Sunday, May 31, 2009
Master Cleanse 2--Day 14
Now there are good affects. I feel so much stronger and have so much less pain in my neck and shoulders than before the cleanse. It seems that each cleanse must go deeper into the old garbage and cleanse at a deeper level. My thinking is so much more precise too which really comes in handy with the graduation a WEEK AWAY!!!
The weight loss seems to be stalled, so I've been praying about that. Knowing that weight gain is tied to stress (see THE CORTISOL FACTOR), I'm wondering if all of our men catching this bug has stressed me more than I thought it was. That, plus mom's death last month; the shoot; and the graduation coming up may have all caused my cortisol levels to rise more than usual. Apparently the extra stress has affected our men-folk too as they are having a much harder time than usual shaking this cough. :)
Anyway, today I made yogurt and cheese with the nice supply of goat's milk that we've been enjoying since most of our goats recently kidded. I also worked on laundry as the breeze was just great! Keeping the geese in their new pen was another project. I didn't ever find them swimming but when I do, I'll post a picture of them.
It was such a lovely day and Cora and Andrew finished with mowing and trimming up the yard across the road. We still call this "Glady's place" for the widow lady who owned the farm before us. Her son lived in this house and, when they moved to Minneapolis, they sold her modular home that she lived in over there. Some day I'd like to have a health center in that location. This has been a dream of mine every since '06 when I was so blessed to have a place to go when on my deathbed. I want to give the ill a place to go where they can have have the best alternative health care available complete with our organic beef, grains, milk, and vegetables. I will never be able to repay Paulette for all that she did for me those 18 days I lay there at her center in the Turtle Mountains. Somehow I feel that, by offering others such a place, I will be able to pass on the blessing that she gave to me during those long, weary hours. Thanks again, Paulette.
Now I just finished a BodyTalk session on a client; family prayers have been said; and I'm planning on giving Robert a session too. We have GOT to get rid of this cough BY SUNDAY so that we can sing our best for the Lord at the graduation. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE LORD TO HEAL US COMPLETELY BY THEN!!! If we could only find a way to eliminate stress from our lives, we'd probably never get sick. Oh by the way, so far I'm doing great in fighting off this dastardly bug so that is a BIG plus for the Master Cleanse. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Master Cleanse 2--Day 13
So I put on my robe; climbed the ladder to the boy's up-in-the-air beds; and reached for Jacob's arm. It was very hot--so was the rest of him. He woke up then and he knew right away that he was staying at home. We talked about it and he accepted it with manly resignation. I was very pleased with him! I headed back for bed and relaxed that today would be a family day--although a very coughy one.
We all slept late and then did chores. On the way back to the house, Cora noticed that those dastardly geese had pulled one of our newly planted petunias out of the pot. Cora replanted it and then we reviewed how hard it was last year to keep "THOSE GEESE" out of our flower beds; out of the garden; and OFF OF THE LAWN!!! That was it!
Robert, Cora, and I started herding geese into the now empty baby calf pen. We got the children's swimming pool down to the pen and filled it up for our waterfowl. They were not at all happy with being in confinement, but that's too bad!!!!! We figured that once they realized that they would have a swimming "Hole" all summer long, they'd settle down. They love to swim on the small pond that forms, when there's some rain, but it's almost dry now already.
Here's a picture of our flower planters which are really brake drums from Robert's semi. We've had them for years and they're so nice as not even North Dakota winds have blown them away. We painted them red, white, and blue long ago but they should have another coat of paint before the graduation. We'll see what all gets accomplished before next Sunday. :)
Here's a picture of the water in the geese's new pond tonight so we know that they found it. There are plenty of white feathers in the water so that's a sure thing!
Here's a picture of my bleeding heart blossoms. The children gave me this plant years ago for Mother's Day. Several years back I dug it out and broke off 2 of the root masses. I replanted the big one in the center with the 2 smaller ones beside it. I had no idea that they had started blooming already. They hearts are just soooooo delicate--truly beautiful. You can see the hostas in the background. I had thinned these out too at the same time as there were several large clumps in a few places. This is in the corner of the house on the north side. Not much sun gets here, so few plants do well there. I wanted to spread out the hostas so that they fill in all the way around the bleeding hearts. The first year they were rather scrawny but last year they were just lovely.
I also checked out the new grass and some of it is almost 2 inches tall already! Then I looked at the potato patch. The spuds are growing well, but so are the weeds. After our tour of the yard, I came in and found these lovely lilacs on the table--a gift from Robert. I hadn't realized that the lilacs are in bloom already. What a lovely time Spring is.
Well, I must hurry as people want to watch Bonanza now. Basically, I exercised while Andrew was up checking the cows, then we had lunch. I ate a small bowl of fruit as a treat for Sabbath, and continued reading ERLING THE BOLD. It's been easier for me on the cleanse this time, to read a book to the family as they eat.
After lunch we worked on the song that we are singing together for the graduation. It's called, WITH MY SONG and it should be beautiful if we all have our voices back by then. Please keep us in your prayers this week. Next we worked on our puppet skit, and then Robert and I took a long nap. After this we listened to Pastor Davis's sermon HOW TO LENGTHEN YOUR LIFE BY OBEYING AND HONORING YOUR PARENTS. He always does a good job.
Now chores are done, Jacob is soaking in the whirlpool, and Bonanza is starting so I better sign off. I'll edit this in the morning. I'm sorry it's not PERFECT!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Please pray for Jacob
The first thing that I did was a lengthy BodyTalk session on him. After that I got him soaking in the whirlpool with a cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Then, while he was still very warm, he lay in the shower curtain. This trick I used once when I desperately had to get well NOW. It worked as I sang at a wedding the next day. What you do is soak in the tub or shower until you're very warm and then lay for half an hour in a plastic sheet of some sort. You sweat like crazy and then go in the shower to wash off all of the poisons and to cool off. Well, when Jacob was in the shower we did Dr. Schult's hot/cold cure which has done wonders for us before. After that we hit Body Chemistry Fast Aid and did that every 15 minutes for about 4 hours. THEN HE SLEPT LIKE A BABY. Since then he's been doing Fast Aid whenever his throat hurts and it's been staying at bay.
Robert and I know how badly Jacob wants to go to the shoot so we talked it over and gave him a plan of attack. He had to eat supper at the table and keep it down--which he did. If he does that, we'll set our alarm clocks for early. He has to sleep like a rock and wake up without a sore throat in the morning at 5:00 AM. If he feels as good as new, then Andrew and he will take off so that they can be there at 8:30 when it starts. You should have seen how Jacob perked up at the hope that they still may be able to go.
Andrew called Chris at supper time and told him that they won't be coming tonight for sure. Chris said that he may host another shoot later in the summer if things go well this weekend. This softened the blow for both boys in case it turns out that they just cannot go in the morning. At any rate, please pray for my Jacob as he is really hurting right now and doesn't really want to wait for "Later in the summer." Poor kid.
So I just asked him if he thinks it's a possability that he will be ready to go in the morning. He grinned at me and said, "I'm not giving up." So he's going to soak while we're out at chores; then lay in the sheet again (he loved this by the way); and then the shower cure after that. It could get late but how can I not give him this hope?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
14 hours left to sign up...
Things are in full swing for the boys to head up to the shoot tomorrow. Jacob and I drove to Wishek this afternoon to pick up the camper which they will take with them. My brother, Duard, and his wife brought dad's camper up from Eureka so we got to visit with them a few minutes. A little over a month ago this would not have been a blessing, but they both have been so good to work with since mom's death! They said that dad was over at their house this morning and he was laughing with them!!!!!!!!! Sharel said that he brought her candy and I dropped my jaw from shock. I've never known my dad to think of other people's needs, let alone desires. Still, Robert said to me recently that he'll know that the leopard has changed his spots when dad calls ME to see how WE are doing. This has never happened in my life so I guess that Robert is right not to get too hopeful that I will have a relationship with my dad some day. Duard is dad's favorite child so it is natural that he would reach out to him. I, unfortunately, was born a girl. ):
Anyway, about the shoot at Chris's place--we went on the Appleseed Shoot website and read this article. Fred certainly is an inspiring writer if not technically "Perfect." PLEASE, if you care about the future of the country our children will inherit, PLEASE READ THIS SHORT ARTICLE. Please be in prayer for the shoot this weekend. We checked and there are still 14 hours left to sign up if anyone is considering going. If that is not possible, PLEASE keep this event in your prayers. Pray for safety of all in attendance and that hearts will wake up to the responsibility which is all of ours to defend that which is good and decent in our country. Here's the link to the article we just read.
Well, Cora is playing her half of the piano duet which we are working on for the graduation and I can't resist joining her at the piano for a few minutes of practice time. It's getting so close now that we are starting to make lists of things to do before the big day. When I was in Napoleon, I ordered the boutonniere for Andrew so I can scratch that off of the list and replace it with, "Pick up the bout on Friday, June 5th." I picked a yellow carnation, as he has been in love with yellow all of his life--Lego's didn't help that any. :) She will also add 2 small daisies for each one of his daisy-loving parents--it should be nice. I'M STARTING TO GET SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This means that I am 22 pounds lighter than I was in January when I began Master Cleanse 1. I had lost 14 pounds that time but must have gained 2 back in the months between so it's good to have them gone. Now just 11 more to go until June 7th. Please keep me in your prayers.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 8
One thing that I want to share is the need for drinking water immediately after each glassful of lemonade. The first time through I didn't do this and about now in the process my throat was burnt. So this time I've been drinking water each time that I have some lemonade and my throat hasn't hurt at all.
The boys are getting excited to head up for the shoot at Chris's place this weekend. They're working on the Coleman lantern right now. If anyone would like to ride with them, let us know. There's still time to decide to learn how to defend our country, if necessary, in the future. The shoot isn't full yet so PLEASE prayerfully consider joining the men and boys as they sharpen their understanding of how and why we need to prepare. Here's the link for more information:
Years ago our friend, Tim Keyes, gave us this lantern but we've never gotten a chance to use it. Whey you milk cows, you don't go many place overnight. The boys are thinking it will be sooo cool to go to a place without electricity for 2 days. We'll see what they think of it afterwards. :) Anyway, here they are getting the lantern ready to go. Thanks Tim for your generosity. Oh yes, I should add that they learned how to light it safely by Goggling, "How to light a Coleman lantern." Is there anything Mr. Goggle doesn't know? :)
Kind of like staring into a campfire--they're gone.
Well Todd is here for his pet food so I need to close for now.
PS. We got 40 hundredths of rain over night so we're remaining hopeful for a crop this year!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
MC2-Days 5, 6, & 7
This came as an email forward from organic farming friends last night. We watched it over and over until our hearts were as light as theirs. I thought that I'd add it here to lighten this very imperfect blog post. This is what was said about it on YouTube. "An old couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic and spotted a piano. They've been married for 62 years and he'll be 90 this year." I feel that this is a perfect example of the thought pattern that I am trying to establish in my mind--that old age is simply a matter of attitude.
Mrs. Perfectionist is feeling pressure here because I didn't keep my word to myself to write every day of the Master Cleanse, like I did last time. I tell you this perfectionism thing is a pain in the neck--literally it causes my neck more pain when I INSIST THAT EVERYTHING BE PERFECT. I think I got some life-changing help, though, on Friday when my neighbor lady, Tamera, came to visit & to pick up Olivia's birthday cake. Cora has posted pictures on her blog of our visit if you'd like to see them (sorry Tamera--maybe the comparison will come next time.)
On Friday I was sharing with Tamera that I noticed lately that I seem to be so obsessed with little things. She, being a true friend and also a medical doctor, told me that she noticed that about me a loooooong time ago. She defined it for me as obsessive compulsive disorder. There, now I feel better that I know the name of it. She also told me that she has seen it disappearing as I get better AND that the fact that I became aware of it recently is a good sign. Usually people are totally unaware of these things when they need them for a crutch. As a person gets well, they can gradually let go of their crutches and just be happy being themselves--THAT IS THE GOAL!!!!!!!
I was telling Tamera that earlier in the week we had had pizza for supper. There were 3 pieces of pizza left on the pan when everyone was full. Two were facing one way and the other was at a very odd angle to them. In my mind I could see that everything would be just "Perfect" if SOMEBODY would slide that 3 piece of pizza into the other 2 so that they would fit together nicely on the pan.
I was getting stressed about this. Why couldn't anyone else see that the piece of pizza needed to be slid into it's "Proper" spot? That night I had finally laughed at myself and explained to my family that I couldn't have peace until the pizza pieces were all lined up correctly. You should have seen the looks I got
Tamera explained to me that the best thing for me to do, now that I can see this as "ODD", is to just go ahead and "Fix the problem" right away. She explained that if I had just slid the pizza piece in it's "Proper" spot as soon as it bugged me, I would have been able to lower my tension level immediately. I wouldn't have had to drag my family into my "Plight" at all and tensions would never have mounted. WOW. Thank you, Tamera, for helping me to see myself more clearly here!!
Since then, I've straightened out my bedspread even though my family was waiting for me to go to Eureka. By doing it right away, it no longer had the power over me to whisper all day, "I'm wrinkled--you're a poor housekeeper." WOW--that was a major de-stressing victory for me yesterday when I had enough stress to deal with just going to the graduation and my brother's house for the reception.
So Friday we cleaned the house; made the feast; visited with the neighbors; and I resolved not to be so PERFECT that it KILLS me if everything in the world ISN'T perfect. That resolution came in handy when we were in Eureka.
First I should say that we most likely would not have gone to my nephew Dylan's graduation in Eureka if my mom hadn't died. I knew that I needed to go and check on dad so we headed down there--it's an 80 mile drive. Andrew was excited to go pick up his new dirt bike that Uncle Ronald brought down from Fargo for him. It helped to have him along--at least somebody was excited about going to Eureka.
Anyway, it was a typical graduation except that they had it out by the lake. It really was a gorgeous setting and the weather was perfect. We got to sit by our home school friends, Donald and Roxanne and their 2 children. I was glad that we were sitting by them when the valedictorian very crudely snubbed home schooled students. We were all shocked!! Apparently the home schoolers keep beating their team at the state level in the brains' division. She thought it a good time to vent her anger about that and neither the Gills nor us were impressed. Robert did say on the way home that we should take it as a complement that the school system HAS noticed home schooling as an effective form of education.
The cool part is that Dylan included me in the list of ladies he honored with a rose. I was pretty surprised but pleasantly so. Also I was so happy that the Lord provided a nice tray of fresh fruit at Duard and Sharel's house. I was dreading going to the reception as it feels plenty silly not eating with my family here at home, but going to a party and not eating would seem "Ungrateful." With things not being good between our 2 families for decades I just did not want to make a scene by not eating. Having to say something like, "I'm on the master cleanse and am not eating anything for 15 days didn't seem like much comfort either." So, when I saw all of the wonderful fresh fruit, I delighted myself. This IS allowed under the phrase in the MC book, "If you simply MUST eat something, eat fruit." I just don't want to get in that habit because I WANT TO STAY TRUE TO THE PLAN AND LOOSE AS MUCH WEIGHT AS I POSSIBLY CAN." Any time a person on the cleanse eats, it slows down the detoxifying process and that is not the goal.
Speaking of this, I should say that yesterday morning I decided to weigh myself and found that I'd lost another 3 pounds in those 2 days. So far then, I've lost 9 pounds in 6 days. I decided to pat myself on the back when I was telling Robert about it and he chuckled. Knowing that the cleanse is working made it easier to sit and watch my family eat their fruit, chips, sandwiches, taco salad, and cake. TACO SALAD TOO--I LOVE THAT STUFF!!!
Well, today is 2 weeks until Andrew's graduation and I want to be the best that I can possibly be, so I press on. I didn't weigh this morning because I don't want to know if the fruit changed anything. How's that for denial? Truthfully, it takes a lot of prayer to prepare food for my family and know that I will have my lemonade for that meal while they enjoy the results of my labor. Friday night feast was the worst but maybe this week I'll have some fruit. :)
Well, we're going to plant the rest of the garden this afternoon; Spring clean the whole house; and take a nice leisurely nap so I'd better close. Then I wonder why I get stressed when I set such unrealistic goals for myself. OH GOD, HELP ME TO FIND THE BALANCE THAT WILL BRING ME TO TOTAL WELLNESS.
Thanks for your prayers and support as I continue on my journey towards wholeness and balance. If others have ideas to share about keeping positive along the way, please let me know.
Love to all,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
MC2-Day 4
The work is never finished on a dairy farm and there is no such thing as a day off. The milking MUST be done twice a day no matter what the weather is and no matter what you are feeling like. I have had to learn to take little siestas wherever I can in order to keep myself going. Sometimes it's a soak in the whirlpool; sometimes a piano duet with Cora; sometimes writing on my blog; often it's doing cortices; and most of the time it's talking to my Heavenly Father who never gets a break either.
I wish that I had known, early in my marriage, that it's important for me to nurture myself in these little ways throughout the day. I thought that I was more "Christian" if I just gave myself away and never expected anything in return. That's the kind of thinking that landed me in bed for months with shingles on my brain. That's not the answer either. I have come to see that true health only comes from achieving balance between serving the Lord; serving others; and meeting my needs. The order of priority here changes from day to day, or from hour to hour, but I have come to see that I MUST make my needs a priority somewhere in the midst of the busyness of EVERY DAY!!!
I have come to appreciate the Reiki principals, which I recite to myself every day. Reiki is the laying on of hands, as spoken of in the Bible, where God's power flows through the person to bless others. I've added a few words to the last one as a reminder of my need to value myself. This is how they go.
Master Cleanse 2-Day 3 summary
After chores last night, Robert and I soaked in the whirlpool so that took the bight off of the pain and I slept well. This morning I decided to step on the scale. WAS I EVER SHOCKED. I lost 14 pounds over the 15 days that I did MC 1, so I wasn't expecting much. Here in 3 days time I already lost 6 pounds!!! How's that for a reward for passing on fry sausage and potatoes? I am REALLY fired up to keep going now. Is there anyone out there who would like to join me for a day or 2?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sad news
Jacob Long, 13, Berlin, ND died Monday, May 18, 2009 at Meritcare Hospital, Fargo, ND.
Jacob Richard Long was born August 18, 1995 in Fargo, ND, one of a set of triplets born to Richard and Susan (Schmidt) Long. He was raised on the family farm near Berlin, ND and attended the Edgeley School.
Jacob loved the outdoors, especially hunting, riding horses, yard work and taking care of animals, particularly his dog and cats. He also enjoyed basketball, loved music and played the guitar. Jacob was very soft hearted and was always helping others.
Survivors include his parents, Richard and Susan Long, Berlin, ND; siblings, Adam and Johanna Long, also, Berlin; maternal grandmother, Sandie Schmidt, Dickey, ND; paternal grandparents, John and Christina Long, Berlin, ND; maternal great-grandmother, Opal Zundel, Jamestown, ND; and many aunts, uncles and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Eddie Schmidt and his cousin, Tristan Long.
Funeral – 10:30 a.m. Friday, May 22, 2009 at Transfiguration Catholic Church, Edgeley, ND
Prayer Service – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2009 at Transfiguration Catholic Church, Edgeley, ND
Visitation – noon to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2009 at Lisko Funeral Chapel, Edgeley, ND and 1 hour prior to service at the church on Friday.
Interment – Mount Calvary Cemetery, Edgeley, ND
Master Cleans 2--Day 2
Day 2 on the MC this time was very different than the first time. I can recall that last time the first 3 days were TERRIBLE--lots of aches and pains. The pain was so bad on those days that I had to soak in the whirlpool during the daytime. I LOVE soaking in the whirlpool at night, at the end of a busy day when my neck and shoulders hurt the worst. Usually if I soak during the day, though, I feel so lazy that my internal stress overcomes the benefits from the whirlpool. Still, when the pain is terrible, I soak during the day.
This time there was hardly any pain at all. I think it's because this time I am doing the Core exercises that strengthen the mid-section. On days that I don't do the core program I hurt a LOT more than other days so dah, do the exercises. It takes all of 15 minutes.
So today I am going to share about Peggy Brill PT, which stands for physical therapist. She designed this exercise program for women that REALLY works no matter how out of shape a person is. I ought to know. Being laid up for 1 year and a half did not do my body any good. I gained 30 pounds and couldn't lift or carry anything without extreme pain so I didn't have much hope of getting back in shape. These exercises are so easy to do that anyone can learn and do them AND they require very little time. The payoffs are great--less joint pain, less shoulder pain, less neck pain, less hip pain. You get the picture.
In Peggy's book, THE CORE PROGRAM, she explains why each exercise is useful for strengthening saggy muscles. There is even one where you stick your tongue out--REALLY--and it's GOOD FOR YOU!!!
I encourage anyone who wants to start a simple exercise program to get Peggy's book. She was 4 1/2 months pregnant in the pictures and I would salivate to have her waistline. Peggy says that exercise is the way to keep old age at bay. I suppose that's why Cora and I redecorated my blog this morning--because I finally have hope of recovering the years the shingles stole from me. Through Peggy I have come to see that exercise really is a good thing and it really is possible to start at any age or physical state. She says that she has women in their 80s doing the Core program every day. I'm sold, ladies, and I encourage you to go to Peggy's website to check out the details of how she is helping women all around the country to reverse the "Inevitable" affects of aging. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Here's the website link:
I'll write about day 3 tonight--at least that's the plan. I want to share with you the best place to buy the organic Grade B maple syrup. We shopped around last cleanse and found this really great buy on it. A person has to save every place we can.
Just a note to say that my dad is doing much better. Thanks for all of your prayers for him and us.
Appleseed Project coming up soon
In less than 2 weeks our friend, Christopher Scigliano, is hosting a rifle training school at his farm. The dates are May 30th and 31st. The purpose of this school is to help us prepare for what may be coming into our futures, whether we like it or not. Our boys are planning to attend and we would encourage you ladies to send your husbands and sons too. I'm copying a little information from their website but please feel free to go there yourselves. The cost is minimal and the education top-notch.
Please be in prayer for this event even if you or your menfolk are unable to attend. So many times we want to stick our heads in the sand and act as if the UN isn't trying to take over our country. This is commonly called denial. Let's all take this opportunity to learn what we can do so that we can defend our families; our communities, and our country if that need arises.
If anyone from our area feels led to go, please let us know as you can carpool with the boys.
This is copied from the Appleseed Project website. For more information check out the site at:
What the RWVA (Revolutionary War Veterans Association) is all about:
The Appleseed Program is designed to take you from being a simple rifle owner to being a true rifleman. All throughout American history, the rifleman has been defined as a marksman capable of hitting a man-sized target from 500 yards away — no ifs, ands or buts about it. This 500-yard range is traditionally known as "the rifleman's quarter-mile;" a rifleman can hit just about any target he can see. This skill was particulary evident in the birth of our country, and was the difference in winning the Revolutionary War.
So why me?This country was founded and won by riflemen who fought and beat British forces. We invite all interested marksmen to learn the skills and techniques necessary to shoot proficiently; and then hope you'll participate in teaching and practicing with others so that together we can save this great land. Why you? Well, that's simple: if you're on this page we're betting you're a patriot, and we hope you answer the call.
What's a rifleman?In short, a rifleman is an armed American, trained in the tradition of American Liberty. It's a man who has learned to shoot a rifle accurately — accurate enough to score "expert" on the Army Qualification Course. Until you can do that, you're considered a "Cook," unprepared and unqualified to carry a rifle on the firing line of freedom. But after attending an Appleseed AQT shoot, you'll have the credentials necessary to be a true rifleman, and will understand the critical need for defending freedom in this country.
The RWVA is dedicated to the Appleseed Program and encourages every American to learn to shoot
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mom's funeral--part 2
When I posted about the funeral earlier I only got half way through with sharing my thoughts. Today seems like a good day to share the other half. This is what my mother looked like the last time that I saw her. She was still puffy in the face and had a big bruise on her left hand but, after all, she was dead. Shortly after this the mortician's people took the necklace and earrings off of her body and put them in a soft, velvet pouch which I found later. Dad wanted me to have them. These were given to my mother by my father on their wedding day which was December 3, 1950. They almost made it to 60 years of marriage together. She would have turned 80 this October. She liked growing roses so we picked this coffin for her.
These are a few of the bouquets our family received in honor of mom. The pink roses my aunt Francis took home with her to Wisconsin. I brought the red ones home and they were lovely for almost 3 weeks. I took all of the petals off of them and the other flowers we received. When they're completely dry, I'll buy a pretty glass jar and store them there. I saved all of the flower petals from my collage graduation like this and they are still special to me now. I'll want to keep these petals too in remembrance of the wonderful friends who sent their condolences with flowers. What a beautiful gift!!!
I'm sorry if this is offensive to anyone, it's just how things really were between my mom and me. I'm glad, though, that I didn't post this right away when Jacob showed it to me. I've been wanting to see just what the Lord is trying to say to me through it before I write about it. This is how I view it now after a few weeks of pondering. Even though my mom seldom wanted my grapes when I went out of my way to get them for her, she was still a big part of my life. She was my mom and even ducks are missed once in awhile when they're gone. Better still, I quote my Uncle David again, "SHE WASN'T PERFECT, BUT SHE WAS STILL YOUR MOTHER."
Monday, May 18, 2009
A little book I have called CLEANSING OR SURGERY explains on page 52 the main benefits of following the Master Cleanse (MC) which they call the lemonade diet. The main purposes that people go on the MC for are: to dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in ANY part of the body; to cleanse the kidneys and digestive system; to purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body;to eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles;to relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels; to build a healthy bloodstream; to keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years. WOW--I want every one of those benefits!!!!! To think that I have to do it only once and get ALL of them is a true marvel.
Under the section called WHEN TO USE IT I read: when sickness has developed--for all acute and chronic conditions; when the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing; when overweight has become a problem; when better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.
AND HOW OFTEN? Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more--up to 40 days and beyond may be safely used for extremely serious cases. The Diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. 3 to 4 times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy condition. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.
2 Tbsps lemon or lime juice (app. 1/2 lemon)
2 Tbsps genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup) This must be Grade B as it has the nutrients left in.
1/10th teaspoon cayenne red pepper or to taste. If you get the REALLY hot stuff this is enough--otherwise I'd add more.
water--medium hot.
Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 once glass and fill with medium hot water. (Cold may be used if preferred).
For a pitcher (I drink a pitcher every day) I use my blender to make it. Add the water and 1 large lemon or 1 1/2 medium sized lemon. Add 3/4 cup pure maple syrup; i8 cups of water; and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Again use more if your cayenne isn't VERY hot.
I am STRONGLY urging you to consider joining me for 1 day as I go on this journey. You will feel so invigorated and think so clearly that you will understand why I am soooooo thankful that the Lord led me to the Master Cleanse. Also, don't just take my word for it, check out the website here: Many, many people are taking charge of their health in this way. I am praying that the Lord will stir up any readers to join me so I can share in your joy in a special way.
Another reason that this is a big day for me has to do with my exercise program. I've been doing the Core program for several months now. It's the kind of program that people who can do who are in pretty rough physical shape. Well, there are 3 levels which you stay on for 3 weeks each. I just finished the second level so today I get to start the advanced Core program. WOW--I never thought that I'd ever be excited about exercising but it firms so quickly that it keeps me coming back for more.
I told Robert the other day that I want to be as beautiful as possible by Andrew's graduation, which is now 3 weeks away. He said to me, "You know what Dawn? If you weigh 125 pounds and are a grump, you will not be as beautiful as if you weigh 180 pounds and have on your gorgeous smile." Now there's something to ponder. :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Earlier this week I mentioned that I am going to go on the Master Cleanse again for 15 days. I would REALLY like everyone to consider joining me on this journey. It would be so awesome to know that people were giving the master cleanse a chance to work it's miracles in their own bodies as I'm experiencing them in mine. A person could do it for only 1 day and experience cleansing. I would encourage you to do it for at least 3 days to begin with. Many people have had their health restored to them as a result of doing the Master Cleanse. I gained so much strength the first time around that I am eager to go on it again. I'll probably have to do it 4 or 5 times to have the kind of health that I have always dreamed of having, but so what. Now I know that it IS possible, through the cleanse and BodyTalk, to regain what has been lost over the decades. PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER JOINING ME ON THIS CLEANSE. Even if all you do is pray about it, you will be that much closer to doing it yourself. Maybe you'll be ready to join me in a few months when I do the cleanse again.
Anyway, I went to the Master Cleanse blog just now, which I have listed on my sidebar, and found something really interesting. I have had experience with a similar breathing technique. It was the third time that I was going into shock and Robert was urging me not to use the epipen if I didn't have to. That time I again took cayenne pepper tincture. I prayed for a way then to not have to use the epipen and I felt the Lord urging me to use this breathing technique that I had learned in the Core program (which I use for exercising). Well, it worked!!!!! By concentrating on my breathing, after I took the cayenne, I was able to stop the convulsions!!!!!!! I've gone into shock several times since then and each time I've been able to stop it with cayenne; the same breathing technique; and BT. So I know that breathing properly is very important.
This morning I was praying for strength to begin the cleanse again--the hardest part is getting going. So I went to Raylen's blog and found that he had posted a video of a man talking about the way breathing techniques can transform our anxious states into peaceful ones. I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! If I had known this when I was sinking into the despair of shingles on my brain, who knows what agonies I could have been spared?
So here is the video on this breathing technique. I'll take some time to check out the sight Raylen took it from to see if I recommend it. It's just so amazing to me that God is bringing me all of these natural ways to deal with my health. Who would think that breathing could make that much difference?
Happy pondering,
Friday, May 15, 2009
Just wondering, God
I have 2 questions for you tonight. I know that you know the answers and, if you'd like to share them with me, I would be VERY grateful. If not, I'll try to be patient until you reveal this truth to me.
#1. Why are there so many hurting people in this world?
#2. Why don't they all turn to you when they are in trouble?
Please forgive me, when I am a blockhead, and am guilty of #2 above.
Your weary servant,
PS. There probably won't be many people who will say this to you tonight, so feel free to multiply it if that helps you. HAPPY SABBATH, DEAR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mom's soup
This is weird as my dad hated to talk on the phone--he always handed the phone to mom. Tonight, though, he wanted to talk so we talked. We talked about farming, and soup, and his visitors today, and Robert's birthday..... We actually communicated!!!!! Right before I hung up he said the words that I have longed to hear all of my life, "I love you, Dawn."
I came out of my room crying and Robert asked me what was wrong. I blubbered, "Dad said he loves me," and everybody stared at me. Andrew got all excited. He said, "That's what I said. Either grandpa will come alive now or he'll become a total hermit."
WOW!!! Dad actually told me that he thought about calling me a few times but he doesn't have our number. I told him that it's in mom's address book. I mean he has no idea how to get in touch with people BECAUSE HE NEVER WANTED TO BEFORE!!!!! Who knows what good can come out of this? Well, God knows and I thank you all for your prayers for my dad. How I long for him to know the peace of salvation.
So now I need to go take the bread out of the oven; finish the dishes; and do a session on a new client, but my heart is happier than I ever thought possible. MY DAD ACTUALLY SAID THAT HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert's Gift
Prior to this I've been doing sessions with my family members sitting up on the couch or laying on my bed. It's worked, but it's not very comfortable for me as my bed is so high, and I have no place to lay my books when I'm working on the couch. I do most of my sessions with clients on the telephone, so that hasn't been a big problem. The few people who have come to my house I did at the dining room table. It's worked but always I have longed for the luxury of inviting people to lie down on "My table." NOW I CAN!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to say so much more but as Cora says, "You don't have to write a lot if you don't have time, mom. Just put on the pictures, so that you can feel that you've shared about it, and then move on." She sure is wise for her age. :)
You can see here the suspicious look on my face as I wondered what in the world was in that great, big box.
Andrew couldn't resist a little chopping on his brother when Jacob took his turn at checking out the new table.
Well, seeing as it's time to make lunch and the computer has been obnoxious this morning, I'll have to post the rest of the pictures later. I loaded them 3 times already but each time the computer had problems. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I still do love being able to communicate with you all this way, though, so PRAISE THE LORD FOR THIS COMPUTER AND THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!! I REALLY never thought I would say such a thing. :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I've been dreading today for 2 weeks. I've been numb as my mind has tried to grasp that my mom is really gone. Countless times I've said to myself, "My mother is dead," because I know in my head that this is a fact but my heart doesn't seem to want to grasp it. I had always hoped that we would be able to work out our differences somehow and eventually have the mother/daughter relationship that I really wanted to have with her. Now I know that this will never be and, for the lack of that hope, I have grieved much these past 2 weeks. This is why I have been dreading mother's day this year.
Robert and I used to work with the puppet ministry in Bismarck Baptist Church. We used to play around with the puppets at night and made our children laugh so hard. :) Ever since then I've dreamed of our family having a puppet ministry. The children each have their own puppets and I have played with them a lot. NOW I HAVE MY VERY OWN SWEET LITTLE GIRL PUPPET!!!!! I was overjoyed to have the puppet but suddenly there was more emotions coming to the surface. Suddenly I was grieving, not only for my mother, but also for all of my children I miscarried. How I longed to hold them in my arms but that joy will have to wait awhile yet.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Started the garden
I am VERY busy getting ready for Sabbath but I want to say that we started planting the garden yesterday. I was going to put on pictures but I see that Cora has already beat me to it. See a few photos of our potato planting at: I've had a few requests on how to garden so, as I go through the process of getting the garden planted, I'll write a bit about each crop we plant but not right now. If you have questions, feel free to ask. It was soooooooooo good to feel the earth between my fingers again. OH HOW I LOVE GARDENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Sabbath to everyone,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Master Cleanse Time Again
It would be neat to have some companionship along the way. The cost is very minimal--certainly less than the cost of the food you'd be eating otherwise. The benefits are great. If you feel the Lord urging you to join me, please see the links to the Master Cleanse website and the Master Cleanse blog listed on the sidebar. May God bless each of you as you ponder this decision.
I'm heading out to plant the potatoes with Cora and Jacob. Last winter I thought that Spring would never come and now it is here. :) Robert put 2 loads of manure on the garden yesterday , after Cora and Jacob cleared it off, so it's ready to go--what a treat that was to come home to. I'll try to get some pictures.
Love to all,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Parental rights
Since then I've been receiving the updates from the website: I've been greatly encouraged to see that the list of cosponsors for the amendment is growing steadily. What do we need to do? Go to this site and read up on why this is so important. Check to see if your representative is a sponsor or not. If he/she is, then write and thank them for doing what is right. If not, then start hounding them. I just wrote another e-mail to mine and asked him to list the reasons for his name not being on the co-sponsor list. What is he anti-family or what? As bad as things are in this country, I think it's pretty safe to say that most of our congresspeople do NOT want to be thought of as being anti-family. Why it's un-American.
PLEASE TAKE THIS THREAT SERIOUSLY. Already some liberal judges in our country have ruled against parents as though the UN is running this country already. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
One family had their children taken away from them because one of the children thought that the parents took him to church "Too often". This was Sunday morning; Sunday night; and Wednesday night. I was raised going to church that often--even more if we were working on music. I guess I wasn't traumatized too much by being in the house of God that often, but we live in a world that hates God. The judge ruled with the child saying that once a week is enough church for anyone. The parents now know that, if they take their children to church more than once a week, they will have their children taken away from them. THIS IS SICK PEOPLE!!!!!
We must work together to ensure that children will be under the care of their parents and not some sick social worker or judge. "What if the parents are sick?" I can hear some brains asking. I ought to know--I lived under those conditions. Well, then a loving social worker should see to it that the children are put into loving foster homes. How many are there of them? No--that is not a good argument for taking children away from their parents for picky little things. The overwhelming majority of parents care about what happens to their children more than any social worker does. Believe me I know, I WAS a social worker.
So, I urge you to take a little time to get informed about this critical issue. Dr. Farris shared at the convention that there is not a lot of time for us to get the masses moving. This is being worked on right now. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS!!!
This is the email I just received from
Saving Motherhood
This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States. If you are a mother, we thank you and salute you for the invaluable work you do in fulfilling that vital role in the life of your children, and the heritage of our nation!
Sadly, the United Nations would hold such a sentiment to be discriminatory against women. In 2000, the United Nations CEDAW Committee (named for the Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, or CEDAW) criticized the nation of Belarus for “the reintroduction of such [sex-role stereotype] symbols as a Mother’s Day and a Mothers’ Award, which it sees as encouraging women’s traditional roles.” [See paragraph 361 on page 37 of the UN document here.]
For our part, is proud to encourage women in the role of mother, as we are proud of loving fathers for the part they play. The fact is, the role of parents in directing the upbringing and education of their children is a precious and fundamental right. It should not be looked down on, nor stolen, by international governing bodies such as the CEDAW Committee, nor the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), like CEDAW, is an international treaty attempting to dictate domestic policy. Like CEDAW, it has set up a panel of UN “experts” to “advise” nations who are not in compliance with the treaty, setting international law policy which activist judges then incorporate into national law.
Unlike CEDAW, however, the UNCRC does not oppose Mother’s Day. Rather, it constitutes an attack on Motherhood itself, replacing fundamental parental rights with bureaucratic oversight at a federal and international level. Perhaps if we ratified both treaties we could just replace Mother’s Day with Social Worker’s Day, and the UN would be pleased.
The only permanent solution to prevent U.S. ratification of the UNCRC is the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which includes the provision that “No treaty may be adopted nor shall any source of international law be employed to supersede, modify, interpret, or apply to [fundamental parental rights].” This would finally end the threat of UNCRC ratification in the United States. While that alone may not preserve Mother’s Day, it can at least save Motherhood from international interference.
Please, as you value your own parents and your rights as parents to raise your own children, take a moment to forward this email to every mother you know – or even everyone who has a mother – and be sure to wish them “Happy Mother’s Day!” To sign the petition or to learn more about the dangers of the UNCRC or the need for the Parental Rights Amendment, visit us on the web at
Tracking Our House Sponsors
The number of Representatives cosponsoring the Parental Rights Amendment legislation (H.J.R.42) is 85 and growing. Track the sponsors and look for your Congressman on our Sponsors List.
Ride-4-Rights in California
Vincent Collins of California left Redlands on Sunday and is bicycling his way to Sacramento - a journey of 400+ miles - to call attention to the cause of parental rights. Follow his progress on Twitter.
Join Us On Twitter
Both Michael Farris and ParentalRights are now available on Twitter. Why not follow us? And send us a tweet about YOUR work for Parental Rights!
Volunteer to Promote the Parental Rights Amendment
We need many, many more volunteers to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures in each Congressional district. We need you to join us! Find out how you can help at
Michael Farris on Huckabee
In case you missed it, Michael Farris was on Huckabee Saturday, April 25. See the video here.
State Resolutions Coming in Oklahoma and Tennessee
The Oklahoma state legislature will soon be considering a resolution in opposition to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, while Tennessee lawmakers may soon resolve to call on Congress to pass the Parental Rights Amendment. Sample wording for such resolutions is available at our website. Read more here.
Answers: Does the Tenth Amendment Already Protect Parental Rights?
If that rumor were true, the Amendment would be unnecessary - but the Supreme Court's ruling on that is crystal clear.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sympathy cards
Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!
Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...
Hi everyone, My calandar says that tomorrow it is SUMMER!!! How can that be? I must admit that this Spring has gone way too fast an...
This is how I grew up thinking that Jesus must have looked when He walked the Earth over 2,000 years ago. I suppose that all c...
My heart breaks for these people! Best advice to U.S. dairy farmers? "Sell out as fast as you can" Small-dairy f...