Friday, July 15, 2011

OK--I give

I can recall my mother snidely asking me about 10 years ago, "How many diets are you going to try?"

I smugly answered, "As many as it takes until I find the one that works!"

Anyone who has read here for any length of time knows how I struggle with getting off this excess weight.  Between miscarriages, cancer, and the lenghthy illness with shingles on my brain, I have been forced to be sedentary much of the time this past decade.  One still must eat to keep living--that IS the idea you know. 

Then, when eating was one of the few things that I did as a child that pleased my mother, I ate to comfort myself as she taught me to do.  I know that there are probably people reading this who will snoot me off and say, "Excuses, excuses.  All you have to do is eat less and you will lose weight."

Well, I've tried that too.  I've fasted and cleansed and lost weight and put it back on again.  Every natural thing that I could find, I tried and still there was something that kept me fat.  Now, thanks to my dear friend, Sarah, I just may have discovered what that something is.

I called Sarah earlier this week to see if she'd like Cora's help with the children/housework for a few days.  Would she!  Well, I love talking to Sarah as she is an avid reader who is always searching for the answers to her health challenges just like I do.  This time she had some VERY good news to share.

"What's new, Sarah?" I asked.

"Well, I lost 50 pounds since the baby was born," she replied!

Then she had my full attention. Sarah proceeded to tell me about a supplement that supplies the body with iodine for those who are suffering from hypothyroidism.  Now, I was tested for that I don't know how many times but, as I learned at the following website, doctor's tests are far from precise enough to detect this problem.

Sarah explained that we live in the goiter belt of the nation.  This means that we aren't near enough to the coast to benefit from sea breezes that supply iodine from the salt in the sea water.  Goiter is the extreme lack of iodine but many people have health challenges much sooner than the goiter stage.
 As Sarah talked about sea breezes wafting in the iodine rich air, I recalled feeling absolutely fantastic when I was breathing the air out in CA last Fall.  I told Sarah that the day after our flight, when I thought I'd be recouping from jet lag, we walked 8 miles.  I felt so strong in that air that I didn't want to leave the shoreline of the San Francisco Bay.  Could it be it was the iodine in the air that was making me so strong?

To summarize, so that I can prepare for Sabbath here, I did order the product that she took which is called, 'Iodoral" and it came quickly.  I started taking it 2 days ago and am waiting to feel the affects.  I'm assuming that I'm VERY depleted as I haven't felt any difference yet.

You can read about Iodoral at this  I decided to stick with this product as it is the one that Sarah lost 50 pounds in 4 months with.  However, I was also led to read on this website:  In fact, I was so encouraged by what I read here that perhaps I truly have found the underlying physical answer (not the emotional ones that I've been working on with BT) to my weight issues.  I took their test to see if hypothyroidism is my problem.  Goodness, if you score over 70 it's a BIG problem and I had a 137.

I urge everyone to go to the link above and scroll half way down the page.  There's a section called, "Am I thyroid deficient?"  Click on, "Online analysis," then on, "Low thyroid symptoms."  Check off every symptom that you're experiencing and the computer will tally it for you.

So there I spilled the beans.  I wasn't going to until I could show you a nice AFTER picture of my new slim body.  However, the reason that I have this blog is to share the things I learn so that you can get started ASAP too.  Perhaps you will get nice and thin right along with me?  WOULDN'T THAT BE WONDERFUL???????????????????

Blessings to all you who keep turning to nature (God) for the answers.  Keep searching for them! It may take awhile to find the key to the your particular lock but we read in Scripture, "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you."  Mathew 7:7
God has a unique healing journey for each one of us.  I get to witness this every day and it is so fascinating!  I just love it!  God is trying to teach us things each time we have a health challenge.  He is trying to draw us closer to Him through our difficulties of all types.  All He wants is to have a relationship with us.  CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS?  God, who made Heaven and Earth wants to be YOUR friend!!!  Is it time for YOU to open the door of your heart and let Him come in and be your best friend ever?  He is waiting for you to let Him into your life.  Why keep God waiting a second longer??????????????????

Come to the Lord all who are weary and heavy laden and HE will give you rest.

Blessed Sabbath rest to all God's children,

PS.  I decided to include the questionnaire here for those of who need a little push to take the online test.  There's no charge, and it could change your life, so I urge you to go for it!  Just a reminder, taking the "Test" here will not get you any feedback from the company.  Use the link above for this.
PPS.  Did I ever mention that my hair is falling out a lot this past year?  How I pray that this is the missing link in my health care regimen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Online Questionnaire for Thyroid Function (Hypothyroidism)

The following are some of the major symptoms and signs associated with an under active thyroid. Some symptoms are more significant than others. Read each line carefully. Click the box next to the symptom if it applies to you. Your score will be tallied up below.

Weight gain
Difficulty losing weight
Low energy – fatigue
Cold natured
Ice-cold hands or feet
Dry skin
Hair loss (alopecia)
Slowed thinking, poor concentration
Brain fog 
Memory problems
Insomnia, poor sleep
Waking up exhausted
Tingling in hands and feet
Muscle pain
Edema (swelling in ankles)
Slow heart rate
Low blood pressure
Elevated cholesterol
Thickened tongue
Thinned eyebrows
Muscle cramps at night
Slow reflexes
Your skin itches in the winter
Recurrent headaches
Decreased sweating
Multiple miscarriages and infertility
Pale, puffy, pasty skin
Decreased body hair
Vertigo (dizziness)
Hoarse voice
Fibrocystic breasts
Low body temperature (below 98.6 degrees)

Total Score
  • 0 – 9 Unlikely you are hypothyroid
  • 10 – 19 Mild hypothyroidism
  • 20 – 29 Moderate hypothyroidism
  • 30 – 49 Profound hypothyroidism
  • 50 – 69 Severe hypothyroidism
  • 70+ Hypothyroidism so bad that blood tests may be abnormal


Tessa Ligon said...

This is an interesting website. I tested above 70 but I was diagnosed 3 and a half years ago with hypothyroidism. I'm supposed to be taking a prescribed medicine but it didn't seem to change anything so I haven't taken it for over 2 years.

Dawn Bornemann said...

Hi Tessa,

I highly recommend that you give Iodoral a try! I haven't lost any weight yet but my friend, Sarah, said that it took 6 months for it to work on her weight.
I have noticed more energy and less pain. There aren't too many supplements that can do that and it is very inexpensive.
Hope this helps,

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