody Delzer, Dylan Delzer, Cora Bornemann, Andrew Bornemann, Jacob Bornemann and Benjamin Delzer.
The organist will be Ramona Rau and The Artas Trio will provide special music.
Condolences may be sent to http://www.carlsenfh.com/

Carlsen Funeral Home of Eureka have been entrusted with arrangements.

Prayer for Wisdom

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been sending us prayers. WOW! I've often heard folks say that they knew that people were praying for them because they could feel it. I often wondered what they meant, but now I know. It's like this. Suddenly I'd be overcome with sorrow for my dad and felt like I couldn't breathe. Then, just as suddenly, it was gone and I had peace. I know that this kind of peace can only come from God and I bless each one of you who has prayed for us.

So yesterday afternoon we planned my mother's funeral. It was an interesting experience, if one removes the emotional content. I am thankful that the Lord prepared me somewhat for the shock of picking out the coffin for my mother. I can recall, when we were living in Bismarck, we took the youth group to tour a mortuary. It seemed like a strange place to take a group of teenagers, but they seemed very interested in it. That day the mortician had explained pretty much the whole procedure of preparing a corpse for the funeral. I'm sorry if anyone is getting upset or grossed out about this, but you don't HAVE to keep reading. I do think it was very helpful for me to be prepared for the whole process before I had to deal with it. It's my goal here, therefore, to be used by the Lord to help prepare others who may be facing this situation in the near future.

Well, 2 of my brothers didn't show so it was just Robert and I, plus my brother Duard and his wife Sharel, and my dad. Dad was so traumatized by mom's sudden death that he couldn't do anything but sob most of the time. What a blessing a supportive spouse is at a time like this as I squeezed Robert's hand a lot!!!!!!!!!!! It kind of reminded me of being in labor--I squeezed his hand so hard then that it turned white. :) I truthfully didn't notice if it was white yesterday.

This is the lobby of the mortuary where we will hold the prayer service tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. Our family is going to sing AND CAN IT BE. This has become a special hymn to me as it was sung by some friends around their mother's deathbed. The message is that God came to earth to die for us--why would HE except that He is the most incredible lover to exist? Also, this morning now I'm feeling the Lord urging me to sing FIND US FAITHFUL too. This is an awesome song about setting a good example for others to follow who come after us in life. Please be in prayer for our family as we seek to show others that following God is a joy and a blessing beyond anything that this world could ever offer!

This is a picture of my dad and Robert standing by the
coffin that we picked for my mother. It's very pretty with
roses on the corners in ceramic. There's a large rose inside
the lid and one dainty one on the pillow. It all looks very
nice with the dress we chose for her. Sometime I will
write about the process of going through her clothing and
jewelry trying to find just the "Right" thing for her to be
buried in. Right now it's just too painful but you can see
it draped over the coffin.

I had Robert take a picture of me by the coffin that my
mother will be buried in. This is what I looked like 20 hours
after the sudden death of my mother. I knew that I would
look rotten but somehow I wanted this moment preserved.
My mother loved growing roses and we all felt that she
would have liked this coffin the best.

After we picked the coffin, we went back to the office and were told that we needed to pick a coffin spray, which is the fancy word for the bouquet that they put on top of the coffin. Dad looked away; Duard cleared his throat; Robert offered a sympathizing look; and I gestured to Sharel that I needed help. She paged through the book and Robert looked over her shoulder. Now, the reason that this was so hard for me was because of all of the times that my mom had commented about this to me. I can hear her saying over and over, "I do NOT want anyone to give me flowers at my funeral who have never given me flowers while I was alive. It's just plain hypocrisy. Please promise me that you will not allow it." She was very adamant about this and I'm sure that in my desire to please her, I probably promised it.

Suddenly yesterday, I could see her point. I looked at my dad and wondered if he had EVER given her flowers. I know that Robert and I gave her flowers at times, so I felt ok about that, but I wondered if my brothers had ever given her flowers to say, "I think you're special." Mr. Carlsen, the mortician, told us that the family are the only people who can put flowers on the casket. It made me feel awful to pick out flowers for her that would be from them which was against her wishes.

I cried out to the Lord for peace in this and suddenly Sharel turned the page. I gasped with pleasure at the gorgeous Spring bouquet there and I knew that mom would have loved these flowers. The pinks in the picture matched the pink on the coffin and I'm praying that they will in reality too. It was just "Perfect" and I had peace. Sharel and Robert liked it too--still no response from Duard or Dad. We looked a little longer but there was nothing else quite so lovely, so we told Mr. Carlsen that we wanted that spray.

Another decision, "Do you want it with the roses or without?" He asked. Well, with Father Scrooge sitting right beside me, I was torn. The roses MADE it just gorgeous. When Sharel said, "How about if we get the roses and each family member takes one out at the cemetery?" I knew what to do. "YES, with the roses," I said and smiled at Sharel.

Then to the bulletin insert. For most of my life I have read Psalm 23 inside funeral bulletins--I think that's how I memorized it. Well, words are a big deal to me--I'm a writer after all! So when Mr. Carlsen asked what we want printed inside the bulletin I silently prayed, "Not Psalm 23 Lord!"

Nobody, not even Sharel who teaches high school English, cared a smidgen about this. At first, I was tempted to give in but then I thought, "No, this is my mother's funeral and I'm going to say how I feel about things now instead of moping about it later on." So I started digging through the book of possible quotes while Dad picked the bulletin cover.

There were several really nice readings in there but nobody was interested. Then I turned the page and I just knew what I wanted. Shortly after my first miscarriage a friend had drug me along to a women's retreat. The speaker, Kay Arthur, had spoken on how to rise above suffering. She had so dramatically shared a reading that it has stayed with me all of these years. It's called THE WEAVER. It talks about how God is weaving a beautiful portrait of each life. It looks different to Him, though, than it does to us for we only see a small portion of it at any given time. We often don't see from our vantage point that the black threads are just as necessary as the light ones to make the picture beautiful. We can trust in God, though, to work all things together for good to those who love Him.

When nobody said anything, I said that I wanted THE WEAVER and Mr. Carlsen said that it was not used very often which added to my joy. I'll print it later, when I have a copy, but for now I suppose I should get to making lunch. I'll add that we picked a guest book for the funeral with roses on it; thank you cards with roses on it; and Dad picked praying hands for the bulletin.

We took Dad home then and picked some hymns for the congregation to sing. Dad's neighbor came over to express condolences and had a long talk with him about managing his diabetes. I was very grateful to her for that as we are all burdened as to how he will manage there without mom to keep his meals and insulin regular.

We had knoepfle soup together for supper which Duard's neighbor (and my old high school singing buddy) had brought over. We finished our meal with peach kucken which Sharel's dad and mom had ordered sent over from the store. God bless all people who take food to families preparing a funeral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After supper, we picked some pictures of mom's life to put up at the funeral. I found mom's guest book and made a notation on the next fresh page. This is what I wrote, "My mother, Erdie Delzer, died on April 25, 2009." When we left, there were 3 signatures already of people who care enough about somebody in our family to come over and express their love for us in their own special way. Somehow we will get through this.

The biggest prayer request at this point is that my oldest brother, Russell, will somehow find it in his heart to forgive my parents for the pain that they put on him. He isn't sure if he will come or not and I would just as soon he not come if he is going to bring hatred with him. I think these thoughts are what prompted me to consider singing FIND US FAITHFUL tomorrow at the prayer service.
Ultimately, it is up to US to decide how we will live our lives. What I have learned through my 20 years of recovery works is that when we take responsibility for how WE TREAT OTHERS, then it is that we are freed from the dreadful human habit of pointing our finger at others and shouting, "You hurt me when you did this to me."


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Funeral arrangements

Well, somehow we got through the night--BodyTalk helped a lot! I kept doing cortices and switching and slept off and on.
I had forgotten that Cora had to babysit this morning, so we were short there for chores, but Robert helped.
My sister-in-law from Eureka called and said that we need to meet with the mortician this afternoon. Robert and I will go and leave the children home to do the night chores. I have many stressors here, not the least of them being the unresolved incest. Now the weather is bad--very wet snow plus cold temperatures. One thing that I do NOT want to have to do is spend the night in Eureka so PLEASE pray that it warms up so that we don't have to drive back on icy roads.
Well I need to go make some lunch; shower; and prepare for our journey. PLEASE CONTINUE COVERING US ALL WITH YOUR LOVING PRAYERS--I FEEL THEM AND I BLESS YOU FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Your mom is dead"

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FAMILY!!!!!!!!! I was out at chores and came in to a message. My younger brother called asking for prayer for my mother who had suffered a massive heart attack this evening. I hung up from him and my other brother's wife called and said, "Your mom is dead."
I'm numb.

Friday, April 24, 2009

God always knows

OK, I'll admit it. Last night I was feeling rather blue. The problems with the printers for 3 days; plus thinking of Andrew no longer being in my school soon; plus feeling slighted by someone whom I thought really cared about me all added up to tears at bedtime. Then this email came from a new friend--one of my BodyTalk clients who just happened to grow up in Eureka too. She ought to know how hard it gets at times dealing with all that Eureka throws at you. I truly believe that, if ever there were a hell on earth, it would be Eureka, SD. Many people who grew up there have horrible scars from the sin that runs rampant in those stubborn, unsubmissive-to-God hearts. Praise the Lord, though, He can heal all of our wounds when we run to Him for help. Sometimes He even has a friend send poetry, which speaks a language all it's own. Thanks a million, Gwen! May He surround you with friends always!

God must have known there would be times
we’d need a word of cheer,
Someone to praise a triumph
or brush away a tear.
He must have known we’d need to share
the joy of “little things.”
In order to appreciate
the happiness life brings.
I think He knew our troubled hearts
would sometimes throb with pain,
At trials and misfortunes,
or goals we can’t attain.
He knew we’d need the comfort
of an understanding heart
To give us strength and courage
to make a fresh, new start.
He knew we’d need companionship,
unselfish…. lasting…. true,
And so God answered the heart’s great need
with Cherished Friends…. like you!!
Written By: © Author Unknown

Printers :)

It has been a looooooooooooong 3 days. Cora, Jacob, and I are working on printing Andrew's graduation invitations. First our printer was totally stupid. It would print one or two and then all of a sudden leave huge streaks in the picture. I picked a picture of Andrew when he was a cute, little fellow sitting on Cora's desk. I imagine that he was dreaming of the day when he would be "Big enough" to have a desk of his own.

The next day we called our neighbors and asked if we could come over and print the invitations on their printer. Tamera said that we could but she only has black and white. Stacey wasn't home, but called later, and said that she would be happy to bring her almost new printer over here. Well, we got 6 printed that night with Stacey's printer when, guess what? All of a sudden we had streaks in the pictures again. Andrew said that it must have run out of black ink.

So yesterday Stacey called and said that she will use the darkest navy, blue ink when she runs out of black, and it's hard to tell that it isn't black. We tried it and IT WORKED--PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! So we got the invitations all printed AND the RSVP cards all printed and we were ecstatic! SO, after chores last night, we started working on the envelopes. Cora and Jacob worked over an hour trying to get one of the printers to print the envelopes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Every time that they tried printing one, it spit the envelope out at them again with all sorts of weird, gobble-dee-gook on it.

Well, I am determined that these are going out in the mail tomorrow!!! Now that it's snowing this morning, (yesterday it was 81 degrees here) Andrew can't clean grain. This means that he will be here to try to help us figure out the printer problem. I have decided, though, that even if he can't get it to work, we are going to HAND ADDRESS all 102 of them. Can you believe it? Like actually work at this? Sometimes I think that it would be easier to just do it all by hand--but then I think of my penmanship. ):

After chores this morning, I'll have to drive into Napoleon to buy post card stamps because I forgot to get them when I was in town the other day. Then we will put all of these stamps on the return address cards (which we hand cut by the way). Then we will match the return addresses on them to the addresses on the envelopes. We'll put the cards in the envelopes; stick in an invitation (still not all folded); pick the "Perfect" pictures for each family; put stamps on the envelopes; put them all in the mailbox tomorrow morning; and it will be over. I'm writing all of this so that you can know if you receive one of these in your mailbox on Monday, that we have gone through GREAT LENGTHS to get them to you. I should also mention that Tamera is going to pick us up more ink in Bismarck today so you can know that this has been a community effort. :)I thank you, Tamera, and you, Stacey, and you, Cora, and you, Jacob, and you, Andrew, for all of your help in this very simple task of printing the invitations.

Well anyway, here are some pictures that we took last Sabbath of the graduate who is worth all of the effort in the world to honor as the special son that he is. I love you Andrew! Thanks for letting me dote on you and get you just "Perfect" for your pictures, as is seen in this picture. :)

Robert's favorite picture of his son in whom he is well pleased. :)
It was my idea to have Andrew take his jacket off and
fling it over his shoulder in a casual way. At first he
thought that I was pretty goofy, but now he likes this
picture too.
Cora asked Andrew to sit like this and we all like the
affect of the formal clothing and a casual pose.
Here Andrew is unashamedly posing with
his "Good, old mom." I have to wonder what
our relationship would be like had he been
educated in the system. I love my "Shorty"
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!

Well since I started writing, Andrew woke up and worked on the printer. We feel a little better that he's having trouble with the printer too (it isn't just US) but that doesn't get the invitations out in the mailbox today. Still, I am determined to scratch this project off of my "To-do" list for the week. I decided, therefore, that they're going out TODAY even if we have to HAND ADDRESS them--how is that for old fashioned? :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And the answer is--TO SIGN!

Well, I actually did decide to sign the lease papers last week when we were up in Bismarck for the American Family Association's Tea Party. These are the pictures of that day--one from the tea party and some of me signing the lease. However there arose a few technical problems which made me doubt the decision to sign--until yesterday. I'll explain that in a minute.

This is a picture that struck me as interesting at the Tea Party. Another one that I won't quickly forget was held up by a young man. It said, "God Bless America," except that the word BLESS was scratched out and the word, "Forgive" put in it's place. WOW. I would encourage you to read more about our time at the Tea Party on Cora's blog post called, "Taxes are patriotic?" Her blog is listed in my favorites and it's called, "Maiden in the house of God."

Here are some pictures of the building that houses the North Dakota BodyTalk Center. I like the building very much and the office is lovely, so what's the problem? Well, it's like this. When you have 5 people planning to share the same space, there's bound to be a few problems. Even with BodyTalkers, who continually work on their emotional issues, people have different views on things. For example, my friend took some extra pillows down to the center to use with her clients. Now this didn't mean that these were the pillows that would stay there permanently, but it's how she got started. Well, another one of the practitioners pointed out that we probably would be better off using foam pillows, instead of feather ones, because of potential allergic reactions to feather pillows. That is indeed a very good point, but how do you tell someone that they should have thought of that themselves--and we are talking about people that we love?

I think that my biggest problem in fitting into this group is going to be that I'm the only farmer. I hate to say it but city people and farm people do not exactly see eye-to-eye on all things. :) One person may term, "Working my butt off" as spending 2 extra hours a day (after the 8 hour work day) on a project. Around here, when we work 6 days straight of 16 hours each, we say that we've been "Working our butts off." Also, I did notice yesterday that my van was the dirtiest one in the parking lot! Now I know that our roads have been one sloppy mud mess for weeks. Why, we're grateful when our roads aren't covered with water (that's a switch from the dessert that we've been living in). However, when you're parked in a parking lot with 100 other cars that all pretty much look as though they've been through a car wash sometime in the past 24 hours, you notice the difference. Especially when you're sitting out in the van eating your packed lunch instead of hitting the fast food restaurants. Truthfully, I have no desire to spend time getting used to Bismarck--I can't stand all of the people piled together; all of the noise; and all of the splashing of money around. However, God has called me to spend one day a week in that urban jungle. I'm just going to have to learn to swallow hard, I guess, and focus on my purpose in being there.

So why am I making this change in my life?

I went up to work at the North Dakota BodyTalk Center yesterday. I saw clients most of the day and one last night. It was the most uplifting day that I've had (other than the BodyTalk clinic day) in a long time. I did this on 6 hours of sleep the night before (I used to need 10 hours just to drag through the day). I left Bismarck, after getting a few groceries, at 9:00 PM; drove the hour home singing/humming most of the way; and was in my spot for family prayer just like always at 10:30. Oh yes, I should also say that I drug a bunch of stuff in and out of the center too--and picked up Andrew's Senior pictures and got some things for the farm. How in the world did I ever get the energy to do all of that?
Here's the picture of another reason that I decided to say, "Yes." This is a picture of my adopted sis, Ellen, and me. Like she says it, "We just resonate with each other." :) Many common problems in life and a deep love for the Lord and family AND BodyTalk, has brought us together. Wait until you get a sesssion from her? :) What I love the most about Ellen is her soft, comforting voice. Thank you God for bringing me this sister to love!!!

Well, there's nothing like being happy with the work that you're doing. What makes me happy is helping people. The helping that I like the very best is pointing them to the Lord's plan for a happy life--which includes good health. I TRULY LOVE DOING BODYTALK SESSIONS ON PEOPLE!!!!!
OK, I'll admit that after the meeting with the Center ladies yesterday, I was a bit weary at the thought of another session plus the drive home. However, when Cindy got on the table and we started relating to each other, the healing that the Lord had for her through that session brought me closer to this friend of a decade. She shared her struggles with me and I with her and we cried together. It was so cleansing and so healing and so invigorating that I forgot all about being tired. She helped me carry my stuff out to the car and we embraced as stronger women and stronger friends than ever before. WOW--what a session it was and I know that her life is better because of it. She doesn't feel so helpless in her current struggle and can see several options for making it more bearable. WOW. To think that God allows me the privilege of making that kind of difference in someone's life is so humbling as I know that He leads every session. HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD TO ME!!!
So yes, after a long delay, here is the picture of me signing the one year lease to the building located at 1102 South Washington in Bismarck, ND. We're in Suite #311 with the daffodills on the beautful cherry wood coffee table in the reception area. I encourage everyone to come and visit us and meet my wonderful BodyTalk friends. Maybe you may even want to try a session. :)

I'm sure that there will be difficulties in this new business relationship as there are in all of life. However, the rewards of being able to help people find their way back to God are so fantastic as to even be eternal. One client said yesterday, "It's as though the more sessions I have, the more I realize that God accepts me just as I am." PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Please keep our center in your prayers in the days ahead as we make plans for a grand opening sometime this summer--when everything in there is "Perfect."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I did it!

Well, I did it all on my own. If you want to see, you can go to: http://wwprayerchapel.blogspot.com/. Please feel free to add your prayer requests and answers to prayers.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prayer blog?

There's been an idea rolling around in my head for a long time. It's mostly because we're not affiliated with any certain denomination any more. We were Baptists, until we started keeping the Jewish Sabbath, but it's been 13 years since we left the Baptist church. There's just some times, though, that a person needs prayer for themselves or a loved one and there isn't a church available to help with this.

This situation has troubled me for a long time so I will share my idea with you all. I've been thinking of setting up a separate blog called THE PRAYER CHAPEL, where people can come and list their prayer needs. Anyone who has some extra time to pray can go there and spend some time praying for others. If someone has a prayer need of any size, they can list it there for the body of Christ to raise up to the King.

The thing that I would really like to see is that, WHEN the Lord answers the prayer, that the person who made the request would post about how the Lord helped them through their trial. In this way, the Lord would be glorified as the one that anyone can turn to with needs. This would surely please the King. Also, those of us who feel like we are all alone in the world would be able to take comfort in knowing that we are never completely alone. There is a remnant all around us--we just don't know where they are. Perhaps this online prayer chapel would be able to strengthen all of us who feel alone?

Does anyone other than me like this idea? If so, could you please let me know?



Friday, April 17, 2009


I thought that I'd take a few moments to recall the "Joys" of Bee Venom Therapy. Here is a picture of Cora getting ready to sting me with the bee. This was taken in November of 2006. The bee venom was the only thing keeping me alive until the Lord led me to BodyTalk in June of 2007. Cora and I agree wholeheartedly that BodyTalk (BT) sessions are MUCH more pleasant than Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). I tease her that I just took out a V. I went from BVT to BT --what a difference that V makes. Read the whole story below of why I needed the bee venom therapy in the first place.

The first thing that we did was I poked around on my neck to find the most tender areas. Cora marked these 5 spots with a washable marker. I numbed the area with an ice cube while Cora dug the bees out of the jar one at a time. We learned that it worked best to chill the jar of bees in the frig for about 20 minutes beforehand so that they weren't all trying to get out when she opened the jar to get one. I truly think that Cora had the hardest part in this deal as my neck was numb through the whole process. True, during the first 2 weeks of BVT there is much swelling and itching around the bee stings, but after the body gets used to it, this subsides.

Most of the bee stings went into my neck where the shingles had started, but many times there was much pain on my head as the shingles had spread upwards to my brain. Here Cora has found the X, by digging through my hair, and has put the bee on my skin. Usually the bee would be ready to sting by the time she had dug it out of the jar and came over to the dining room. However, sometimes the bee was still cold from being in the frig too long. Then I would hear Cora blowing her warm breath on the bee to try to get it angry enough to sting. When it thawed enough to respond to her squeezing it with the tweezers, she put the bee on the tender areas marked with Xs. She waited until the bee threw it's stinger into my skin and then gently tugged on it so that it detached it's stinger from it's body. Cora always had a napkin there where she crushed the bee as it would die anyway without it's stinger. I can recall feeling relieved at the knowledge that it was dead and couldn't sting me. :) "Now wait a minute," I'd catch myself thinking, "I WANT it to sting me." How bizarre, but when you're dying, anything is worth trying. AND IT WORKED. It kept me alive, but I still prefer BodyTalk sessions. :)

Dear friends,
I know that Cora wrote on her blog that I would explain about the picture of the building she showed on Wednesday. Well, I don't have time now to write about it so you'll have to just keep your curiosity under control. :) Still, I do want to keep in touch with everyone so I thought that I'd print what I handed out at the BodyTalk clinic day on April 5th to all of the folks I worked on. It's the story of how God used BodyTalk to save my life. It's a VERY short story of my whole life--kind of like reading the Reader's Digest. It leaves a LOT out, but you can get the drift. It's been rough, but God has seen me through every storm and now I actually have hope to offer to others who are hurting. That is a clue about the building, by the way. I hope to tell all soon, when all of the bugs are worked out, so thanks for your patience. :)

All of my life I've dreamed of being strong and healthy. The stresses of growing up in a severely abusive home took their toll on my health and I was suicidal much of the time. 28 years ago I married an organic farmer, which led to more stresses, as we seemed to be plagued with droughts and attacks by Monsanto. My husband and I decided to home school our 3 children 17 years ago, which has been a huge blessing to our family, but not without stress.
All of this stress affected my fertility and I began having miscarriages, which led to further depression. Then about 10 years ago, I started dealing with cancer which I treated myself herbally. I had read the book, THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS, 5 years previous, and when the lump on my hand was the size of a marble, I began the herbal cure that Dr. Clark highlighted in the book. It worked! The lump shrank; the pain went away; and I tried to forget the whole deal. It was easy to forget until a new lump appeared and I again was fighting the pain which I pray that none of my loved ones will ever know. I again used THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS and it worked again and I praised God for His ways of dealing with things. Then I pushed it out of my mind and went on as though nothing had happened--AGAIN!
After another miscarriage, though, I became angry at my complacency to my "Lot in life." My husband and I then felt the Lord leading us to take a 27 week course on abuse by Dr. Paul Hegstrom. You can receive help from his organization too, if you feel the need, by contacting:
http://www.lifeskillsintl.org/whatwedo.htm. This course helped me to see how I was abusing myself by dwelling on negative thoughts. I had grown up hearing that I was "So stupid, fat, and ugly that no man would ever love me." In the abuse class, though, I learned that I didn't have to believe THIS LIE!!! I learned that by dwelling on thoughts like that, I was setting myself up for repeated illness; continued abuse; and a lifetime of sorrow. Taking Dr. Hegstrom's class was a turning point in my life for I began to see myself as someone who COULD do something about my problems.
It takes time, however, to make changes in our thinking and a lifetime of stress took it's toll on my health. I found myself on my deathbed, with internal shingles on my brain, in the fall of 2006. I then went to a health center for 18 days where they used bee venom therapy (BVT) to jump-start my immune system. I learned that after 3 months of nerve torment, my immune system had shut down. The bee sting was viewed by my body as an attack so it rallied my immune system and went to war against the pain. Bee venom also has an anti-inflammatory which took down the swelling in my damaged nerves. The neatest thing, though, as I recall this is that God put an anti-depressant into bee venom. I remember telling people that God maybe looks at it like this, "If someone is so sick that they need to be stung by bees, then they should have a little laughter in their life." My then 20-year-old daughter continued the BVT for a year (5 bee stings a day) at which point my body started to resist the bee venom--the only thing that was keeping me alive.
This was when my naturopathic doctor, Dr. Faye Johnson, encouraged me to begin full-hour BodyTalk sessions with Elizabeth Hanson. She also encouraged me to take the 1 day BodyTalk Access class, which I did in June of 2007. I faithfully did the Access routine (which takes about half an hour) on myself twice a day and at the end of 6 weeks, enough healing had taken place that I was down to 1 bee sting a day. This progress; the increased strength; and lessening of pain prompted me to take the 5 day BodyTalk class in September of 2007. People like myself who know very little to nothing about BodyTalk come together to hear the lesson; see it demonstrated by the teacher; and then they practiced the procedures on a buddy. We all just read out of our books what to do and say, so I hadn't expected much out of the class in the line of personal healing, but I was wrong. On the last day of class, when Elizabeth checked me, I no longer needed bee venom therapy as there was sufficient healing in my nerves for me to do without it. WHAT A JOY THAT NEWS WAS!!!!!!!!! We cried together; hugged each other; and knew that we were on to something that can REALLY can change lives. When I got home and told my family that I no longer needed bee stings, we celebrated like never before. The Lord had gotten us past the worst part of internal shingles on the brain.
Since then I've given myself over 460 BodyTalk sessions, plus continuing sessions with Mrs. Hanson. When I started with BodyTalk in 2007, I had only 2 goals which were to get rid of the constant pain in my shoulders and neck and to get off of the bee venom therapy. However, through BodyTalk, I have been given so much more than this!! Let me explain. BodyTalk sessions uncover the root causes of illness and balance the person to them. When people dwell on negative thoughts and negative feelings, communication breaks down in the body. BodyTalk sessions re-establish the inner communication which is essential to good health. Now I am happier than I ever thought possible. My strength is almost back to what it was before the shingles on my brain and, as long as I guard against negative thoughts, my pain level is less than what it's been most of my life. I praise God for this miracle called BodyTalk for I am convinced that had He not brought it into my life when He did, I would not be here to share the good news of BodyTalk with you. My life truly is a miracle!!!!! To summarize my thoughts on all that the Lord has brought me through, I quote the words of Clarance the angel in our favorite family movie, "It's a wonderful life!!!"

So now you too have been given the opportunity to experience a short BodyTalk session. If you would like to continue experiencing the healing miracles possible through BodyTalk sessions with me, feel free to contact me. Sessions last an hour and cost $30. Feel free to email me at savedbybodytalk@gmail.com to set up a time to get together. I'm praying that you too will open your heart to the wonderful life that God has planned for you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The geese escaped

Our geese like to roam around the farm eating bugs and that's ok. However, wherever they go, they leave deposits that are NOT fun to step into. So late last Fall, we locked them up and all winter they have been content to eat their oats off of the snow. All winter it has been so peaceful not to have to deal with hissing geese all over the place. Well, they escaped late last night.
We have been feeding them in a small pen close to the calves and had put a gate just at the right height so that they could get in and out, but the calves couldn't. Well about 3 weeks ago, the stock cows caught a whiff of the grain and broke into that small pen and started eating the geese's grain. So Jacob outsmarted them and now feeds the geese in the calf pen as we moved the calves out of there for better quarters. Well, now the geese found the breach in the fence that the cows had made and they are OUT.

For now they are content to be down in the pond formed by all of the Spring runoff, but soon they will be wandering all OVER THE FARM. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Anyway, here are some pictures of them joyfully making their way across the pasture to the pond and then enjoying a swim after a long winter of being cooped up away from the water that they love. I must admit, they're kind of pretty. We have about 20 of them but these are the leaders in the jail break. I'll try to get a picture when the pond is full of them later, but no promises.

Tiptoeing on her way to the pond she thinks, "I got out, I got out."
"It is soooooo nice to have some water around here
after all of that snow."

"I wonder what's under here?"
Don't you just love watching animals? I hope that you are enjoying Spring just as much as I am
--now that it has finally arrived. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Morning and Evening

Dear friends,
So many times I wish that I had the time to share with you the day's devotional from the book MORNING AND EVENING by Charles Spurgeon. Well, tonight the vet is here with Cora's heifer who has had nothing but troubles. Robert and Cora are out with him in the maternity ward; the boys are in bed; and I was blessed AGAIN by what I read so I will share the evening reading for today. The Scripture passage is Psalm 25:18 which reads: Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.

It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked with pleas concerning our sins--when, being under God's hand, we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our offenses against God. It is well, also, to take both sorrow and sin to the same place. It was to God that David carried his sorrow: it was to God that David confessed his sin. Observe, then, we must take our sorrows to God. Even your little sorrows you may roll upon God, for He counteth the hairs of your head; and your great sorrows you may commit to Him, for He holdeth the ocean in the hollow of His hand. Go to Him, whatever your present trouble may be, and you shall find Him able and willing to receive you. We must take our sins to God too! We must carry them to the cross; that the blood may fall upon them; to purge away their guilt; and to destroy their defiling power.
The special lesson of the text is this--that we are to go to the Lord with sorrows and with sins in the right spirit. Note that all David asks concerning his sorrow is, "Look upon mine affliction and my pain," but the next petition is vastly more expressed, definite, decided, plain. "Forgive all my sins." Many sufferers would have put it, "Remove my affliction and my pain and look at my sins." But David does not say so: he cries, "Lord, as for my affliction and my pain, I will not dictate to thy wisdom. Lord, look at them, I will leave them to thee. I should be glad to have my pain removed, but do as thou wilt; but as for my sins, Lord, I know what I want with them: I MUST HAVE THEM FORGIVEN. I cannot endure to lie under their curse for a moment."
A Christian should count sorrow lighter in the scale than sin; he can bear that his troubles shall continue, but he cannot support the burden of his transgressions.

Isn't that great? So many times I go to God and beg for relief from the pain that the world causes me. How about the pain that my sin causes to God? Oh God, please forgive me for all of the times I weigh my pain above yours. Help me to more carefully ponder every thought, word, and deed with the knowledge that it will cause you either joy or sorrow. Oh that every moment of my life would be a sweet savor to you dear God, who made me and sustains me.

I'll close with the words of a special praise chorus that I'm singing to my wonderful Heavenly father right now. Maybe I can think of a way to put my songs on here for you to listen to? I know, I'll ask Andrew. :)

I love you Lord and I lift my voice,
To worship you, oh my soul rejoice,
Take joy my King in what you hear,
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Finally the picture of Harris and Shirley

Praise the Lord for my son, Andrew! Although this isn't a very good picture, he helped me to get this from the Alfred church website to here. We didn't end up going to the church's anniversary party last summer, although we had planned to go, because it was the day after Harris's funeral. Nobody here felt much like celebrating after that so we stayed at home and moped. If you want to clearly read the tribute that the church wrote up for Harris, go to the the Alfred site listed in my favorite links and click on 75th anniversary. Go to the bottom if you want to read the tribute of a truly great man--my adopted papa who now lives with the Lord. I guess that makes it one more reason that I look forward to my graduation day, which is what Robert calls death. But for now, there is still a LOT of work to be done so I close with wishes for a happy Sabbath and a joyous Passover celebration to those who participate in the feasts.
In Him,


To sign or not to sign--that is the question

My adopted sis, Ellen, called last night and laid it on the line. This is how it is. Today they're painting the North Dakota BodyTalk Center. I explained that, even if I did go in with them on this new venture, I wouldn't be able to help paint as I get sick from the fumes. She laughed and said that that wasn't why she called. This is the reason.
On Monday, they will be signing the lease and all of the people who will be working out of that office need to be present to sign. Yes, that means with checkbook in hand. Now it really is a good price for the location in Bismarck--right on Washington Street off of the Expressway. This really is an ideal location AND the energies in the building are great. The ND Right to Life office is in the building; a hospice group is located there; a massage therapist and a chiropractor are also in the building. These are all people committed to helping others PLUS several alternative health care practitioners. My friends, (Liz, Ellen, Donna, & Jean) all love the Lord and want to help people to get well as I do.
So what could be wrong with this situation? Well, first of all, I've never left the farm to work in our 28 years of marriage as I am committed to making farming work. I love farming. I love working with animals and helping with haying and being outside generally. I love my milk cow, Clara, who will suffer terribly in Cora's hands, if I make this step. That was a joke as Cora is a cow nut too. Still, I would probably consider selling her if I were to be gone much from here. At this point I'm thinking that I'd only go up to Bismarck (60 miles) 1 day a week but it could grow.
I still have 5 years of home schooling left with Jacob after I graduate Andrew in June. Jacob seems drawn to BodyTalk, though, so this would be a great opportunity for him to rub shoulders with other BodyTalkers and learn how to help run the office.
I'm so torn as Robert is really encouraging me to do this but the children aren't so thrilled at the thought of me being gone on a regular basis--they've never had a mom who did this before.
Still, this morning in the milk barn, I asked them to voice the pros and cons that they see. Guess what? I only heard pros. Maybe they were just trying to be nice as they know how much I love helping people through BodyTalk.
After a long talk with Ellen last night she assured me that all of them feel that the Lord wants me to join the group. She even offered that I can stay with her family if the weather is ever bad when I'm in Bismarck.
I really don't expect any replies to this but it's just sooooooooo good to write out my thoughts. Like Lane says, writing does help one to think better. It's also a relief for me, similar to playing piano, to get things OUT instead of mulling over them inside all day long and giving myself a headache.
Well, if any of you are prayer warriers out there and you feel led to cover me with prayers this weekend, I'd be VERY grateful. I'll need to be in Bismarck on Monday to sign the papers if/when I feel led to pursue becoming an official part of the North Dakota BodyTalk Center.
So the question of the moment in my mind is, "To sign or not to sign."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Protect ourselves

Dear friends,
I just read this on a blog and thought I would post it for your consideration. The young man who is hosting this event at his farm near Leeds, Christopher Scigliano, is a friend of our family. Almost everyone is aware of the troubles in our land these days, but nobody is sure of what to do about them. Well, these people at:www.appleseedinfo.org have a plan to educate and train us to prepare for an uncertain future. Please read my further comments at the bottom.

Learn to be A Marksman at an Appleseed Shoot! An Appleseed Shoot is a nationally renowned homeschool-friendly event for families and others who want to learn to shoot expertly and rediscover their Revolutionary War heritage. Time: 8:30am Saturday, May 30 through 4:00 pm Sunday the 31st.Location: Chris Scigliano's farm (6530 57th Ave NE, Leeds, ND, 58346), 4.5 miles north of Highway 2 on 57th Avenue (57th Ave is one mile east of Leeds). There will be signs from Hwy 2. Contact information: Chris Scigliano's cell at 701-771-2534 or christopherscigliano@hotmail.com. Cost: Free to women, those under age 21, and military. Adults cost $70 for the two days or $45 for one day.
The Appleseed Program is designed to take you from being a simple rifle owner to being a true rifleman. All throughout American history, the rifleman has been defined as a marksman capable of hitting a man-sized target from 500 yards away — no ifs, ands or buts. This 500-yard range is traditionally known as "the rifleman's quarter-mile." A rifleman can hit just about any target he can see. This skill was particulary evident in the birth of our country, and made the difference in winning the Revolutionary War. You'll hear the story that every American should hear; about how your forebears took up arms, on the first day of the American Revolution, and did things no other people in the world have ever done. You'll learn things you don't learn in school about that day. About where the Revolution really started — it didn't start in Lexington, nor did it start in Concord. According to Sam Adams, it was over before it started. Be there to hear The Story; because to hear it is to remember what they did that day, and to remember is to honor them for doing it. For more information about the Appleseed program; to register for the event; or to find out what to bring and how to prepare, please check out www.appleseedinfo.org.

I read once about Sweden outlawing guns. Within a year there was utter chaos as the criminals all had their guns while the law-abiding citizens were defenseless. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN HERE! It's only in being prepared in ALL ways, including spiritually, that we can hope to defend ourselves against the threat of the United Nations taking over our country and taking away our freedoms.
Please prayerfully read this information and send it to whomever the Lord leads you to share it with. I think that Andrew will probably be allowed to go but the rest of us will be needed here at home. Let's all prayerfully consider our preparations for the future.

Remembering Harris today

Today is a bummer day. I know that I'm shooting myself in the foot with this attitude but it's true--today is a bummer day. Today is the day that they're selling all of Harris and Shirley's farm equipment and tools. Some of you may recall my writing that Harris is the closest thing to a dad that I've ever had, seeing as mine is obsessed with his money no matter how many times I've shown him Scrooge when he's here. ): God gave me a father substitute in Harris Kinzler and then He took Harris away last June in a tragic farm accident. I've never really understood what was the sense of taking away my friend/father substitute at the mere age of 66. I guess it's something that I'll have to take up with God when I see Him later.

I tried. I really tried to think about going to the sale but my stomach tied up in knots every time I went there in my mind. Finally my family just said that I could stay at home if it would distress me so much to go and see Harris's life work auctioned off to the highest bidder. Harris and Shirley both worked very hard. I'm enclosing the link so that you can see what they all built up in his lifetime. http://www.steffesauctioneers.com/. Go under Harris and Shirley Kinzler and look at the slide show at the bottom of the sale bill.

The sad part is that they never had a son to take over the operation. I guess we always knew that someday there would be an auction sale, but not for at least 10 years. Why is it that we never are prepared for the death of a loved one? We all know that we are but dust on the earth and yet, when death comes and takes away somebody that we love, we're shocked.

I wish that I had something cheerful or brilliant to say, but it's just a bummer day. If there was anything worth saying, it would be that I loved Harris Kinzler. I'm VERY thankful that he counted me as one of his friends. I'm very thankful for the years that we had together in the Alfred church; at their farm; or here. Harris just was unforgettable in his friendly way; in the way that he shared his wisdom; in his strength of character; in his encouragement to keep fighting the good fight; and in his incredible work ethic. The church dedicated it's 75th anniversary celebration to Harris as it was held the day after his funeral. If Andrew were here, I'd post the tribute that the church made to Harris but I can't seem to get this thing to do what I want it to do.

Best go soak.

Friends are the choclate chips in the cookie of life

Wow--isn't it wonderful to have friends? The Keisters stopped by this morning to pick up their Azure order. In appreciation for getting it for them from Dawson almost every month, they ordered us a box of pineapples. WE LOVE FRESH PINEAPPLE! See if these pictures don't make your mouth water.

Monday, April 6, 2009


WOW--it has been an exciting 2 days here. Yesterday I got to be part of the first ever BodyTalk clinic day in Bismarck, ND. These are being done around the world to let people experience BodyTalk for themselves at no expense. I'm including pictures of my fellow BodyTalkers who are my new friends. I may not ever have written here that most of my friends rejected me after I began using BodyTalk to recover my health after the shingles. This was very hurtful as these were the people who had been praying for me to get well during my long illness. People are so afraid of what they know nothing about that they reject it without proper analysis, which in my opinion would at least involve having a BT session. Robert puts it this way, "People put God into the box with their definition of how much He can do to help them." I'm thankful now that I was too ill to do so because, not only have I gotten well, but also God is allowing me the incredible joy of helping others to get well too. Not only that, but God has given me new friends who also have a heart for the sick. All of us donated our time yesterday, and gas to get there, because we know that BodyTalk can help EVERYONE who has pain or sickness. About 150 people came in for short, free sessions and I rejoice to have been one of those giving these people new hope.

I worked on a woman who had an emotional reason for the pain she's had in her foot the past 2 years. I worked on an 8 year old boy who had an emotional reason for the rash which has covered his body for years. I worked on a 77 year old woman who got shingles 2 years ago and has lived with the same unbearable pain I lived with ever since. I worked on a sprained ankle; a small child with a cold; and another small child with an inherited nervous system condition and many others. All the while I prayed to God for wisdom to be able to do what most needed doing and for peace to come to these over-stressed systems. I praise my Heavenly Father for the good work which He began yesterday through us 17 BodyTalk practitioners.

Here are some pictures of the day. This is a client of mine from Bismarck but I had a shocker when I was doing her session. She had to be balanced to her home town which she said was Eureka, SD. I gasped as that is where I was born and raised. I asked her maiden name and it turns out that her older sister was my classmate for all 12 years of public school. This was most shocking. She started laughing and said that she had told her husband after I had visited their home, "I wonder if she isn't Dawn Delzer." I said, "Yes, I was." They both started laughing and she said, "Well, you sang for our wedding." I joined their laughter then. I used to sing for weddings a LOT but hadn't recalled theirs. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord brings people together?

It was such a blessing that Robert was able to spend the day with me as I had been wanting him to meet my new friends. Here he is getting a session from Esther Hanson, the worlds' youngest certified BodyTalk practitioner. It was so neat to work next to Esther as she is such a miracle. She went from autistic to CBP in 6 years thanks to her mom's and other practitioner's hard work at restoring her brain through hundreds of sessions. Then Esther continued the hard work for 2 years as she mastered all of the BT techniques--there is a LOT to learn.

One of the people that I "Lost" when I turned to BT for help with my health was a woman who used to call herself my sister in the Lord. Well, the Lord CAN restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Working here is my new adopted sis, Ellen. She was so happy all day to be able to give her services away for free to those who came. She gives one powerful BT session. The most exciting part of the day was that 4 of the ladies up in Bismarck are opening a BT clinic and Ellen is one of them. They asked me if I want to go in with them so now I have something new to ponder. I would only go up one day a week for now but it could grow into something more. Who knows? The answer is that God knows. Isn't Ellen beautiful? The other picture is of the group working with my aunt Donna closest sitting with a blue sweater on. She too would have died without BodyTalk sessions but now she is helping others to recover their lost health thanks to this miracle called BodyTalk!!!

This last picture was of us tapping on our husbands. First is Liz and Steve Braus; next Elizabeth and Scott Hanson, next is Donna and Yatsin Berger; then myself and Robert; and last but not least is Jean and Bob Landseidel. Now, I normally list a husband's name first because he is the head of the house, but in this case I listed the ladies first as they are the BT practitioners who worked very hard to get to this day--many of us conquering life-threatening illnesses. Elizabeth said that she wanted a picture of our men because they are the ones who keep us going. How true. Robert also commented that he was surprised how I kept going all day yesterday doing sessions and never even thought of a break other than our short lunch break. I LOVE DOING BODYTALK SESSIONS AS EACH ONE IS A MYSTERY!!! What an incredibly wonderful day it was.

Today was great too as we learned that the Senate approved the home school bill. Now it must pass the House ed. committee's scrutiny once again and then go to the governor. If passed, our children will be able to home school their children without government hassles provided that the test results stay high during the next 2 years as they will review them in 2 years. Before this you had to have a teacher's certificate; 4 year degree; or pass the national teacher's exam in order to home school without a monitor. This is sooooooooooooooo exciting. True, like Robert says, "We wouldn't have had to get into this fight as we already are set for home schooling seeing as I have a 4 year degree AND passed the National Teacher's Exam," but we fought for our children to be able to home school their children as none of them most likely will have a collage degree and taking the NTE was NO FUN!!! I studied a full year to pass that one but now our children will be able to home school their children with their diploma they received from our school on their graduation day. Oh yes, mark your calanders for June 7th as that is Andrew's graduation day.

WOW--I wish that I could sing for you all right now as I know what I'd sing. We used to sing a neat song in church choir in Eureka decades ago but it's ringing fresh in my mind tonight. I don't even remember the exact name of it but the words go like this.

If it keeps getting better and better. If He keeps on pouring it on.

If my heart just keeps getting richer. If He keeps on giving a song.

If my cup gets fuller and fuller. If my prayers keep on getting through.

If it keeps getting better and better, oh Lord, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I praise the Lord who took me out of the depths of despair 3 years ago and has kept me safe under the shadow of His wings and now gives me the joy of sharing His hope with a hurting world.


Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, the big news around here is that Andrew started his very own blog yesterday. If you knew Andrew, you would know what a miracle this is!! He used to cry when he had to go to his room, after a reading lesson, and summarize his thoughts about it--literally cry. It's so neat what he named his blog too. I won't tell you about it because he did it so much better than I could. I STRONGLY encourage you to go here: http://andrewbornemann.blogspot.com/ and read my son's thoughts if you would like another viewpoint on what is happening around here. It was interesting to read that, from Andrew's perspective, we have "Had a few problems" with calving due to the wet weather. I would call it a few nightmares but it's good to know that he isn't phased by lugging calves over 4 foot snowbanks, as I would be. Anyway, he did all kinds of neat things with his blog so maybe I'll get more creative and spice mine up a bit too. Andrew has always been the leader in technology-mindedness around here. I just watch what he does and sooner or later, I figure it out. :)

The second big news is that Cora is in her room right now designing her blog. She works from morning to night around here, hardly ever thinking of her own needs, so I am soooooo happy for her. She has been holding off because her papa has thought that people who blog think that they're "Pretty special" for thinking that the whole world wants to know their thoughts. He got this impression from his first blog reading which happened to be written by this kind of a person, which is unfortunate. However, I think it's wonderful for people to be able to express themselves in this way. Twice now "Old" friends have said that they have read my blog and were glad to be able to keep up with our family's activities. I'll let you know where to read Cora's blog just as soon as she has it online. She's turned into quite a writer and has been journaling on a floppy disk which she addresses as, "Dear Flopsie." I'm glad that she realizes that other folks may be as interested in reading "Dear Flopsie" as we are. *An update--Cora is online at: http://maidenhouseofgod.blogspot.com/. I love how she started her blog but you'll have to check it out for yourself. :)

The BodyTalk news is that Jacob and I both took my BodyTalk practitioner, Elizabeth Hanson's Access class on Sunday in Bismarck at the Doublewood--a very special place to me. It was wonderful to have him there with me and he had a ball. I swear that he laughed half of the time. Elizabeth is a wonderful teacher and she makes the class VERY fun. I learned things that my brain was too weary to pick up on nearly 2 years ago when I sat in that room almost dead. It's so interesting how a person can get so much more out of something the second time that they see/hear it. I remember when Melanie said that we'd only remember 10% of what we learned in Module 1 & 2 (the 5 day class). I did think, though, that I remembered a LOT more than that from Access seeing as it is a LOT less complex. Anyway, I was very glad that I monitored the Access class and that we got home just as blizzard #12 for the year hit.
Here is a picture of Elizabeth whom God used to help save my life and here is a picture of the class (sorry it's kind of dark). Please note the tall girl in the picture behind me. This is Elizabeth's oldest daughter, Esther, who was autistic/hearing impaired until 6 years ago when her mom became a BodyTalk practitioner and she started getting frequent BodyTalk sessions. Esther has had normal brain function ever since and just got certified to be a practitioner herslef last December. She is the world's youngest Certified BodyTalk practitioner. Just think of it--from autism to the worlds youngest CBP. PRAISE THE LORD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR THIS GIRL AND FOR THIS FAMILY THROUGH BODYTALK!!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY TOO!

Since then it's been a lot of misery with cows dropping calves and walking away with the blinding wind; cows crushing 2 calves in the barn as they pushed to get in out of the storm; and spiking a calf on one of these mothers who lost her calf. This is always fun and, if it is a success, I will write about it and post a picture of the new "Couple."

Right now Robert has my students out working on getting Tonner (our crew cab pickup) ready for Spring's work--that's why I have time to write. I also need to get a summary written about how BT saved my life as I'm going to hand this out on Sunday in Bismarck at the FREE clinic day the ND BodyTalkers are hosting. As soon as I have it written, I'll post it as I have promised to share my BT story and I mean to keep my word.

Everyone in the Bismarck area who reads this, I invite you stop in for our open house any time between 10:00 and 5:00 in the ballroom of the Doublewood--just off of the interstate on State street. The IBA (International BodyTalk Association) has been using these clinic days around the world to let people "Try before you buy." I'm so excited about the synergy building among our group members as we work together to make this an exciting, healing day for all who come.

Hope you can come,


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...